303 research outputs found

    Guerrilleros de papel: mil y más papeles en torno a la Guerra de la Independencia

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    A través de una colección de pliegos y folletos patrióticos antinapoleónicos, editados mayoritariamente en Madrid en los meses de agosto, septiembre y octubre de 1808, reunidos e inventariados por Manuel Sáiz Gómez del C[ampo] para Fernando VII, este trabajo estudia el uso del propagandismo político y las tensiones del cambio de mentalidad en este período. Los papeles propagandísticos reflejan tanto la urgencia por encontrar salidas que remedien el desmoronado aparato administrativo e institucional, como la imperiosa necesidad de ensanchar con lo escrito —a mano o impreso— una línea de combate. La amalgama social que protagoniza estos primeros momentos de la España contemporánea intenta encontrar su espacio dentro del colapso político tratando de reciclarse en la nueva sociedad. Enmarcados en este abigarrado espectro nobleza, clase media, siervos, clero y militares— se encuentran los autores de los pliegos y panfletos que servirán de munición en esta «guerrilla de papel».This study investigates the use of political propaganda against Napoleon in Spain in 1808 as well as the tensions implicated in the change of ideology during this period. The study is based on a collection of patriotic leaflets and pamphlets against Napoleon that were edited mainly in Madrid between August and October 1808. Manuel Sainz Gomez gathered this material for Ferdinand VII. The propaganda material reflects the urge to find solutions to improve the decaying administrative and institutional systems as well as the need to broaden the battlefield with written words whether handwritten or printed. The social mix, that plays such a key role during the initial stages of contemporary Spain, tries to find its own scope within the political collapse and attempts its recycling into the new society. Framed in this variegated spectrum aristocrats, middle class, civil servants, clergy and soldiers—, find themselves the authors of leaflets and pamphlets that will be used as ammunition in this «paper guerrilla»

    The bHLH transcription factors TSAR1 and TSAR2 regulate triterpene saponin biosynthesis in Medicago truncatula

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    Plants respond to stresses by producing a broad spectrum of bioactive specialized metabolites. Hormonal elicitors, such as jasmonates, trigger a complex signaling circuit leading to the concerted activation of specific metabolic pathways. However, for many specialized metabolic pathways, the transcription factors involved remain unknown. Here, we report on two homologous jasmonate-inducible transcription factors of the basic helix-loop-helix family, TRITERPENE SAPONIN BIOSYNTHESIS ACTIVATING REGULATOR1 (TSAR1) and TSAR2, which direct triterpene saponin biosynthesis in Medicago truncatula. TSAR1 and TSAR2 are coregulated with and transactivate the genes encoding 3-HYDROXY-3-METHYLGLUTARYL-COENZYME A REDUCTASE1 (HMGR1) and MAKIBISHI1, the rate-limiting enzyme for triterpene biosynthesis and an E3 ubiquitin ligase that controls HMGR1 levels, respectively. Transactivation is mediated by direct binding of TSARs to the N-box in the promoter of HMGR1. In transient expression assays in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protoplasts, TSAR1 and TSAR2 exhibit different patterns of transactivation of downstream triterpene saponin biosynthetic genes, hinting at distinct functionalities within the regulation of the pathway. Correspondingly, overexpression of TSAR1 or TSAR2 in M. truncatula hairy roots resulted in elevated transcript levels of known triterpene saponin biosynthetic genes and strongly increased the accumulation of triterpene saponins. TSAR2 overexpression specifically boosted hemolytic saponin biosynthesis, whereas TSAR1 overexpression primarily stimulated nonhemolytic soyasaponin biosynthesis. Both TSARs also activated all genes of the precursor mevalonate pathway but did not affect sterol biosynthetic genes, pointing to their specific role as regulators of specialized triterpene metabolism in M. truncatula

    Guerrilleros de papel: mil y más papeles en torno a la Guerra de la Independencia

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    This study investigates the use of political propaganda against Napoleon in Spain in 1808 as well as the tensions implicated in the change of ideology during this period. The study is based on a collection of patriotic leaflets and pamphlets against Napoleon that were edited mainly in Madrid between August and October 1808. Manuel Sainz Gomez gathered this material for Ferdinand VII. The propaganda material reflects the urge to find solutions to improve the decaying administrative and institutional systems as well as the need to broaden the battlefield with written words whether handwritten or printed. The social mix, that plays such a key role during the initial stages of contemporary Spain, tries to find its own scope within the political collapse and attempts its recycling into the new society. Framed in this variegated spectrum aristocrats, middle class, civil servants, clergy and soldiers—, find themselves the authors of leaflets and pamphlets that will be used as ammunition in this «paper guerrilla»

    Apuntes sobre la Librería de Cámara

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    Apuntes sobre la Librería de Cámara

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    Evaluación biomecánica de la carga final de la tenodesis de bíceps

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    El interés en las diferentes técnicas de tenodesis artroscópica se ha incrementado en los últimos 10 años. Sin embargo, hay muy poca información publicada sobre sus propiedades biomecánicas y clínicas. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar una de las propiedades biomecánicas de dos tipos diferentes de tenodesis artroscópicas de bíceps: PITT vs Sutura con Arpones. Material y métodos: 15 especímenes cadavéricos frescos congelados se aleatorizaron para ambas técnicas. Una vez realizada la cirugía, los húmeros con el tendón fijado al Ligamento Transverso, se montaron en una máquina de prueba de materiales en paralelo para llevar a cabo el protocolo de carga hasta el fallo a una velocidad de 1.25 mm/sec. Se obtuvo la carga final (N) y se consideró la variable principal. Se compararon ambas técnicas mediante el test paramétrico de la t de Student. Resultados: Ambos tipos de reparaciones mostraron cargas finales adecuadas: 175,46±40,4 N la sutura con arpones y 142,79±30,9 N la técnica PITT (p>0.05). Conclusión: La Sutura con Doble Arpón y PITT demostraron una resistencia satisfactoria inicial sin diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos. Ambas técnicas son útiles a la hora de abordar la patología del bíceps, aunque la técnica PITT es más rápida, económica y accesible

    Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling.

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    Plant growth is strongly influenced by the presence of neighbors that compete for light resources. In response to vegetational shading shade-intolerant plants such as Arabidopsis display a suite of developmental responses known as the shade-avoidance syndrome (SAS). The phytochrome B (phyB) photoreceptor is the major light sensor to mediate this adaptive response. Control of the SAS occurs in part with phyB, which controls protein abundance of phytochrome-interacting factors 4 and 5 (PIF4 and PIF5) directly. The shade-avoidance response also requires rapid biosynthesis of auxin and its transport to promote elongation growth. The identification of genome-wide PIF5-binding sites during shade avoidance revealed that this bHLH transcription factor regulates the expression of a subset of previously identified SAS genes. Moreover our study suggests that PIF4 and PIF5 regulate elongation growth by controlling directly the expression of genes that code for auxin biosynthesis and auxin signaling components

    A new paradigm in respiratory hygiene: modulating respiratory secretions to contain cough bioaerosol without affecting mucus clearance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several strategies and devices have been designed to protect health care providers from acquiring transmissible respiratory diseases while providing care. In modulating the physical characteristics of the respiratory secretions to minimize the aerosolization that facilitates transmission of airborne diseases, a fundamental premise is that the prototype drugs have no adverse effect on the first line of respiratory defense, clearance of mucus by ciliary action.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess and demonstrate the primary mechanism of our mucomodulators (XLs), we have built our evidence moving from basic laboratory studies to an <it>ex-vivo </it>model and then to an <it>in-vivo </it>large animal model. We exposed anesthetized dogs without hypersecretion to different dose concentrations of aerosolized XL "B", XL "D" and XL "S". We assessed: cardio-respiratory pattern, tracheal mucus clearance, airway patency, and mucus viscoelastic changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exposure of frog palate mucus to XLs did not affect the clearance of mucus by ciliary action. Dogs maintained normal cardio-respiratory pattern with XL administration. Tracheal mucociliary clearance in anesthetized dogs indicated a sustained 40% mean increase. Tracheal mucus showed increased filance, and there was no mucus retention in the airways.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>ex-vivo </it>frog palate and the <it>in-vivo </it>mammalian models used in this study, appear to be appropriate and complement each other to better assess the effects that our mucomodulators exert on the mucociliary clearance defence mechanism. The physiological function of the mucociliary apparatus was not negatively affected in any of the two epithelial models. Airway mucus crosslinked by mucomodulators is better cleared from an intact airway and normally functioning respiratory system, either due to enhanced interaction with cilia or airflow-dependent mechanisms. Data obtained in this study allow us to assure that we have complied with the fundamental requirement criteria established in the initial phase of developing the concept of mucomodulation: Can we modulate the physical characteristics of the respiratory secretions to reduce aerosolization without affecting normal mucociliary clearance function, or even better improving it?</p