29 research outputs found

    Whole transcriptome data analysis of zebrafish mutants affecting muscle development

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    Formation of the contractile myofibril of the skeletal muscle is a complex process which when perturbed leads to muscular dystrophy. Herein, we provide a mRNAseq dataset on three different zebrafish mutants affecting muscle organization during embryogenesis. These comprise the myosin folding chaperone unc45b (unc45b_/_), heat shock protein 90aa1.1 (hsp90aa1.1_/_) and the acetylcholine esterase (ache_/_) gene. The transcriptome analysis was performed in duplicate experiments at 72h post-fertilization (hpf) for all three mutants, with two additional times of development( 24hpf and 48 hpf) for unc45b_/_. A total of 20 samples were analyzed by hierarchical clustering for differential gene expression. The data from this study support the observation made in Etard et al. (2015) [1] (http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0825-8) that a failure to fold myosin activates a unique transcriptional program in the skeletal muscles that isdifferent from that induced in stressed muscle cell

    Loss of function of myosin chaperones triggers Hsf1-mediated transcriptional response in skeletal muscle cells

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    Quality of sequences obtained with CASAVA 1.8.1 (Illumina) workflow. PF reads passing Illumina chastity filter. (XLSX 46 kb

    A novel brain tumour model in zebrafish reveals the role of YAP activation in MAPK/PI3K induced malignant growth

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    Somatic mutations activating MAPK/PI3K signalling play a pivotal role in both tumours and brain developmental disorders. We developed a zebrafish model of brain tumour based on somatic expression of oncogenes that activate MAPK/PI3K signalling in neural progenitor cells. HRASV12 was the most effective in inducing both heterotopia and invasive tumours. Tumours, but not heterotopias, require persistent activation of phospho‑(p)ERK and express a gene signature similar to the mesenchymal glioblastoma subtype, with a strong YAP component. Application of a 8-gene signature to human brain tumours establishes that YAP activation distinguishes between mesenchymal glioblastoma and low grade glioma in a wide TCGA sample set including gliomas and glioblastomas (GBMs). This suggests that the activation of YAP may be an important event in brain tumour development, promoting malignant versus benign brain lesions. Indeed, co-expression of dominant active YAP (YAPS5A) and HRASV12 abolishes the development of heterotopias and leads to the sole development of aggressive tumours. Thus, we have developed a model proving that neurodevelopmental disorders and brain tumours may originate from the same somatic mutations activating oncogenes and established that YAP activation is a hallmark of malignant brain tumours

    CDX2 expression in the hematopoietic lineage promotes leukemogenesis via TGFβ inhibition

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    The intestine-specific caudal-related homeobox gene-2 (CDX2) homeobox gene, while being a tumor suppressor in the gut, is ectopically expressed in a large proportion of acute leukemia and is associated with poor prognosis. Here, we report that turning on human CDX2 expression in the hematopoietic lineage of mice induces acute monoblastic leukemia, characterized by the decrease in erythroid and lymphoid cells at the benefit of immature monocytic and granulocytic cells. One of the highly stimulated genes in leukemic bone marrow cells was BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (Bambi), an inhibitor of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling. The CDX2 protein was shown to bind to and activate the transcription of the human BAMBI promoter. Moreover, in a leukemic cell line established from CDX2-expressing mice, reducing the levels of CDX2 or Bambi stimulated the TGF-β-dependent expression of Cd11b, a marker of monocyte maturation. Taken together, this work demonstrates the strong oncogenic potential of the homeobox gene CDX2 in the hematopoietic lineage, in contrast with its physiological tumor suppressor activity exerted in the gut. It also reveals, through BAMBI and TGF-β signaling, the involvement of CDX2 in the perturbation of the interactions between leukemia cells and their microenvironment

    Ras-Induced miR-146a and 193a Target Jmjd6 to Regulate Melanoma Progression

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    Ras genes are among the most commonly mutated genes in human cancer; yet our understanding of their oncogenic activity at the molecular mechanistic level is incomplete. To identify downstream events that mediate ras-induced cellular transformation in vivo, we analyzed global microRNA expression in three different models of Ras-induction and tumor formation in zebrafish. Six microRNAs were found increased in Ras-induced melanoma, glioma and in an inducible model of ubiquitous Ras expression. The upregulation of the microRNAs depended on the activation of the ERK and AKT pathways and to a lesser extent, on mTOR signaling. Two Ras-induced microRNAs (miR-146a and 193a) target Jmjd6, inducing downregulation of its mRNA and protein levels at the onset of Ras expression during melanoma development. However, at later stages of melanoma progression, jmjd6 levels were found elevated. The dynamic of Jmjd6 levels during progression of melanoma in the zebrafish model suggests that upregulation of the microRNAs targeting Jmjd6 may be part of an anti-cancer response. Indeed, triple transgenic fish engineered to express a microRNA-resistant Jmjd6 from the onset of melanoma have increased tumor burden, higher infiltration of leukocytes and shorter melanoma-free survival. Increased JMJD6 expression is found in several human cancers, including melanoma, suggesting that the up-regulation of Jmjd6 is a critical event in tumor progression.The following link has been created to allow review of record GSE37015: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?token=jjcrbiuicyyqgpc&acc=GSE37015

    Melanosomes in pigmented epithelia maintain eye lens transparency during zebrafish embryonic development

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    Altered levels of trace elements are associated with increased oxidative stress that is eventually responsible for pathologic conditions. Oxidative stress has been proposed to be involved in eye diseases, including cataract formation. We visualized the distribution of metals and other trace elements in the eye of zebrafish embryos by micro X-ray fluorescence (mu-XRF) imaging. Many elements showed highest accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the zebrafish embryo. Knockdown of the zebrafish brown locus homologues tyrp1a/b eliminated accumulation of these elements in the RPE, indicating that they are bound by mature melanosomes. Furthermore, albino (slc45a2) mutants, which completely lack melanosomes, developed abnormal lens reflections similar to the congenital cataract caused by mutation of the myosin chaperon Unc45b, and an in situ spin trapping assay revealed increased oxidative stress in the lens of albino mutants. Finally transplanting a wildtype lens into an albino mutant background resulted in cataract formation. These data suggest that melanosomes in pigment epithelial cells protect the lens from oxidative stress during embryonic development, likely by buffering trace elements.Peer reviewe

    A chemical probe for BAG1 targets androgen receptor-positive prostate cancer through oxidative stress signaling pathway

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    BAG1 is a family of polypeptides with a conserved C-terminal BAG domain that functions as a nucleotide exchange factor for the molecular chaperone HSP70. BAG1 proteins also control several signaling processes including proteostasis, apoptosis and transcription. The largest isoform, BAG1L, controls the activity of the androgen receptor (AR) and is upregulated in prostate cancer. Here, we show that BAG1L regulates AR dynamics in the nucleus and its ablation attenuates AR target gene expression especially those involved in oxidative stress and metabolism. We show that a small molecule, A4B17 that targets the BAG domain downregulates AR target genes similar to a complete BAG1L knockout and upregulates the expression of oxidative stress-induced genes involved in cell death. Furthermore, A4B17 outperformed the clinically approved antagonist enzalutamide in inhibiting cell proliferation and prostate tumor development in a mouse xenograft model. BAG1 inhibitors therefore offer unique opportunities for antagonizing AR action and prostate cancer growth