10 research outputs found

    Reliability of modified Ashworth scale and correlation of modified Ashworth scale grades with joint range of motion and muscle strength of dorsal and plantar flexors

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    Uvod: V klinični praksi se za oceno zvišanega mišičnega tonusa najpogosteje uporablja modificirana Ashworthova lestvica (angl. modified Ashworth scale – MAS). Rezultati zanesljivosti MAS, ugotovljeni v predhodnih raziskavah, so neskladni, za kar je lahko vzrok tudi pomanjkanje standardiziranega postopka testiranja. Za spremljanje zvišanega mišičnega tonusa je v uporabi tudi merjenje pasivnega obsega gibljivosti. Namen: Preveriti zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca in med preiskovalci pri ocenjevanju z MAS. Ugotoviti povezanost ocen MAS z obsegom pasivne gibljivosti sklepov ter jakostjo plantarnih in dorzalnih fleksorjev skočnega sklepa. Metode: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 pacientov po možganski kapi. Zanesljivost med preiskovalci smo preverjali s tremi preiskovalci. Po postopku, sestavljenem na podlagi pregleda raziskav o zanesljivosti, smo ocenili šest mišičnih skupin na zgornjem in šest mišičnih skupin na spodnjem udu. Obseg gibljivosti smo izmerili z univerzalnim goniometrom v ležečem položaju, dorzalno fleksijo skočnega sklepa tudi s tekočinskim gravitacijskim goniometrom v stoječem položaju. Meritvi mišične sile plantarnih in dorzalnih fleksorjev smo izvedli z ročnim dinamometrom. Za oceno zanesljivosti smo izračunali intraklasni korelacijski koeficient (angl. intraclass correlation coeficient – ICC). Za oceno povezanosti ocen MAS s pasivno gibljivostjo ter jakostjo plantarnih in dorzalnih fleksorjev smo izračunali Spearmanov koeficient korelacije (?). Rezultati: Ugotovili smo zmerno do odlično zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca (ICC = 0,60–0,99) pri ocenjevanju z MAS. Zanesljivost med preiskovalci je bila nizka do visoka (ICC = 0,32–0,86) pri ocenjevanju mišic zgornjega uda ter nizka do zmerna (ICC = 0,41–0,65) pri ocenjevanju mišic spodnjega uda. Ocene MAS posameznih mišic so bile nizko do visoko negativno povezane z obsegom gibljivosti (? = –0,72– –0,36). Ocene plantarnih fleksorjev (m. triceps surae) in m. soleus z MAS so bile nizko negativno povezane z jakostjo m. triceps surae (? = –0,43– –0,42) in dorzalnih fleksorjev skočnega sklepa (? = –0,5– –0,45). Zaključek: Stopnja zanesljivosti lestvice se razlikuje glede na ocenjevano mišico. Zaradi višje stopnje zanesljivosti posameznega preiskovalca v primerjavi z zanesljivostjo med preiskovalci priporočamo, da ocenjevanje na začetku in koncu obravnave izvede isti terapevt. Rezultati potrjujejo ugotovitve nekaterih predhodnih raziskav, da je zvišan mišični tonus povezan z manjšim obsegom gibljivosti v sklepu in da so mišice z zvišanim mišičnim tonusom šibkejše.Introduction: Modified Ashworth scale (MAS) is commonly used for assessment of muscle tone in clinical practice. Different degrees of reliability were discovered in previous reliability studies, which may also be due to the lack of a standardized testing protocol. Range of motion measurements are also used for assessment of muscle tone. Purpose: To evaluate intra- and interrater reliability of MAS. To investigate the relationship between MAS grades and joint range of motion and muslce strength of plantar and dorsal flexors. Methods: Thirty patients after stroke were included. Reliability was assessed between three raters. We assessed six muscle groups in upper limb and six muscle groups in lower limb, with the protocol, established on the basis of previous studies. Joint range of motion was measured in supine with universal goniometer. We also measured ankle dorsal flexion in standing position with gravity goniometer. Muscle strength measurements were assessed with hand-held dynamometer. We calculated intraclass correlation coeficient (ICC) for reliability assessment. Spearman\u27s rank correlation coefficient was calculated for assessment of correlation between MAS grades and joint range of motion and muscle strength of plantar and dorsal flexors. Results: Results demonstrated moderate to excellent (ICC = 0,60–0,99) intrarater reliability. Interrater reliability was poor to good (ICC = 0,32–0,86) when assessing upper limb and poor to moderate (ICC = 0,41–0,65) when assessing lower limb muscles with MAS. MAS grades negatively correlated with joint range of motion (ρ = –0,72– –0,36). MAS grades of m. triceps surae and m. soleus negatively correlated with muscle strength of m. triceps surae (ρ = –0,43– –0,42) and dorsal flexors (ρ = –0,5– –0,45). Discussion and conclusion: Reliability of MAS differs among different muscles being graded. We recommend that muscle tone assessment is performed by the same therapist at the beginning and end of rehabilitation, based on higher levels of intrarater reliability than interrater reliability. Results of relationship between MAS grades and joint range of motion and muscle strength are in concordance with previous research and show that high muscle tone is associated with shorter range of motion and lower muscle strength

    Designing of culinary book

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    V diplomskem delu smo želeli analizirati in raziskati področje motiviranosti za delo in plače kot glavnega motivacijskega dejavnika. S tem namenom smo pripravili anketni vprašalnik. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kako zelo motivirani so vprašani, kateri je glavni dejavnik, ki jih motivira za delo, in kakšno je zadovoljstvo s plačo. Ne smemo pa pozabiti omeniti, da smo ugotavljali, kakšna je povezava med motivacijo za delo in plačo. Ali so zaposleni, ki so zadovoljni s plačo, tudi bolj motivirani oziroma obratno? Ob plači pa se pojavlja ogromno motivacijskih dejavnikov, ki vzporedno z njo vplivajo na motiviranost zaposlenih. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali nekatere motivacijske teorije, ki nam pomagajo razumeti delovanje in odzivanje zaposlenih. Dotaknili smo se najpogostejših motivacijskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na delo zaposlenih, in opredelili pojem plače. Raziskali smo tudi, kakšna je razlika med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem.The aim of the thesis was to analyze and explore the field of motivation for work, and salary as the main motivating factor. To this end, we have prepared a questionnaire in order to establish the level of motivation of the respondents, their main factor of motivation for work and the level of satisfaction with the salary. Nevertheless, one of the relationships explored was also one between the motivation and the salary. Are employees who are satisfied with their salaries more motivated, and vice versa? In parallel with the salary there are numerous motivational factors that affect the motivation of employees. In the theoretical part we have described some motivational theories that help us understand employees’ performance and responses. We have touched upon the most common motivational factors that affect employees’ performance, identified the concept of salary and explored the differences between the public and private sector

    Preparation, printing and characterization of tungsten (VI) oxide thin layers for applications in optoelectronic devices

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    V doktorski disertaciji smo preučevali možnost priprave volframovega (VI) oksida (krajše WO3), sol-gel materiala v obliki funkcionalne tiskarske barve primernega za tisk in integracijo WO3 odtisov v tiskane optoelektronske sisteme. Poudarek raziskave je bil na povezovanju kompleksne sestave funkcionalnega WO3 sol-gel materiala z njegovimi fizikalno-kemijskimi in reološkimi lastnostmi ter preučevanju njegove uporabnosti v kapljičnem tisku. Raziskava je temeljila na prilagoditvi sinteze in sestave WO3 sola, ki je omogočila izdelavo uporabne funkcionalne tiskarske barve za kapljični tisk na nekonvencionalne in površinsko kompleksne tiskovne substrate, kot sta steklo in transparenten prevoden oksid (krajše TCO). To je bil kompleksen izziv, saj je bil izhodiščni WO3 sol prirejen tehniki nanašanja s potapljanjem (ang. dip-coating) in ni bil nikoli prej uporabljen za izdelavo WO3 plasti s kapljičnim tiskom. Sprememba sintezne poti WO3 sola je zahtevala zamenjavo osnovnega visoko hlapnega topila – etanola, z vključitvijo 2-propanola in 2-propoksi etanola. Ker so bile reološke lastnosti WO3 solov primerne tudi za analogno tehnologijo fleksotiska, smo z omenjeno metodo tiska naredili prve uspešne poskuse tiska linij in homogenih ploskev na steklen substrat. Z vključitvijo dodatkov v WO3 sol smo izdelali tudi tri poskusne viskozne WO3 paste, ki so omogočale nanos debelejših plasti s tehniko sitotiska in s tehniko nanašanja s strgalom (ang. doctor blading). Pomemben prispevek k razumevanju uporabnosti sol-gel materialov za kapljični tisk predstavlja študija časovne in termične stabilnosti materiala povezana s transformacijo sola v gel, ki določa časovno uporabnost materiala v tisku in opredeljuje možnost integracije v masovno proizvodnjo. Rezultati reoloških in mikroreoloških lastnosti sola v povezavi s strukturnimi spremembami so opredelili vpliv temperature in staranja na proces gelacije, na katero pa močno vpliva način shranjevanja sola, koncentracija sola, kot tudi vrsta topila, zato je obstojnost solov variirala od nekaj dni do 10 mesecev. Uporabno informacijo o procesu kapljičnega iztisa WO3 solov so nam podale Reynolds, Weber, Ohnesorge in Z fizikalne konstante. Natisnjenim WO3 plastem smo ovrednotili adhezijo, optične lastnosti, topologijo in spektrofotometrične lastnosti. Uporabna vrednost natisnjenih in nanesenih aktivnih WO3 plasti je bila preizkušena v enostavnih fotokromnih (krajše PC) in hibridnih elektrokromnih sistemih (krajše EC) ter prototipni organski sončni celici (krajše OPV). Uspešno smo realizirali EC sistem, ki omogoča optično modulacijo svetlobe v vidnem delu spektra (Tvis) med 50 % in 6 % ter enostaven PC sistem, ki ob enourni izpostavitvi sistema sončni svetlobi (standardni testni pogoji1000 W/m2, AM 1,5, T = 25 °C) omogoča modulacijo Tvis med 85 % in 42 %. Pri izdelavi OPV sistema smo se srečevali s številnimi površinskimi interakcijami in interakcijami med plastmi, ki so negativno vplivale na homogenost in funkcionalnost posameznih plasti, zato je bil odziv izdelanega OPV sistema na svetlobo nezadovoljiv. Menimo, da smo z raziskavo pomembno prispevali k boljšemu razumevanju sol-gel materialov za kapljični tisk in pripomogli k uporabnosti le-teh v grafični tehnologiji. Odgovorili smo na veliko kompleksnih vprašanj s področja fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti WO3 sol-gel materiala ter pokazali, da prilagojena sol-gel sinteza omogoča pripravo natisljivega WO3 materiala. Raziskava potrjuje, da je kapljični tisk, zaradi svoje hitre in enostavne prilagodljivosti uporabniku in nekontaktnega ter natančnega prenosa lahko uporabno orodje pri raziskavah tiska nekonvencionalnih materialov na kompleksne substrate, ki jih optoelektronski sistemi narekujejo.PhD thesis examines the potential of WO3 sol-gel material to be used as functional ink for inkjet printing and integration of WO3 printouts in printed optoelectronic systems. The research evaluates the correlation of the complex composition of functional WO3 sol-gel material to its physico-chemical and rheological properties and evaluates the printability of the material with inkjet printing technique. The main focus of the research was the modification of the sol-gel synthesis and the composition of WO3 sol, which enabled the development of functional inks for inkjet printing on unconventional and complex surfaces, such as glass and transparent conductive oxide (TCO). The challenge was very complex as the starting WO3 sol was tailored for dip-coating technique and has never been used before in inkjet printing. The replacement of highly volatile solvent - ethanol, with of 2-propanol and 2-propoxy ethanol was needed in synthesis of WO3 sol. Rheological properties of the modified WO3 sols were also suitable for analogue flexographic technology, as demonstrated with precise lines and homogeneous surfaces on glass substrate made with flexographic printing. In addition, incorporation of additives in the WO3 sol enabled production of test viscous WO3 paste, which allowed the deposition of thick layers with screen printing and doctor blading technique. An important contribution to the understanding and usefulness of sol-gel materials for inkjet printing represents the study of time and thermal stability of sol-gel materials associated with the transition of sol to gel, which evaluates the applicability of the material to be used in printing industry and mass production. The results of rheological and micro-rheological properties of sol in connection with structural changes have described the effect of temperature and aging on the process of gelation, which is strongly affected also by storage conditions, sol concentration and the type of the solvent used, therefore the stability of sols varies from few days up to 10 months. Useful information about the drop formation process of WO3 sols were given with Reynolds, Weber, Ohnesorge and Z dimensionless numbers. Adhesion, optical properties, topology and the spectrophotometric characteristics of WO3 printouts were evaluated. The functionality of printed WO3 layers was tested in simple photochromic (PC) and hybrid electrochromic systems (EC) and organic solar cell prototype (OPV). Realized EC system enabled optical modulation in the visible part of the spectrum (Tvis) between 50 % and 6 %, while PC system between 85 % and 42 % under one-hour exposure to the sunlight (standard test conditions1000 W /m2, AM 1.5, T = 25 °C). We were faced with numerous problems in the development of OPV system, like surface interactions and interactions between the layers, which have a negative impact on the homogeneity and functionality of the individual layer, therefore the response of OPV system was insufficient. In overall, we believe, that the study made a significant contribution to a better understanding of the sol-gel materials and their applicability in inkjet printing and moreover in the broad spectrum of graphic technologies. We answered to many complex questions in the field of physico-chemical properties of WO3 sol-gel materials, and demonstrated that the modification of sol-gel synthesis route enabled the preparation of printable WO3 material. We have shown that inkjet printing is a useful technique in the research of printing unconventional materials on complex substrates, due to its fast and easy adaptability to the user and contact-less and precise transfer, required by optoelectronic systems

    Prolonged youth and distress

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    V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na mlade v obdobju podaljšane mladosti in na vse izzive, s katerimi se v tem obdobju srečujejo. V zadnjih letih je največ sprememb doživela prav mladost. Razvidno je, da sodobne družbe potrebujejo vedno več časa za to, da usposobijo nove generacije za vključitev v družbo. Kažejo se vedno večje potrebe po izobraženi in kvalitetni delovni sili ter vedno zapletenejše naloge, ki jih morajo rešiti posamezniki, preden sploh lahko prevzamejo določene socialne vloge v družbi. Čeprav so prehodi iz mladosti v odraslost individualizirani, so še vedno odvisni od strukturne lokacije, kot je izobraževalni sistem v državi in trg delovne sile. Poudarek sem namenila predvsem izobraževanju, ki se danes močno podaljšuje čez dvajseta leta, vlogi družine v obdobju podaljšane mladosti in stanovanju, ki ga je danes zelo težko najti, saj je prisotna stanovanjska problematika, zaradi česar se posledično podaljšuje odvisnost od staršev. Zanimal me je tudi proces osamosvajanja, kdo mladostnike v tem procesu najbolj podpira in s kakšnimi ovirami se srečujejo. Na koncu pa sem prikazala tudi stiske in izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo na prehodu iz mladosti v odraslost in podporo ter pomoč v primeru stisk. Posebno poglavje sem namenila tudi mladostnikom, ki so že zaposleni, in tistim, ki so brezposelni, saj je tudi to danes kar velik izziv. Tako sem izvedela, kje trenutno so v procesu osamosvajanja. Raziskava, ki sem jo izvedla, je kvalitativna, eksplorativna oziroma poizvedovalna in empirična. Z raziskavo želim pokazati, kako se razmere za mlade odrasle danes zaostrujejo in posledično vplivajo na njihovo kasnejšo osamosvojitev. Pri tem se pojavljajo najrazličnejše stiske, ki jih je potrebno reševati. Merski instrument, s katerim sem pridobila podatke, so smernice za intervju, ki sem jih vnaprej pripravila glede na raziskovalna vprašanja, ki sem si jih postavila. Okvirna vprašanja so bila za vse intervjuvance enaka. Moj vzorec je neslučajnostni in priročen. Populacijo sestavljajo mladostniki oziroma mlade osebe od 19. do 30. leta starosti, ki se še vedno šolajo ali pa so že pridobile določeno izobrazbo in se še vedno niso zaposlile, zaradi česar so posledično še odvisne od svojih staršev ali pa so se že zaposlile in so finančno neodvisne od staršev. Skupno sem izvedla deset intervjujev z mladostniki, ki se med seboj razlikujejo glede na trenutni status, bivališče, študij in starost. Pridobljene podatke sem obdelala s kvalitativno metodo, kjer sem uporabila odprto in osno kodiranje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se je mladost danes močno podaljšala, saj mlade osebe osamosvajanje prelagajo v poznejša leta. Nekaterim se je podaljšalo izobraževanje, drugi pa po pridobljeni izobrazbi še vedno niso našli zaposlitve. Posledično so ostali dlje odvisni od svojih staršev. Prikrajšani so tudi za oblikovanje lastne družine. Razmere na trgu dela so se močno spremenile in mladi potrebujejo kar nekaj časa, da sploh najdejo prvo zaposlitev. Zaposlitve največkrat iščejo s pomočjo spleta, kjer oglašujejo prosta delovna mesta. Močno je prisotna tudi stanovanjska problematika, saj se je cena stanovanj na trgu močno povišala, mladi pa si bivališča zaradi nestabilnega finančnega stanja ne morejo privoščiti. Zato iščejo možnost ureditve stanovanj kar doma, saj jim je to finančno bolj dosegljivo. Tisti sogovorniki, ki živijo doma, so izpostavili, da imajo namen privarčevati čim več denarja, ki ga bodo vložili v urejanje bivališča. Mladi danes v obdobju mladosti doživljajo številne stiske in izzive predvsem zaradi osamosvajanja in pritiskov družbe. Pri tem se le redko obrnejo na kakšne institucije po strokovno pomoč. Njihova informiranost o strokovni pomoči je nizka, saj se o tem malo govori. Najbolj podporne osebe v življenju mladostnikov so starši in njihovi partnerji. Sogovorniki v moji raziskavi še posebej poudarjajo velik pomen podpore staršev v procesu osamosvajanja. Kar bi mladi potrebovali v obdobju podaljšane mladosti, je več podpore, kar se tiče osamosvajanja. Drugačna stanovanjska politika bi jim lahko omogočila dosegljive cene stanovanj in posledično bi se več mladih prej osamosvojilo. Tudi na področju financ bi jim lahko bil dodeljen poseben dohodek, ki bi jim pomagal na njihovi poti do osamosvojitve. Na področju zaposlitve pa bi jim morali omogočiti več delovnih mest, da bi se lahko po pridobljeni izobrazbi takoj zaposlili in postali aktivni na trgu dela. Predlagala bi večje sodelovanje med različnimi generacijami in pomoč starejše generacije mladim na poti do samostojnega življenja.In this diploma thesis I focused on the young in their prolonged period of youth, and all the challenges they face. In the past years, youth has gone through the most changes. It\u27s evident that modern societys need more time to incooporate new generations into them. The demands for educated and quality workforce are eversoo higher that requrie individuals to perform more complex tasks before they take on roles in society. Altough the transition from youth to adulthood is individualized, they are still depanded on the structure of the soroundings like educational system and the need for a workforce in the country. I put emphasis mainly on education, which takes a fair period over their twentys, family and housing which is hard to get because of residential issues thus the reliability on parents grows higher. I was intrigued by the process of independence, who supports them the most and what obstacles they face. For last i covered their hardship and challenges they face on the transition to adulthood and what support they have when in need. I devoted a special section to the young who are already employed and those who are not which presents an issue. In such a way i found out where in process they are. The research is qualitative, inquiritive and empirical. With it i want to present how the conditions for the young aggravate and consequently affect on their independence. To inquire the data, i came up with an interview based on the research questions i put to myself. The questions were equal for all interviewees. My pattern is non-random and practical. The populase consist of young adults from the ages of 19 and 30 years old who are still educating or have some degree of education and aren\u27t yet employed, thus are consequently dependant on their parents or they are employed and are financilly independent. I interviewed a total of 10 people, who vary based on their status, study, residence and age. I processed the gathered information using qualitative method where i used open and axis koding. The results show that youth has prolonged into higher years, because young adults postpone their own independence. To some, their education was delayed and some didnt get employment after finnishing their studies. The conditions on a market for an employment have changed and adolescence need quite some time to even get their first job. They mostly look on the internet for available jobs. There is also a heavy presence of residence issue where the market for apartments keeps getting more expensive and the young can\u27t afford them because of their irregular income. To resolve this problem, many try to make their residence at home. Those interlocutors who live at their parents pointed out that they are trying to save as much money as they can so they can invest it into building their residence. The young face many hardships and challenges, mostly because of becoming independant and the pressure of the society. Only few turn to professional institutes for help for they aren\u27t informed well enough. The most supportive to the young are their parents and their partners. What the adolescent need even more in their process of independence is more support. A different housing policy could make more affordable prices to speed up the process and equaly in the financial area, that they would get a specific income that would help them on the way. As for the employment, society should allow more jobs for them to choose on after they finnish their studies for a quicker contribution to labor market. I suggest more cooporation between different generations and for older generations to help the young on their path to independent living

    Roma Women and Health: The Perception of Health in Two Roma Settlements in the Lower Carniola Region

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    Romska populacija velja tako v Sloveniji kot v državah EU za eno izmed najbolj družbeno izključenih skupin, kar se odraža tudi v izključenosti iz zdravstvene oskrbe. Če dodamo še segregacijo, revščino, nizko izobrazbeno strukturo, visoko stopnjo brezposelnosti, slabše socioekonomsko stanje, zgodnjo rodnost in pogoste nosečnosti mladoletnic (tudi mlajših od 15 let), patriarhalno naravnanost ter splet različnih fenomenov, kot so anticiganizem oziroma protiromski rasizem, družbena izključevanja in nestrpnost večinskega prebivalstva do Romov, postane jasno, da vse navedeno Rominjam otežuje dostop do zdravstvenega sistema. V okviru projekta Zdravo sem se seznanila z določenimi osebami iz romske skupnosti na Dolenjskem, kar je pripomoglo k temu, da sem svoje magistrsko delo usmerila v raziskavo zdravstvenega stanja in ozaveščenosti Rominj glede »varne spolnosti«. Raziskovala sem, če socialni status oz. bivalno okolje Rominj vpliva na njihovo razmišljanje in odločanje glede ustvarjanja družine, uporabe kontracepcije in tudi na splošno vlogo žensk v družbi. Skozi pogovore z 10 Rominjami sem ugotovila, da je spolnost za moje sogovornice še vedno tabu tema, še posebej, če so bili pri pogovoru prisotni moški. Bolje situirane Rominje se bolj zavedajo družbenega spola, ženskosti, družino si ustvarjajo pozneje, bolj so vpletene v odločanje in ozaveščene na področju zdravstva, saj imajo v večini svojega ginekologa, zobozdravnika ter osebnega zdravnika.The Roma population both in Slovenia and in the EU countries is among the most socially excluded groups, which is also reflected in their exclusion from health care. If we add segregation, poverty, low educational structure, high unemployment, worsening socioeconomic situation, early fertility and frequent teenage pregnancies (even pregnancies of teens under the age of 15), patriarchal stance and the interweaving of different phenomena such as antigypsyism and anti-Roma racism, social exclusion and intolerance, it becomes clear that all of the aforementioned makes it difficult for the Roma women to access the healthcare system. As a part of the Zdravo project, I became acquainted with certain persons from the Roma community in the Lower Carniola region, which contributed to my master\u27s thesis centering on the research on the state of health and awareness of Roma women on “safe sex”. I researched whether the social status of Roma women or their living environment influenced their thinking and decision-making regarding procreation, the use of contraception and also the general role of Roma women in society. Through conversations with 10 Roma women, it became clear that sexuality is still a taboo for the said interviewees, especially when men were present. Roma women who are better situated are more aware of the social aspects of gender, femininity, they create families later, they are more involved in the decision-making and are more aware in terms of health care, since most of them have a personal gynecologist, dentist and GP

    In-depth rheological characterization of tungsten sol-gel inks for inkjet printing

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    The inkjet printing of the functional materials prepared by the sol-gel route is gaining the attention for the production of the variety of the applications not limited to the printed boards, displays, smart labels, smart packaging, sensors and solar cells. However, due to the gelation process associated with the changes from Newtonian to non-Newtonian fluid the inkjet printing of the sol-gel inks is extremely complex. In this study we reveal in-depth rheological characterization of the WO3_3 sols in which we simulate the conditions of the inkjet printing process at different temperature of the cartridge (20–60 °C) by analyzing the structural and rheological changes taking place during the gelation of the tungsten oxide (WO3_3) ink. The results provide the information on the stability of the sol and a better insight on the effects of the temperature on the gelation time. Moreover, the information on the temperature and the time window at which the inkjet printing of the sol-gel inks could be performed without clogging were obtained. The WO3_3 ink was stable in a beaker and exhibited Newtonian flow behavior at room temperature over 3 weeks, while the gelation time decreased exponentially with increasing temperature down to 0.55 h at 60 °C

    A Nanoscaffolded Spike-RBD Vaccine Provides Protection against SARS-CoV-2 with Minimal Anti-Scaffold Response

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    The response of the adaptive immune system is augmented by multimeric presentation of a specific antigen, resembling viral particles. Several vaccines have been designed based on natural or designed protein scaffolds, which exhibited a potent adaptive immune response to antigens; however, antibodies are also generated against the scaffold, which may impair subsequent vaccination. In order to compare polypeptide scaffolds of different size and oligomerization state with respect to their efficiency, including anti-scaffold immunity, we compared several strategies of presentation of the RBD domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, an antigen aiming to generate neutralizing antibodies. A comparison of several genetic fusions of RBD to different nanoscaffolding domains (foldon, ferritin, lumazine synthase, and β-annulus peptide) delivered as DNA plasmids demonstrated a strongly augmented immune response, with high titers of neutralizing antibodies and a robust T-cell response in mice. Antibody titers and virus neutralization were most potently enhanced by fusion to the small β-annulus peptide scaffold, which itself triggered a minimal response in contrast to larger scaffolds. The β-annulus fused RBD protein increased residence in lymph nodes and triggered the most potent viral neutralization in immunization by a recombinant protein. Results of the study support the use of a nanoscaffolding platform using the β-annulus peptide for vaccine design