583 research outputs found

    RĂ©seaux Ă  fonctions de base radiales

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    18 pagesThis chapter presents the radial basis functions neural networks 5RBF). The approximation problem is posed, and the different approaches for RBF learning are described. Several applications of this model are given

    Influence of modulation frequency in rubidium cell frequency standards

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    The error signal which is used to control the frequency of the quartz crystal oscillator of a passive rubidium cell frequency standard is considered. The value of the slope of this signal, for an interrogation frequency close to the atomic transition frequency is calculated and measured for various phase (or frequency) modulation waveforms, and for several values of the modulation frequency. A theoretical analysis is made using a model which applies to a system in which the optical pumping rate, the relaxation rates and the RF field are homogeneous. Results are given for sine-wave phase modulation, square-wave frequency modulation and square-wave phase modulation. The influence of the modulation frequency on the slope of the error signal is specified. It is shown that the modulation frequency can be chosen as large as twice the non-saturated full-width at half-maximum without a drastic loss of the sensitivity to an offset of the interrogation frequency from center line, provided that the power saturation factor and the amplitude of modulation are properly adjusted

    Selecting Low-level Features for Image Quality Assessment by Statistical Methods

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    Image quality assessment is animportant component in every image processingsystem where the last link of the chain is thehuman observer. This domain is of increasinginterest, in particular in the context of imagecompression where coding scheme optimizationis based on the distortion measure. Manyobjective image quality measures have beenproposed in the literature and validated bycomparing them to the Mean Opinion Score(MOS). We propose in this paper an empiricalstudy of several indicators and show how onecan improve the performances by combiningthem. We learn a regularized regression modeland apply variable selection techniques toautomatically find the most relevant indicators.Our technique enhances the state of the artresults on two publicly available databases

    Evaluation de Techniques de Traitement des Refusés pour l'Octroi de Crédit

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    We present the problem of "Reject Inference" for credit acceptance. Because of the current legal framework (Basel II), credit institutions need to industrialize their processes for credit acceptance, including Reject Inference. We present here a methodology to compare various techniques of Reject Inference and show that it is necessary, in the absence of real theoretical results, to be able to produce and compare models adapted to available data (selection of "best" model conditionnaly on data). We describe some simulations run on a small data set to illustrate the approach and some strategies for choosing the control group, which is the only valid approach to Reject Inference

    Vitamin C, Aged Skin, Skin Health

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    Vitamin C is an essential nutriment for humans. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant potential. Vitamin C acts as a potent water-soluble antioxidant in biological fluids. Thus, topical vitamin C will not only reduce the risks of development of photoaging but also could reduce the risk of carcinogenesis. In addition to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis. Vitamin C stimulates or restores several mechanisms which are either deficient or disturbed. Topical application of vitamin C partially restores the anatomical structure of the epidermal-dermal junction in young skin. A clinical trial confirmed for the first time that topical application of 5% vitamin C over a period of 6 months significantly improves the clinical appearance of photodamaged skin when compared to the vehicle alone. In inflammatory skin diseases, that is, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, vitamin C levels into the dermis are reduced. Moreover, a randomized double-blind comparative study conducted in patients with Bateman purpura showed a significant improvement that vitamin C is probably one of the main topical anti-aging agents. In addition, the use of photo-protective sunscreen after UV irradiation prevents the decrease of acid ascorbic dermis concentration. Indeed, the ingestion of vitamin C has different benefits on skin such as wound healing, cutaneous aging, and prevention of skin cancer

    Toutes les frontières sont des conventions qui attendent d’être transcendées

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    Humanity is now affected by unprecedented changes, whose acceleration proves to be prodigious and destabilizing at the same time. But these changes don’t come without an increase in misery (material, social, existential), a ruin of ideals (hopes for a better, more tolerant, more sensitive, more free humanity), suffering and death. There is a number of currents of thought in the world which belong to trans- or post-humanism. “Transhumanism” means that present-day humanity is merely transitional, and, by means of new technologies, will tomorrow be “outdated”, to a “post-humanity”, a techno-sapiens. It is through the perspective of a certain transhumanism that we will read Wachowski’s cinema, particularly the Matrix trilogy and Cloud Atlas, by examining their foundations, even their infancy. At the core of this inquiry is the question of the sensitive body, claimed by some “transhumanists” to be obsolete, and with it, that of the encounter, of an existence that is attentive to what comes to surprise it, to fluster it, to give it a meaning and a rare, intense and true taste: to trans-form us.Überhumanismus bedeutet, dass der Begriff „Humanismus“ durch den Einsatz der Technologie vergänglich geworden ist und dass er die Stelle eines Menschen „techno-sapiens“ sonst vertritt. Aber kann man sich fragen, ob diese These die Sinnenwelt und die Welt der konkreten Begegnung für überflüssig nicht hält

    Des lendemains autres.

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    Une inquiétude globale (écologique, économique, sociale…) au sujet de l’avenir d’un « monde sans humains ». La mode est au Post-humain. Trois aspects que l’on estime participer ici à un rejet de l’altérité : le paradigme du complexe techno-économique et scientifique mondialisé, la tentation des retours aux religiosités intégrales, le développement des « éthiques » néo-conservatrices et régressives. Pourtant, face aux fascinations infantiles, le désir ne cède pas, élabore la perte et le manque, le dés-astre. Il continue à desiderare. S’ouvrant infiniment sur l’inidentifiable Autre part qui reste encore.The global concern (ecological, economic, social…) about the future of a “world without humans”. Post-human is fashionable. Three aspects, we hold, contribute to the rejection of alterity: the paradigm of a globalized techno-economic and scientific complex, the endeavor to return to various integral religiousnesses, the development of some neo-conservative and regressive “ethics”. However, faced with infantile fascinations, desire doesn’t retreat, it elaborates loss and absence, the dés-astre. It continues to desiderare. It opens up again and again to/on that unidentifiable Other part that still remains

    L' écriture de soi et l'expérience d'entendre une voix 'autre'

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    En partant d’une caractĂ©risation du rĂ©cit comme temporalisation de soi, on examine la notion d’« entendre Â» : hypothèse de la lecture-Ă©criture comme exercice oĂą l’on essaie de saisir le « ton juste Â», qui rĂ©side dans les mots et parfois Ă  l’insu de ce qui est dit ou Ă©crit. Sorte de tonalitĂ© affective, inconsciente, qui serait en dette d’une voix, de la musicalitĂ© d’une voix (pour Proust, la voix de la mère dans la scène originaire de la lecture), voix incorporĂ©e, entendue « de l’intĂ©rieur Â», et qui resterait en nous comme l’« enfance Â» d’un passĂ© qui n’est pas passĂ©, un reste de temps perdu rĂ©sistant au passage du temps, surgissant en nous dans le hasard de l’existence. L’écriture du soi resterait alors secrètement accordĂ©e Ă  l’unisson avec cette voix première, archaĂŻque, voix autre que la nĂ´tre dans la nĂ´tre, Ă©trangère Ă  nous quoiqu’en nous, laquelle viendrait complexifier et troubler un soi non-figĂ©, non-homogène, et dont la constitution relèverait essentiellement d’un possible et incertain Ă -venir

    Sortir du cercle – arrêter la course à l’abîme

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    Le texte aborde la problématique du lien entre la souffrance psychique causée par l’organisation du travail (le management moderne) et ce qu’il appelle la « structure fascisante » des impératifs du néolibéralisme, qui, depuis une trentaine d’années, semble traverser les sociétés contemporaines et s’exercer sur la vie politique, collective et individuelle. À la suite des pistes de Pierre Bourdieu, il examine dans un premier temps les effets du néolibéralisme sur la santé, le climat de division sociale que celui-ci instaure, et esquisse, à partir de l’analyse de certains de ses mécanismes fondamentaux, une sortie possible de cette logique perverse.The text deals with the problem of the link between the psychological suffering caused by the organization of work (modern management) and what it calls the "fascisting structure" of the imperatives of neoliberalism, which, for thirty years, seems to cross contemporary societies and affects political, collective and individual life. Following Pierre Bourdieu, it examines for the first time the effects of the neoliberalism on health, the climate of social division that it creates, and sketches, by analysis of some of its fundamental mechanisms, a possible exit from this perverse logic
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