116 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential of using simulation games for engaging with sheep farmers about lameness recognition.

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record. Data availability statement: The raw data for this study is deposited at Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/a6qu4/). This data can be used alongside the R/R Markdown code deposited at the lead author’s GitHub repository for this study (https://github.com/befriendabacterium/ lamenessgame) to reproduce the quantitative analysis of participant recall scores in the game, and the manuscript itself. All data and code (including its outputs) are archived at Zenodo (https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.7605244). A copy of the game used in the study is also archived in a separate Zenodo repository (https://doi.org/10. 5281/zenodo.7612059), which can be downloaded to play the game locally/offline.INTRODUCTION: Computer simulation games are increasingly being used in agriculture as a promising tool to study, support and influence real-life farming practices. We explored the potential of using simulation games to engage with sheep farmers on the ongoing challenge of reducing lameness. Working with UK stakeholders, we developed a game in which players are challenged with identifying all the lame sheep in a simulated flock. Here, we evaluate the game's potential to act as a tool to help assess, train and understand farmers' ability to recognize the early signs of lameness. METHODS: Participants in the UK were invited to play the game in an online study, sharing with us their in-game scores alongside information relating to their real-life farming experience, how they played the game, and feedback on the game. Mixed methods were used to analyze this information in order to evaluate the game. Quantitative analyses consisted of linear modeling to test for statistical relationships between participants' in-game recall (% of the total number of lame sheep that were marked as lame), and the additional information they provided. Qualitative analyses of participants' feedback on the game consisted of thematic analysis and a Likert Scale questionnaire to contextualize the quantitative results and identify additional insights from the study. RESULTS: Quantitative analyses identified no relationships between participants' (n = 63) recall scores and their real life farming experience, or the lameness signs they looked for when playing the game. The only relationship identified was a relationship between participants' recall score and time spent playing the game. Qualitative analyses identified that participants did not find the game sufficiently realistic or engaging, though several enjoyed playing it and saw potential for future development. Qualitative analyses also identified several interesting and less-expected insights about real-life lameness recognition practices that participants shared after playing the game. DISCUSSION: Simulation games have potential as a tool in livestock husbandry education and research, but achieving the desired levels of realism and/or engagingness may be an obstacle to realizing this. Future research should explore this potential further, aided by larger budgets and closer collaboration with farmers, stockpeople, and veterinarians.GW4 Crucicle Seed FundingCenter for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS) operatio

    Dopamine, affordance and active inference.

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    The role of dopamine in behaviour and decision-making is often cast in terms of reinforcement learning and optimal decision theory. Here, we present an alternative view that frames the physiology of dopamine in terms of Bayes-optimal behaviour. In this account, dopamine controls the precision or salience of (external or internal) cues that engender action. In other words, dopamine balances bottom-up sensory information and top-down prior beliefs when making hierarchical inferences (predictions) about cues that have affordance. In this paper, we focus on the consequences of changing tonic levels of dopamine firing using simulations of cued sequential movements. Crucially, the predictions driving movements are based upon a hierarchical generative model that infers the context in which movements are made. This means that we can confuse agents by changing the context (order) in which cues are presented. These simulations provide a (Bayes-optimal) model of contextual uncertainty and set switching that can be quantified in terms of behavioural and electrophysiological responses. Furthermore, one can simulate dopaminergic lesions (by changing the precision of prediction errors) to produce pathological behaviours that are reminiscent of those seen in neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease. We use these simulations to demonstrate how a single functional role for dopamine at the synaptic level can manifest in different ways at the behavioural level

    History of Reading Struggles Linked to Enhanced Learning in Low Spatial Frequency Scenes

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    People with dyslexia, who face lifelong struggles with reading, exhibit numerous associated low-level sensory deficits including deficits in focal attention. Countering this, studies have shown that struggling readers outperform typical readers in some visual tasks that integrate distributed information across an expanse. Though such abilities would be expected to facilitate scene memory, prior investigations using the contextual cueing paradigm failed to find corresponding advantages in dyslexia. We suggest that these studies were confounded by task-dependent effects exaggerating known focal attention deficits in dyslexia, and that, if natural scenes were used as the context, advantages would emerge. Here, we investigate this hypothesis by comparing college students with histories of severe lifelong reading difficulties (SR) and typical readers (TR) in contexts that vary attention load. We find no differences in contextual-cueing when spatial contexts are letter-like objects, or when contexts are natural scenes. However, the SR group significantly outperforms the TR group when contexts are low-pass filtered natural scenes [F(3, 39) = 3.15, p<.05]. These findings suggest that perception or memory for low spatial frequency components in scenes is enhanced in dyslexia. These findings are important because they suggest strengths for spatial learning in a population otherwise impaired, carrying implications for the education and support of students who face challenges in school

    Incremental grouping of image elements in vision

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    One important task for the visual system is to group image elements that belong to an object and to segregate them from other objects and the background. We here present an incremental grouping theory (IGT) that addresses the role of object-based attention in perceptual grouping at a psychological level and, at the same time, outlines the mechanisms for grouping at the neurophysiological level. The IGT proposes that there are two processes for perceptual grouping. The first process is base grouping and relies on neurons that are tuned to feature conjunctions. Base grouping is fast and occurs in parallel across the visual scene, but not all possible feature conjunctions can be coded as base groupings. If there are no neurons tuned to the relevant feature conjunctions, a second process called incremental grouping comes into play. Incremental grouping is a time-consuming and capacity-limited process that requires the gradual spread of enhanced neuronal activity across the representation of an object in the visual cortex. The spread of enhanced neuronal activity corresponds to the labeling of image elements with object-based attention

    The pathophysiology of restricted repetitive behavior

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    Restricted, repetitive behaviors (RRBs) are heterogeneous ranging from stereotypic body movements to rituals to restricted interests. RRBs are most strongly associated with autism but occur in a number of other clinical disorders as well as in typical development. There does not seem to be a category of RRB that is unique or specific to autism and RRB does not seem to be robustly correlated with specific cognitive, sensory or motor abnormalities in autism. Despite its clinical significance, little is known about the pathophysiology of RRB. Both clinical and animal models studies link repetitive behaviors to genetic mutations and a number of specific genetic syndromes have RRBs as part of the clinical phenotype. Genetic risk factors may interact with experiential factors resulting in the extremes in repetitive behavior phenotypic expression that characterize autism. Few studies of individuals with autism have correlated MRI findings and RRBs and no attempt has been made to associate RRB and post-mortem tissue findings. Available clinical and animal models data indicate functional and structural alterations in cortical-basal ganglia circuitry in the expression of RRB, however. Our own studies point to reduced activity of the indirect basal ganglia pathway being associated with high levels of repetitive behavior in an animal model. These findings, if generalizable, suggest specific therapeutic targets. These, and perhaps other, perturbations to cortical basal ganglia circuitry are mediated by specific molecular mechanisms (e.g., altered gene expression) that result in long-term, experience-dependent neuroadaptations that initiate and maintain repetitive behavior. A great deal more research is needed to uncover such mechanisms. Work in areas such as substance abuse, OCD, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and dementias promise to provide findings critical for identifying neurobiological mechanisms relevant to RRB in autism. Moreover, basic research in areas such as birdsong, habit formation, and procedural learning may provide additional, much needed clues. Understanding the pathophysioloy of repetitive behavior will be critical to identifying novel therapeutic targets and strategies for individuals with autism