249 research outputs found


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    Há mais de quinze anos foi aprovada a obrigatoriedade do ensino de história e cultura africana e afro-brasileira foi aprovada em 2003 (Lei nº 10.639) no currículo de todas as disciplinas que compõem a Educação Básica. O que significou o reconhecimento da ausência do negro enquanto produtor de saber e portador de uma história. Assim, nos restringimos ao modo como a história e cultura africana é inserida no ensino de Sociologia, e para isso, nos detemos sobre o modo em que as religiões de matriz africana estão sendo abordados pelos livros didáticos de Sociologia aprovados pelo PNLD 2018 . Foi possível identificar que ao abordar as religiões de matiz africana, o debate se restringe ao candomblé e a umbanda, que são observadas no âmbito da diversidade de religiões existentes no Brasil e sua contextualização no âmbito da formação da cultura nacional. Neste sentido, há muito ainda a ser feito para o debate da intolerância religiosa, bem como, do racismo brasileiro.More than fifteen years ago, mandatory teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture was approved in 2003 (Law No. 10,639) in the curriculum of all subjects that make up Basic Education. Which meant the recognition of the absence of black people as a producer of knowledge and bearer of a history. Thus, we restrict ourselves to the way in which African history and culture is inserted in the teaching of Sociology, and for that, we focus on the way in which African-based religions are being approached by the Sociology textbooks approved by PNLD 2018. It was possible to identify that when addressing religions of African hue, the debate is restricted to candomblé and umbanda, which are observed in the context of the diversity of religions existing in Brazil and their contextualization in the context of the formation of national culture. In this sense, much remains to be done to debate religious intolerance, as well as Brazilian racism

    Médicos para o interior, endemias rurais e desenvolvimento: o projeto da Faculdade de Medicina de Goiás em foco

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    The School of Medicine from Goiás State was founded in 1960. It represented the apex of the medicine institutionalization in this state. Its constitution is based on an intellectual network that involved doctors of the hinterland and renowned scientists interested in tropical diseases and in a favorable context in which rural endemic diseases was under discussion. The campaign against these diseases, which were considered obstacles to development of the region, became extremely important reaching a national scale in the mid-twentieth century, revealing the medical group from Goiás State who was specialized in these diseases. In order to prepare physicians to work in the hinterland, the School of Medicine only became a reality after the political relationship between Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitschek and the Goiás’ former governor José Ludovico de Almeida became close. Based on articles published by Goiás Medical Journal, the minutes of meetings of local medical society and oral testimonies, this article emphasizes the doctors interest in studying local diseases which resulted in the founding of the School of Medicine. Also, it highlights the position taken by Francisco Ludovico de Almeida Neto in conducting this process and the consolidation of a tradition of tropical disease researches, conducted by the Hospital das Clínicas and the Tropical Institute of Pathology – Units of Goiás School of Medicine that would later become nationwide references.Keywords: medicine in Goiás State, rural endemic diseases, development.Em 1960 surgia, no interior do Brasil, a Faculdade de Medicina de Goiás. Representando o ápice da institucionalização da medicina goiana, sua constituição se beneficiou tanto de uma rede intelectual que envolveu numa mesma trama médicos do interior e cientistas renomados interessados nas doenças tropicais, quanto de um contexto favorável, no qual o ataque às endemias rurais estava em pauta. Consideradas óbices ao desenvolvimento, o combate a estas doenças assumiu importância e dimensão nacionais em meados do século XX, dando projeção ao grupo médico goiano que nelas se especializavam. Com o objetivo de formar médicos para o interior, a faculdade só saiu do papel devido ao estreitamento das relações políticas entre o presidente Juscelino Kubitschek e o então ex-governador José Ludovico de Almeida. Assim, com base nos artigos da Revista Goiana de Medicina, nas atas das reuniões da sociedade médica local e em depoimentos orais, enfatizo neste artigo o peso do interesse dos médicos goianos pelas doenças regionais no processo que levou à fundação da faculdade, a posição de destaque assumida por Francisco Ludovico de Almeida Neto na condução deste processo e a consolidação de uma tradição de pesquisas voltadas para as doenças tropicais, conduzidas no âmbito do Hospital das Clínicas e do Instituto de Patologia Tropical – unidades da Faculdade goiana de Medicina que se tornariam referências em âmbito nacional.Palavras-chave: medicina goiana, endemias rurais, desenvolvimento

    Médicos para o interior, endemias rurais e desenvolvimento: o projeto da Faculdade de Medicina de Goiás em foco

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    The School of Medicine from Goiás State was founded in 1960. It represented the apex of the medicine institutionalization in this state. Its constitution is based on an intellectual network that involved doctors of the hinterland and renowned scientists interested in tropical diseases and in a favorable context in which rural endemic diseases was under discussion. The campaign against these diseases, which were considered obstacles to development of the region, became extremely important reaching a national scale in the mid-twentieth century, revealing the medical group from Goiás State who was specialized in these diseases. In order to prepare physicians to work in the hinterland, the School of Medicine only became a reality after the political relationship between Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitschek and the Goiás’ former governor José Ludovico de Almeida became close. Based on articles published by Goiás Medical Journal, the minutes of meetings of local medical society and oral testimonies, this article emphasizes the doctors interest in studying local diseases which resulted in the founding of the School of Medicine. Also, it highlights the position taken by Francisco Ludovico de Almeida Neto in conducting this process and the consolidation of a tradition of tropical disease researches, conducted by the Hospital das Clínicas and the Tropical Institute of Pathology – Units of Goiás School of Medicine that would later become nationwide references.Keywords: medicine in Goiás State, rural endemic diseases, development.Em 1960 surgia, no interior do Brasil, a Faculdade de Medicina de Goiás. Representando o ápice da institucionalização da medicina goiana, sua constituição se beneficiou tanto de uma rede intelectual que envolveu numa mesma trama médicos do interior e cientistas renomados interessados nas doenças tropicais, quanto de um contexto favorável, no qual o ataque às endemias rurais estava em pauta. Consideradas óbices ao desenvolvimento, o combate a estas doenças assumiu importância e dimensão nacionais em meados do século XX, dando projeção ao grupo médico goiano que nelas se especializavam. Com o objetivo de formar médicos para o interior, a faculdade só saiu do papel devido ao estreitamento das relações políticas entre o presidente Juscelino Kubitschek e o então ex-governador José Ludovico de Almeida. Assim, com base nos artigos da Revista Goiana de Medicina, nas atas das reuniões da sociedade médica local e em depoimentos orais, enfatizo neste artigo o peso do interesse dos médicos goianos pelas doenças regionais no processo que levou à fundação da faculdade, a posição de destaque assumida por Francisco Ludovico de Almeida Neto na condução deste processo e a consolidação de uma tradição de pesquisas voltadas para as doenças tropicais, conduzidas no âmbito do Hospital das Clínicas e do Instituto de Patologia Tropical – unidades da Faculdade goiana de Medicina que se tornariam referências em âmbito nacional.Palavras-chave: medicina goiana, endemias rurais, desenvolvimento

    Consideração do uso e ocupação na avaliação dos processos erosivos de uma voçoroca

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    There are several factors that directly or indirectly influence erosion processes. In order to properly understand the behavior of these processes, some factors need to be analyzed together. Determining them wrongly can compromise the study resulting in wrong actions. For this reason, methodologies are always sought to measure them quantitatively and qualitatively in the most accurate possible way. Land use is one of the main factors liable to inaccuracies in its determination. To use this parameter in mapping erosive processes, researchers need to delimit it, classify it, and measure it. In order to better understand the complexity of considering this parameter, the present study analyzed an erosive feature that, although stabilized, has a component in constant development. Initially, a visual analysis indicated the same classification of land use for both conditions, despite having different behaviors, leading to the need for a detailed analysis. Such analysis comprised a historical survey through aerial photos and interviews with residents and employees of the city hall about the evolution of the feature from 2008 to 2019. It also included the analysis of other influencing factors that could be responsible for this difference in behavior in the area. Two different traces of the contribution areas of the gully and branch were also considered. One considering only aerial images, and the other considering the knowledge acquired during the research about the evolution of the feature. It was concluded, then, that an analysis of the use-only occupation factor based on aerial images can accentuate the inaccuracy of the measurement of this factor.Diversos são os fatores que influenciam direta ou indiretamente nos processos erosivos. A fim de entender de maneira adequada o comportamento dos processos, tais fatores necessitam de uma análise em conjunto. Determiná-los de maneira errônea pode comprometer o estudo, levando à ações equivocadas. Por isso busca-se sempre metodologias para mensurá-los quantitativamente e qualitativamente da maneira mais precisa possível. O uso e ocupação é um dos principais fatores passíveis de imprecisões na sua determinação. Para utilizar esse parâmetro em mapeamento de processos erosivos, os pesquisadores precisam delimitá-lo, classificá-lo e mensurá-lo. A fim de entender melhor a complexidade de consideração desse parâmetro, o presente estudo analisou uma feição erosiva que, apesar de estabilizada, possui um braço em constante desenvolvimento. Inicialmente, uma análise visual indicou a mesma classificação do uso e ocupação para ambas as condições, apesar de apresentarem comportamentos diferentes, levando a necessidade de uma análise detalhada. Tal análise compreendeu um levantamento histórico, através de fotos aéreas e de entrevistas com moradores e funcionários da Prefeitura Municipal, sobre a evolução da feição entre os anos de 2008 a 2019. Compreendeu, também, a análise de outros fatores influenciadores que poderiam ser responsáveis por essa diferença de comportamento na área. Foram considerados, ainda, dois diferentes traçados das áreas de contribuição da boçoroca e do braço, um considerando apenas imagens aéreas, e outro considerando os conhecimentos adquiridos durante a pesquisa, sobre a evolução da feição. Concluiu-se, então, que uma análise do fator uso e ocupação apenas visual baseadas em imagens aéreas pode acentuar a imprecisão da mensuração desse fator

    O BOLSA : histórias de vidas do Programa Bolsa Família

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Jornalismo, 2014.Este projeto trata de uma grande reportagem produzida para meio impresso sobre pessoas que recebem o Programa Bolsa Família. O objetivo é retratar as histórias dessas pessoas, pouco conhecidas pelo público e raramente retratadas pela grande mídia, mesmo depois de 11 anos de implantação do Programa. O trabalho pretende ainda ressaltar a importância de reportagens humanas em um meio onde a rotina de produção prioriza apenas escutar dois lados, normalmente fontes burocráticas que oferecem visões técnicas, engessadas e, normalmente, arraigadas de preconceitos


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    Esta pesquisa procura investigar as relações entre o comportamento feminino de jovens mulheres pertencentes às classes populares e o processo de disciplinarização social formulado pelas autoridades jurídicas. Queremos compreender como tais fatores influenciavam as práticas cotidianas que as jovens estabeleciam na sociedade, em especial no namoro e casamento. Nossas fontes primárias para esta pesquisa são os autos criminais de sedução da cidade de Londrina, entre os anos de 1960 e 1970, e a coluna Feminilidades do jornal Folha de Londrina, escrita por Tia Jurema


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    Esta pesquisa procura investigar as relações entre o comportamento feminino de jovens mulheres pertencentes às classes populares e o processo de disciplinarização social formulado pelas autoridades jurídicas. Queremos compreender como tais fatores influenciavam as práticas cotidianas que as jovens estabeleciam na sociedade, em especial no namoro e casamento. Nossas fontes primárias para esta pesquisa são os autos criminais de sedução da cidade de Londrina, entre os anos de 1960 e 1970, e a coluna Feminilidades do jornal Folha de Londrina, escrita por Tia Jurema

    Introduction: Contemporary World and Adult Learning and Education

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    The book Navigating through Contemporary World with Adult Education Research and Practice is an assembly of different topics, reflections, novel theoretical analyses and examples of good practices, hopes and worries of a number of researchers and adult educators from various countries and continents. It represents the combined effort to respond and navigate through accelerating growth of research and practice areas of adult education reflecting different contexts, opportunities and challenges present in our contemporary realities. The diversity of theoretical as well as practice related approaches and perspectives encompassed in the chapters of the book emphasize the long way contemporary adult learning and education has come. From the negation and resistance to its establishment as a separate academic discipline, through those understandings that categorized it merely as a method of teaching for adults, to current growing plurality of paradigms and concepts exploring learning in almost every aspect of adult life — today we are contemplating and implementing not only what adult learning is and should be, but also what it could become for individuals, groups and larger communities in the long run. While some of the adult education research and practices nowadays are more inclined to the ideas of neoliberalism, other point to a welfare state as a framework for the adult education model that has a more holistic and human-centered approach. However, it is not the case of “either-or”. There is a substantial body of work representing growing responses to the current situation marked by the rise of neoliberal thinking and weakening of the welfare state, and it is situated between those traditions. Such research and practices of adult education and learning promote novel and creative ways of approaching adult education and learning based on self-organizing, community learning and collaboration. They are clearly overcoming the impression that there is nothing there between social justice and While some of the adult education research and practices nowadays are more inclined to the ideas of neoliberalism, other point to a welfare state as a framework for the adult education model that has a more holistic and human-centered approach. However, it is not the case of “either-or”. There is a substantial body of work representing growing responses to the current situation marked by the rise of neoliberal thinking and weakening of the welfare state, and it is situated between those traditions. Such research and practices of adult education and learning promote novel and creative ways of approaching adult education and learning based on self-organizing, community learning and collaboration. They are clearly overcoming the impression that there is nothing there between social justice and While some of the adult education research and practices nowadays are more inclined to the ideas of neoliberalism, other point to a welfare state as a framework for the adult education model that has a more holistic and human-centered approach. However, it is not the case of “either-or”. There is a substantial body of work representing growing responses to the current situation marked by the rise of neoliberal thinking and weakening of the welfare state, and it is situated between those traditions. Such research and practices of adult education and learning promote novel and creative ways of approaching adult education and learning based on self-organizing, community learning and collaboration. They are clearly overcoming the impression that there is nothing there between social justice andWhile some of the adult education research and practices nowadays are more inclined to the ideas of neoliberalism, other point to a welfare state as a framework for the adult education model that has a more holistic and human-centered approach. However, it is not the case of “either-or”. There is a substantial body of work representing growing responses to the current situation marked by the rise of neoliberal thinking and weakening of the welfare state, and it is situated between those traditions. Such research and practices of adult education and learning promote novel and creative ways of approaching adult education and learning based on self-organizing, community learning and collaboration. They are clearly overcoming the impression that there is nothing there between social justice and privatization of adult education and, therefore, opening and exploring new possibilities to create, organize and research education and learning of adults