1,846 research outputs found

    Computer vision classification of barley flour based on spatial pyramid partition ensemble

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    Imaging sensors are largely employed in the food processing industry for quality control. Flour from malting barley varieties is a valuable ingredient in the food industry, but its use is restricted due to quality aspects such as color variations and the presence of husk fragments. On the other hand, naked varieties present superior quality with better visual appearance and nutritional composition for human consumption. Computer Vision Systems (CVS) can provide an automatic and precise classification of samples, but identification of grain and flour characteristics require more specialized methods. In this paper, we propose CVS combined with the Spatial Pyramid Partition ensemble (SPPe) technique to distinguish between naked and malting types of twenty-two flour varieties using image features and machine learning. SPPe leverages the analysis of patterns from different spatial regions, providing more reliable classification. Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), J48 decision tree, and Random Forest (RF) were compared for samples' classification. Machine learning algorithms embedded in the CVS were induced based on 55 image features. The results ranged from 75.00% (k-NN) to 100.00% (J48) accuracy, showing that sample assessment by CVS with SPPe was highly accurate, representing a potential technique for automatic barley flour classification1913CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ420562/2018-


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    Relief is a soil formation factor that can modify the distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions in a landscape. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the relief on SOM fractions, considering their distribution in different topographic positions, segments, in two pedoforms (concave and convex) in areas covered with forest in the Atlantic Forest biome. The two pedoforms were selected in adjacent areas and divided into segments considering the topographic variation. The carbon and nitrogen origins were evaluated in the extract up to 100 cm of depth. Soil samples from the 0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm layers were collected for chemical characterization and fractioning (granulometric and chemical) of the SOM. The soil density in the 0-5 and 5-10 cm layers was determined to calculated the carbon stocks. The isotopic composition showed predominance of 13C. The highest organic carbon and particulate carbon contents were found in the convex pedoform. The distribution of humic fractions showed that the larger part of the humidified carbon was in the humin fraction. The humin and fulvic acid fractions were higher in the convex pedoform. The carbon stocks were, in general, higher in the convex pedoform, decreasing as the soil depth increased; and nitrogen stocks presented no differences. The higher carbon and nitrogen contents were found in the convex pedoform and in the lower region of the concave pedoform

    A emancipação da mulher e a presença das ciências e da matemática no periódico O Quinze de Novembro do Sexo Feminino

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    RESUMO Diversos foram os movimentos em prol da emancipação da mulher na nossa sociedade, um dos quais é o advento da imprensa feminina, que surgiu no século XVII, mas que se difundiu especialmente no século XIX. O presente estudo traz uma análise dos textos científicos e matemáticos publicados no periódico O Quinze de Novembro do Sexo Feminino: periodico quinzenal, litterario, recreativo e noticioso especialmente dedicado aos interesses da mulher, editado entre 1889 e 1890, por Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz. Embora esta pesquisa aponte que o tema é episódico, ela mostra que essa publicação pode ser uma maneira de compreender como os periódicos daquele período buscavam a inserção das mulheres no universo científico e matemático, assim como evidencia o papel destes conhecimentos para a emancipação da mulher na sociedade brasileira do final do século XIX

    Avaliação do Albedo em áreas agrícolas identificadas a partir de índice de vegetação.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o albedo de superfície em áreas agrícolas identificadas por meio de índices de vegetação no município de Maracaju, MS. Para tanto, foram utilizados o algoritmo SEBAL e imagem do satélite Landsat 5 ? TM. Para as estimativas realizadas no dia 03/11/2009, o albedo médio estimado foi de 0,17±0,03. Ressalta-se também que parte significativa da área destinada à agricultura apresentaram valores de albedo maior que 0,16. Provavelmente, estas áreas estavam em fase de plantio da soja ou com plantações de soja nos primeiros estádios de desenvolvimento. No âmbito do projeto AGSPEC, estão em andamento estudos envolvendo espectrorradiometria de campo e poderão complementar as avaliações realizadas

    Psychosocial adjustment of in-home caregivers of family members with dementia and parkinson's disease: a comparative study

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and dementia are highly prevalent worldwide. People who suffer from these disorders often receive in-home care and assistance from family members, who must dedicate a considerable amount of time to the care recipient. The study of family caregivers' psychosocial adjustment to the degenerative processes of both conditions is of interest due to the implications for the quality of life of both the care receiver and the caregiver, as well as other family members. This study compares the psychosocial adjustment of family members who care for people with dementia and Parkinson's disease and identifies the main sociodemographic variables that affect the processes of adjustment to both conditions. To this end, the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS-SR) and a sociodemographic form were administered to 157 family caregivers in Navarre, Spain. The results show that adjustment to the disease in family caregivers of people with Parkinson's disease and dementia is, in general, satisfactory and related to variables such as place of residence, income, and employment status. The illness itself (Parkinson's or dementia), however, is found to be the most influential variable in the level of psychosocial adjustment.Ignacio García and Jose Moler acknowledge the financial support received from the project MTM2016-77015-R


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    Resumo: O Wood Frame é um sistema sustentável da construção civil que faz uso de painéis de madeira de reflorestamento, dentre as quais pode-se citar a Pinus elliottii. Para a utilização da técnica deste sistema construtivo, a madeira que será utilizada deve seguir alguns processos de conservação como estar seca e sem imperfeições. As vantagens e desvantagens deste sistema serão apresentadas no presente trabalho, estabelecendo um paradoxo entre utilização do sistema Wood frame e as construções convencionais de alvenaria. Palavras-chave: Wood Frame. Sistema Construtivo. Alvenaria