674 research outputs found

    Prebiotic effect of predigested mango peel on gut microbiota assessed in a dynamic <i>in vitro</i> model of the human colon (TIM-2)

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    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) peel (MP), is a by-product from the industrial processing to obtain juices and concentrates, and is rich in polyphenols and dietary fiber (DF). DF content of dried MP is about 40%. The aim of this study was to determine the prebiotic potential of this by-product submitting predigested mango ('Ataulfo') peel to a dynamic in vitro model of the human colon. Dried MPs were predigested following an enzymatic treatment and separating digestion products and undigested material by diafiltration. The predigested samples were fermented in a validated in vitro model of the colon (TIM-2) using human fecal microbiota and sampled after 0, 24, 48 and 72h. A carbohydrate mixture of standard ileal effluent medium (SIEM) was used as control. Production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA), branched chain fatty acids (BCFA) and ammonia profiles were determined in both lumen and dialysates. Microbiota composition was determined by sequencing 16S rRNA gene V3-V4 region. Principal component (PC) analysis of fermentation metabolites and relative abundance of genera was carried out. Fermentation of MP resulted in SCFA concentrations resembling those found in the SIEM experiments, with a 56:19:24 molar ratio for acetic, propionic and butyric acids, respectively. BCFA and ammonia were produced in similar concentrations in both samples. About 80 bacterial genera were identified after fermentation of MP, with an 83% relative abundance of Bifidobacterium at 24h. Three PC were identified; PC1 was influenced by a high Bifidobacterium abundance and low metabolites production. PC2 resulted in a decrease of other genera and an increase of metabolites studied. The relative abundance at 72h in MP was distributed over 4 genera Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Dorea, and Lactococcus. Our results suggest MP as a potential prebiotic ingredient

    El liderazgo compartido como modelo de gestión institucional, prácticas de una buena convivencia y democracia

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    El liderazgo es un fenómeno que se produce en todos los grupos humanos y que lleva interesando a pensadores y literatos de todas las culturas desde hace cientos de años, pues donde quiera que un grupo de personas se involucre en la realización de una actividad conjunta, surge una estructura de liderazgo (Bass, 1990). Sin embargo, a pesar de que existen múltiples definiciones de liderazgo, un esencial rasgo común en todas ellas es que hacen hincapié en que el liderazgo es un proceso de influencia entre líderes y seguidores y que tiene como fin conseguir las metas de un grupo, organización o sociedad (Hollander, 1985. En Molero, 2005)

    Exploracion del efecto vebleriano y etareo sobre la toma de decisiones vacacionales de los grupos socioeconomicos ABC1 y C2C3. El caso de Talca

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    175 p.Debido al aumento del turismo en la Región del Maule, se cree necesario conocer o explorar el efecto Vebleriano y etareo sobre las tomas de decisiones motivacionales de las personas pertenecientes a los grupos socioeconómicos ABC1, C2C3 de la ciudad de Talca; con la idea de determinar la importancia del grado de integración, grupos de referencia y la exclusividad en los G.S.E. mencionados anteriormente. Este estudio permitirá conocer las motivaciones en las preferencias por diferentes tipos de destinaciones y del aumento del turismo, y si el producto o servicio turístico ofrecido debe ser diferenciado o segregado por clase social. En resumen explorar este efecto y ver si predomina o no en los distintos grupos socioeconómicos. Así los propietarios turísticos implementaran nuevas estrategias para satisfacer en mayor forma las necesidades e intereses de los Talquinos y a la vez competir con mejores armas para así entregar un mayor beneficio a los turistas y lograr una mayor participación de mercado

    Patient-centered care in Coronary Heart Disease: what do you want to measure? A systematic review of reviews on patient-reported outcome measures

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    Coronary heart disease; Health-related quality of life; Patient-reported outcomesMalaltia coronària; Qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut; Resultats informats pel pacientEnfermedad coronaria; Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud; Resultados informados por el pacienteBackground The number of published articles on Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), a leading cause of disability-adjusted life years lost worldwide, has been growing in the last decades. The aim of this study was to identify all the disease-specific PROMs developed for or used in CHD and summarize their characteristics (regardless of the construct), to facilitate the selection of the most adequate one for each purpose. Methods A systematic review of reviews was conducted in MEDLINE, Scopus, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. PROQOLID and BiblioPRO libraries were also checked. PROMs were classified by construct and information was extracted from different sources regarding their main characteristics such as aim, number of items, specific dimensions, original language, and metric properties that have been assessed. Results After title and abstract screening of 1224 articles, 114 publications were included for full text review. Finally, we identified 56 PROMs: 12 symptoms scales, 3 measuring functional status, 21 measuring Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL), and 20 focused on other constructs. Three of the symptoms scales were specifically designed for a study (no metric properties evaluated), and only five have been included in a published study in the last decade. Regarding functional status, reliability and validity have been assessed for Duke Activity Index and Seattle Angina Questionnaire, which present multiple language versions. For HRQL, most of the PROMs included physical, emotional, and social domains. Responsiveness has only been evaluated for 10 out the 21 HRQL PROMs identified. Other constructs included psychological aspects, self-efficacy, attitudes, perceptions, threats and expectations about the treatment, knowledge, adjustment, or limitation for work, social support, or self-care. Conclusions There is a wide variety of instruments to assess the patients’ perspective in CHD, covering several constructs. This is the first systematic review of specific PROMs for CHD including all constructs. It has practical significance, as it summarizes relevant information that may help clinicians, researchers, and other healthcare stakeholders to choose the most adequate instrument for promoting shared decision making in a trend towards value-based healthcare.This study was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant number PI16/00130); Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain (grant number and 2017 SGR 452); and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health). The funders of the study had no role in the study design and conduct, data collection, management, analysis, or interpretation; they also had no role in the preparation, writing, reviewing, and submission of this manuscript

    Metabolismo urbano de nutrientes: reúso y compostaje de residuos asociados con la porcicultura en Ciudad Juárez

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    Se documentan las prácticas de manejo y los volúmenes de residuos orgánicos asociados con la porcicultura periurbana (escamocha y excretas), así como el manejo de las podas municipales que permitirían cerrar ciclos biogeoquímicos en Ciudad Juárez. Se determinó que, con 177 toneladas al año, existen suficientes podas municipales para compostar las 1967 toneladas anuales de excretas porcinas generadas, y que existe tanto la necesidad como la superficie suficiente para utilizar ese compost en las áreas verdes municipales. En este análisis parcial del metabolismo urbano de la ciudad, se demuestra que se tienen cubiertos los requisitos para el establecimiento del proceso de compostaje en la localidad (el interés de los actores, la experiencia en el proceso, la infraestructura mínima)

    Las demostraciones dinámicas del Teorema de Pitágoras

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    Presentamos un estudio sobre demostraciones algebraicas y geométricas del Teorema de Pitágoras, para la enseñanza secundaria, usando software libre de geometría dinámica. La categorización de las demostraciones ofrece al docente un muestrario útil como herramienta para la selección de los recursos didácticos necesarios para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de dicho teorema. El conjunto de construcciones dinámicas representadas con GeoGebra, como resultado de una revisión actualizada y una selección posterior podría favorecer la tarea docente del profesor

    Evolution, Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Extreme Adaptation of Euryarchaeota and Its Biotechnological Potential

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    Archaeal organisms harbor many unique genotypic and phenotypic properties, testifying their peculiar evolutionary status. Thus, the so‐called extremophiles must be adequately adapted to cope with many extreme environments with regard to metabolic processes, biological functions, genomes, and transcriptomes to overcome the challenges of life. This chapter will illustrate recent progress in the research on extremophiles from the phylum Euryarchaeota and compile their evolutive history, metabolic strategies, lipid composition, the structural adaptations of their enzymes to temperature, salinity, and pH and their biotechnological applications. Archaeal organisms have evolved to deal with one or more extreme conditions, and over the evolution, they have accumulated changes in order to optimize protein structure and enzyme activity. The structural basis of these adaptations resulted in the construction of a vast repertoire of macromolecules with particular features not found in other organisms. This repertoire can be explored as an inexhaustible source of biological molecules for industrial or biotechnological applications. We hope that the information compiled herein will open new research lines that will shed light on various aspects of these extremophilic microorganisms. In addition, this information will be a valuable resource for future studies looking for archaeal enzymes with particular properties

    Tailoring Organic-Organic Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Microparticles and Fibers with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Reinforced Composites

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    Polymeric-based microparticles and fibers are tailorable for a wide range of common industrial and biomedical applications, while multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are among the most useful macromolecules based on their outstanding electronic, mechanical, and optical properties at the nanoscale. If one combines these nanostructures with various polymeric precursors, their range of potential applications becomes even greater. One of the simplest and most affordable methods for fabricating micro- and nanostructures is electrospinning. Herein we demonstrate how MWCNTs may be used to produce tailor-made organic-organic poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) microparticles and fibers via electrospinning by studying their structural, vibrational, rheological, and mechanical properties' dependence on their solvent (ethanol (EtOH) or dimethylformamide (DMF)) and resulting morphology. Specifically, we find clear differences in morphologies from perfectly spherical and isolated microparticles to fibers mats, or a combination of fibers with entangled beads, with solvent type and concentration. On the basis of our findings, we propose that the mechanism governing the shape and size of the particles is a competition between the solvent's surface tension, dielectric constant, and viscoelastic properties. We show, based on both our experimental results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, that OH functionalization of the MWCNTs is essential for achieving high PVP coverages and promoting the stability of the resulting PVP/MWCNT nanocomposite. Finally, by fabricating PVP/MWCNT fiber mats, we demonstrate that low concentrations (0.01-0.1 wt %) of MWCNTs led to a qualitative improvement (â250%) in the resulting mechanical properties, i.e., a reinforced composite. These results show how by controlling the solvent's dielectric constant, surface tension, and polymer concentration, one may produce tailor-made polymeric nanomaterials in combination with other organic/inorganic nanoparticles, i.e., silver, gold, or carbon allotropes, for next-generation applications

    Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la orientación espacial

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    Vivimos en un mundo tridimensional en el que se desarrollan todas las actividades a lo largo de nuestra vida por lo que nos es primordial el dominio de dicho espacio. La necesidad de orientarnos exige una buena educación de la orientación espacial desde los primeros años escolares que en muchos casos no se da. Por ello, presentamos una propuesta metodológica que hemos desarrollado durante los últimos años en nuestras clases como docentes y que está apoyada por el estudio bibliográfico realizado. Nuestra propuesta se basa en un enfoque globalizado en la enseñanza a partir del uso de contextos de la vida cotidiana del alumnado. No va encaminada solamente a enseñar orientación espacial sino a formular actividades para que los alumnos observen que ésta forma parte de su entorno y será una gran ayuda para desenvolverse en él