263 research outputs found

    Роль социологических опросов в изучении водопотребления населения

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    Доказано, що соціологічні опитування є важливим інструментам формування програм соціальної та екологічної скерованості. Вони дозволяють отримати не лише суб'єктивну, але і об'єктивну оцінку стану довкілля, інформацію про ефективність муніципальних та державних програм, можуть бути використані для проведення маркетингових досліджень.It is shown that sociological questionnaire are the important tool at formation of the programs of a social and ecological orientation, allow to receive not only subjective, but also objective estimation of a condition of an environment, allow to receive the information not only about efficiency of the municipal and state programs, but also to be used for realization of marketing researches

    High Production of LukMF' in Staphylococcus aureus Field Strains Is Associated with Clinical Bovine Mastitis

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    Staphylococcus aureus, a major cause of bovine mastitis, produces a wide range of immune-evasion molecules. The bi-component leukocidin LukMF' is a potent killer of bovine neutrophils in vitro. Since the role of LukMF' in development of bovine mastitis has not been studied in natural infections, we aimed to clarify whether presence of the lukM-lukF' genes and production levels of LukMF' are associated with clinical severity of the disease. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from mastitis milk samples (38 clinical and 17 subclinical cases) from 33 different farms. The lukM-lukF' genes were present in 96% of the isolates. Remarkably, 22% of the lukM-lukF'-positive S. aureus isolates displayed a 10-fold higher in vitro LukMF' production than the average of the lower-producing ones. These high producing isolates were cultured significantly more frequently from clinical than subclinical mastitis cases. Also, the detection of LukM protein in milk samples was significantly associated with clinical mastitis and high production in vitro. The high producing LukMF' strains all belonged to the same genetic lineage, spa-type t543. Analysis of their global toxin gene regulators revealed a point mutation in the Repressor of toxins (rot) gene which results in a non-functional start codon, preventing translation of rot. This mutation was only identified in high LukMF' producing isolates and not in low LukMF' producing isolates. Since rot suppresses the expression of various toxins including leukocidins, this mutation is a possible explanation for increased LukMF' production. Identification of high LukMF' producing strains is of clinical relevance and can potentially be used as a prognostic marker for severity of mastitis

    Original Mycobacterial Sin, a consequence of highly homologous antigens?

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    The role of antigens shared between Mycobacteria in in-vivo cross-reactive immune responses in host animals, have been reported to be responsible for reduced BCG vaccination efficacy as well reduced specificity of routine immunological diagnostic tests. This presents with significant disease control challenges in humans and animals. The present review highlights the results of previous studies on the effect of pre-sensitization to environmental mycobacteria on either pathogenic mycobacteria and/or M. bovis BCG, in experimental animals. It also takes an in-depth view into assessing the genetic similarities and relationships between atypical mycobacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) and how they might explain the immunological imprint of environmental mycobacteria in directing the hosts’ immune response upon subsequent exposure to other classes of mycobacteria. The outcome of this review suggests that genetic closeness between particular atypical mycobacteria and MTBC usually indicate a higher level of homology for certain shared protective antigens. This ultimately results in a higher level of cross reactive immune responses as compared with other atypical mycobacteria that are further away genetically. This would explain the different effects of environmental mycobacteria on MTBC that have been reported in the different studies. In other words the direction of the host immune system in response to exposure to MTBC would depend on the type of environmental mycobacteria that was encountered in the initial exposure. We also explain these mycobacterial interactions in the context of the phenomenon of “Original Mycobacterial Sin”. The effects of these inevitable mycobacterial interactions on field diagnosis and control by vaccination and how to circumvent them are discussed.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/vetmicam2017Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Mycobacterium bovis prevalence affects the performance of a commercial serological assay for bovine tuberculosis in African buffaloes

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    The endemic presence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in African buffaloes in South Africa has severe consequences for BTB control in domestic cattle, buffalo ranching and wildlife conservation, and poses a potential risk to public health. This study determined the BTB prevalence in free-ranging buffaloes in two game reserves and assessed the influence of the prevalence of mycobacterial infections on the performance of a commercial cattle-specific serological assay for BTB (TB ELISA). Buffaloes (n = 997) were tested with the tuberculin skin test and TB ELISA; a subset (n = 119) was tested longitudinally. Culture, PCR and sequencing were used to confirm infection with M. bovis and/or non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Prevalence of BTB, but not NTM, influenced the TB ELISA performance. Multiple testing did not increase test confidence. The findings strongly illustrate the need for development of novel assays that can supplement existing assays for a more comprehensive testing scheme for BTB in African buffaloes

    Subpopulations of bovine WC1+ γδ T cells rather than CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ T cells act as immune regulatory cells ex vivo

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    Regulatory T cells (Treg) are regarded essential components for maintenance of immune homeostasis. Especially CD4+CD25high T cells are considered to be important regulators of immune reactivity. In humans and rodents these natural Treg are characterized by their anergic nature, defined as a non-proliferative state, suppressive function and expression of Foxp3. In this study the potential functional role of flowcytometry-sorted bovine white blood cell populations, including CD4+CD25high T cells and γδ T cell subpopulations, as distinct ex vivo regulatory cells was assessed in co-culture suppression assays. Our findings revealed that despite the existence of a distinct bovine CD4+CD25high T cell population, which showed Foxp3 transcription/expression, natural regulatory activity did not reside in this cell population. In bovine co-culture suppression assays these cells were neither anergic nor suppressive. Subsequently, the following cell populations were tested functionally for regulatory activity: CD4+CD25low T cells, WC1+, WC1.1+ and WC1.2+ γδ T cells, NK cells, CD8+ T cells and CD14+ monocytes. Only the WC1.1+ and WC1.2+ γδ T cells and CD14+ monocytes proved to act as regulatory cells in cattle, which was supported by the fact that these regulatory cells showed IL-10 transcription/expression. In conclusion, our data provide first evidence that cattle CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ and CD4+CD25low T cells do not function as Treg ex vivo. The bovine Treg function appears to reside in the γδ T cell population, more precisely in the WC1.1+ and the WC1.2+ subpopulation, major populations present in blood of cattle in contrast to non-ruminant species

    A longitudinal study of factors influencing the result of a mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis antibody ELISA in milk of dairy cows

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    The influence of milk yield and milk composition on the diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) by milk ELISA in the context of the total IgG secretion patterns in milk throughout lactation and serum concentrations were investigated. A 2-yr trial was performed in which 1,410 dairy cows were sampled monthly and MAP milk ELISA status and milk yield and composition were determined. Data were analyzed by mixed model analysis. Milk yield was found to significantly influence ELISA results expressed as sample-to-positive (S/P) ratios. For each 5-kg increase in milk, the S/P ratio has to be multiplied by 0.89; therefore, high milk yield can change the MAP milk ELISA outcome of a cow in early infection from positive to negative. Parity influenced ELISA outcome significantly, indicating that cows with a parity >1 are more likely to be identified by milk testing. Also, herd was an important predictor, showing that herd prevalence influences the milk ELISA strongly. Other factors influencing the S/P ratios were protein concentration, somatic cell count, and days in milk. The IgG concentration and mass excreted per day were determined longitudinally in a subset of 41 cows of which samples and data of a complete lactation were available. Again, the IgG concentration in milk was mainly influenced by milk yield. The total IgG mass secreted per day in milk was found to be relatively constant, with a mean of 8.70 ± 5.38 g despite an increasing IgG concentration in serum at the same time. The variation of IgG concentration in milk can be mainly attributed to dilution through changes in milk yield. This supports the assumption that concentrations of MAP-specific antibodies are influenced by changes in milk yield similarly. In conclusion, we confirmed that antibody concentrations, and therefore MAP ELISA outcome, were influenced by milk yield, herd, and parity. To enhance performance, milk ELISA tests should either be performed in early or late lactation, when milk yield is low. From a management perspective, sampling should be done during early lactation before cows are bred again. Based on the slow progressive infection dynamics, only first-parity cows should be preferentially tested at the end of their first lactation to avoid false-negative results.The study was partly funded by Stichting Mesdagzuivelfonds (NLTO, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands).http://www.journalofdairyscience.orgam201

    Lepra bubalorum, a potential reservoir of Mycobacterium leprae

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    In 1926, a mycobacterial skin disease was observed in water buffaloes by researchers in Indonesia. The disease was designated as skin tuberculosis, though it was hypothesized that it might be a form of leprosy or a leprosy-like disease. In a follow-up study (Ph.D. thesis Lobel, 1934, Utrecht University, Netherlands) a similar nodular skin disease was described in Indonesian water buffaloes and named “lepra bubalorum” or “nodular leprosy.” Two decades later Kraneveld and Roza (1954) reported that, so far, the diagnosis lepra bubalorum had been made in 146 cases in Indonesia. After a final series of research reports by Indonesian veterinarians in 1961, no subsequent cases were published. Based on information from these reports, it can be concluded that, even though evidence of nerve involvement in buffaloes was not reported, similarities exist between lepra bubalorum and Hansen’s disease (leprosy), i.e., nodular skin lesions with a chronic course and microscopically granulomatous reactions with AFB in globi in vacuoles. This raises the question as to whether these historical cases might indeed have been caused by Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium lepromatosis or another representative of the M. leprae complex. The future use of state-of-the-art molecular techniques may answer this question and may also help to answer the question whether water buffaloes should be considered as a potential natural reservoir of the causative pathogen of Hansen’s disease.http://www.frontiersin.org/Microbiologyam2022Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Genetic profiling of Mycobacterium bovis strains from slaughtered cattle in Eritrea

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    <div><p><i>Mycobacterium bovis</i> (<i>M</i>.<i>bovis</i>) is the main causative agent for bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and can also be the cause of zoonotic tuberculosis in humans. In view of its zoonotic nature, slaughterhouse surveillance, potentially resulting in total or partial condemnation of the carcasses and organs, is conducted routinely. Spoligotyping, VNTR profiling, and whole genome sequencing (WGS) of <i>M</i>. <i>bovis</i> isolated from tissues with tuberculosis-like lesions collected from 14 cattle at Eritrea’s largest slaughterhouse in the capital Asmara, were conducted.The 14 <i>M</i>. <i>bovis</i> isolates were classified into three different spoligotype patterns (SB0120, SB0134 and SB0948) and six VNTR profiles. WGS results matched those of the conventional genotyping methods and further discriminated the six VNTR profiles into 14 strains. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of the <i>M</i>. <i>bovis</i> isolates suggests two independent introductions of BTB into Eritrea possibly evolving from a common ancestral strain in Europe.This molecular study revealed the most important strains of <i>M</i>. <i>bovis</i> in Eritrea and their (dis)similarities with the strains generally present in East Africa and Europe, as well as potential routes of introduction of <i>M</i>. <i>bovis</i>. Though the sample size is small, the current study provides important information as well as platform for future in-depth molecular studies on isolates from both the dairy and the traditional livestock sectors in Eritrea and the region. This study provides information onthe origin of some of the <i>M</i>. <i>bovis</i> strains in Eritrea, its genetic diversity, evolution and patterns of spread between dairy herds. Such information is essential in the development and implementation of future BTB control strategy for Eritrea.</p></div

    Моделирование изменения цен финансовых активов

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    В работе представлена модель процесса изменения цен финансовых активов на рынке. Описан путь построения модели, ее экономическая интерпретация, найдены моменты процесса и исследовано его поведение в предельном случае. Для сравнения с данной моделью приведены примеры некоторых других существующих моделей.У рoботi представлена модель процесу змiни цiн фiнансових активiв на ринку. Описано шлях побудови моделi, її економiчна iнтерпретацiя, знайдено моменти процесу, дослiджено його поведiнку у граничному випадку. Для порiвняння з даною моделлю наведено приклади деяких iнших моделей, що iснують.A model of process for financial assets — prices changing on market is presented. The way of the model’s construction is described, its economic interpretation, a moments of the process are obtained, its behavior in limit case is investigated. For comparison with the given model examples of other models are presented