1,513 research outputs found

    Examining Spillover Effects from Teach For America Corps Members in Miami-Dade County Public Schools

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    Despite a large body of evidence documenting the effectiveness of Teach For America (TFA) corps members at raising the math test scores of their students, little is known about the program's impact at the school level. TFA's recent placement strategy in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS), where large numbers of TFA corps members are placed as clusters into a targeted set of disadvantaged schools, provides an opportunity to evaluate the impact of the TFA program on broader school performance. This study examines whether the influx of TFA corps members led to a spillover effect on other teachers' performance. We find that many of the schools chosen to participate in the cluster strategy experienced large subsequent gains in math achievement. These gains were driven in part by the composition effect of having larger numbers of effective TFA corps members. However, we do not find any evidence that the clustering strategy led to any spillover effect on school-wide performance. In other words, our estimates suggest that extra student gains for TFA corps members under the clustering strategy would be equivalent to the gains that would result from an alternate placement strategy where corps members were evenly distributed across schools

    How to start a Focus Group: Using cartoons in adult focus groups to discuss consumers feedback expectations in food service settings.

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    This article tests a novel method for starting focus groups quickly while ensuring that respondents understand the topic of interest for the study. To kick start the focus groups, a cartoon style illustration was developed. The cartoons depicted various food service experience from start to finish. Respondents first task was to indicate when it was natural for them to give feedback on the food service experience. The results show that the cartoons allowed respondents to quickly understand the topic, which in turn gave them confidence to contribute with relevant information from the start. In addition, respondents used the framework of the illustrations to keep the discussion focused on the topic throughout. We generally find that it is getting harder to find people who are willing to commit to 2 h focus groups after work. For us to find participants who are willing to take part, we are having to be much more time conscious, this method allows for shorter groups without losing valuable information. The method has a potential when it comes to testing food products as well as in the development of dishes for gastronomic experiences. It may also be a good tool to use in sensory focus groups. The use of comics to start off the focus group worked well in the context of a non-sensitive topic, in this case food service experiences. Further research could explore using this method for more sensitive topics.publishedVersio

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un jardín infantil con énfasis en bilingüismo español – alemán con la opción de tercera lengua inglés, en el Municipio de Chía

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    84 Páginas.El proyecto de investigación sobre la creación del Preescolar Mecky, busca comprobar la viabilidad de dar inicio a un proyecto educativo que enfatice en el aprendizaje del idioma alemán en el municipio de Chía, que cumpla con los requisititos exigidos por la ley para el mismo y que implemente una filosofía del aprendizaje silencioso apoyado en la metodología de la elección. Para la realización de este proyecto se utilizaron como referencia los estudios que hablan sobre la educación inicial y el compromiso del Estado en esta etapa formativa de los estudiantes, así como los requisitos necesarios para completar de manera legal la implementación exitosa de una institución educativa; en cuanto a la evaluación del proyecto se realizaron investigación de campo como lo son las encuestas a potenciales usuarios y el estudio de la competencia, cuyo análisis orienta sobre la posibilidad o no de la creación de este proyecto, y por último se realizó una evaluación financiera basada en el aprendizaje que sobre este tema se obtuvo en el transcurso de la Especialización Gerencia Educativa. A partir del análisis de resultados como consecuencia de la recolección de información, se formula una propuesta educativa innovadora que articula los aspectos operativo, técnico y financiero para la creación de una Institución de educación formal - preescolar-, a través de la cual se aplican los conocimientos adquiridos durante la especialización y se viabiliza un proyecto de inversión financiera futura

    Black Literary Suite: Black Writing in Reel Time

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    These materials from the 9th Annual Black Literary Suite, Black Writing in Reel Time, include the video of the panel discussion from the Black Literary Suite exhibit. This record also contains supplementary materials about the discussion, the panelists, and a timeline.Countless works by Black authors have found multiple lives through film adaptations, recontextualizing the ways in which modern audiences can engage with these narratives. From Charles Chesnutt’s novel The House Behind the Cedars, and the 1927 film directed by Oscar Micheaux, to Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give and the 2017 film directed by George Tillman Jr., adaptations have brought renewed attention to works by Black authors expanding the discussion of a range of topics, including race, identity, coming of age, class conflict, and Black love. Black film, like Black writing, gives us history, past and present, real and reimagined. In order to highlight works within the Project on the History of Black Writing’s collection and demonstrate the impact these adaptations have had on the reception, circulation, and growing popularity of Black literature, this year’s Black Literary Suite (BLS) has selected the theme: “Black Writing in Reel Time.” The timeline, interactive map, and selected filmography highlight works that range from the Antebellum period, such as Solomon Northup’s autobiography Twelve Years a Slave, to the 21st century, where novels like The Hate U Give offer meaningful reflections that educate, challenge, and -yes- entertain us

    Cellulose Nanomaterials - A Path Towards Commercialization Workshop Report

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    A U.S. Forest Service report detailing the pathway to commercializing affordable, renewable, and biodegradable cellulose nanomaterials from trees. Cellulosic nanomaterials are tiny, naturally occurring structural building blocks and hold great promise for many new and improved commercial products. Commercializing these materials also has the potential to create hundreds of thousands of American jobs while helping to restore our nation's forests. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), in collaboration with the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), organized the Cellulose Nanomaterials Commercialization Workshop held on May 20–21, 2014, in Washington, DC. This workshop brought together a wide range of experts representing industry, academia, and government in an effort to strengthen cross-sector partnerships and ensure that future RD&D efforts are informed by market needs. The workshop generated market-driven input in three areas: Opportunities for Commercialization, Barriers to Commercialization, and Research and Development (R&D) Roles and Priorities

    Leselystens verktøykasse - Om stillelesing av tre bøker på mellomtrinnet

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    I denne masteroppgaven har vi brukt en lærerfaglig litterær analyse for å se nærmere på problemstillingen vår som er: Hvordan kan individuell stillelesing, som lesesiesta eller lesekvart, fremme leselyst blant elever på mellomtrinnet ved bruk av tre utvalgte bøker? En fordel ved en slik metode er at man får tatt et dypdykk i teori og analysen av tre utvalgte bøker. Derimot er det viktig å huske på at oppgaven er preget av subjektivitet som er en ulempe ved en slik metode. Ideen til oppgaven oppstod da vi var i praksis og erfarte stillelesing i klasserommet. Videre i oppgaven har vi lagt frem vårt teoretiske rammeverk som har gått ut på hva stillelesing er og hva begrepet leselyst innebærer. Vi har i tillegg lagt frem Jeffrey D. Wilhelms fem nytelser som grunn for leselyst. Disse fem nytelsene er: glede ved lek, intellektuell nytelse, sosial nytelse, nytelse ved funksjonelt arbeid og nytelse ved indre arbeid. I oppgaven har vi analysert tre populære bøker på mellomtrinnet som er Hjertestopper - Gutt Møter Gutt, Harry Potter og Halvblodsprinsen og En pingles Dagbok - Den brutale sannheten. I Analysen har vi gått gjennom hver bok med bakgrunn i teori og Wilhelms fem nytelser. Vi har undersøkt hvilke aspekter ved bøkene som kan engasjere ulike type lesere, og i neste omgang kanskje motivere dem til å lese mer. Drøftingen har tatt for seg hvordan læreren kan arbeide med bøker før, under og etter stillelesing for å fremme leselyst. Vi konkluderer analysen med tre av Wilhelms fem nytelser som vi har oppfattet som best egnet til å fremme leselyst. Dette er glede ved lek, intellektuell nytelse og nytelse av indre arbeid. Disse nytelsene er avhengig av hverandre og bygger på hverandre. Det første området vi fant sentralt i studien vår er glede ved lek, denne handler om viktigheten av å etablere en forestillingsverden for å kunne nyte litteratur. Dette handler om å kunne leve seg så langt inn i en bok at en glemmer tid og sted, at en går seg litt vill i litteraturen. Et annet område som vi fant sentralt, er intellektuell nytelse som handler om at nysgjerrigheten under lesing er viktig for å ha et ønske om å fortsette å lese. Det å undre seg over hva som skjer videre i en oppfølgende bok eller hva som kan være spennende i en ny bok, gir en motivasjon til å plukke opp den neste boken. Videre fant vi ut at nytelse ved indre arbeid er sentralt for leselyst. Dette er viktig for at leseren kan sette seg selv inn i litteraturen for å prøve å forstå karakterene. Man kan også prøve å forstå seg selv bedre ved å stille seg spørsmål om hva en selv hadde gjort i den samme situasjonen. I vår forskning er det vanskelig å se hvilke av disse nytelsene som har den største virkningen for å oppnå leselyst, men alle tre gir et positivt resultat. I drøftingen har vi avdekket viktigheten av lærerens rolle som underbygger vår konklusjon. Dette handler om hvordan læreren kan hjelpe med å utvikle leselyst eller bygge på leselysten elevene allerede har. Det er to hovedområder læreren kan legge opp til for å prøve å realisere potensialet av leselyst. Den ene måten er å snakke om en bok som gir en bekreftelse for hvordan leseren har tolket teksten. Dette sosiale møtet med boken kan også bygge på nysgjerrigheten til elevene ved at de kan få snakke om de spørsmålene de har stilt seg underveis og etter endt lesing. Den andre måten som realiserer potensialet med leselyst er å bygge på temaer i bøkene som interesserer elevene. Dette kan læreren gjøre ved å for eksempel lage rollespill eller litterære samtaler. Dette viser hvordan læreren kan fremme leselyst, disse ulike måtene avhenger av kontekst, interesser og sammensetning av klassen.In this master thesis, we have taken a deep dive into our research problem which is: How can independent silent reading, such as readingsiesta or readingquarter, build engaged reading for upper elementary students through three chosen books. In order to find a solution to our problem, we have carried out a pedagogical literary analysis. When using this method there are both advantages and disadvantages. An advantage with this method is that the researcher can take a thorough analysis into the material and theories. A disadvantage with this method is that the research that is presented will be influenced by a great deal of subjectivity. The idea for our main problem in this thesis arose when we were in internship and experienced silent reading in the classroom. In this thesis we have presented what independent silent reading is and what engaged reading is through different researchers. Jeffrey D. Wilhelms article about five types of pleasure for readers has been used in this thesis as the foundation for reading engagement. These five pleasures are: immersive play pleasure, social pleasure, intellectual pleasure, the pleasure of inner work and the pleasure of work. We have analyzed three popular books for upper elementary students which are: Heartstopper- Boy Meets Boy, Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince and Diary of a Wimpy Kid- The ugly truth. In the analysis we have thoroughly examined each book in relation to the theory we have presented and Wilhelms five types of pleasure. We have examined how the books can engage different types of readers and how this can motivate them to read more books. The discussion part of this thesis has taken into account what the teacher can do to engage readers before, under and after independent silent reading. We conclude our analysis with three of Wilhelms five pleasures that we have found important. These are: immersive play pleasure, intellectual pleasure and the pleasure of inner work. These pleasures all contribute to engaged reading. The first pleasure that we find important is immersive play pleasure. In this pleasure we find the importance of establishing an imaginary world in order to enjoy literature. Being able to immerse oneself so far into a book that you forget time and place, that you get lost in the literature. The second element in enjoying reading is the intellectual pleasure, this is based on the curiosity during reading which is important for having a desire to continue reading. Wondering what happens next, provide motivation to pick up the next book. The pleasure of inner work is important for the reader to understand oneself better by asking questions about what you would have done in the same situation. We found it important that the reader can insert oneself into the literature to try to understand the characters. In our research there is a difficulty to point out which pleasure has the best outcome in engaged reading, but gives a positive outcome with all three pleasures. In the discussion we have concluded with the importance of the teacher's role and how the teacher can help develop a desire to read. We have also highlighted being able to talk to others about a book and how this can provide confirmation about how the person has interpreted the text. This social meeting about books can also build on curiosity by allowing students to talk about the questions they have asked themselves during and after reading. We also found it important for engaged reading that students work with themes that interests them. The teacher can work with these themes through roleplay or literary conversation. We have seen in our research that working with books can foster engaged reading, but not which approach is the most successful

    Sykepleierens rolle ved tidlig identifisering og behandling av sepsis på sengepost

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    Bakgrunn Sepsis er en alvorlig infeksjonstilstand som i Norge rammer over 7000 personer i året, og 11 millioner globalt. Tidlig oppdagelse og iverksettelse av tiltak minsker dødeligheten betraktelig, og sykepleiere står i en nøkkelposisjon for å bidra til dette. De fleste sykepleiere vil møte pasienter med sepsis i løpet av sitt yrkesliv, og kunnskap om sepsis er derfor essensielt for å utøve god og forsvarlig sykepleie. Hensikt Hensikten med oppgaven er å sette fokus på hvordan sykepleiere kan være med på å oppdage sepsis tidlig og hvilke tiltak som er nødvendig å sette i gang. Metode I denne oppgaven benyttet vi en integrativ litteraturoversikt basert på fire kvantitative artikler. Resultatene fra disse artiklene, sammen med annen relevant litteratur og egne refleksjoner, utgjorde grunnlaget for besvarelsen som fremkommer i denne oppgaven. Resultat Sykepleiere står i god posisjon til å oppdage og behandle sepsis på et tidligere stadium, og på den måten skåne pasienten for et mer alvorlig sepsisforløp, såfremt det foreligger gode kunnskaper og kompetanse i bunn. Det anses som en stor fordel at sykepleiere har gode kunnskaper om tidlige symptomer på sepsis, hvilke kartleggingsverktøy som er gunstige å bruke, og betydningen av tidlig behandling

    Experimental evidence for the hydrothermal formation of native sulfur by synproportionation

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    Elemental sulfur (S0) is known to form in submarine acid-sulfate vents by disproportionation of magmatic SO2. S0 formed upon disproportionation shows δ34SS values considerably lower than the influxing magmatic SO2, which results in δ34SS values typically <0‰. The peculiar occurrence of isotopically heavy sulfur in the Kemp Caldera hydrothermal system (δ34SS > 5‰) and Niua North (δ34SS = 3.1‰) led to the suggestion that disproportionation is not the only sulfur forming process in submarine hydrothermal systems. We conducted hydrothermal experiments to investigate if synproportionation of SO2 and H2S can explain the occurrence and isotopic composition of S0 observed in some vent fields. Provided that SO2 and H2S are both abundant, this formation mechanism is thermodynamically conceivable, but it has not yet been demonstrated experimentally that this process actually takes place in submarine hydrothermal systems. We conducted the experiments in collapsible Ti-cells under pT-conditions (20–30 MPa, 220°C) that are relevant to S0 formation in submarine hydrothermal systems. We used starting concentrations of 10 mM sulfite and 20 mM sulfide of known isotopic composition. Under acidic conditions (pH25 °C = 1.2), S0 was the most abundant reaction product, but small amounts of sulfate were also produced. A Rayleigh fractionation model was applied to determine the isotopic composition of SO42–, SO2, H2S and S0 expected to form by SO2 disproportionation, H2S oxidation, and SO2–H2S synproportionation. The sulfur isotopic signatures of the sulfur produced in the experiments can only be explained by synproportionation of sulfite and sulfide. These results provide strong evidence that synproportionation is likely responsible for exceptionally high δ34SS values observed in S0 from some arc/back-arc hydrothermal environments, like the Kemp Caldera in the South Sandwich arc. Coeval degassing of H2S and SO2 is likely required to have this particular reaction dominate in the H–S–O reaction network and produce noticeable accumulations of isotopically heavy native sulfur at the seafloor