367 research outputs found

    Nilpotency in type A cyclotomic quotients

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    We prove a conjecture made by Brundan and Kleshchev on the nilpotency degree of cyclotomic quotients of rings that categorify one-half of quantum sl(k).Comment: 19 pages, 39 eps files. v3 simplifies antigravity moves and corrects typo

    Terres d'altitude, terres de risque : la lutte contre l'érosion dans les Andes équatoriennes

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    L'Equateur est un pays montagneux et volcanique, représentatif de la cordillère des Andes dans son segment situé entre les tropiques. La montagne, appelée "Sierra", présente une situation singulière : à la suite d'un processus de réforme agraire aux résultats contestables, un grand nombre de petits paysans ont été déplacés vers les versants et les hautes terres, qui portent un damier formé de nombreuses petites parcelles de cultures faiblement productives, le minifundio. Cet agrosystème d'altitude favorise l'accélération de l'érosion des sols, dans un milieu montagnard où ce type de risque est naturellement élevé. Le petit paysannat du minifundio est confronté à une érosion très active qui affecte ses potentialités alimentaires. L'absence de mesures antiérosives efficaces et adaptées au contexte socio-économique du paysannat concerné pénalise fortement la durabilité de l'agrosystème. Pour lutter contre l'érosion de ces terres, un programme de recherche en coopération accordant une large place à la participation du paysannat et associant recherche cognitive et application a été mise en oeuvre par le ministère équatorien de l'Agriculture et l'IRD suivant trois phases complémentaires. La phase initiale, qualitative et spatiale, pose les principaux éléments de diagnostic de la situation érosive de la Sierra équatorienne. Elle fait apparaître l'action prédominante du ruissellement concentré, notamment dans les parties nord et centre de la Sierra, où les sols ou andosols sont dérivés de matériaux volcaniques. L'affleurement en surface de la "cangahua", une formation composée d'horizons indurés, est révélateur de l'extension de l'érosion... (D'après résumé d'auteur

    The projective translation equation and unramified 2-dimensional flows with rational vector fields

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    Let X=(x,y). Previously we have found all rational solutions of the 2-dimensional projective translation equation, or PrTE, (1-z)f(X)=f(f(Xz)(1-z)/z); here f(X)=(u(x,y),v(x,y)) is a pair of two (real or complex) functions. Solutions of this functional equation are called projective flows. A vector field of a rational flow is a pair of 2-homogenic rational functions. On the other hand, only special pairs of 2-homogenic rational functions give rise to rational flows. In this paper we are interested in all non-singular (satisfying the boundary condition) and unramified (without branching points, i.e. single-valued functions in C^2\{union of curves}) projective flows whose vector field is still rational. We prove that, up to conjugation with 1-homogenic birational plane transformation, these are of 6 types: 1) the identity flow; 2) one flow for each non-negative integer N - these flows are rational of level N; 3) the level 1 exponential flow, which is also conjugate to the level 1 tangent flow; 4) the level 3 flow expressable in terms of Dixonian (equianharmonic) elliptic functions; 5) the level 4 flow expressable in terms of lemniscatic elliptic functions; 6) the level 6 flow expressable in terms of Dixonian elliptic functions again. This reveals another aspect of the PrTE: in the latter four cases this equation is equivalent and provides a uniform framework to addition formulas for exponential, tangent, or special elliptic functions (also addition formulas for polynomials and the logarithm, though the latter appears only in branched flows). Moreover, the PrTE turns out to have a connection with Polya-Eggenberger urn models. Another purpose of this study is expository, and we provide the list of open problems and directions in the theory of PrTE; for example, we define the notion of quasi-rational projective flows which includes curves of arbitrary genus.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    The f-vector of the descent polytope

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    For a positive integer n and a subset S of [n-1], the descent polytope DP_S is the set of points x_1, ..., x_n in the n-dimensional unit cube [0,1]^n such that x_i >= x_{i+1} for i in S and x_i <= x_{i+1} otherwise. First, we express the f-vector of DP_S as a sum over all subsets of [n-1]. Second, we use certain factorizations of the associated word over a two-letter alphabet to describe the f-vector. We show that the f-vector is maximized when the set S is the alternating set {1,3,5, ...}. We derive a generating function for the f-polynomial F_S(t) of DP_S, written as a formal power series in two non-commuting variables with coefficients in Z[t]. We also obtain the generating function for the Ehrhart polynomials of the descent polytopes.Comment: 14 pages; to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometr

    (2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Gravity as the Continuum Limit of Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    We perform a non-perturbative sum over geometries in a (2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity model given in terms of Causal Dynamical Triangulations. Inspired by the concept of triangulations of product type introduced previously, we impose an additional notion of order on the discrete, causal geometries. This simplifies the combinatorial problem of counting geometries just enough to enable us to calculate the transfer matrix between boundary states labelled by the area of the spatial universe, as well as the corresponding quantum Hamiltonian of the continuum theory. This is the first time in dimension larger than two that a Hamiltonian has been derived from such a model by mainly analytical means, and opens the way for a better understanding of scaling and renormalization issues.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figure

    Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

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    We investigate the integrability of the discrete non-linear equation governing the dependence on geodesic distance of planar graphs with inner vertices of even valences. This equation follows from a bijection between graphs and blossom trees and is expressed in terms of generating functions for random walks. We construct explicitly an infinite set of conserved quantities for this equation, also involving suitable combinations of random walk generating functions. The proof of their conservation, i.e. their eventual independence on the geodesic distance, relies on the connection between random walks and heaps of dimers. The values of the conserved quantities are identified with generating functions for graphs with fixed numbers of external legs. Alternative equivalent choices for the set of conserved quantities are also discussed and some applications are presented.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figures, uses epsf, lanlmac and hyperbasic

    Uniform generation in trace monoids

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    We consider the problem of random uniform generation of traces (the elements of a free partially commutative monoid) in light of the uniform measure on the boundary at infinity of the associated monoid. We obtain a product decomposition of the uniform measure at infinity if the trace monoid has several irreducible components-a case where other notions such as Parry measures, are not defined. Random generation algorithms are then examined.Comment: Full version of the paper in MFCS 2015 with the same titl