31 research outputs found

    Characterization, epidemiology and trends of eating disorders

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    Los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA) son un grupo de afecciones en las cuales las creencias negativas sobre la comida, la forma del cuerpo y el peso corporal se acompañan de conductas que incluyen restricción de la ingesta, atracones, realización excesiva de ejercicio, provocación del vómito y uso de laxantes. Pueden llegar a ser graves, repercutir sobre la calidad de vida y conducir a múltiples complicaciones físicas y psiquiátricas, incluso con desenlace fatal. El propósito de este capítulo es describir las características, la epidemiología y las tendencias de los TCA con información actualizada a partir de las publicaciones más recientes. Métodos: se ha realizado una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane y Web of Science. Los términos de búsqueda fueron “anorexia nervosa”, “bulimia nervosa”, “binge eating disorders” and “epidemiology” en título y resumen. Resultados: los TCA se presentan generalmente en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Los mejor caracterizados son la anorexia nerviosa (AN), la bulimia nerviosa (BN) y el trastorno por atracón (TA). Los estudios de prevalencia indican amplias diferencias en función del grupo de edad y el sexo, muy superior en las mujeres jóvenes (AN: 0,1-2 %; BN: 0,37-2,98 %; TA: 0,62-4,45 %). La prevalencia de los TCA es del 2,2 % (0,2-13,1 %) en Europa, del 3,5 % (0,6-7,8 %) en Asia y del 4,6 % (2,0-13,5 %) en América. La comorbilidad es elevada con problemas psiquiátricos como la depresión, la ansiedad, el déficit de atención e hiperactividad, el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y los trastornos de personalida

    Association between serum ferritin and osteocalcin as a potential mechanism explaining the iron-induced insulin resistance

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    Background Increased iron stores are associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, however, the mechanisms underlying these associations are poorly understood. Because a reduction of circulating osteocalcin levels after iron overload have been demonstrated in cell cultures, and osteocalcin is related to glucose and insulin metabolism, the iron-induced osteocalcin reductions could contribute to explain the role of iron metabolism in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective To analyzed the associations between serum total and uncarboxylated osteocalcin and adiponectin concentrations with serum ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) in elderly subjects. Design We evaluated a total of 423 subjects from the PREDIMED cohort in a population-based cross-sectional analysis. Extensive clinical, nutritional and laboratory measurements, including total and uncarboxylated osteocalcin, adiponectin, ferritin and sTfR were recorded. Results Serum ferritin was positively correlated with increased glucose and insulin circulating levels but also with HOMA-IR, and was inversely associated with total osteocalcin and adiponectin. A regression analysis revealed that serum ferritin and transferrin receptor levels were significantly associated with a decrease in total and uncarboxylated osteocalcin. Serum sTfR levels were associated with lower uncarboxylated osteocalcin levels in the whole-study subjects and remained significant only in the IFG (impaired fasting glucose) individuals. Conclusions We described, for the first time, an inverse association between serum ferritin and sTfR with osteocalcin and extend previous results on adiponectin, thus supporting that factors related to iron metabolism could contribute to the insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Walnuts, Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and Adolescent Brain Development: Protocol for the Walnuts Smart Snack Dietary Intervention Trial

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    Background: Adolescence, when the most complex behaviors are refined to adult sophistication, represents a major window of opportunity and vulnerability for neuropsychological development. To support and protect this complex and active brain growth, different nutritional components considered essential need to be acquired from the diet. For instance, omega-3 fatty acids are mainly obtained from seafood, seeds, and walnuts. Known for their rich lipid profile, walnuts contain sizable amounts of an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the vegetable omega-3 fatty acid that is the precursor of two longer-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 PUFA): docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids. While there is growing evidence of neuropsychological improvements in the young developing brain associated with omega-3 PUFA intake, few studies have examined whether consuming walnuts during adolescence entails similar beneficial effects. There is a need to further explore the ways in which walnuts influence youthful brain function, particularly for the long-term. Thus, we designed the WALNUTs study (WSS), a population-based randomized controlled trial conducted in adolescents in Barcelona, Spain. We hypothesize that walnut intake will increase omega-3 PUFA tissue availability (particularly ALA) to a level that enhances the neuropsychological development during adolescence. Methodology/Design: We conducted a 6-month population-based randomized controlled trial in teenagers (n = 800) and we aimed to determine the effectiveness of the intervention (four walnuts per day, or 30 kernel g, ~1.5g of ALA) in enhancing brain neuropsychological and socio-emotional development compared to a control group with no walnut intervention. Before randomization, different neuropsychological tests were recorded for all participants, and blood samples (in a subsample of participants) were collected to measure omega-3 PUFA levels at baseline, and all again, after randomization and the intervention. The data is now collected and we will conduct linear regression models to assess the effect of the intervention. Discussion: The WALNUTs (WSS) study results will allow us to better understand the role of plant-based omega-3 PUFA intake from regular walnut consumption on neuropsychological development during adolescence. Results could be translated into nutritional public health recommendations targeting teenagers. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health # NCT02590848. Retrospectively registered 29/10/2015

    Soluble transferrin receptor and risk of type 2 diabetes in the obese and nonobese

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    BACKGROUND: Studies evaluating the relationship between soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), a biomarker inversely related to body iron stores, and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are scarce and inconclusive. Furthermore, sTfR concentrations have been observed to be significantly higher in obese than in nonobese individuals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the relationship between sTfR and the risk of T2DM in obese and nonobese subjects. DESIGN: A nested case-control study of 153 cases of newly diagnosed diabetic subjects, 73 obese and 80 nonobese, and 306 individually matched controls, 138 obese and 166 nonobese, who did not develop T2DM for a median 6-year follow-up (interquartile range: 3·9-6·5) was conducted using data from the PREvention with MEDiterranean Diet (PREDIMED) cohort (http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN35739639). Cases and controls were matched for age (≤ 67 vs. > 67 years), gender, dietary intervention group and BMI (≤ 27 vs. > 27 kg/m2 ). RESULTS: Waist circumference is the main determinant of sTfR concentrations in the whole sample (β = 0·476, P < 0·001), in the obese (β = 0·802, P < 0·001) and the nonobese (β = 0·455, P = 0·003). Furthermore, sTfR is directly associated with the risk of T2DM in obese individuals (OR = 2·79; 95% CI: 1·35-5·77, P = 0·005) and inversely associated in nonobese individuals (OR = 0·40; 95% CI: 0·20-0·79, P = 0·015). CONCLUSIONS: The association between sTfR levels and risk of T2DM in a population at high cardiovascular risk depend on the presence or absence of obesity. While in nonobese subjects elevated sTfR levels are associated with a decreased risk of developing T2DM, in obese subjects the risk increases. This suggests that obesity alters the relatio


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónTrayectoria de desarrollo de los síntomas de ansiedad durante tres años en una muestra comunitaria de adolescentes. Antecedentes: la adolescencia es un período de vulnerabilidad para la aparición de manifestaciones de ansiedad. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la trayectoria de varios subtipos de ansiedad en escolares, a lo largo de tres fases y teniendo en cuenta el género. Método: utilizando un diseño prospectivo, 1.514 sujetos (media-edad= 10.23; DE= 1.23) se sometieron a un cribado para detectar síntomas de ansiedad y/o depresivos. 562 sujetos (media-edad= 11.25; DE= 1.04) participaron en la segunda fase y 242 (media-edad= 13.52; DE= .94) fueron seguidos en la tercera fase. En las tres fases se administró el Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders. Se calcularon las trayectorias de desarrollo de la ansiedad mediante modelos de crecimiento latente. Resultados: las manifestaciones de fobia social y de ansiedad generalizada se mantuvieron estables. Se encontraron diferencias entre sexos en las trayectorias de desarrollo de la ansiedad somática/pánico, ansiedad de separación y ansiedad total; los niños mostraron un decrecimiento significativo en comparación con las niñas. Conclusiones: los síntomas de ansiedad son un fenómeno clínico significativo en los escolares, pero no aumentan durante la adolescencia temprana. Es importante identificar patrones de desarrollo de cada subtipo de ansiedad teniendo en cuenta el género.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    Gastronomy and nutrition in Catalonia

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    [ES] Objetivos: la cultura y los hábitos alimentarios de un territorio configuran su gastronomía y determinan el estado nutricional y de salud de su población. Nos planteamos el objetivo de revisar la alimentación, la cultura, la gastronomía y el estado nutricional y de salud de la población catalana. Métodos: búsqueda de documentación y bibliográfica. Resultados: el origen de la gastronomía catalana se remonta a la época clásica. Desde la época griega y romana, cuando se incorpora a nuestra cocina el aceite de oliva y el vino, hasta la actualidad, múltiples civilizaciones han influido en ella, con la influencia árabe y el descubrimiento de América como momentos fundamentales en el incremento de la riqueza y de la variedad gastronómica española. A nivel catalán, las características geográficas, culturales y sociales de Cataluña, con un marcado sello mediterráneo, fueron incorporándose y creando la cocina y la gastronomía catalanas, que actualmente tiene reconocimiento y prestigio internacionales. El consumo alimentario de la población catalana fue estudiado desde 1983. En la actualidad, presenta un consumo de alimentos y una ingesta de energía y nutrientes similares a la media nacional, al igual que ocurre con la prevalencia de morbilidad y estilos de vida. Conclusión: para que la unión de gastronomía y consumo alimentario favorezca también la salud de la población, debemos favorecer los platos más saludables y fáciles de preparar de su gastronomía y potenciar modificaciones que mejoren los platos técnicamente más complejos y/o pocos saludables[EN] Objectives: the culture and the eating habits of a territory give shape its gastronomy and determine the nutritional and health status of its population. We set the goal of reviewing food, culture, gastronomy and the nutritional and health status of the Catalan population. Methods: bibliographic and documentation search. Results: the origin of Catalan gastronomy dates back to the classical era. From Greek and Roman times, when olive oil and wine were incorporated into our cuisine, until today, multiple civilizations have influenced it, being the Arab contribution and the discovery of America fundamental events in the increase of Spanish wealth and its gastronomic variety. At Catalan level, the geographical, cultural and social characteristics of Catalonia, with a marked Mediterranean influence, were incorporated and creating Catalan cuisine and gastronomy, which currently have international recognition and prestige. The food consumption of the Catalan population has been studied since 1983. Nowadays, it shows a food consumption and an energy and nutrients intake similar to the national average, similarly to the prevalence of morbidity and lifestyles. Conclusion: in order to that the union of gastronomy and food consumption favors also the health of population, we must encourage the recovery of the healthiest and easiest to prepare dishes from their gastronomy and boost modifications that improve technically the more complex and/ or less healthy dishes

    Estado nutricional de los escolares de una zona rural de extrema pobreza de Ccorca, Perú: proyecto INCOS

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    La ingesta deficitaria es un factor determinanteen la desnutrición infantil, un problema de salud públicafrecuente en algunas zonas de Latinoamérica. Nuestroobjetivo es valorar el desarrollo antropométrico, el consumoalimentario, la ingesta nutricional y su adecuación en escolares,según edad y género, de una zona rural de extremapobreza de los Andes peruanosque ha recibido programasgubernamentales de ayuda alimentaria. Estudio descriptivoen 171 escolares de 8,9±1,67 años, 51,5% varones. El desarrolloantropométrico se valora mediante el Z-scoreIMC/edad, el consumo alimentario por la entrevista semiestructuradade frecuencia de consumo de alimentos y el métodode Recuerdo de 24 horas, la ingesta nutricional con latabla de composición de alimentos peruana y francesa(REGAL) y su adecuación mediante la probabilidad de ingestainadecuada (PII). Presentan delgadez el 4,7%, sobrepesoel 8,8% y obesidad el 0,6%. El consumo alimentario yla ingesta nutricional no presentan diferencia entre géneros,ni grupos de edad (6-9 años y 10-12 años). La distribuciónporcentual de macronutrientes es equilibrada. La PII deenergía y la mayoría de nutrientes es significativamentemayor en el grupo de 10-12 años que en el de 6-9 años.LasvitaminasA, D, C, B3 y folatosson deficientes en ambosgrupos; y el calcio, hierro, vitamina E y vitamina B1 en elde 10-12 años. En conclusión, los escolares presentan unpeso adecuado en relación a su talla y edad probablementedebido a la alimentación aportada por las ayudas estatalesalimentarias. Sin embargo al haber un escaso consumo defrutas, verduras y hortalizas,se refleja un riesgo nutricionalde algunas vitaminas y minerales, mayor en el grupo de 10-12 años de más elevados requerimientosnutricionales.An insufficient intake contributes to child malnutrition,a common public health problem in some LatinAmerica areas. Our objective is to assess the anthropometricdevelopment, the food consumption, the nutritional intakeand its school children adequacy, according to age and gender,in anextremely poor rural area in the Peruvian Andeswhere governmental food assistance programs were given.Descriptive study based on 171 school children about8,9±1,67years, 51,5% males. Anthropometrics characteristicsare valuated through IBM/age Z-Score. Food consumptionis assessed by semi structured interview frequency offood consumption anda 24-hour diet recall method. The nutritionalintake is estimated with the Peruvian and Frenchfood composition tables. The adequacy nutritional intake iscalculated by the inadequate intake probability (IIP). Evidencesare about 4,7% of thinness, 8,8% overweight and0,6% obesity. The food consumption and the nutritional intakeare similar among gender and age groups (6-9 yearsold and 10-12 years old). There is an acceptable macronutrientsdistribution range. The IIP energy and most nutrientsare significantly greater in the 10-12 group than in the 6-9group. A deficient intake of vitamin A, D, C, B3, folate isobserved in both groups and in Calcium, iron, vitamin E andB1 in the 10-12 group. In conclusion, students have an adequateweight for their height and age, maybe due to the stateprogram of food aid. Nevertheless, there remains weak consumptionof fruit and vegetables that is reflected in the nutritionalrisk of some vitamins and minerals, which is higherin the 10-12 years old group due their greater nutritional requirements.An insufficient intake contributes to child malnutrition,a common public health problem in some LatinAmerica areas. Our objective is to assess the anthropometricdevelopment, the food consumption, the nutritional intakeand its school children adequacy, according to age and gender,in anextremely poor rural area in the Peruvian Andeswhere governmental food assistance programs were given.Descriptive study based on 171 school children about8,9±1,67years, 51,5% males. Anthropometrics characteristicsare valuated through IBM/age Z-Score. Food consumptionis assessed by semi structured interview frequency offood consumption anda 24-hour diet recall method. The nutritionalintake is estimated with the Peruvian and Frenchfood composition tables. The adequacy nutritional intake iscalculated by the inadequate intake probability (IIP). Evidencesare about 4,7% of thinness, 8,8% overweight and0,6% obesity. The food consumption and the nutritional intakeare similar among gender and age groups (6-9 yearsold and 10-12 years old). There is an acceptable macronutrientsdistribution range. The IIP energy and most nutrientsare significantly greater in the 10-12 group than in the 6-9group. A deficient intake of vitamin A, D, C, B3, folate isobserved in both groups and in Calcium, iron, vitamin E andB1 in the 10-12 group. In conclusion, students have an adequateweight for their height and age, maybe due to the stateprogram of food aid. Nevertheless, there remains weak consumptionof fruit and vegetables that is reflected in the nutritionalrisk of some vitamins and minerals, which is higherin the 10-12 years old group due their greater nutritional requirements