2,733 research outputs found

    Auger electron emission due to incident particle in Ar(+), Ne(+) and Na(+) collisions with different solid targets

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    The L23 Auger spectra of Ar, Ne and Na from Ar(+)-Ti, Ne(+)-Mg, Ne-A1, Na(+)-Be, Na(+)-Mg and Na(+)-A1 collisions were obtained. For Ar, L23 MM Auger electrons are emitted from the fast moving incident projectiles and a Doppler broadened structure is observed. The Ne and Na Auger spectra are due to Auger transitions with single or double 2p vancancies in the initial state of the implanted Ne atoms or surface trapped Na atoms

    Cosmic reionization in a dynamic quintessence cosmology

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    In this paper we investigate the effects that a dynamic dark energy component dominant in the universe at late epochs has on reionization. We follow the evolution of HII regions with the analytic approach of Furlanetto and Oh (2005) in two different universes for which we assume the Peebles and Ratra (2003) and Brax and Martin (2000) quintessence models and we compare our results to the LCDM scenario. We show that, for a fixed ionization efficiency, at the same cosmological epoch the topology of bubbles is dominated by high-mass objects and the characteristic size of the ionized regions is slightly smaller than in the LCDM model, especially at the latest stages of reionization, due to the higher recombination efficiency. As a consequence, the bubbles' `epoch of overlap' happens earlier than in LCDM. Finally, we show how the different evolution of the HII regions affects the transmission of the high-z QSO spectra, reducing the Lyman flux absorption at small optical depths.Comment: 10 pages, minor changes to match the version accepted for publication by MNRA

    How cold is cold dark matter? Small scales constraints from the flux power spectrum of the high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest

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    We present constraints on the mass of warm dark matter (WDM) particles derived from the Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum of 55 high- resolution HIRES spectra at 2.0 < z < 6.4. From the HIRES spectra, we obtain a lower limit of mwdm > 1.2 keV 2 sigma if the WDM consists of early decoupled thermal relics and mwdm > 5.6 keV (2 sigma) for sterile neutrinos. Adding the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum, we get mwdm > 4 keV and mwdm > 28 keV (2 sigma) for thermal relics and sterile neutrinos. These results improve previous constraints by a factor two.Comment: Some issues clarified (especially resolution related). Conclusions unchanged. Accepted version by PR

    Possible evidence for an inverted temperature-density relation in the intergalactic medium from the flux distribution of the Lyman-alpha forest

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    We compare the improved measurement of the Lya forest flux probability distribution at 1.7<z<3.2 presented by Kim et al. (2007) to a large set of hydrodynamical simulations of the Lya forest with different cosmological parameters and thermal histories. The simulations are in good agreement with the observational data if the temperature-density relation for the low density intergalactic medium (IGM), T=T_0 Delta^{gamma-1}, is either close to isothermal or inverted (gamma<1). Our results suggest that the voids in the IGM may be significantly hotter and the thermal state of the low density IGM may be substantially more complex than is usually assumed at these redshifts. We discuss radiative transfer effects which alter the spectral shape of ionising radiation during the epoch of HeII reionisation as a possible physical mechanism for achieving an inverted temperature-density relation at z~3.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS following minor revision. The accepted version includes an expanded discussion of the flux power spectru

    The impact of feedback on the low-redshift intergalactic medium

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    We analyse the evolution of the properties of the low-redshift Intergalactic Medium (IGM) using high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations that include a detailed chemical evolution model. We focus on the effects that two different forms of energy feedback, strong galactic winds driven by supernova explosion and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) powered by gas accretion onto super-massive black holes (BHs), have on the thermo- and chemo-dynamical properties of of the low redshift IGM. We find that feedback associated to winds (W) and BHs leave distinct signatures in both the chemical and thermal history of the baryons, especially at redshift z<3 [..] We present results for the enrichment in terms of mass and metallicity distributions for the WHIM phase, both as a function of density and temperature. Finally, we compute the evolution of the relative abundances between different heavy elements, namely Oxygen, Carbon and Iron. While both C/O and O/Fe evolve differently at high redshifts for different feedback models, their values are similar at z=0 [..]. The sensitivity of WHIM properties on the implemented feedback scheme could be important both for discriminating between different feedback physics and for detecting the WHIM with future far-UV and X-ray telescopes

    The effect of neutrinos on the matter distribution as probed by the Intergalactic Medium

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    We present a suite of full hydrodynamical cosmological simulations that quantitatively address the impact of neutrinos on the (mildly non-linear) spatial distribution of matter and in particular on the neutral hydrogen distribution in the Intergalactic Medium (IGM), which is responsible for the intervening Lyman-alpha absorption in quasar spectra. The free-streaming of neutrinos results in a (non-linear) scale-dependent suppression of power spectrum of the total matter distribution at scales probed by Lyman-alpha forest data which is larger than the linear theory prediction by about 25% and strongly redshift dependent. By extracting a set of realistic mock quasar spectra, we quantify the effect of neutrinos on the flux probability distribution function and flux power spectrum. The differences in the matter power spectra translate into a ~2.5% (5%) difference in the flux power spectrum for neutrino masses with Sigma m_{\nu} = 0.3 eV (0.6 eV). This rather small effect is difficult to detect from present Lyman-alpha forest data and nearly perfectly degenerate with the overall amplitude of the matter power spectrum as characterised by sigma_8. If the results of the numerical simulations are normalized to have the same sigma_8 in the initial conditions, then neutrinos produce a smaller suppression in the flux power of about 3% (5%) for Sigma m_{\nu} = 0.6eV(1.2eV)whencomparedtoasimulationwithoutneutrinos.WepresentconstraintsonneutrinomassesusingtheSloanDigitalSkySurveyfluxpowerspectrumaloneandfindanupperlimitofSigmamν<0.9 eV (1.2 eV) when compared to a simulation without neutrinos. We present constraints on neutrino masses using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey flux power spectrum alone and find an upper limit of Sigma m_{\nu} < 0.9 eV (2 sigma C.L.), comparable to constraints obtained from the cosmic microwave background data or other large scale structure probes.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures. One section and references added. JCAP in pres

    Expansion and Collapse in the Cosmic Web

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    We study the kinematics of the gaseous cosmic web at high redshift with Lyman alpha forest absorption in multiple QSO sightlines. Using a simple analytic model and a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation we constrain the underlying three-dimensional distribution of velocities from the observed line-of-sight distribution of velocity shear across the plane of the sky. The distribution is found to be in good agreement with the intergalactic medium (IGM) undergoing large scale motions dominated by the Hubble flow. Modeling the Lyman alpha clouds analytically and with a hydrodynamics simulation, the average expansion velocity of the gaseous structures causing the Lyman alpha forest in the lower redshift (z = 2) sample appears about 20 percent lower than the local Hubble expansion velocity. We interpret this as tentative evidence for some clouds undergoing gravitational collapse. However, the distribution of velocities is highly skewed, and the majority of clouds at redshifts from 2 to 3.8 expand typically about 5 - 20 percent faster than the Hubble flow. This behavior is explained if most absorbers in the column density range typically detectable are expanding filaments that stretch and drain into more massive nodes. We find no evidence for the observed distribution of velocity shear being significantly influenced by processes other than Hubble expansion and gravitational instability, like galactic winds. To avoid overly disturbing the IGM, winds may be old and/or limp by the time we observe them in the Lyman alpha forest, or they may occupy only an insignificant volume fraction of the IGM. (abridged)Comment: 63 pages, 26 figures, AAS Latex; ApJ, in pres

    Studying the WHIM with Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We assess the possibility to detect and characterize the physical state of the missing baryons at low redshift by analyzing the X-ray absorption spectra of the Gamma Ray Burst [GRB] afterglows, measured by a micro calorimeters-based detector with 3 eV resolution and 1000 cm2 effective area and capable of fast re-pointing, similar to that on board of the recently proposed X-ray satellites EDGE and XENIA. For this purpose we have analyzed mock absorption spectra extracted from different hydrodynamical simulations used to model the properties of the Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium [WHIM]. These models predict the correct abundance of OVI absorption lines observed in UV and satisfy current X-ray constraints. According to these models space missions like EDGE and XENIA should be able to detect about 60 WHIM absorbers per year through the OVII line. About 45 % of these have at least two more detectable lines in addition to OVII that can be used to determine the density and the temperature of the gas. Systematic errors in the estimates of the gas density and temperature can be corrected for in a robust, largely model-independent fashion. The analysis of the GRB absorption spectra collected in three years would also allow to measure the cosmic mass density of the WHIM with about 15 % accuracy, although this estimate depends on the WHIM model. Our results suggest that GRBs represent a valid, if not preferable, alternative to Active Galactic Nuclei to study the WHIM in absorption. The analysis of the absorption spectra nicely complements the study of the WHIM in emission that the spectrometer proposed for EDGE and XENIA would be able to carry out thanks to its high sensitivity and large field of view.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Realistic sterile neutrino dark matter with keV mass does not contradict cosmological bounds

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    Previous fits of sterile neutrino dark matter models to cosmological data assumed a peculiar production mechanism, which is not representative of the best-motivated particle physics models given current data on neutrino oscillations. These analyses ruled out sterile neutrino masses smaller than 8-10 keV. Here we focus on sterile neutrinos produced resonantly. We show that their cosmological signature can be approximated by that of mixed Cold plus Warm Dark Matter (CWDM). We use recent results on LambdaCWDM models to show that for each mass greater than or equal to 2 keV, there exists at least one model of sterile neutrino accounting for the totality of dark matter, and consistent with Lyman-alpha and other cosmological data. Resonant production occurs in the framework of the nuMSM (the extension of the Standard Model with three right-handed neutrinos). The models we checked to be allowed correspond to parameter values consistent with neutrino oscillation data, baryogenesis and all other dark matter bounds.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Biodegradation of Plastics Induced by Marine Organisms: Future Perspectives for Bioremediation Approaches

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    Plastic pollution is a distinctive element of the globalized world. In fact, since the 1970s the expansion and use of plastics, particularly in the consumer and commercial sectors, has given this material a permanent place in our lives. The increasing use of plastic products and the wrong management of end-of-life plastic products have contributed to increasing environmental pollution, with negative impacts on our ecosystems and the ecological functions of natural habitats. Nowadays, plastic pollution is pervasive in all environmental compartments. As aquatic environments are the dumping points for poorly managed plastics, biofouling and biodegradation have been proposed as promising approaches for plastic bioremediation. Known for the high stability of plastics in the marine environment, this represents a very important issue to preserve marine biodiversity. In this review, we have summarized the main cases reported in the literature on the degradation of plastics by bacteria, fungi, and microalgae and the degradation mechanisms involved, to highlight the potential of bioremediation approaches to reduce macro and microplastic pollution
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