10,435 research outputs found

    Experimental demonstration of digital predistortion for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing-radio over fibre links near laser resonance

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    Radio over fibre (RoF), an enabling technology for distribution of wireless broadband service signals through analogue optical links, suffers from non-linear distortion. Digital predistortion has been demonstrated as an effective approach to overcome the RoF non-linearity. However, questions remain as to how the approach performs close to laser resonance, a region of significant dynamic non-linearity, and how resilient the approach is to changes in input signal and link operating conditions. In this work, the performance of a digital predistortion approach is studied for directly modulated orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing RoF links operating from 2.47 to 3.7 GHz. It extends previous works to higher frequencies, and to higher quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) levels. In addition, the resilience of the predistortion approach to changes in modulation level of QAM schemes, and average power levels are investigated, and a novel predistortion training approach is proposed and demonstrated. Both memoryless and memory polynomial predistorter models, and a simple off-line least-squares-based identification method, are used, with excellent performance improvements demonstrated up to 3.0 GHz

    Fiber link design considerations for cloud-Radio Access Networks

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    Analog radio over fiber (RoF) links may offer advantages for cloud-Radio Access Networks in terms of component cost, but the behavior of the distortion with large numbers of subcarriers needs to be understood. In this paper, this is presented in terms of the variation between subcarriers. Memory polynomial predistortion is also shown to compensate for RoF and wireless path distortion. Whether for digitized or analog links, it is shown that appropriate framing structure parameters must be used to assure performance, especially of time-division duplex systems

    Monitorização e impactes antropogénicos sobre a qualidade da água em ribeiras de caudal permanente na ilha de São Miguel (Açores)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.A água constitui um recurso natural essencial à vida e apesar de esta ocupar, aproximadamente, 70% da superfície terrestre, a percentagem de água utilizável pelo Homem é muito reduzida. Para além do consumo doméstico, a água é, ainda, utilizada em todas as atividades económicas, como por exemplo a agricultura e a indústria, o que gera pressões quantitativas e qualitativas, essencialmente associadas no primeiro caso à captação e no segundo caso à emissão de águas residuais. Estas situações acarretam impactes a vários níveis, desde alterações de caudais, modificações hidromorfológicas, poluição química e biológica e alteração das condições ecológicas pritinas. Em resposta a uma crescente consciencialização relativamente às questões supramencionadas foram elaborados documentos normativos e legislativos, a nível europeu, nacional e regional, com o intuito de despoletarem programas com a finalidade de avaliar e proteger os recursos hídricos. Após esta avaliação pretende-se estabelecer medidas preventivas e corretivas e garantir que exista um efetivo desenvolvimento sustentável. O presente trabalho aborda a temática da qualidade das águas das ribeiras de caudal permanente da ilha de São Miguel, e pretende caracterizar o estado químico da água e avaliar os impactos antropogénicos sobre a qualidade da mesma. Esta dissertação envolveu um total de seis ribeiras, que correspondem a nove massas de água. Para a caracterização procedeu-se à análise e tratamento de dados cedidos pela Administração Hidrográfica dos Açores, que abrangem o período entre 2003 e 2011. Do tratamento dos dados da monitorização conclui-se que a atividade agropecuária e a drenagem de águas residuais são as principais fontes poluidoras antropogénicas das águas superficiais, uma vez que se verificam concentrações elevadas de fósforo total, nitratos, nitritos e do parâmetro CBO5. Os metais e os hidrocarbonetos apresentam valores inferiores ao limite de quantificação, o que permite inferir que o seu impacte é pouco significativo. Os resultados também permitem verificar que existe uma relação entre a qualidade da água e a ocupação do solo, constatando-se que os locais mais interiores são os que apresentam menor poluição, visto que correspondem a áreas em que predomina vegetação natural e floresta. No entanto, as áreas mais planas e próximas do litoral apresentam maior poluição devido às pastagens e aos aglomerados populacionais.ABSTRACT: Water is a natural resource essential to life, and despite 70% of the Earth surface been occupied by water the proportion able to support human activities is much lower. Besides domestic use, water is also needed to economic activities, like industry and agriculture, which causes quantitative and qualitative pressures, as abstraction or waste water uncontrolled discharge, causing diverse types of impacts, from discharge variation, hydromorphological modifications, chemical and biological pollution and deterioration of the ecologic pristine conditions. Due to the increasing awareness in what concerns the questions addressed above, several regulation and legislation documents were published at regional, national and international levels, in order to develop programmes of evaluation and protection of water resources. After this evaluation, the overall objective is to establish preventive and corrective measures, in order to attain an effective sustainable development. The present thesis addresses water quality in river water bodies in São Miguel Island, namely characterizing water bodies status and evaluate anthropogenic impacts over water quality. A total of six rivers were studied, corresponding to nine water bodies, and data provided by the Hydrographic Administration of the Azores, corresponding to a time interval between 2003 and 2001, was analyzed. From the analysis made it was possible to conclude that livestock activity and waste water discharge are the main pollution sources that impact river water quality, depicted by high phosphorous, nitrate, nitrite content as well as by high values of BOD5. Heavy metals and hydrocarbons are usually under detection limit, showing that are negligible to water quality. Results also show a close relationship between water quality and land use, with inland areas, dominated by pristine forests and natural vegetation, where rivers have non-polluted waters. In opposition, in the lowland areas, pollution levels are higher due to pasture land dominance and to urban development

    Clínica de animais de companhia

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    O presente relatório pretende descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular de seis meses no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, referindo a casuística acompanhada e incluindo uma monografia sobre a síndrome de disfunção cognitiva canina (DCC). A área com maior representatividade foi a clínica médica, com 75,23% do total de casos acompanhados. A DCC é uma síndrome neurodegenerativa, de etiologia multifatorial, que afeta cães, sobretudo a partir dos 11 anos, estando muitas vezes associada a outras afeções, o que pode dificultar o seu diagnóstico. Os sinais clínicos seguem a sigla DISHA, do inglês disorientation (desorientação), interaction (interação), sleep (sono), house soiling (eliminação errática) e activity (atividade). É necessário excluir outras patologias que possam assumir uma sintomatologia semelhante para se poder estabelecer o diagnóstico de DCC. A terapêutica disponível não reverte os sinais clínicos, pelo que o diagnóstico precoce se torna particularmente importante; Abstract: Small animal clinics The present report aims to describe the activities developed during the six-month period traineeship at Hospital Veterinário de Restelo, referring the accompanied casuistry and including a monography about the canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (DCC). The most represented field was medical clinic, with 75,23% from the total cases. The DCC is a neurodegenerative syndrome, with multifactorial aetiology, that affects dogs mainly above 11 years old. It is often associated to other affections, which may difficult the diagnosis. The clinical signs follow the acronym DISHA, disorientation, sleep, house soiling and activity. It is necessary to exclude other pathologies that may assume a similar symptomatology to establish the DCC diagnosis. The available therapeutics do not revert the clinical signs, making the early diagnosis particularly important

    O impacto das exigências emocionais no engagement : o papel do coping social como variável mediadora

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008A presente investigação tem como objectivo estudar o trabalho emocional envolvido na relação dos bombeiros com os seus colegas de turno e o impacto deste no engagement destes profissionais, e ainda o papel do coping social como variável mediadora desta relação. Para isto, recolheram-se dados sobre as exigências emocionais da função, as estratégias de coping e o engagement através da aplicação de questionários a 417 bombeiros sapadores, num total de 29 turnos. Os resultados permitem-nos concluir que o engagement se associa positivamente com o recurso a estratégias de coping activoprosocial e com a expressão de emoções positivas; por outro lado, relaciona-se negativamente com a expressão de emoções negativas e a utilização de estratégias de coping activo antisocial e passivo. Para alem disto, verificou-se que o coping activo prosocial medeia totalmente a relação entre exigências emocionais negativas e o engagement, e possui um efeito de mediação parcial da relação deste com as exigências emocionais positivas.The present investigation claims to study the emotional work involved in the relationship between the firemen and their team mates and its impact on the engagement of these workers, and the role of social coping as a mediation variable in this relation. To do so, we collected data about the emotional demands of the function, coping strategies and engagement data from a sample of 417 professional firemen, in a total of 29 teams. The results obtained allow us to conclude that engagement is positively related to the use of active-prosocial coping strategies and the expression of positive emotions; on the other hand, it is negatively related to the expression of negative emotions and, active antisocial and passive coping strategies. In addition to these results, it was also found that the active-prosocial coping entirely mediates the relationship between negative emotional demands and engagement, and has a partial mediation effect between engagement and positive emotional demands

    The determinants of length of stay in the Azores : a count model approach

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    This paper employs count data models to estimate the determinants of length of stay, as count data models naturally lend themselves to overcome the censoring and truncation data issues associated with the non-negative, integer nature of length of stay. This paper employs a rich micro data set gathered through questionnaires ministered to a representative sample of tourists departing from the Azores: the fastest growing touristic region in Portugal. It is found that sociodemographic profiles, such as nationality and Azorean ascendancy, and trip attributes, such as repeat visitation rates and type of flight, are important determinants of length of stay. In addition, it is found that destination image and attitudes regarding environmental initiatives, constructed from a factor analysis exercise, also influence length of stay. In particular, the results suggest that marketing strategies that promote the Azores for its nature, landscape, remoteness, weather and safety may increase length of stay, whereas cultural heritage has the opposite effect.N/