19,963 research outputs found

    Terahertz surface plasmon polariton propagation and focusing on periodically corrugated metal wires

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    In this letter we show how the dispersion relation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) propagating along a perfectly conducting wire can be tailored by corrugating its surface with a periodic array of radial grooves. In this way, highly localized SPPs can be sustained in the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Importantly, the propagation characteristics of these spoof SPPs can be controlled by the surface geometry, opening the way to important applications such as energy concentration on cylindrical wires and superfocusing using conical structures.Comment: accepted at PRL, submitted 29th May 200

    A multiplexing architecture for mixed-signal CMOS fuzzy controllers

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    Limits to precision impose limits to the complexity of analog circuits, hence fuzzy analog controllers are usually oriented to fast low-power systems with low-medium complexity. This paper presents a strategy to preserve most of the advantages of an analog implementation, while allowing a marked increment in system complexity.The works in this papaer has been partially funded by the spanish C.I.C.Y.T. under contract TIC96-1392-C02-02 (SIVA

    Genralized Robustness of Entanglement

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    The robustness of entanglement results of Vidal and Tarrach considered the problem whereby an entangled state is mixed with a separable state so that the overall state becomes non-entangled. In general it is known that there are also cases when entangled states are mixed with other entangled states and where the sum is separable. In this paper, we treat the more general case where entangled states can be mixed with any states so that the resulting mixture is unentangled. It is found that entangled pure states for this generalized case have the same robustness as the restricted case of Vidal and Tarrach.Comment: Final version. Editorial changes and references added to independent wor

    Entanglement entropy in collective models

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    We discuss the behavior of the entanglement entropy of the ground state in various collective systems. Results for general quadratic two-mode boson models are given, yielding the relation between quantum phase transitions of the system (signaled by a divergence of the entanglement entropy) and the excitation energies. Such systems naturally arise when expanding collective spin Hamiltonians at leading order via the Holstein-Primakoff mapping. In a second step, we analyze several such models (the Dicke model, the two-level BCS model, the Lieb-Mattis model and the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model) and investigate the properties of the entanglement entropy in the whole parameter range. We show that when the system contains gapless excitations the entanglement entropy of the ground state diverges with increasing system size. We derive and classify the scaling behaviors that can be met.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Thermalization and Cooling of Plasmon-Exciton Polaritons: Towards Quantum Condensation

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    We present indications of thermalization and cooling of quasi-particles, a precursor for quantum condensation, in a plasmonic nanoparticle array. We investigate a periodic array of metallic nanorods covered by a polymer layer doped with an organic dye at room temperature. Surface lattice resonances of the array---hybridized plasmonic/photonic modes---couple strongly to excitons in the dye, and bosonic quasi-particles which we call plasmon-exciton-polaritons (PEPs) are formed. By increasing the PEP density through optical pumping, we observe thermalization and cooling of the strongly coupled PEP band in the light emission dispersion diagram. For increased pumping, we observe saturation of the strong coupling and emission in a new weakly coupled band, which again shows signatures of thermalization and cooling.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures including supplemental material. The newest version includes new measurements and corrections to the interpretation of the result

    Symmetric Periodic Solutions of the Anisotropic Manev Problem

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    We consider the Manev Potential in an anisotropic space, i.e., such that the force acts differently in each direction. Using a generalization of the Poincare' continuation method we study the existence of periodic solutions for weak anisotropy. In particular we find that the symmetric periodic orbits of the Manev system are perturbed to periodic orbits in the anisotropic problem.Comment: Late

    Surface shape resonances in lamellar metallic gratings

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    The specular reflectivity of lamellar gratings of gold with grooves 0.5 microns wide separated by a distance of 3.5 microns was measured on the 2000 cm−1^{-1} - 7000 cm−1^{-1} spectral range for p-polarized light. For the first time, experimental evidence of the excitation of electromagnetic surface shape resonances for optical frequencies is given. In these resonances the electric field is highly localized inside the grooves and is almost zero in all other regions. For grooves of depth equal to 0.6 microns, we have analyzed one of these modes whose wavelength (3.3 microns) is much greater than the lateral dimension of the grooves.Comment: 4 pages (LaTex), 5 postscript figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Observation of enhanced transmission for s-polarized light through a subwavelength slit

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    Enhanced optical transmission (EOT) through subwavelength apertures is usually obtained for p-polarized light. The present study experimentally investigates EOT for s-polarized light. A subwavelength slit surrounded on each side by periodic grooves has been fabricated in a gold film and covered by a thin dielectric layer. The excitation of s-polarized dielectric waveguide modes inside the dielectric film strongly increases the s-polarized transmission. Transmission measurements are compared with a coupled mode model and show good qualitative agreement. Adding a waveguide can improve light transmission through subwavelength apertures, as both s and p-polarization can be efficiently transmitted.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Mixed State Entanglement: Manipulating Polarisation-Entangled Photons

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    There has been much discussion recently regarding entanglement transformations in terms of local filtering operations and whether the optimal entanglement for an arbitrary two-qubit state could be realised. We introduce an experimentally realisable scheme for manipulating the entanglement of an arbitrary state of two polarisation entangled qubits. This scheme is then used to provide some perspective to the mathematical concepts inherent in this field with respect to a laboratory environment. Specifically, we look at how to extract enhanced entanglement from systems with a fixed rank and in the case where the rank of the density operator for the state can be reduced, show how the state can be made arbitrarily close to a maximally entangled pure state. In this context we also discuss bounds on entanglement in mixed states.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure
