3,107 research outputs found

    Spanish Entomology: Past and Present

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    Excerpt: The history of pure entomology in Spain begins during the Eighteenth Century and continues until today with emphasis upon systematics. The reasons for this are several, but chief among them must be mentioned the extraordinary richness and diversity of the Iberian entomological fauna. This peninsula was a landbridge that in earlier geological times linked Europe and Africa. It is highly zoned and stratified, and supports a variety of faunal elements including European, Mediterranean, African, Atlantic and indigenous. This rich fauna, together with a paucity of skilled entomologists, has resulted in insufficient study of Iberian insects. Except for the Orthoptera, and possibly one or two other groups, our insect fauna is still in the alpha taxonomic status, with the consequence that it is generally not feasible to carry out the comparative anatomical, ecological, physiological, or behavioral studies that can be accomplished in countries with either a better-known fauna or with a poorer one

    Definition of the Subfamily Hedobiinae Based on Larval Characteristics (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)

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    Recently, Espanol (1968, 1970) redefined the subfamily Hedobiinae and, using the anatomy of adults, presented a key to separate the eight genera which form it. He also introduced some notable modifications, among them the inclusion of Ptilineurus and Clada in the subfamily and the elevation of Ptinomorphus Mulsant and Rey to generic rank. The latter genus includes, among others, the species P. imperialis Linnaeus and regalis Duftschmid, from Europe and P. granosus LeConte and angularus Fall from the United States of America

    Current Classification of the Families of Coleoptera

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    (excerpt) Several works on the order Coleoptera have appeared in recent years, some of them creating new superfamilies, others modifying the constitution of these or creating new families, finally others are genera1 revisions of the order. The authors believe that the current classification of this order, incorporating these changes would prove useful. The following outline is based mainly on Crowson (1960, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1973) and Crowson and Viedma (1964). For characters used on classification see Viedma (1972) and for family synonyms Abdullah (1969). Major features of this conspectus are the rejection of the two sections of Adephaga (Geadephaga and Hydradephaga), based on Bell (1966) and the new sequence of Heteromera, based mainly on Crowson (1966), with adaptations

    Notes on Insect Injection, Anesthetization, and Bleeding.

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    (excerpt) In recent years there has been a burgeoning interest in insect cytogenetics, sometimes involving in vivo cultures of haematocytes for chromosomal analysis. Mitotic poisons, such as colchicine (Tyrkus, 1971), are commonly injected to produce metaphase plates. Likewise, injection of toxins is now common-place in applied insect research. However, surprisingly little general information on injection is available in the literature. The dictates of morphology determine the gross procedure to be used. The kind of needle and syringe, the amount of fluid to be administered, and the necessity of optical aids are a function of the size of the insect recipient. Once these decisions are made, other considerations must still be weighed, including comparative exoskeletal toughness and the insect\u27s stage of development, which are important in determining possible areas for needle penetration

    Numerical and experimental study of atrium enclosure fires in a full scale fire test facility. Póster

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    For the present work, a 3-D numerical model has been implemented to simulate the thermal and fluid fields induced by an enclosure fire in an atrium and for smoke exhaust system assessment. This study is focused on the ‘Fire Atrium’, a new full-scale fire test facility of the Technological Metal Centre in Murcia, Spain. It is an aluminium prismatic squared base building of 19.5 m x 19.5 m x 20 m with several vents arranged in its walls and four exhaust fans at the roof

    Sobredeterminación : Notas acerca del concepto althusseriano y sus posibles aproximaciones

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    La ponencia procura presentar los resultados preliminares de una labor de más largo aliento que tiene por objetivo analizar en forma específica y precisa los modos en que Louis Althusser se aproximó al concepto sobredeterminación. Se trata de un trabajo que se encuentra en elaboración y que pretende enriquecerse a partir de su puesta en común en las Jornadas que nos convocan. Comenzaremos, pues, con un análisis minucioso, centrado específicamente en las formulaciones de dos textos que resultan nodales para la comprensión del concepto, a saber: “Contradicción y sobredeterminación” y “Sobre la dialéctica materialista”. Señalaremos similitudes y distancias respecto de la noción tal como fue concebida por Freud en “La interpretación de los sueños”. Por último, nos interesa poner a dialogar nuestro trabajo con la apropiación del concepto que presenta Ernesto Laclau en “Hegemonía y estrategia socialista”, pues distinguimos, en esta primera aproximación a nuestro problema, que se producen allí implicancias epistemológicas que nos resultaron ineludibles.Mesa 3: El esquivo objeto de la ideología.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació