17 research outputs found

    Special Features of Vessel Leasing Contracts in Legal Transactions in the Republic of Croatia

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    U ovom radu autori analiziraju posebnosti ugovaranja u poslu leasinga plovila u Republici Hrvatskoj u usporedbi s drugim pokretninama. Ovo istraživanje usredotočuje se na poslovnu praksu, odnosno opće uvjete poslovanja kao dio ugovora o leasingu plovila u kontekstu trgovačkopravnog procesa. Autori, također, analiziraju različite pristupe leasing druÅ”tava s obzirom na specifičnosti plovila, kao objekta leasinga, koji putem općih uvjeta poslovanja određuju specifična prava i obveze davatelja i primatelja leasinga. Kritički se razmatraju različita rjeÅ”enja koja su propisana putem općih uvjeta poslovanja leasing druÅ”tava u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se potpuno analizirao doseg ugovornih strana u procesu ugovaranja, prethodno je potrebno općenito analizirati pravni okvir ugovaranja leasinga.The authors analyse the peculiarities of contracting in the business of vessel leasing in the Republic of Croatia and its relation to other movable properties. General business conditions as part of the vessel leasing contract are the focus of this research. In the paper, the authors examine different approaches of leasing companies in relation to the specifics of the vessel, as an object of leasing, which, through the general conditions of business, determine the specific rights and obligations of the leasing provider and receiver. A critical review is given of the various solutions that are prescribed by leasing companies in the Republic of Croatia through the general terms of business. For a complete analysis of the scope of the parties in the contracting process, the legal framework of the leasing contract is analysed beforehand


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    Postupak za priznanje i zaÅ”titu patenta je kompliciran, dugotrajan, težak i skup. Postupak stjecanja, održavanja, sadržaj, evidencija prometa, prestanak i zaÅ”tita patenta na području Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) propisan je Zakonom o patentu, te Pravilnikom o postupku za priznanje patenta. Postupak priznanja patenta je posebni upravni postupak koji provodi Institut za intelektualno vlasniÅ”tvo Bosne i Hercegovine. Na sva procesna pitanja koja nisu uređena Zakonom o patentu Bosne i Hercegovine i Pravilnikom o postupku za priznanje patenta, kao provedbenom propisu, primjenjuje se Zakon o upravnom postupku. Iako su tri materijalnopravna uvjeta koja se moraju ispuniti kako bi se izum mogao patentirati univerzalno prihvaćena, joÅ” uvijek je pravo iskoriÅ”tavanja patentiranog izuma teritorijalno ograničeno, tako da i patentna zaÅ”tita izuma u Europskoj uniji (EU) počiva na nacionalnom pravu država članica. Institut za intelektualno vlasniÅ”tvo Bosne i Hercegovine vodi, pored Registra patenata, i Registar prijava patenata, stoga će se u radu analizirati značaj prijave u postupku priznanja patenta i specifičnosti samog postupka zbog čega i jest reguliran posebnim zakonom.Patent granting and protection procedures are complex, long-lasting, difficult and expensive. The acquisition, maintenance, content, recording of transfer, cessation and the protection of a patent in B&H is regulated by the Patent Law and the Regulations Concerning Procedure for the Grant of a Patent and a Consensual Patent. Patent granting procedure is an administrative procedure that is conducted by The Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The process issues that are not regulated by the Patent Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina or the Regulations Concerning Procedure for the Grant of a Patent and a Consensual Patent, are then regulated by the Administrative Procedure Law. Although the three material legal conditions that must be met in order for the invention to be patented are universally accepted, the right to exploit the patented invention is still territorially limited, so the protection of a patent in the EU is regulated on the national level of each member states. Apart from the Patent Register, the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina monitors the Register for Patent Application. Therefore, the paper analyses the significance of patent application and the specificities of the patent granting procedure, which is regulated by a specific law

    Uticaj folijarnog prihranjivanja i tretiranja semena preparatom na bazi Co i Mo na prinos soje

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    In this paper we studied the effect of foliar fertilization with a complex liquid fertilizer, that contains macro elements (N, P, K) and microelements (Mn, B, Zn, Co), and seed treatment with cobalt and molybdenum based preparation, on yield performance of three soybean cultivars, of different maturity groups. The application of the foliar fertilizer, in all three soybean cultivars, has achieved significantly higher yields, compared with the control variant and the variant with the preparation based on cobalt and molybdenum. Seed treatment with the cobalt and molybdenum based preparation, the emerged seedlings exhibited phytotoxic symptoms of excess of these heavy metals. Leaf tips and margins of these seedlings turned yellow, and the growth of these plants was retarded, which adversely affected their yield performance.U radu je proučen uticaj folijarnog prihranjivanja soje, kompleksnim tečnim hranivom, sa makroelementima (N, P i K) i mikroelementima (Mn, B, Zn, Co), kao i tretiranje semena preparatom na bazi kobalta i molibdena na prinos tri sorte soje, različite grupe zrenja. Primenom folijarnog prihranjivanja, kod sve tri sorte soje, postignuti su statistički značajno veći prinosi, u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu i varijantu sa primenom preparata na bazi kobalta i molibdena. Tretiranjem semena preparatom na bazi kobalta i molibdena, posle nicanja na mladim biljkama pojavili su se fitotoksični simptomi u vidu žućenja vrÅ”nih i rubnih delova lista, biljke su zaostale u porastu, Å”to se negativno odrazilo na prinos

    Uticaj folijarnog prihranjivanja i tretiranja semena preparatom na bazi Co i Mo na prinos soje

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    In this paper we studied the effect of foliar fertilization with a complex liquid fertilizer, that contains macro elements (N, P, K) and microelements (Mn, B, Zn, Co), and seed treatment with cobalt and molybdenum based preparation, on yield performance of three soybean cultivars, of different maturity groups. The application of the foliar fertilizer, in all three soybean cultivars, has achieved significantly higher yields, compared with the control variant and the variant with the preparation based on cobalt and molybdenum. Seed treatment with the cobalt and molybdenum based preparation, the emerged seedlings exhibited phytotoxic symptoms of excess of these heavy metals. Leaf tips and margins of these seedlings turned yellow, and the growth of these plants was retarded, which adversely affected their yield performance.U radu je proučen uticaj folijarnog prihranjivanja soje, kompleksnim tečnim hranivom, sa makroelementima (N, P i K) i mikroelementima (Mn, B, Zn, Co), kao i tretiranje semena preparatom na bazi kobalta i molibdena na prinos tri sorte soje, različite grupe zrenja. Primenom folijarnog prihranjivanja, kod sve tri sorte soje, postignuti su statistički značajno veći prinosi, u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu i varijantu sa primenom preparata na bazi kobalta i molibdena. Tretiranjem semena preparatom na bazi kobalta i molibdena, posle nicanja na mladim biljkama pojavili su se fitotoksični simptomi u vidu žućenja vrÅ”nih i rubnih delova lista, biljke su zaostale u porastu, Å”to se negativno odrazilo na prinos

    Uticaj folijarnog prihranjivanja i tretiranja semena preparatom na bazi Co i Mo na prinos soje

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    In this paper we studied the effect of foliar fertilization with a complex liquid fertilizer, that contains macro elements (N, P, K) and microelements (Mn, B, Zn, Co), and seed treatment with cobalt and molybdenum based preparation, on yield performance of three soybean cultivars, of different maturity groups. The application of the foliar fertilizer, in all three soybean cultivars, has achieved significantly higher yields, compared with the control variant and the variant with the preparation based on cobalt and molybdenum. Seed treatment with the cobalt and molybdenum based preparation, the emerged seedlings exhibited phytotoxic symptoms of excess of these heavy metals. Leaf tips and margins of these seedlings turned yellow, and the growth of these plants was retarded, which adversely affected their yield performance.U radu je proučen uticaj folijarnog prihranjivanja soje, kompleksnim tečnim hranivom, sa makroelementima (N, P i K) i mikroelementima (Mn, B, Zn, Co), kao i tretiranje semena preparatom na bazi kobalta i molibdena na prinos tri sorte soje, različite grupe zrenja. Primenom folijarnog prihranjivanja, kod sve tri sorte soje, postignuti su statistički značajno veći prinosi, u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu i varijantu sa primenom preparata na bazi kobalta i molibdena. Tretiranjem semena preparatom na bazi kobalta i molibdena, posle nicanja na mladim biljkama pojavili su se fitotoksični simptomi u vidu žućenja vrÅ”nih i rubnih delova lista, biljke su zaostale u porastu, Å”to se negativno odrazilo na prinos

    Hay production and storage

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    Sijeno je jedno od najvažnijih oblika voluminozne krme. Nastaje suÅ”enjem pokoÅ”ene biljne mase do vlažnosti od oko 14%. Pravovremenom koÅ”njom, odgovarajućom manipulacijom i pravilnim skladiÅ”tenjem osiguravamo visokovrijednu namirnicu za preživače u zimskim mjesecima kada zelena krma nije dostupna. Ono povoljno djeluje na probavni sustav preživača. Sijeno možemo proizvesti na oranicama (od leguminoza, trava i djetelinsko travnih smjesa) i na trajnim travnjacima. Agrotehnika proizvodnje podrazumijeva koÅ”nju, prekretanje, skupljanje u zbojeve, baliranje sa balirkama i skladiÅ”tenje. KoÅ”nja se obavljama sa oscilirajućim i rotirajućim kosilicama. Strojevi za prekretanje i skupljanje su grablje i sakupljači. NajčeŔće ga skladiÅ”timo u obliku valjčastih bala, četvrtastih bala, u stogovima ili u rastresitom stanjuHay is one of the most important forms of harvested forages. It is being produced by curing the mowed herbage until about 14% moisture. With timely mowing, proper handling and proper storage, we ensure high-quality food for ruminants in the winter months when green fodder is not available. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of ruminants. Hay can be produced on arable land (from legumes, grasses and clover grass mixture) and on permanent grasslands. Agrotechnics of production includes mowing, turning, collecting in bundles, baling with balers and storage. Mowing can be done with oscillating and rotating mowers. Reversing and collecting machines are rakes and collectors. It is usually stored in the form of cylindrical bales, square bales, in hay-stacks or in a loose state

    Impact of climate changes at crops insurance requirement

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    Poljoprivreda se često smatra jednim od najranjivijih sektora u gospodarstvu, a to je zbog niza faktora koji čine poljoprivredu posebno osjetljivu na različite rizike i nepredviđene događaje. U svijetu populacija neprestano raste, a s njom raste i potreba za dovoljnom količinom hrane kako bi se prehranila sva ta populacija. To postavlja izazove pred poljoprivredu i prehrambenu industriju, jer je potrebno proizvesti viÅ”e hrane, često uz ograničene resurse kao Å”to su zemljiÅ”te, voda i energija. Trend povećanja broja osiguranika u poljoprivredi bilježi se zadnjih godina najviÅ”e zbog potpora Europske Unije za osiguranje usjeva, gdje se mjerama poticaja subvencionira 70% premije. Klimatske promjene su donijele mnoge negativne posljedice na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i ovo ljeto koje je bilo pogođeno poplavama, tučom i olujnim vjetrovima. Osiguranje od različitih rizika u poljoprivredi, kao Å”to su tuča, požar, udar groma, oluja i proljetnog mraza, glavno je za zaÅ”titu poljoprivrednih prihoda i najčeŔće je poljoprivredno osiguranje u Hrvatskoj. Osiguranjem usjeva u Hrvatskoj bave se četiri osiguravajuće kuće i to Adriatic osiguranje, Croatia osiguranje, Triglav osiguranje i njemačka osiguravajuća kuća Vereinigte-hagel sa podružnicama diljem zemlje.Agriculture is often considered one of the most vulnerable sectors in the economy, and this is due to a number of factors that make agriculture particularly sensitive to various risks and unforeseen events. In the world, the population is constantly growing, and with it the need for a sufficient amount of food to feed all this population. This poses challenges for agriculture and the food industry, as more food needs to be produced, often with limited resources such as land, water and energy. The trend of increasing the number of insured persons in agriculture has been recorded in recent years mostly due to the support of the European Union for crop insurance, where 70% of the premium is subsidized through incentive measures. Climate change has brought many negative consequences to agricultural production this summer as well, which was affected by floods, hail and stormy winds. Insurance against various risks in agriculture, such as hail, fire, lightning, storm and spring frost, is the main factor for protecting agricultural income and is the most common agricultural insurance in Croatia. Crop insurance in Croatia is handled by four insurance companies, namely Adriatic osiguranje, Croatia osiguranje, Triglav osiguranje and the German insurance company Vereinigte-hagel with branches all over the country

    Genocide in the 20th Century Conflicts

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    Genocid kao masovni zločin koji nastoji uniÅ”titi potpuno ili djelomice neku nacionalnu, etičku ili vjersku skupinu ljudi. Zločin nad čovječanstvom se ponavljao neliko puta tijekom cijelog 20. stoljeća i opisan je kao najekstremniji oblik demografske dimenzije konflikta. Rad analizira tri genocida koji su se dogodili tijekom 20. stoljeća kroz početak, sredinu i pretkraj stoljeća. To su Armenski genocid, genocid nad Židovima u nacističkoj Njemačkoj te genocid u Ruandi. Biti će prikazani uzroci, politička slika netom prije početka genocida, načini provedbe zločina, posljedice te akcije koje je međunarodna zajednica poduzela na genocide. Također, rad će pokuÅ”ati dati odgovor na to kako spriječiti buduće genocide.Genocide as a mass crime that seeks to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethical or religious group of people. The crime against humanity has been repeated several times throughout the 20th century and has been described as the most extreme form of the demographic dimension of the conflict. The paper analyzes three genocides that occurred during the 20th century through the beginning, middle and end of the century. These are the Armenian genocide, the genocide of the Jews in Nazi Germany and the genocide in Rwanda. The causes, the political picture just before the beginning of the genocide, the ways of committing crimes, the consequences of the action taken by the international community on genocide will be presented. Also, the paper will try to give an answer to how to prevent future genocides

    Impact of climate changes at crops insurance requirement

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    Poljoprivreda se često smatra jednim od najranjivijih sektora u gospodarstvu, a to je zbog niza faktora koji čine poljoprivredu posebno osjetljivu na različite rizike i nepredviđene događaje. U svijetu populacija neprestano raste, a s njom raste i potreba za dovoljnom količinom hrane kako bi se prehranila sva ta populacija. To postavlja izazove pred poljoprivredu i prehrambenu industriju, jer je potrebno proizvesti viÅ”e hrane, često uz ograničene resurse kao Å”to su zemljiÅ”te, voda i energija. Trend povećanja broja osiguranika u poljoprivredi bilježi se zadnjih godina najviÅ”e zbog potpora Europske Unije za osiguranje usjeva, gdje se mjerama poticaja subvencionira 70% premije. Klimatske promjene su donijele mnoge negativne posljedice na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i ovo ljeto koje je bilo pogođeno poplavama, tučom i olujnim vjetrovima. Osiguranje od različitih rizika u poljoprivredi, kao Å”to su tuča, požar, udar groma, oluja i proljetnog mraza, glavno je za zaÅ”titu poljoprivrednih prihoda i najčeŔće je poljoprivredno osiguranje u Hrvatskoj. Osiguranjem usjeva u Hrvatskoj bave se četiri osiguravajuće kuće i to Adriatic osiguranje, Croatia osiguranje, Triglav osiguranje i njemačka osiguravajuća kuća Vereinigte-hagel sa podružnicama diljem zemlje.Agriculture is often considered one of the most vulnerable sectors in the economy, and this is due to a number of factors that make agriculture particularly sensitive to various risks and unforeseen events. In the world, the population is constantly growing, and with it the need for a sufficient amount of food to feed all this population. This poses challenges for agriculture and the food industry, as more food needs to be produced, often with limited resources such as land, water and energy. The trend of increasing the number of insured persons in agriculture has been recorded in recent years mostly due to the support of the European Union for crop insurance, where 70% of the premium is subsidized through incentive measures. Climate change has brought many negative consequences to agricultural production this summer as well, which was affected by floods, hail and stormy winds. Insurance against various risks in agriculture, such as hail, fire, lightning, storm and spring frost, is the main factor for protecting agricultural income and is the most common agricultural insurance in Croatia. Crop insurance in Croatia is handled by four insurance companies, namely Adriatic osiguranje, Croatia osiguranje, Triglav osiguranje and the German insurance company Vereinigte-hagel with branches all over the country

    Genocide in the 20th Century Conflicts

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    Genocid kao masovni zločin koji nastoji uniÅ”titi potpuno ili djelomice neku nacionalnu, etičku ili vjersku skupinu ljudi. Zločin nad čovječanstvom se ponavljao neliko puta tijekom cijelog 20. stoljeća i opisan je kao najekstremniji oblik demografske dimenzije konflikta. Rad analizira tri genocida koji su se dogodili tijekom 20. stoljeća kroz početak, sredinu i pretkraj stoljeća. To su Armenski genocid, genocid nad Židovima u nacističkoj Njemačkoj te genocid u Ruandi. Biti će prikazani uzroci, politička slika netom prije početka genocida, načini provedbe zločina, posljedice te akcije koje je međunarodna zajednica poduzela na genocide. Također, rad će pokuÅ”ati dati odgovor na to kako spriječiti buduće genocide.Genocide as a mass crime that seeks to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethical or religious group of people. The crime against humanity has been repeated several times throughout the 20th century and has been described as the most extreme form of the demographic dimension of the conflict. The paper analyzes three genocides that occurred during the 20th century through the beginning, middle and end of the century. These are the Armenian genocide, the genocide of the Jews in Nazi Germany and the genocide in Rwanda. The causes, the political picture just before the beginning of the genocide, the ways of committing crimes, the consequences of the action taken by the international community on genocide will be presented. Also, the paper will try to give an answer to how to prevent future genocides