101 research outputs found

    Intelligence in formal machines

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    [ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es encontrar una forma de definir y medir la inteligencia en los sistemas formales computacionales. Para hacer esto yo hice varios tipos de consideraciones: en primer lugar, el concepto de ¿ ser inteligente ¿ asume nociones claras y se mide de manera aceptable sólo en el ser humano; segundo, hay una creciendo y salvaje uso del concepto ¿ ser inteligente¿ para el comportamiento de otros seres biológicos; tercero, hoy en día la palabra ¿inteligencia¿ a menudo se utiliza para clasificar el comportamiento de los seres no biológicos tales como, máquinas, ambientes, etc. Todas ellas entidades que pueden ser representadas como sistemas computacionales; cuarto, los sistemas computacionales son sistemas formales computacionales y en consecuencia pueden ser descritos con formalismo matemático; quinto, hay una gran cantidad de sistemas formales computacionales conocidos y hay teorías matemáticas para trabajar con ellos y establecer relaciones entre ellos; sexto, el problema de definir y medir la inteligencia en máquinas formales es un problema en el contexto de estas teorías, de la inteligencia artificial, de la teoría de la computación, de la teoría de la complejidad y de la teoría de las categorías; y séptimo y por último, en el ser humano hay una medida, un cociente, llamado cociente de inteligencia para medir la inteligencia, en ingles IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Reuní todas estas consideraciones y he creado un nuevo formalismo, un nuevo sistema computacional, que llamé Máquinas Formales (FMs). Lo que se pretendía es que todos los sistemas formales computacionales se puedan reescribir en el nuevo formalismo y que en ese proceso no pierden su estructura matemática. Por lo tanto y para satisfacer ese requisito fue necesario estudiar en profundidad una gran cantidad de sistemas formales y recurrir a la teoría de las categorías. Definido el nuevo formalismo yo he seleccionado los comportamientos en los seres humanos que se consideran comportamientos inteligentes y los he utilizado para hacer analogías con Máquinas formales y partiendo de ellos he definido y medido los mismos conceptos en Máquinas Formales y en consecuencia en los sistemas formales computacionales. Estas analogías han servido para definir y medir la ¿inteligencia¿ en el nuevo formalismo. Así he creado un cociente para medir inteligencia en máquinas, el Cociente de Inteligencia de la Máquina, MIQ (en inglés Machine Intelligence Quotient). El MIQ es una analogía al coeficiente de inteligencia en los seres humanos, en inglés IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Para transformar los sistemas formales computacionales para el nuevo formalismo he creado la noción de drive. Yo he diseñado algoritmos que permiten transformar cada sistema computacional formal para el nuevo formalismo. Yo he proyectado algoritmos para Máquinas de Turing, Automata de Pila, Autómatas finitos, Redes Neuronales etc. La implementación de estés algoritmos llamo drive. Yo he implementado drives para Máquinas de Turing, Autómata Finitos y (en inglés) Back Propagation Neural Networks. Yo también he construido un software para simular sistemas computacionales formales. Este software es llamado, en inglés, Generator of Universes and Simulator of Formal Machines (GU SFM). En el momento, en lo software, sólo es posible simular el comportamiento de las máquinas de Turing, Push-down Autómatas y Autómatas finitos. Para utilizar el nuevo formalismo en computación escribí tres APIs que serán usadas por los desarrolladores, una para el desarrollo en ordenadores desktop, otra para desarrollo con microcontroladores y otra para desarrollo en la google cloud. He también implementado dos juegos, el juego tres en raya y el cuatro en línea. En cada uno de los juegos uno de los jugadores es una implementación del nuevo formalismo y el otro es un ser humano. En ambas implementaciones ha sido posible verificar que el nuevo formalismo es un buen sistema formal computacional para resolver problemas de ingeniería. También desarrollé una placa electrónica y un sistema de información que es capaz de oler entornos. En este sistema de información se puede encontrar una implementación del nuevo formalismo en el google cloud. Para validar las medidas MIQ hice un estudio estadístico en que he usado 1000 redes neuronales con back propagation y una drive que he proyectado para ellos

    Avaliação do desenvolvimento vegetativo e do comportamento de mudas de café (Coffea arabica) infectadas ou não por uma população fluminense de Meloidogyne exigua

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    Coffee is one of the main commodities of the State of Rio de Janeiro and, among other problems, the damage caused by Meloidoyne exigua Goeldi, 1887, hinders the expansion of coffee in the State. The production of seedlings by hypocotyledonary grafting solves this problem, since it combines the resistance of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehn. to M. exigua to the quality and productivity of C. arabica L. Despite practiced in São Paulo, the hypocotyledonary grafting has not been validated in the conditions present in the State of Rio de Janeiro and neither the resistant genotypes were tested with populations of M. exigua belonging to the State, potentially different because of the genetic variability of this species. In this work was evaluated under greenhouse conditions the development of seedlings of four genotypes of coffee in non-grafted or grafted on ‘IAC Apoatã 2258’, infested or not with M. exigua. ‘IAC Obatã’ in non-grafted and ‘Iapar 59’ grafted had stood out with good vegetative growth. ‘IAC Obatã’, ‘IAC Red Catuaí 144’ and ‘IAC Tupi’ were susceptible to the fluminense population of M. exigua, while ‘IAC Apoatã 2258’ and ‘Iapar 59’ showed resistance, although allowed small reproduction of the nematode.O café é um dos principais produtos agrícolas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Dentre outros problemas, os danos provocados por Meloidogyne exigua Goeldi, 1887 dificultam a expansão da cafeicultura no Estado. A produção de mudas por enxertia hipocotiledonar contorna esse problema, associando a resistência de Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehn. a M. exigua à qualidade e produtividade de C. arabica L. Não obstante, praticada em São Paulo, a enxertia hipocotiledonar não foi ainda validada nas condições fluminenses nem os genótipos ditos resistentes foram testados frente às populações fluminenses de M. exigua, potencialmente distintas devido à variabilidade genética dessa espécie. Neste trabalho avaliou-se em casa-de-vegetação o desenvolvimento de mudas de quatro genótipos de café em pés francos ou enxertadas sobre ‘IAC Apoatã 2258’, infestados ou não por M. exigua. Destacaram-se ‘IAC Obatã’ em pé-franco e ‘Iapar 59’ enxertado, com bom desenvolvimento vegetativo. ‘IAC Obatã’, ‘IAC Catuaí Vermelho 144’ e ‘IAC Tupi’ foram suscetíveis à população fluminense de M. exigua, enquanto ‘IAC Apoatã 2258’ e ‘Iapar 59’ comportaram-se como resistentes, embora permitindo pequena reprodução do nematóide

    Evaluation of self-perception of mechanical ventilation knowledge among Brazilian final-year medical students, residents and emergency physicians

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    OBJECTIVE: To present self-assessments of knowledge about mechanical ventilation made by final-year medical students, residents, and physicians taking qualifying courses at the Brazilian Society of Internal Medicine who work in urgent and emergency settings. METHODS: A 34-item questionnaire comprising different areas of knowledge and training in mechanical ventilation was given to 806 medical students, residents, and participants in qualifying courses at 11 medical schools in Brazil. The questionnaire’s self-assessment items for knowledge were transformed into scores. RESULTS: The average score among all participants was 21% (0-100%). Of the total, 85% respondents felt they did not receive sufficient information about mechanical ventilation during medical training. Additionally, 77% of the group reported that they would not know when to start noninvasive ventilation in a patient, and 81%, 81%, and 89% would not know how to start volume control, pressure control and pressure support ventilation modes, respectively. Furthermore, 86.4% and 94% of the participants believed they would not identify the basic principles of mechanical ventilation in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory distress syndrome, respectively, and would feel insecure beginning ventilation. Finally, 77% said they would fear for the safety of a patient requiring invasive mechanical ventilation under their care. CONCLUSION: Self-assessment of knowledge and self-perception of safety for managing mechanical ventilation were deficient among residents, students and emergency physicians from a sample in Brazil

    Evaluation of self-perception of mechanical ventilation knowledge among Brazilian final-year medical students, residents and emergency physicians

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    OBJECTIVE: To present self-assessments of knowledge about mechanical ventilation made by final-year medical students, residents, and physicians taking qualifying courses at the Brazilian Society of Internal Medicine who work in urgent and emergency settings. METHODS: A 34-item questionnaire comprising different areas of knowledge and training in mechanical ventilation was given to 806 medical students, residents, and participants in qualifying courses at 11 medical schools in Brazil. The questionnaire's self-assessment items for knowledge were transformed into scores. RESULTS: The average score among all participants was 21% (0-100%). Of the total, 85% respondents felt they did not receive sufficient information about mechanical ventilation during medical training. Additionally, 77% of the group reported that they would not know when to start noninvasive ventilation in a patient, and 81%, 81%, and 89% would not know how to start volume control, pressure control and pressure support ventilation modes, respectively. Furthermore, 86.4% and 94% of the participants believed they would not identify the basic principles of mechanical ventilation in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory distress syndrome, respectively, and would feel insecure beginning ventilation. Finally, 77% said they would fear for the safety of a patient requiring invasive mechanical ventilation under their care. CONCLUSION: Self-assessment of knowledge and self-perception of safety for managing mechanical ventilation were deficient among residents, students and emergency physicians from a sample in Brazil.Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Cirurgia, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Paraiba, Dept Cardiol, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, BrazilUniv Evangel Anapolis, Anapolis, Go, BrazilDuke Univ, Med Ctr, Duke Clin Res Inst, Durham, NC USAUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Cirurgia, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Effects of zeranol and A, D and E vitamins on performance of Guzerá and crossbred with European cattle

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    O experimento foi realizado no confinamento da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Campus de Jaboticabal, da UNESP, com o objetivo de estudar o efeito do implante com zeranol e da aplicação das vitaminas A, D e E sobre o desempenho de bovinos da raça Guzerá e mestiços Europeu x Guzerá e os possíveis efeitos sobre o consumo de matéria seca, proteína bruta, energia bruta e conversão alimentar. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 com dois tipos de animais: (Guzerá e mestiços Europeu x Guzerá) e três tratamentos (0, 5,0 ml das vitaminas A, D e E e 36,0 mg de zeranol/animal, com cinco repetições por tratamento. O implante com zeranol melhorou o ganho de peso em 10,9%. A aplicação das vitaminas A, D e E não influenciou (P > 0,05) o ganho de peso. Os animais mestiços consumiram mais alimento por unidade de ganho de peso (P 0.05). The crossbred animals consumed significantly (P < 0.05) more feed per weight gain unit than Guzerá cattle

    Endoprótese traqueal em Y

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    Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulMedicinaDepositad

    Investigating academic performance and perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses among undergraduate students of physical education at a Brazilian public university

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    Purpose To compare the academic performance of undergraduate students in physical education who studied exercise physiology before and after studying human physiology and investigate students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses. Methods This study included 311 undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Participants were divided into two groups: those who had previously attended and completed the human physiology course (group 1, n = 212, 68.2%) and those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course (group 2, n = 99, 31.8%). The prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated using a Poisson regression model with a robust variance estimator. The second aim comprised 67 students with bachelor’s degrees in physical education who completed an electronic questionnaire about their perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology curriculum. Results Compared with those who attended human physiology and passed, those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course have a higher PR of 2.37 (95% CI, 1.68–3.34) for failing exercise physiology. Regarding the students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses, most students reported that they were challenging (58.2% and 64.2%, respectively), but they also recognized the importance of these courses for professional practice (59.7% and 85.1%, respectively). Conclusion Human physiology should be considered a prerequisite for an undergraduate course leading to a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Furthermore, students considered human physiology and exercise physiology courses important yet challenging. Therefore, continuous student assessment is vital for improving the teaching–learning process
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