142 research outputs found

    Gustavo Gutierrez\u27s Understanding of the Kingdom of God in the Light of the Second Vatican Council

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    The proclamation of the Kingdom of God has been reformulated in every age and interpreted accordingly with regard to time and place. Traditionally within Roman Catholicism the Kingdom of God was identified with the church. This view produced a triumphalist attitude within the Roman Catholic Church. The Second Vatican Council brought a new attitude of openness toward the modern world, and with it the council opened the door for Roman Catholic liberation theologians to look for new ways to find what they regarded as the just solutions to the problems of Latin America. The purpose of this research is to examine Gustavo Gutiérrez\u27s understanding of the Kingdom of God in the light of Vatican II\u27s teachings undertakes three tasks. To attain this goal the study First, it describes his understanding of the Kingdom. Second, it analyzes it. Third, it evaluates his understanding against the background of the Roman Catholic position as set forth in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. After a general overview of the historical and theological development of thought about God\u27s Kingdom within Roman Catholicism, the dissertation focuses on the post-Vatican II developments in Latin American Roman Catholicism. It also investigates Gustavo Gutiérrez as theologian--his life, methodology, and hermeneutics. Then this study describes and analyzes Gutiérrez\u27s view of the Kingdom of God, and the particular trends that may have influenced him, both regarding content and methodology. Attention is given to the way his view of God\u27s Kingdom functions in his theology. It also includes the concept of the Kingdom of God as portrayed in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Gutiérrez adds the meaning of liberation to the concept of the Kingdom of God. However, this concept loses much of its impact on modern Roman Catholic theology mainly because of its sociopolitical emphasis. Though social sciences can be a helpful tool for understanding the social condition in Latin America, they can never be the foundation of Christian faith and practice as suggested by Gutiérrez. Furthermore, Gutiérrez fails to acknowledge that the root of Latin American problems is to be found within human beings themselves. From their very birth, men and women, regardless their sociopolitical condition, have an innate predisposition to evil. One wonders, then, whether human beings in their sinful condition are able to build a less sinful society. Finally, the dissertation evaluates Gutiérrez\u27s understanding of the Kingdom in the light of Vatican II\u27s teachings on the issue. The final conclusions are presented as well

    On the commutator length of compact Lie groups

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    In this short note we show that the path-connected component of the identity of the derived subgroup of a compact Lie group consists just of commutators. We also discuss an application of our main result to the homotopy type of the classifying space for commutativity for a compact Lie group whose path-connected component of the identity is abelian.Comment: 6 pages, comments welcome

    Fast and Continuous Foothold Adaptation for Dynamic Locomotion through CNNs

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    Legged robots can outperform wheeled machines for most navigation tasks across unknown and rough terrains. For such tasks, visual feedback is a fundamental asset to provide robots with terrain-awareness. However, robust dynamic locomotion on difficult terrains with real-time performance guarantees remains a challenge. We present here a real-time, dynamic foothold adaptation strategy based on visual feedback. Our method adjusts the landing position of the feet in a fully reactive manner, using only on-board computers and sensors. The correction is computed and executed continuously along the swing phase trajectory of each leg. To efficiently adapt the landing position, we implement a self-supervised foothold classifier based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Our method results in an up to 200 times faster computation with respect to the full-blown heuristics. Our goal is to react to visual stimuli from the environment, bridging the gap between blind reactive locomotion and purely vision-based planning strategies. We assess the performance of our method on the dynamic quadruped robot HyQ, executing static and dynamic gaits (at speeds up to 0.5 m/s) in both simulated and real scenarios; the benefit of safe foothold adaptation is clearly demonstrated by the overall robot behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to RA-L + ICRA 2019, January 201

    Characteristics and Consequences of Extracurricular Activity Participation of Hispanic Middle School Students

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    School-based extracurricular activity participation has been linked to positive behavioral and academic outcomes; however, little is known about the participation and outcomes of participation of Hispanic students, a group that is historically at high risk for school failure. As such, extracurricular activity participation characteristics and outcomes of a diverse group of middle school students were examined in this two journal article dissertation. First, participation differences between students based on student racial group membership and student sex were examined. Logistic regression was used to examine participation status differences (yes or no). Analysis of variance was used to examine participation intensity between student groups. Additionally, the effects of participation on outcomes related to adolescent peer groups, belongingness, and school membership were examined. Multiple regression models were utilized for this analysis, and consideration was given to interaction effects that would indicate whether groups of students (i.e. sex and race) benefited differentially from participation. Results indicated that, during the 7th grade, Hispanic students were significantly less likely to participate in sports-related extracurricular activities as compared to their Caucasian peers. However, no group differences in sex or race were found for participation intensity. Furthermore, participation in sports-related extracurricular activities was related to higher feelings of school membership for Hispanic and Black, but not White, students. In addition, participation in sports was related to Black students identifying a higher percentage of their friends as displaying prosocial behavior. Overall, the results suggested that while Hispanic students may have benefited more so than their White peers from participation, they participated at lower levels as a group. This highlights a currently under-tapped potential for intervention

    Fornix volumetric increase during aging associates to microglia activation leading to defective cognitive performance

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    Background: Ageing displays a low-grade pro-inflammatory profile in blood and brain. It has been documented proinflammatory cytokines accumulation leading to neuroinflammation during aging. Aged brains integrate pro inflammatory cytokines accumulation, active microglia and volumetric changes which correlates with defective cognitive performance and neurodegeneration. Methods: Mice from 2-,12- and 20-months-old of age were submitted to different memory tests: Y-maze, Barnes maze, object location test and object location test. Afterwards, we performed structural MRI to evaluate macrostructural changes related to memory and learning regions. Following this, we also evaluated in peripheral blood and in brain tissue the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines using the BioPlex platform. We also evaluated the presence of microglia and its morphology. Results: We found a progressive memory loss in an age-dependent manner among in the 12- and 20-months-old mice when compared with the 2-month-old mice. Regarding the MRI, it demonstrated that the fornix volume increased the most and, the left medial entorhinal cortex showed the most volume loss. Microglia number was augmented in fornix and decreased in medial entorhinal cortex which correlated with volume gain or loss, respectively. Microglia morphology was dystrophic and activated in fornix and in a “surveillance” phenotype in the medial entorhinal cortex. We found these phenotypes to be correlated to those volume changes we found in fornix and left medial entorhinal cortex. Conclusions: Here, we selectively identified an age-dependent proinflammatory profile and microglia activation favoring major volumetric brain changes in selective regions associated to cognitive decline in aged mice

    “Contaplus On Line” sistema de información contable para pequeñas y medianas empresas Pymes

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    La investigación tiene como propósito construir un Sistema de Información contable para las pequeñas y medianas empresas colombianas (Pymes), implementando una herramienta GPL, que permita tener un mejor control y organización en las diferentes actividades como manejo de inventarios, compras y ventas y los movimientos contables que se realizan diariamente en estas empresas. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas en Colombia son las unidades productivas con mayor porcentaje de participación en el total de las empresas del país, por lo que cualquier esfuerzo encaminado al apoyo o desarrollo de políticas para el mejoramiento de la gestión, adquisición de tecnología, reestructuración de procesos y aumento en las facilidades para el acceso a sistemas de información, con miras a mantener la competitividad de estas empresas, será determinante en el desarrollo de la economía del país, teniendo en cuenta un entorno cada vez más globalizado y competitivo en el que las empresas deben hacer un esfuerzo por mantener su posición en el mercado. La tecnología de la información es una de las herramientas que ha sido parte del proceso de globalización, entre esta es necesario comprender la importancia que tiene un sistema de información contable acorde con las necesidades de cada una de las empresas catalogadas como Pymes, por su contribución al desarrollo económico, al permitir una correcta información financiera de las empresas para posibilitar una mejor realización de prácticas administrativas en busca de una eficiente gestión empresarial

    Slingshot prominence evolution for a solar-like star

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    Funding: UK STFC grant (ST/M001296/1) (CVD, MJ).Although the present-day Sun rotates too slowly to exhibit centrifugally supported ‘slingshot prominences’, at some time during its past it may have formed these clouds of cool gas and ejected them into the interplanetary medium. We determine the time period for this behaviour using a rotation evolution code to derive the properties of the formation and ejection of slingshot prominences during the lifetime of a star similar to our Sun. The mass, mass-loss rate, and rate of ejection of these prominences are calculated using the analytical expression derived in our previous work. We find that for stars with an initial rotation rate larger than 4.6Ω⊙⁠, about half of all solar mass stars, slingshot prominences will be present even after the star reaches the main-sequence phase. In a fast rotator, this means that prominences can form until the star reaches ∼800 Myr old. Our results also indicate that the mass and lifetime of this type of prominence have maximum values when the star reaches the zero-age main sequence at an age of ∼40 Myr for a solar mass star.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Prominence formation and ejection in cool stars

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    We acknowledge STFC (ST/M001296/1) and H2020 (682393).The observational signatures of prominences have been detected in single and binary G and K type stars for many years now, but recently this has been extended to the M dwarf regime. Prominences carry away both mass and angular momentum when they are ejected and the impact of this mass on any orbiting planets may be important for the evolution of exoplanetary atmospheres. By means of the classification used in the massive star community, that involves knowledge of two parameters (the co-rotation and Alfvén radii, rK and rA), we have determined which cool stars could support prominences. From a model of mechanical support, we have determined that the prominence mass mp/M*=(EM/EG)(r*/rK)2F where EMB2⋆r3⋆ and EG=GM2⋆/r⋆ are magnetic and gravitational energies and F is a geometric factor. Our calculated masses and ejection frequencies (typically 1016−1017g and 0.4 d, respectively) are consistent with observations and are sufficient to ensure that an exoplanet orbiting in the habitable zone of an M dwarf could suffer frequent impacts.PostprintPeer reviewe


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    The Mexican honey industry is composed by around of 40,000 honey producers with 2 million of beehives. It has been the result that Mexico is the fourth producer and exporter in the world. In the year 2004, Delicias had 14,115 beehives which produced 443.3 tons of honey with a value of 14.8 millions of Mexican pesos. The honey producers have been collected individually and rustic their honey. It has caused that intermediaries joint the honey and sell mainly to the United States marketing. A marketing research was conducted in which 150 questionnaires were applied to a same families, after this a data base was done by using the SPSS version12. 0. As a result, the regional market demand calculated by the year 2011 was 167,397 liters of honey. The bottle center was designed to monthly process 8,000 liters of honey with a capacity of 200 liters/hour. The project was evaluated and indicators were positive as indicated in the next table.Gather honey center, bottle plant, honey, marketing analysis, economic and financial analysis., Agribusiness,