43 research outputs found

    Eesti Keeleressursside Keskus

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    Regulatory and Contractual Framework as an Integral Part of CLARIN Infrastructure : the Estonian and Finnish Perspectives

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    The article focuses on the regulatory and contractual framework in CLARIN. The discussion is based on the process analysis approach, which allows an evaluation of the functionality and shortcomings of the entire legal framework concerning language resources and technologies. The article reflects the personal knowledge and insights of the authors gained through their work with legal aspects of language resources and technologies in Estonia and Finland. The analysis may be helpful to CLARIN partners facing similar problems

    The Regulatory and Contractual Framework as an Integral Part of the CLARIN Infrastructure

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    Proceeding volume: 123The article focuses on the regulatory and contractual frameworks in CLARIN. A process analysis approach has been adopted to allow an evaluation of the functionality and shortcomings of the entire legal framework applicable to language resources and technologies. The article discusses and provides background information to amendments of key provisions of CLARIN license templates. The authors also address issues relating to the research exception allowing for the development of language resources without the copyright holder’s consent. The article introduces some practical information on a new version of the license category calculator. The article reflects the authors’ personal understanding and insights gained by examining the legal aspects of language resources and technologies in Estonia and Finland.Peer reviewe

    Challenges of transformation of research data into open data : The perspective of social sciences and humanities

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    The authors address the transformation of research data into open data. The article draws on the experience in four countries: Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. The transformation process presents several challenges where legal, organizational and individual aspects influence the process. Research data often contain personal data. Research data could also be covered with intellectual property (IP) rights. This means that personal data and IP regulations should be integrated into the dissemination model. While there is a potential conflict between the policies for open data that aim to make data freely available and those of an entrepreneurial university that emphasize commercialization of research results, these policies need to be made compatible. Researchers producing data are vital for reconciling the two, but they currently lack the motivation to contribute towards the implementation of the open data policy due to missing career incentives.Peer reviewe

    Digidokumendist tekstikorpuseks: Semperi ja Barbaruse kirjavahetuse töötlemine masinanalüüsitavaks päringusüsteemis KORP

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    Kirjandusteadlaste ja arvutilingvistide koostöös katseprojektina valminud Johannes Semperi ja Johannes Barbaruse kirjavahetuse korpus on nii kirjanduslooliselt kui tekstilingvistiliselt huvipakkuv digitaalandmestik. Kirjandusteadlastele avab kaasaegsete digitaalsete meetodite kasutuselevõtt huvitavaid uurimisperspektiive ja vanade uurimistulemuste ülekontrollimise võimalusi arvutuslike meetoditega. Korpuslingvistidele on aga väljakutseks ajaloolise ja isikupärase keelekasutusega, erinevatest keeltest kubiseva ja rohkete koha-, aja- ja isikuviidetega tekstimaterjali ettevalmistamine rikkalikult märgendatud korpuseks. Artikkel peatub üksikasjalikumalt nii käsikirjalise materjali digitaalseks tekstiandmestikuks ettevalmistamise kui ka analüüsi- ja märgendamisprotsessi probleemidel ja nende võimalikel lahendustel. Kasutajatele tutvustatakse ka korpuste päringusüsteemi KORP võimalusi sarnaste tekstide uurimiseks. Abstract. Marin Laak, Kaarel Veskis, Kadri Vider, Neeme Kahusk, and Olga Gerassimenko: Turning from digital document to text corpus: conversion of correspondence between Semper and Barbarus to a machine-readable unit in KORP. The article describes a joined pilot project of literary scholars and language technologists that resulted in a correspondence corpus of Estonian avant-garde poets Johannes Semper and Johannes Barbarus. The corpus is an inspiring digital dataset both for literary and linguistic researches. Contemporary digital methods allow literary scholars to find new interesting research perspectives and to revise the old research results with computational methods. Corpus linguists can find interesting challenges in historically and personally unique language use of the correspondents, in multiple languages used for citations and language play, in multiple references to places, events and persons in the textual material that was transformed to an annotated corpus. The article describes the preparation of typed-in manuscript material for a digital dataset in detail, problems of annotation and analysis and their possible solutions. The reader will get an insight to the possibilities that corpus query system KORP offers for the research of similar textual material

    Processing personal data without the consent of the data subject for the development and use of language resources

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    The development and use of language resources often involve the processing of personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes an EU-wide framework for the processing of personal data for research purposes while at the same time allowing for some flexibility on the part of the Member States. The paper discusses the legal framework for language research following the entry into force of the GDPR. In the first section, we present some fundamental concepts of data protection relevant to language research. In the second section, the general framework of processing personal data for research purposes is discussed. In the last section, we focus on the models that certain EU Member States use to regulate data processing for research purposes.Peer reviewe

    The interplay of legal regimes of personal data, intellectual property and freedom of expression in language research

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    Sometimes legal scholars get relevant but baffling questions from laypersons like: “The reference to a work is personal data, so does the GDPR actually require me to anonymise it? Or, as my voice data is personal data, does the GDPR automatically give me access to a speech recognizer using my voice sample? Or, can I say anything about myself without the GDPR requiring the web host to anonymise or remove the post? What can I say about others like politicians? And, what can researchers say about patients in a research report?” Based on these questions, the authors address the interaction of intellectual property and data protection law in the context of data minimisation and attribution rights, access rights, trade secret protection, and freedom of expressio