920 research outputs found

    Measuring non-linear dependence for two random variables distributed along a curve

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comWe propose new dependence measures for two real random variables not necessarily linearly related. Covariance and linear correlation are expressed in terms of principal components and are generalized for variables distributed along a curve. Properties of these measures are discussed. The new measures are estimated using principal curves and are computed for simulated and real data sets. Finally, we present several statistical applications for the new dependence measures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sublinear Higson corona and Lipschitz extensions

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    The purpose of the paper is to characterize the dimension of sublinear Higson corona νL(X)\nu_L(X) of XX in terms of Lipschitz extensions of functions: Theorem: Suppose (X,d)(X,d) is a proper metric space. The dimension of the sublinear Higson corona νL(X)\nu_L(X) of XX is the smallest integer m0m\ge 0 with the following property: Any norm-preserving asymptotically Lipschitz function f ⁣:ARm+1f'\colon A\to \R^{m+1}, AXA\subset X, extends to a norm-preserving asymptotically Lipschitz function g ⁣:XRm+1g'\colon X\to \R^{m+1}. One should compare it to the result of Dranishnikov \cite{Dr1} who characterized the dimension of the Higson corona ν(X)\nu(X) of XX is the smallest integer n0n\ge 0 such that Rn+1\R^{n+1} is an absolute extensor of XX in the asymptotic category \AAA (that means any proper asymptotically Lipschitz function f ⁣:ARn+1f\colon A\to \R^{n+1}, AA closed in XX, extends to a proper asymptotically Lipschitz function f ⁣:XRn+1f'\colon X\to \R^{n+1}). \par In \cite{Dr1} Dranishnikov introduced the category \tilde \AAA whose objects are pointed proper metric spaces XX and morphisms are asymptotically Lipschitz functions f ⁣:XYf\colon X\to Y such that there are constants b,c>0b,c > 0 satisfying f(x)cxb|f(x)|\ge c\cdot |x|-b for all xXx\in X. We show dim(νL(X))n\dim(\nu_L(X))\leq n if and only if Rn+1\R^{n+1} is an absolute extensor of XX in the category \tilde\AAA. \par As an application we reprove the following result of Dranishnikov and Smith \cite{DRS}: Theorem: Suppose (X,d)(X,d) is a proper metric space of finite asymptotic Assouad-Nagata dimension \asdim_{AN}(X). If XX is cocompact and connected, then \asdim_{AN}(X) equals the dimension of the sublinear Higson corona νL(X)\nu_L(X) of XX.Comment: 13 page

    Gravitational spreading of Danu, Freyja and Maxwell Montes, Venus

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    The potential energy of elevated terrain tends to drive the collapse of the topography. This process of gravitational spreading is likely to be more important on Venus than on Earth because the higher surface temperature weakens the crust. The highest topography on Venus is Ishtar Terra. The high plateau of Lakshmi Planum has an average elevation of 3 km above mean planetary radius, and is surrounded by mountain belts. Freyja, Danu, and Maxwell Montes rise, on average, an additional 3, 0.5, and 5 km above the plateau, respectively. Recent high resolution Magellan radar images of this area, east of approx. 330 deg E, reveal widespread evidence for gravity spreading. Some observational evidence is described for gravity spreading and the implications are discussed in terms of simple mechanical models. Several simple models predict that gravity spreading should be an important process on Venus. One difficulty in using remote observations to infer interior properties is that the observed features may not have formed in response to stresses which are still active. Several causes of surface topography are briefly examined

    From environmental awareness in word to environmental awareness in deed: The case of Ljubljana

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    Modern lifestyles demand the exploitation of natural resources, which results in a significantly deteriorated living environment. The goal of this study was to determine and evaluate people’s relationship to the environment and their willingness to take action themselves to protect it. The majority of people (or more than half, in this case) support environmental protection in principle, especially in word only, because this is also socially desirable. However, when they must address limitations that would interfere with their lives by limiting activities or increasing costs, their enthusiasm abates quickly. Twenty percent of people can be defined as being in favor of environmental protection and regarding it as a value. Education level plays a very important role in people’s behavior towards environmental issues. This study was carried out in Ljubljana by surveying 408 people

    Constraints on crustal rheology and age of deformation from models of gravitational spreading in Ishtar Terra, Venus

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    Gravitational spreading is expected to lead to rapid relaxation of high relief due to the high surface temperature and associated weak crust on Venus. In this study, we use new Magellan radar and altimetry data to determine the extent of gravitational relaxation in Ishtar Terra, which contains the highest relief on Venus as well as areas of extremely high topographic slope. Within Ishtar Terra the only mountain belts found on Venus, Akna, Danu, Freyja, and Maxwell Montes, nearly encircle the smooth, high (3-4 km) plateau of Lakshmi Planum. Finite-element models of this process give expected timescales for relaxation of relief and failure at the surface. From these modeling results we attempt to constrain the strength of the crust and timescales of deformation in Ishtar Terra. Below we discuss observational evidence for gravitational spreading in Ishtar Terra, results from the finite-element modeling, independent age constraints, and implications for the rheology and timing of deformation

    Reduced Permeation of Precipitation Water into Groundwater on Ljubljansko polje

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    The permeation of water into groundwater in an urban environment is considerably differ-ent than that in an untransformed landscape. Built-up and open surfaces have very different proportions of impermeable surfaces. Due to urban land use on Ljubljansko polje, the loss of permeating precipitation water is more than 0.5m3/s or 190 mm of precipitation

    Pregled literature o strategijama u prevenciji pada kod odraslih pacijenata u bolničkim uvjetima

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    Falls present a major challenge for health care systems: they correlate with poor patient outcomes, extend the length of hospitalization, and increase overall medical expenditure. According to existing literature, risk factors for the occurrence of falls include the male gender, urinary incontinence, muscle weakness, agitation or confusion, and dementia. Studies have shown that the combined practice of identifying risk factors and implementing appropriate fall prevention interventions leads to a reduction in the incidence of falls among hospital patients. As the largest group of health professionals committed to providing high-quality care, nurses play an important role in preventing falls among patient populations. In order to prevent falls and maintain patient safety, it is important to identify the most effective strategies for fall prevention. This study presents an overview of previously published strategies and intervention practices on fall prevention in hospital settings around the world. The most common interventions include fall risk assessment, environment/equipment modifications, patient education/family education on fall prevention interventions, staff education on fall reporting and fall prevention, fall risk alerts, medication management, physical fitness of patients, assistance with transfer and toileting and effective team communication and leadership. Ultimately, it is incumbent upon nurses, other health-care professionals and the entire hospital system to develop effective strategies in order to prevent falls among hospitalised patients.Padovi predstavljaju velik problem zdravstvenog sustava. Povezani su s lošim ishodima bolesti, produžuju dužinu boravka u bolnici i uzrokuju povećane troškove za zdravstveni sustav. Prema postojećoj literaturi, postoje mnogi faktori rizika za pad: muški spol, urinarna inkontinencija, slabost mišića, uznemirenost ili konfuzija, demencija. Identifikacija rizičnih čimbenika povezanih s provedbom odgovarajućih intervencija sprječavanja pada pokazala se učinkovitom u smanjenju učestalosti padova među bolničkim pacijentima. Medicinske sestre čine najveću skupinu zdravstvenih radnika. Cilj im je pružiti visokokvalitetnu zdravstvenu njegu. Također, imaju važnu ulogu u prevenciji pada. Da bi se spriječio pad i održala sigurnost pacijenta, važno je identificirati najučinkovitije strategije prevencije pada. Cilj je ovog rada predstaviti pregled objavljenih strategija i intervencijskih programa o prevenciji pada u bolničkim uvjetima. Rezultati različitih studija širom svijeta identificirali su sljedeće najučestalije intervencije za prevenciju pada: procjena rizika od pada, modifikacija okoline, edukacija pacijenata/obitelji o intervencijama za prevenciju pada, edukacija medicinskih sestara o dokumentiranju padova i strategijama prevencije pada, upozorenja o riziku za pad, učinkovita primjena lijekova, poticanje fizičke aktivnosti, osiguranje pomoći pri kretnju i odlasku do toaleta te učinkovita komunikacija unutar tima i vodstvo tima. Važno je naglasiti da je velika odgovornost na medicinskim sestrama, drugim zdravstvenim radnicima i cijeloj bolničkoj organizaciji da razviju učinkovite strategije kako bi se spriječio pad