48 research outputs found

    Dentinogenesis imperfecta type II: a case report of a 34-year follow-up

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    Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is a hereditary developmental disorder of dentin formation that can occur associated with osteogenesis imperfecta (type I), isolated (type II), or in a specific isolated resident group of Brandywine, in southern Maryland (type III). This work aims at reporting a clinical case of DI type II in childhood with a 34-year follow up. The child at issue was taken to the dental health service at a very young age, which favored an appropriate treatment, avoiding complications, and portending a favorable long-term prognosis, besides safeguarding the patient physical and mental well-being. The clinical aspects of this condition are teeth with short crowns and gray-brown coloration, and an altered consistency of affected dental elements. Radiographically, the teeth present bulbous crowns, cervical constriction, thin roots, and early obliteration of the root canal and pulp chambers due to excessive dentin production. Rehabilitation treatment included the use of stainless-steel crowns for reconstructing deciduous molars and composite resin restorations on the anterior deciduous teeth. As for permanent dentition, it consisted of aesthetic-functional rehabilitation using metal crowns on the first molars and ceramic crowns and facets on the anterior teeth. Endodontic, prosthetic and restorative treatment was performed on other posterior teeth. Preventive measures were instituted. DI may cause serious changes in dentin structure, affecting function and aesthetics in both dentitions. The sooner it is administered, the more promising the multidisciplinary dental treatment will be in promoting health and minimizing damage to affected individuals.A dentinogênese imperfeita (DI) é uma doença de alteração hereditária que afeta o desenvolvimento dentinário, podendo ocorrer associada à presença de osteogênese imperfeita (tipo I), isoladamente (tipo II), ou especificamente associada ao povoado de Brandywine, no sul de Maryland (tipo III). O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de DI tipo II na infância que recebeu acompanhamento por 34 anos. A criança em questão foi encaminhada ao serviço de assistência odontológica ainda muito pequena, o que favoreceu um tratamento adequado, evitando complicações e trazendo um prognóstico favorável a longo prazo, além de garantir o bem-estar físico e mental da paciente. Os aspectos clínicos desta condição são dentes com coroas curtas e coloração marrom acinzentada, além de uma consistência alterada nos elementos dentários afetados. Radiograficamente, foram identificados dentes com coroas bulbosas, constrição cervical, raízes afinadas, e obliteração precoce do canal radicular e câmaras pulpares devido à excessiva produção de dentina. Para o tratamento, utilizou-se coroas de aço cromado na reconstrução de molares decíduos e restaurações de resina composta nos dentes decíduos anteriores. Quanto à dentição permanente, o tratamento visou reestabelecer a função e a estética, utilizando-se de coroas metálicas nos primeiros molares e coroas e facetas cerâmicas nos dentes anteriores. Em outros dentes posteriores foram utilizados os tratamentos endodôntico, protético e restaurador. Medidas preventivas foram instituídas. Em conclusão, a DI pode causar sérias alterações na estrutura dentinária, afetando a função e a estética de ambas as dentições. A intervenção odontológica multidisciplinar será mais promissora quanto mais cedo for estabelecida, promovendo a saúde bucal e minimizando os danos aos indivíduos afetados

    Da Timidez à Participação: Construindo Metodologias para a Prática da Gestão Social

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    Os trabalhos com grupos comunitários priorizam o desenvolvimento dos sujeitos e das localidades, ao contrário do que ocorre nas organizações privadas, cuja finalidade é estritamente econômica. Desse modo, a gestão tradicional apresenta-se insuficiente para o gerenciamento de ações nesse contexto, dando ensejo ao surgimento da gestão social como um processo dialógico e participativo de se trabalhar com grupos. Propondo demonstrar possibilidades metodológicas compatíveis com a Gestão Social, este trabalho apresenta, através do relato de experiência, o método desenvolvido pelo Projeto Gestão Social nas Escolas, Promovendo o Protagonismo Juvenil nas Escolas Estaduais de Juazeiro do Norte-CE, o qual tem como objetivo desenvolver empreendimentos juvenis a partir de ações pautadas na gestão social, buscando fomentar nos jovens a autonomia, autogestão, cooperativismo e protagonismo, bem como facilitar os processos grupais e individuais, o estabelecimento de estratégias para execução de ações coletivas. As ações até agora realizadas têm apontado o alcance desses objetivos, apresentando como resultado o amadurecimento dos grupos envolvidos, de modo que, com base nessa experiência, defende-se a validade da metodologia utilizada para a execução de projetos que têm por objetivo a Gestão Social


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    A microbiota residente da boca é bastante diversificada, com mais de 700 espécies de micro-organismos identificadas, das quais muitas ainda não foram descritas. Nessa vasta ecologia microbiana da cavidade bucal, encontram-se, pelo menos, vinte gêneros e, aproximadamente, noventa espécies de leveduras isoladas e classificadas. Os métodos convencionais para o tratamento de candidíase são baseados na utilização de agentes antifúngicos, porém, são observados vários inconvenientes quando da utilização dos mesmos, representados por toxicidade, interações antagônicas fármaco-fármaco, falta de eficácia fungicida, alto custo e surgimento de espécies resistentes, entre outras. Na busca por novas estratégias terapêuticas para a candidíase oral, estudos utilizando plantas medicinais estão sendo cada vez mais realizados. Essa pesquisa procura analisar a possível atividade antifúngica do extrato aquoso e etanólico de Rhaphiodon echinus (Lamiaceae) contra cepas de Candida tropicalis. Para a determinação da CIM (Concentração Inibitória Mínima) do extrato, foi realizada a técnica da microdiluição em caldo. Utilizaram-se as seguintes cepas de Candida tropicalis (ATCC 13803, LM 14, LM 31 e LM 36). Foi realizado controle de viabilidade das cepas ensaiadas, e também controle de sensibilidade com o antimicrobiano Nistatina. As placas foram assepticamente fechadas e incubadas a 35°C por 24 - 48 hs e se realizou a leitura. Diante dos resultados observou-se que CIM50% do extrato aquoso e etanólico de Rhaphiodon echinus contra as cepas de Candida topicalis foi de 512 μg/mL. Conclui-se que os extratos de Rhaphiodon echinus são eficazes contra as cepas de C. tropicalis

    Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids : piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves

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    Introduction: Natural products of pharmaceutical interest often do not reach the drug market due to the associated low yields and difficult extraction. Knowledge of biosynthetic pathways is a key element in the development of biotechnological strategies for plant specialized metabolite production. Erythrina species are mainly used as central nervous system depressants in folk medicine and are important sources of bioactive tetracyclic benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs), which can act on several pathology-related biological targets. Objectives: In this sense, in an unprecedented approach used with a non-model Fabaceae species grown in its unique arid natural habitat, a combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses (seeds and leaves) is presented. Methods: The Next Generation Sequencing-based transcriptome (de novo RNA sequencing) was carried out in a NextSeq 500 platform. Regarding metabolite profiling, the High-resolution Liquid Chromatography was coupled to DAD and a micrOTOF-QII mass spectrometer by using electrospray ionization (ESI) and Time of Flight (TOF) analyzer. The tandem MS/MS data were processed and analyzed through Molecular Networking approach. Results: This detailed macro and micromolecular approach applied to seeds and leaves of E. velutina revealed 42 alkaloids, several of them unique. Based on the combined evidence, 24 gene candidates were put together in a putative pathway leading to the singular alkaloid diversity of this species. Conclusion: Overall, these results could contribute by indicating potential biotechnological targets formodulation of erythrina alkaloids biosynthesis as well as improve molecular databases with omic data from a non-model medicinal plant, and reveal an interesting chemical diversity of Erythrina BIA harvested in Caatinga

    Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids: Piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves

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    Introduction: Natural products of pharmaceutical interest often do not reach the drug market due to the associated low yields and difficult extraction. Knowledge of biosynthetic pathways is a key element in the development of biotechnological strategies for plant specialized metabolite production. The scarce studies regarding non-model plants impair advances in this field. Erythrina spp. are mainly used as central nervous system depressants in folk medicine and are important sources of bioactive tetracyclic benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, which can act on several pathology-related biological targets. Objective: Herein the purpose is to employ combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses (seeds and leaves) of a non-model medicinal Fabaceae species grown in its unique arid natural habitat. The study tries to propose a putative biosynthetic pathway for the bioactive alkaloids by using an omic integrated approach. Methods: The Next Generation Sequencing-based transcriptome (de novo RNA sequencing) was carried out in a Illumina NextSeq 500 platform. Regarding the targeted metabolite profiling, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a micrOTOF-QII, High Resolution Mass Spectrometer, were used. Results: This detailed macro and micromolecular approach applied to seeds and leaves of E. velutina revealed 42 alkaloids by metabolome tools. Based on the combined evidence, 24 gene candidates were put together in a putative pathway leading to the singular alkaloid diversity of this species. Conclusion: These results contribute by indicating potential biotechnological targets Erythrina alkaloids biosynthesis as well as to improve molecular databases with omic data from a non-model medicinal plant. Furthermore, they reveal an interesting chemical diversity in Erythrina velutina harvested in Caatinga. Last, but not least, this data may also contribute to tap Brazilian biodiversity in a rational and sustainable fashion, promoting adequate public policies for preservation and protection of sensitive areas within the Caatinga

    Applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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    Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a crucial role in the reconstruction and restoration of facial structures, seeking to improve both aesthetics and function. The use of platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) represents a notable advance, accelerating healing and improving surgical outcomes. Materials and Methods: This review covers 710 studies from various electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar). The aim is to thoroughly investigate the applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Results: The analysis reveals that L-PRF stands out as an effective autologous therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its application shows remarkable potential for accelerating the healing process, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of procedures. Discussion: L-PRF has emerged as an excellent choice in oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of facial reconstructions. This highlights the relevance of this autologous therapy and its benefits in surgical practice. Conclusion: The applications of platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology are fundamental and promising. This advance represents not only a means of accelerating healing, but also a significant contribution to better aesthetic and functional results in surgical procedures in this area.Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a crucial role in the reconstruction and restoration of facial structures, seeking to improve both aesthetics and function. The use of platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) represents a notable advance, accelerating healing and improving surgical outcomes. Materials and Methods: This review covers 710 studies from various electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar). The aim is to thoroughly investigate the applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Results: The analysis reveals that L-PRF stands out as an effective autologous therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its application shows remarkable potential for accelerating the healing process, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of procedures. Discussion: L-PRF has emerged as an excellent choice in oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of facial reconstructions. This highlights the relevance of this autologous therapy and its benefits in surgical practice. Conclusion: The applications of platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology are fundamental and promising. This advance represents not only a means of accelerating healing, but also a significant contribution to better aesthetic and functional results in surgical procedures in this area

    Evaluation of three recombinant proteins for the development of ELISA and immunochromatographic tests for visceral leishmaniasis serodiagnosis.

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    BACKGROUND Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is an infectious disease that is a significant cause of death among infants aged under 1 year and the elderly in Brazil. Serodiagnosis is a mainstay of VL elimination programs; however, it has significant limitations due to low accuracy. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to evaluate three recombinant Leishmania infantum proteins (rFc, rC9, and rA2) selected from previous proteomics and genomics analyses to develop enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunochromatographic tests (ICT) for the serodiagnosis of human VL (HVL) and canine VL (CVL). METHODS A total of 186 human (70 L. infantum-infected symptomatic, 20 other disease-infected, and 96 healthy) and 185 canine (82 L. infantum-infected symptomatic, 27 L. infantum-infected asymptomatic, and 76 healthy) sera samples were used for antibody detection. FINDINGS Of the three proteins, rA2 (91.5% sensitivity and 87% specificity) and rC9 (95.7% sensitivity and 87.5% specificity) displayed the best performance in ELISA-HVL and ELISA-CVL, respectively. ICT-rA2 also displayed the best performance for HVL diagnosis (92.3% sensitivity and 88.0% specificity) and had high concordance with immunofluorescence antibody tests (IFAT), ELISA-rK39, IT-LEISH?, and ELISAEXT. ICT-rFc, ICT-rC9, and ICT-rA2 had sensitivities of 88.6%, 86.5%, and 87.0%, respectively, with specificity values of 84.0%, 92.0%, and 100%, respectively for CVL diagnosis. MAIN CONCLUSIONS The three antigens selected by us are promising candidates for VL diagnosis regardless of the test format, although the antigen combinations and test parameters may warrant further optimisation

    Plagiarism as another ethical issue in scientific research

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    The excessive demand for publications results in high plagiarism and duplicate numbers by scientists who take over existing texts into new publications. In addition to serious ethical problems, this practice hinders the generation of original material. In order to reduce the problem, softwares such as eTBLAST are being used to detect plagiarism and repeated papers. Despite the persistence of fraudsters, these tools have helped to reduce these problems; however, the ideal solution would be the basic ethical establishment principles. Therefore, plagiarism has always been a foible that could lead to fraudulent and dishonorable development of science