1,581 research outputs found

    O estado da arte da pesquisa em Psicologia do Esporte no Brasil

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    Este estudo objetiva investigar o estado da arte da publicação de artigos em Psicologia do Esporte no Brasil nas bases de dados Scielo e Scopus entre os anos de 2002 e 2012. A análise considerou o campo profissional no país, a pós-graduação, os congressos e periódicos nacionais da área da Psicologia e Educação Física. Como parâmetros, foram utilizadas questões relacionadas às instituições de ensino superior (IES), ao método e ao conteúdo. A pesquisa apontou a existência de 377 artigos produzidos por docentes e discentes de programas de pós-graduação em Educação Física e Psicologia. Notou-se um aumento expressivo de publicações entre os anos de 2009-2012, no entanto, a produção do conhecimento concentra-se ainda nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Ademais, verificou-se que 86,97% dos trabalhos são oriundos de IES públicas e de periódicos da Educação Física. Quanto às temáticas, observou-se a prevalência dos seguintes tópicos: "motivação", "aspectos emocionais intervenientes no esporte e na prática profissional", "imagem corporal" e "liderança esportiva", predominando a abordagem quantitativa de análise dos dados. Considerando o objetivo desta pesquisa, verificou-se um aumento da produção intelectual nos últimos anos, entretanto, pode-se afirmar que, na condição de ciência e profissão, a Psicologia do Esporte ainda é emergente, sendo necessário aprofundar a reflexão sobre a área. Assim, entende-se que os profissionais devem ser estimulados a desenvolver parcerias para a produção de artigos considerando a exigência da formação profissional para a área.This study investigates the state of the art of articles on sport psychology published in Brazil in the Scopus and Scielo databases between the years 2002 and 2012. Our analysis took into account this professional field in Brazil, postgraduate courses, and conferences and national journals in the field of psychology and physical education. As parameters, factors related to higher education institutions, methods and content matter were used. Our research confirmed the existence of 377 articles produced by teaching staff and students from postgraduate programmes in physical education and psychology. A significant increase in publications between the years 2009 and 2012 was noted, although this knowledge output was still concentrated in the south and southeast of Brazil. Moreover, it was found that 86.97% of the studies are from journals associated with public university-level departments of physical education. As for topics, there was a prevalence of the following: "motivation", "emotional aspects involved in sports and in professional practice", "body image" and "sport leadership", with a predominant quantitative approach to data analysis. When the purpose of this research study was addressed, an increase in intellectual output in recent years was confirmed, although it should be said that as a science and profession, sport psychology is still in the emerging stage and this field must be explored in greater depth. Thus, it is understood that professionals should be encouraged to develop partnerships for the production of articles, taking into account vocational training needs in this area

    Perfeccionismo y nivel de cohesión de grupo de deportistas adultos de fútbol sala

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    This study investigated the perfectionism and level of cohesion of indoor soccer teams. The subjects were made of 58 players from a Brazilian professional league. The Group Environment Questionnaire and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale were used for assessment purposes. The data was analysed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Cronbach's alpha, Spearman correlation and Mann-Whitney test (p < .05). The results showed that the players had moderate levels of cohesion and achieved high scores for perfectionism in patterns of personal achievement and organization. A difference was identified in Integration in the Group Task (p = .005) and Individual Attraction toward the Group Task (p = .049) in terms of adaptive perfectionism, while no difference was detected in group cohesion when it came to maladaptive perfectionism. The results showed that organization (r= .41) and adaptive perfectionism (r = .39) may influence team cohesion in the fulfilment of tasks. As a result, perfectionism's dimensions proved to be decisive factors in the cohesion of the teams that comprised the sample.El presente trabajo investigó las dimensiones del perfeccionismo y el nivel de cohesión de equipos de fútbol sala. La muestra consta de 58 deportistas adultos de una liga profesional brasileña. Entre los instrumentos utilizados se incluyen el Cuestionario de Entorno de Grupo y la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo. El análisis de los datos se realizó a partir de los test Kolmogorov-Smirnov, alfa de Cronbach, la correlación de Spearman y Mann-Whitney (p < .05). De los resultados se desprende que los deportistas presentaron un nivel moderado de cohesión y se mostraran altamente perfeccionistas en cuanto a las dimensiones "Estándares personales" y "Organización", en las que se manifestaron las mayores puntuaciones. Se verificó una diferencia en las dimensiones "Integración del grupo hacia la tarea" (p = .005) y "Atracción individual hacia el grupo en la tarea" (p = .049) con relación a la tendencia al perfeccionismo adaptativo; no se detectó diferencia en la cohesión de grupo vinculada a la tendencia al perfeccionismo desadaptativo. El estudio demuestra que las dimensiones "Organización" (r = .41) y "Perfeccionismo adaptativo" (r = .39) pueden ser elementos que influyen en el desarrollo de la cohesión de los equipos hacia la tarea. Por lo tanto, las dimensiones del perfeccionismo demostraron ser factores determinantes de la cohesión de los equipos deportivos que formaron parte de la muestra

    Determination of total mercury in water, sediments and solids in suspension in aquatic systems by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry

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    The use of metallic mercury in the extraction and concentration of gold causes the discarding of tons of this metal in the environment, leading to a considerable increase in the natural levels of the same and the contamination of the surrounding areas. Thus it is extremely important to monitor the presence of this metal in various sectors of the environment with a view aiming to previnting human exposure to excessive concentrations which can result in serious episodes of mercury poisoning. It is also important to estimate the possibility of river sediments becoming potential sources of contamination of human beings. The determination of total mercury was undertaken by using cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. River waters, as well as sediments and suspended solids were used as samples for the standardization of the analytical procedure. Later on, this method was tested on samples originating in gold mining areas for the purpose of assessing its validity.O emprego de mercúrio metálico nos processos de extração do ouro libera toneladas de mercúrio ao meio ambiente, provocando um aumento considerável nas concentrações presentes. Com a finalidade de prevenir a exposição humana a concentrações excessivas, o que poderá resultar em graves episódios de intoxicação mercurial, bem como avaliar a possibilidade de sedimentos tornarem-se fontes potenciais de contaminação para os seres vivos, é de fundamental importância a monitorização do mercúrio em diversos compartimentos ambientais. Efetuou-se a padronização de uma metodologia analítica para determinação de mercúrio total em amostras de água, sólidos em suspensão e sedimentos de corpos aquáticos para monitorização ambiental do xenobiótico. Posteriormente, foram analisadas amostras oriundas de regiões garimpeiras, com vistas a avaliar o desempenho do método em amostras reais e efetuar levantamento preliminar sobre a contaminação mercurial na área de estudo

    A new species of Scinax Wagler, 1830 (Anura: Hylidae) from the middle Amazon river basin, Brazil

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    A new species of the hylid genus Scinax is described and illustrated. The new taxon was found in the Amazonian rainforest of northern Brazil, municipalities of Maués and Careiro da Várzea, state of Amazonas. The new species is characterized by its moderate size (male mean snout-vent length 36.3mm); body robust; large, orange, black-bordered axillary and inguinal spots; and bilobate vocal sac. This new species was found in primary and secondary forest on branches of shrubs or trees in, or next to, permanent ponds and flooded areas.Uma nova espécie de hilídeo do gênero Scinax é descrita e ilustrada. O novo táxon foi encontrado na Amazonia, região norte do Brasil, municípios de Maués e Careiro da Várzea, Estado do Amazonas. A nova espécie é caracterizada pelo tamanho moderado (machas com media de comprimento rostro-cloacal de 36.3mm); corpo robusto; mancha axiliar e inguinal grande, laranja bordeada de preto; e saco vocal bilobado. Essa nova espécie foi encontrada em floresta primária e secondária sobre ramos de arbustos e árvores sobre ou próximo a poças permanentes ou áreas alagadas

    Lipids Levels in Patients with Uncomplicated Malaria Due to Plasmodium falciparum

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    Changes in lipid profile are common in adult patients with malaria, but only a few studies have evaluated such lipid abnormalities in uncomplicated falciparum malaria cases from the South America. This is a prospective study designed to evaluate transient lipid abnormalities in adults with uncomplicated falciparum malaria as well as to assess if the parasite count correlates with the lipid levels at admission. A total of 60 adult males were included in the study, of which 30 had the slide-confirmed infection by P. falciparum. Serial blood samples were collected at admission and on days 3, 14 and 43. Triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c) were measured by colorimetric methods. At admission, the levels of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL were significantly lower in malaria cases compared to healthy controls, but the levels of triglycerides were significantly higher in these patients. There are significant changes in lipid levels in the follow up. The lipid levels were not associated with the parasite count. In conclusion, there are significant lipid abnormalities in the adults with low levels of P. falciparum infection and mild signs and symptoms of the disease, which are not associated with parasitemia at admission


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    Estimates of adherence to treatment of vivax malari

    Thalidomide used by patients with erythema nodosum leprosum

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    Thalidomide is a drug currently used in Brazil for treating erythema nodosum leprosum. Methods: This was a prospective study to follow up clinical evolution, record adverse events and determine plasma thalidomide levels from a dose of 100 mg/day, among 20 patients with clinical manifestations of erythema nodosum leprosum, divided into two groups: during or after leprosy multidrug therapy. Results: No significant differences between the groups were seen during the study, either in relation to favorable clinical evolution among the patients (70% and 90%), or in relation to the adverse events recorded, which were dizziness and somnolence. The plasma thalidomide levels on D7 and D14 were 0.82 ± 0.4µg/ml and 0.79 ± 0.3 µg/ml in group 1 and 0.82 ± 0.4 and 1.55 ± 1.0 in group 2, respectively. Conclusions: In this sample, the multidrug therapy had no effect on the clinical evolution, incidence of adverse events and plasma thalidomide levels.A talidomida é um fármaco utilizado atualmente no tratamento do eritema nodoso hansênico no Brasil. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo para acompanhar a evolução clínica, registrar os eventos adversos e determinar as concentrações plasmáticas de talidomida em dose diária de 100mg/dia, em 20 pacientes com manifestações clínicas de eritema nodoso hansênico, divididos em dois grupos: após ou em curso da poliquimioterapia para hanseníase. Resultados: Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos grupos no decorrer do estudo, tanto na evolução clínica favorável dos pacientes, de 70% e 90%, quanto nos eventos adversos registrados que foram tontura e sonolência. Os teores plasmáticos de talidomida em D7 e D14 foram de 0,82±0,4µg/mL e 0,79±0,3µg/mL no grupo 1 e de 0,82±0,4 e 1,55±1,0 no grupo 2, respectivamente. Conclusões: Na amostra estudada, a poliquimioterapia não interferiu na evolução clínica, na incidência dos efeitos adversos e nos níveis plasmáticos de talidomida

    Influence of sex on the exposure to isoniazid in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Isoniazid is a key component of tuberculosis treatment. Adequate exposure is a determinant for therapeutic success; however, considerable inter- and intraindividual variations in drug plasma levels can lead to unfavorable outcomes. While some predictors of isoniazid levels are well-known, others, such as sex, yield controversial results, requiring further investigation to optimize exposure. This study investigates whether the sex of patients influences the dose administered and the concentrations of isoniazid in plasma. Levels of isoniazid were associated with the N-acetyltransferase 2 phenotypes. A total of 76 male and 58 female patients were included. Isoniazid was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography, and N-acetyltransferase 2 phenotypes were assessed using molecular techniques. The results show that the dose administered, expressed in mg/kg, was higher in females, but the plasma levels were similar between both sexes. Among patients, 46.2%, 38.8%, and 15% were slow, intermediate, and fast acetylators, respectively. As expected, isoniazid levels were associated with the acetylation phenotypes, with higher concentrations in the slow acetylators. Thus, sex-related difference in isoniazid levels is due to the body weight of patients, and the optimized dose regimen based on patient weight and acetylator phenotypes can improve the treatment outcomes

    Methemoglobinemia in patients with Plasmodium vivax receiving oral therapy with primaquine

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    Primaquine can produce adverse reactions as toxicity to blood when used in the treatment of vivax malaria. This work aimed to determine methemoglobinemia in patients with vivax malaria receiving oral therapy with primaquine. Methods: Spectrophotometric quantification of methemoglobinemia and qualitative assay for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Results: Methemoglobinemia ranged from 2.85 to 5.45% in male patients and 3.77 to 7.34% in female patients. Conclusions: A statistically significant increase in methemoglobinemia was observed following oral therapy with primaquine, with no clinical manifestations, and independent of sex and the qualitative expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.A primaquina pode acarretar sérios eventos adversos, com destaque para a toxicidade ao sangue. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar a metemoglobinemia de 20 pacientes com malária por Plasmodium vivax tratados com primaquina, comparando-os segundo o sexo e a expressão da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase. Métodos: Quantificação da metemoglobina por espectrofotometria visível e avaliação qualitativa da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase. Resultados: A metemoglobinemia variou de 2,85 a 5,45% nos pacientes do sexo masculino e de 3,77 a 7,34% no feminino. Conclusões: A instituição da terapia aumentou de maneira significativa os teores de metemoglobina, sem manifestação clínica evidente e independente do sexo e da atividade enzimática