193 research outputs found

    Análisis de comunidades vegetales de Montecaseros (Gral. San Martín, Mendoza) en áreas naturales fragmentadas por la agricultura

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    El área estudiada abarca 250 has en el distrito de Montecaseros, Departamento de Gral. San Martín, Mendoza; enclavada en la llanura norte (Travesía de Guanacache) y su vegetación natural pertenece a la provincia fitogeográfica del Monte. El principal uso del suelo es la agricultura, aunque no ha logrado modificar todo el territorio. Se observan, en una matriz dominada por áreas cultivadas, parches de vegetación natural característicos de un área fragmentada. El objetivo de esta tesis es el análisis de las comunidades vegetales naturales de un sector de la llanura mendocina, fragmentadas por la actividad agrícola. En Montecaseros no hay antecedentes sobre estudios de las comunidades vegetales. Mediante el método fitosociológico se caracterizaron las comunidades presentes en el área de estudio y su diversidad a nivel específico. Se seleccionaron sitios representativos de cada comunidad y se efectuaron los análisis de suelo pertinentes en cada una. Finalmente se elaboró el listado florístico de la zona estudiada, con 108 especies. Se diferenciaron seis comunidades vegetales a lo largo de un gradiente, desde la máxima modificación en 1) las parcelas cultivadas, hasta la vegetación prácticamente sin evidencias de alteración: 2) médanos, 3) matorral, 4) chañaral y 5) algarrobal, incluyendo parcelas desmontadas, cultivadas y luego abandonadas identificadas como 6) parcela en recuperación. La fisonomía dominante en la zona es la del matorral con especies de los géneros Larrea, Atriplex y Lycium. Los bosquecillos de Prosopis flexuosa son de escasa extensión (abiertos, semi cerrados o cerrados) localizados donde pueden usufructuar la capa freática. En las áreas con suelo de textura más fina, al pie de médanos o en zonas deprimidas se desarrollan bosquecillos de Geoffroea decorticans var. decorticans. En los médanos la vegetación psamófila está bien representada con especies como Portulaca grandiflora, Ibicella parodii, Mimosa ephedroides, Larrea divaricata y Panicum urvilleanum. En áreas cultivadas se hallan especies adventicias dependientes de un buen aporte hídrico como Melilotus albus o Taraxacum officinale y aquellas capaces de sobrevivir y reproducirse en condiciones menos favorables como Flaveria bidentis o Wedelia glauca. En la parcela en recuperación, el desmonte, el laboreo y el posterior abandono de los cultivos hace 25 años generaron nuevas condiciones edáficas y la revegetación natural resulta en comunidades con composición florística diferente de la inicial. En este sector, el matorral original se ha transformado en una estepa de arbustos, halófilos en parte, y gramíneas junto con árboles jóvenes de pequeño porte. Se concluye que las limitaciones edáficas existentes naturalmente en el terreno se ven agravadas por el laboreo y el abandono del cultivo, situación que dificulta el reingreso a la parcela de varias de las especies presentes en los alrededores, aún siendo éstas halófilas. Con los resultados obtenidos se aporta información sobre las comunidades vegetales presentes en sitios fragmentados por la actividad agrícola en la zona este de Mendoza. Además, se demuestra la necesidad de aplicar etodologías de evaluación previas al desmonte, que permitan el reconocimiento y valoración de las especies indicadoras de las limitaciones edáficas. Esto es particularmente importante dado que estas últimas dificultan o encarecen el establecimiento de determinados cultivos y afectan su productividad. Asimismo el trabajo realizado pone en valor la conservación de comunidades naturales en áreas fragmentadas privadas.Fil: Vignoni, Ana Paz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

    The applicability of an integrated clinical approach in the management of a patient with chronic aspecific coccygodynia in association with chronic aspecific low back pain: A case report.

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    INTRODUCTION Coccygodynia is a musculoskeletal disorder that reduces the quality of life of people in which it occurs. It affects about 1% of the general population with musculoskeletal disorders and it could be due to a multifactorial aetiology. Musculoskeletal disorders in other adjacent areas such as the sacroiliac and/or lumbo-sacral joints may also be associated in the physical examination. The current evidence for the diagnosis of coccygodynia is controversial both for the difficulty in the correlation between pain and structural factors and for the absence of evidence regarding the sensitivity and specificity of the clinical examination. Conservative treatment involves a series of passive interventions to reduce pain. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how an integrated clinical reasoning could be used in the management of a patient with an aspecific musculoskeletal coccygodynia. CASE PRESENTATION The patient reports pain localized in the coccyx for about 3 years with worsening after activities in which there is an increase in load and/or long periods in standing position and/or when getting up from a prolonged sitting/supine position. The patient also refers pain in the lumbar spine. Both coccyx and lumbar pain decrease due to a partial limitation of daily life activities and an abstention from amateur football play. At physical examination the patient presents lumbar hyper-lordosis and hyper-activation of peri-vertebral muscles (static observation) with an alteration in lumbo-pelvic rhythm and during squat (dynamic observation). The palpation of the coccyx and the area adjacent to it causes coccygeal pain and refers to the sacroiliac joints. The functional diagnosis is ‘Chronic Aspecific Coccygodynia associated with Chronic Aspecific Low Back Pain’. A central mechanism of pain is prevalent in the maintenance of both musculoskeletal disorders. The reduction of functional and psychological impairments through desensitization, education and gradual increase in load is the tool of the treatment plan for a complete return to activity and participation. After five sessions the patient partially returns to daily life activities without any previously reported pain. At the follow-up at three, six, nine and twelve months there is a complete return to daily life activities and to playing football in the absence of coccygeal and lumbar pain. CONCLUSIONS This case report describes the success of pain functional and psychological management in a patient with ‘Chronic Aspecific Coccygodynia associated with Chronic Aspecific Low Back Pain’. The use of an integrated clinical approach in patients with coccygodynia could be a practical example to guide physiotherapists performing a functional diagnosis triage and to choose the correct treatment plan for each individual patient. Future studies could consider this decision-making process to validate it when a patient complains pain in the coccyx

    Broccoli : storage in moditied atmosphere

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    En este trabajo se estudia el tiempo de conservación de brócoli varo pinacle a 0 ± 2 oC y humedad relativa = 95 ± 2 %, con distinta composición gaseosa inicial envasado en bolsas de film plástico semipermeable para establecer la atmósfera inicial más adecuada para la conservación. Se seleccionaron, lavaron y cortaron inflorescencias que fueron envasadas en poliolefina coextrudada de permeabilidad selectiva. Previo al termosellado se inyectó mezcla gaseosa ternaria (0,5 % 02; 0,5 % e02 y balance N2 ) utilizando 4 programas de inyección-vacío. Periódicamente, durante la conservación y al término de la misma, se controló: color pérdida de peso vitamina C consistencia sólidos solubles evaluación sensorial contenido de 02 residual La conservación se prolongó 27 días. En las condiciones del ensayo la mejor conservación se obtiene sin modificación de la atmósfera inicial y es adecuada hasta los 14 días.This wark was done in arder to establish the best adequated initial atmosphere for broccoli storage. It was studied the storage time of broccoli varo pinacle at ° Qe (± 2 QC) and 95 % R.H. (± 2 %), with different initial gaseous composition packed in semipermeable plastic bags. It was determined physical-chemical variations produced during storage. It was selected, cleaned and cut inflorescences which ones were packed in coextruded polyethylene - polypropilene of selected permeability. Previous to thermo sealing, it was injected ternary gaseous mixture (0,5% 02; 0,5 e02 balance N2) using 4 injection - emptiness programs. During storage and at the end of this, it was controled periodically: color, vitamin e, soluble solids, weight loss, residual 02 content, firmness and sensory evaluation. Storage was extended during 27 days. The best storage, under essay conditions, is that one obtained without modification of the initial atmosphere and it is adequated until 14 days.Fil: Vignoni, Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Tecnología AgroindustrialFil: Ventrera, Nancy. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Tecnología AgroindustrialFil: Winter, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Tecnología Agroindustria

    Thrashed sweet corn : refrigerated storage

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    En este trabajo se estudia la conservación del maíz dulce híbrido desgranado variedad GH 2684 conservado por refrigeración a OoC y 80 % HR Y por congelación a -18º C. Antes de iniciar la conservación se realizaron tratamientos de inmersión en solución de ácido ascórbico 0,5 %, agua clorada 150 p.p.m. y escaldado en agua hirviente. Durante la conservación y al término de la misma se controló: sólidos solubles y totales sólidos insolubles en alcohol pigmentos carotenoides acidez titulable y potencial vitamina C. Duración de los ensayos: dos semanas para los refrigerados y cinco meses para los congelados. Se efectuaron evaluaciones sensoriales utilizando un panel no entrenado y escalas estructuradas.In this work was studied the storage of thrashed sweet corn, hibrid varo GH 2684. It was staraged by refrigeration at Oº C and 80 % RH, and by freezing at -18 oC. Befare the storage there were made inmersion treatments with ascorbic acid 0,5 %, water with 150 p.p.m. of chlorine, and blanched. During the storage there were controled the following variables: soluble and total solids, insoluble solids in alcoholic solution caroten titulable acidíty and pH ascorbic acid. The total duration of the experiment was lwo weeks for the refrigerated corn and five months tor the frozen ones. There was made sensorial evaluation by non trained panel and by structure scales.Fil: Vignoni, Lucía A.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Tecnología AgroindustrialFil: Ventrera, Nancy. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Tecnología Agroindustria

    Sliding Mode Reference Coordination of Constrained Feedback Systems

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    [EN] This paper addresses the problem of coordinating dynamical systems with possibly different dynamics (e.g., linear and nonlinear, different orders, constraints, etc.) to achieve some desired collective behavior under the constraints and capabilities of each system. To this end, we develop a new methodology based on reference conditioning techniques using geometric set invariance and sliding mode control: the sliding mode reference coordination (SMRCoord). The main idea is to coordinate the systems references. Starting from a general framework, we propose two approaches: a local one through direct interactions between the different systems by sharing and conditioning their own references and a global centralized one, where a central node makes decisions using information coming from the systems references. In particular, in this work we focus in implementation on multivariable systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robustness to external perturbations. To show the applicability of the approach, the problem of coordinating UAVs with input constraints is addressed as a particular case of multivariable reference coordination with both global and local configuration.Research in this area is partially supported by Argentine government (ANPCyT PICT 2011-0888 and CONICET PIP 112-2011-00361), Spanish government (FEDER-CICYT DPI2011-28112-C04-01), and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Grant FPI/2009-21)Vignoni, A.; Garelli, F.; Picó, J. (2013). Sliding Mode Reference Coordination of Constrained Feedback Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/764348S1112013Information consensus in multivehicle cooperative control. (2007). IEEE Control Systems, 27(2), 71-82. doi:10.1109/mcs.2007.338264Cao, Y., Yu, W., Ren, W., & Chen, G. (2013). An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-Agent Coordination. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9(1), 427-438. doi:10.1109/tii.2012.2219061Interconnected dynamic systems: An overview on distributed control. (2013). IEEE Control Systems, 33(1), 76-88. doi:10.1109/mcs.2012.2225929Olfati-Saber, R., Fax, J. A., & Murray, R. M. (2007). Consensus and Cooperation in Networked Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 95(1), 215-233. doi:10.1109/jproc.2006.887293He, W., & Cao, J. (2011). Consensus control for high-order multi-agent systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 5(1), 231. doi:10.1049/iet-cta.2009.0191Liu, L. (2012). Robust cooperative output regulation problem for non-linear multi-agent systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 6(13), 2142-2148. doi:10.1049/iet-cta.2011.0575Pitarch, J. L., Sala, A., & Arino, C. V. (2014). Closed-Form Estimates of the Domain of Attraction for Nonlinear Systems via Fuzzy-Polynomial Models. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(4), 526-538. doi:10.1109/tcyb.2013.2258910Nuñez, S., De Battista, H., Garelli, F., Vignoni, A., & Picó, J. (2013). Second-order sliding mode observer for multiple kinetic rates estimation in bioprocesses. Control Engineering Practice, 21(9), 1259-1265. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2013.03.003Wu, L., Su, X., & Shi, P. (2012). Sliding mode control with bounded gain performance of Markovian jump singular time-delay systems. Automatica, 48(8), 1929-1933. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.05.064Cao, Y., Ren, W., & Meng, Z. (2010). Decentralized finite-time sliding mode estimators and their applications in decentralized finite-time formation tracking. Systems & Control Letters, 59(9), 522-529. doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2010.06.002Cortés, J. (2006). Finite-time convergent gradient flows with applications to network consensus. Automatica, 42(11), 1993-2000. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2006.06.015Rao, S., & Ghose, D. (2011). Sliding mode control-based algorithms for consensus in connected swarms. International Journal of Control, 84(9), 1477-1490. doi:10.1080/00207179.2011.602834Guo, P., Zhang, J., Lyu, M., & Bo, Y. (2013). Sliding Mode Control for Multiagent System with Time-Delay and Uncertainties: An LMI Approach. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2013/805492Garelli, F., Mantz, R. J., & De Battista, H. (2006). Limiting interactions in decentralized control of MIMO systems. Journal of Process Control, 16(5), 473-483. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2005.09.001Garelli, F., Mantz, R. J., & De Battista, H. (2007). Sliding mode compensation to preserve dynamic decoupling of stable systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(17), 4705-4716. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.05.020Picó, J., Garelli, F., De Battista, H., & Mantz, R. J. (2009). Geometric invariance and reference conditioning ideas for control of overflow metabolism. Journal of Process Control, 19(10), 1617-1626. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2009.08.007Revert, A., Garelli, F., Pico, J., De Battista, H., Rossetti, P., Vehi, J., & Bondia, J. (2013). Safety Auxiliary Feedback Element for the Artificial Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(8), 2113-2122. doi:10.1109/tbme.2013.2247602Gracia, L., Sala, A., & Garelli, F. (2012). A supervisory loop approach to fulfill workspace constraints in redundant robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 60(1), 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2011.07.008Gracia, L., Garelli, F., & Sala, A. (2013). Integrated sliding-mode algorithms in robot tracking applications. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1), 53-62. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2012.07.007Vignoni, A., Garelli, F., & Picó, J. (2013). Coordinación de sistemas con diferentes dinámicas utilizando conceptos de invarianza geométrica y modos deslizantes. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI, 10(4), 390-401. doi:10.1016/j.riai.2013.09.001Hanus, R., Kinnaert, M., & Henrotte, J.-L. (1987). Conditioning technique, a general anti-windup and bumpless transfer method. Automatica, 23(6), 729-739. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(87)90029-xMareczek, J., Buss, M., & Spong, M. W. (2002). Invariance control for a class of cascade nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(4), 636-640. doi:10.1109/9.995041Blasco, X., García-Nieto, S., & Reynoso-Meza, G. (2012). Control autónomo del seguimiento de trayectorias de un vehículo cuatrirrotor. Simulación y evaluación de propuestas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI, 9(2), 194-199. doi:10.1016/j.riai.2012.01.00

    Reduction of population variability in protein expression: A control engineering approach

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    [Abstract] Controlling protein expression level is of interest in many applications. Yet, the stochastic nature of gene expression plays an important role and cannot be disregarded. We propose a gene synthetic circuit designed to control the mean gene expression in a population of cells and its variance. The circuit combines an intracellular negative feedback loop and quorum sensing based cell-to-cell communication system. Our in silico analysis using stochastic simulations reveals significant noise attenuation in gene expression through the interplay between quorum sensing and negative feedback, and explain their different roles for different noise sources. Preliminary in vivo results agree well with the computational results.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología; DPI2014-55276-C5-

    Sliding mode reference coordination of constrained feedback systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of coordinating dynamical systems with possibly different dynamics (e.g., linear and nonlinear, different orders, constraints, etc.) to achieve some desired collective behavior under the constraints and capabilities of each system. To this end, we develop a new methodology based on reference conditioning techniques using geometric set invariance and sliding mode control: the sliding mode reference coordination (SMRCoord). The main idea is to coordinate the systems references. Starting from a general framework, we propose two approaches: a local one through direct interactions between the different systems by sharing and conditioning their own references and a global centralized one, where a central node makes decisions using information coming from the systems references. In particular, in this work we focus in implementation on multivariable systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robustness to external perturbations. To show the applicability of the approach, the problem of coordinating UAVs with input constraints is addressed as a particular case of multivariable reference coordination with both global and local configuration.Facultad de Ingenierí

    L’applicabilità di un approccio clinico integrato nella gestione di un paziente con coccigodinia cronica aspecifica in associazione a lombalgia cronica aspecifica: ‘A case report’.

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    INTRODUZIONE Il dolore coccigeo è un disordine muscolo-scheletrico che riduce la qualità di vita delle persone in cui si presenta. Colpisce circa l’1% della popolazione generale con disturbi muscolo-scheletrici e potrebbe essere dovuto ad eziologia multifattoriale. All’esame obiettivo possono essere associati anche disordini muscolo-scheletrici in altri distretti adiacenti come l’articolazione sacro-iliaca e/o lombo-sacrale. L’evidenza attuale per la diagnosi di dolore coccigeo è controversa sia per la difficoltà nella correlazione tra dolore e fattori strutturali sia per l’assenza di evidenze riguardanti la sensibilità e la specificità dell’esame clinico. Il trattamento conservativo prevede una serie di interventi passivi per ridurre il dolore. Lo scopo del presente articolo è di dimostrare come un ragionamento clinico integrato possa essere usato nella gestione di un paziente con dolore coccigeo di natura muscolo-scheletrica aspecifica. PRESENTAZIONE DEL CASO Il paziente riporta dolore localizzato al coccige da circa 3 anni con peggioramento dopo attività in cui vi è un aumento del carico e/o lunghi periodi in stazione eretta e/o nel momento di rialzarsi dalla posizione seduta/supina prolungata. Il paziente riferisce anche dolore al rachide lombare. Sia il dolore al coccige che quello lombare diminuiscono data una parziale limitazione delle attività della vita quotidiana e l'astensione dal calcio amatoriale. All’esame obiettivo il paziente presenta iper-lordosi lombare ed iper-attivazione della muscolatura peri-vertebrale (osservazione statica) con una alterazione nel ritmo lombo-pelvico e durante lo ‘squat’ (osservazione dinamica). La palpazione del coccige e delle aree adiacenti allo stesso eliccita il dolore coccigeo e riferisce alle articolazioni sacro-iliache. La diagnosi fisioterapica è ‘coccigodinia cronica aspecifica combinata a lombalgia cronica aspecifica’. Un meccanismo centrale del dolore è prevalente nel mantenimento di entrambi i disordini muscolo-scheletrici. La riduzione delle menomazioni funzionali e psicologiche attraverso la desensibilizzazione, l'educazione e l'aumento graduale del carico è lo strumento principale del piano di trattamento per un completo ritorno all'attività e alla partecipazione. Dopo cinque sedute il paziente torna parzialmente alle attività della vita quotidiana senza alcun dolore riportato precedentemente. Al ‘follow-up’ a 3, 6, 9 e 12 mesi vi è un ritorno completo alle attività della vita quotidiana ed al gioco del calcio in assenza di dolore coccigeo e lombare. CONCLUSIONI Il presente caso clinico descrive il successo nella gestione funzionale e psicologica del dolore in un paziente con ‘coccigodinia cronica aspecifica associata a lombalgia cronica aspecifica’. L’uso di un approccio clinico integrato in pazienti con coccigodinia potrebbe essere un esempio pratico per guidare i fisioterapisti nell’eseguire un ‘triage’ diagnostico funzionale e per scegliere il piano di trattamento corretto per ogni singolo paziente. Studi futuri potrebbero prendere in considerazione tale processo decisionale al fine di una sua validazione quando un paziente lamenta dolore al coccige

    Soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomes as model membranes to study lipid peroxidation photoinduced by pterin

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    Oxidized pterins, efficient photosensitizers under UVA irradiation, accumulate in the skin of patients suffering from vitiligo, a chronic depigmentation disorder. Soybean phosphatidylcholine (SoyPC) liposomes were employed as model membranes to investigate if pterin (Ptr), the parent compound of oxidized pterins, is able to photoinduced lipid peroxidation. Size exclusion chromatography and dialysis experiments showed that Ptr is not encapsulated inside the liposomes and the lipid membrane is permeable to this compound. The formation of conjugated dienes and trienes, upon UVA irradiation, was followed by absorption at 234 and 270 nm, respectively. The photoproducts were characterized by mass spectrometry and oxygenation of SoyPC was demonstrated. In addition, analysis of MS/MS spectra suggested the formation hydroperoxides. Finally, the biological implications of the findings are discussed.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada