203 research outputs found

    Implementación de un sistema de contabilidad de costos por órdenes de producción en la empresa agro-industrial “Aviplasa”, ubicada en la parroquia Belisario Quevedo del cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, en el periodo del 01 de agosto al 31 de diciembre del 2013

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    Speaking of cost accounting, it comes directly to our mind the industrial production, the intervention of material , human and economic factors involved and used will result in a finished good to be consumed or sold; for this propose we establish as main objective the implementation of an accounting cost system for production orders, which is why it was considered to conduct a research in the Agroindustrial company "AVIPLASA" in order to determine the impact on the management of costs production thereof; through research techniques, inductive, deductive methods, tools such as interview and surveys; resulting in the feasibility of implementing this costing system; so it is recommended to run that system.Al hablar de contabilidad de costos, directamente les viene a la mente la producción industrial, la intervención de factores materiales, humanos y económicos, involucrados y utilizados que dará como resultado un bien terminado para ser consumido o vendido; para ello planteamos como objetivo principal la implementación de un sistema de contabilidad de costos por órdenes de producción, razón por la cual se consideró realizar una investigación en la empresa Agroindustrial “AVIPLASA” con el fin de determinar la incidencia en el manejo de los costos en la producción de la misma; a través de las técnicas de investigación, métodos inductivo, deductivo, herramientas como la entrevista y encuestas; dando como resultado la factibilidad de la implementación de este sistema de costeo; por lo que se recomendó ejecutar dicho sistema

    Reliability of measurements during countermovement jump assessments: Analysis of performance across subphases

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    The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of performance measures in the different phases and sub-phases of the countermovement jump (CMJ). Seventeen male athletes competing at a regional level completed 204 valid trails consisting of the execution of maximal hands-on-waist CMJs performed on a force platform. The vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) data obtained at a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz were used to calculate performance-derived variables and determine key points and jump subphases. The relative reliability of 92 variables was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) from a two-way mixed effects model analyzing the time, force, power, velocity, and displacement variables across the different phases and sub-phases of the jump. The contact phase serves as a consistent approach (range ICC = .806 to .987), providing reliable information about the jump as a unit. Mean force was the only measure that presented high reliable values throughout all sub-phases (ICC = .931 to .963). The power and velocity variables were reliable from the point where force turned into an increasing value while displacement from minimum velocity was reached. Net impulse and ratios of force development showed high and acceptable values, respectively. Timerelated variables were the least reliable measures (ICC = .587 to .720), showing acceptable reliability only in the contact phase and propulsive sub-phase. In conclusion, VGRF may be used to determine specific parameters during CMJ execution, although the appropriate variables should be selected based on acceptable levels of reliability.S

    Expression and localization of the polarity protein CRB2 in adult mouse brain: a comparison with the CRB1rd8 mutant mouse model

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    Acquisition of cell polarization is essential for the performance of crucial functions, like a successful secretion and appropriate cell signaling in many tissues, and it depends on the correct functioning of polarity proteins, including the Crumbs complex. The CRB proteins, CRB1, CRB2 and CRB3, identified in mammals, are expressed in epithelial-derived tissues like brain, kidney and retina. CRB2 has a ubiquitous expression and has been detected in embryonic brain tissue; but currently there is no data regarding its localization in the adult brain. In our study, we characterized the presence of CRB2 in adult mice brain, where it is particularly enriched in cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and cerebellum. Double immunofluorescence analysis confirmed that CRB2 is a neuron-specific protein, present in both soma and projections where colocalizes with certain populations of exocytic and endocytic vesicles and with other members of the Crumbs complex. Finally, in the cortex of CRB1rd8 mutant mice that contain a mutation in the Crb1 gene generating a truncated CRB1 protein, there is an abnormal increase in the expression levels of the CRB2 protein which suggests a possible compensatory mechanism for the malfunction of CRB1 in this mutant background.This study was supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias Instituto Carlos III (PI15/01240), co-funded by European Union (ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future”) to C.L. A. Velasco, R. Arévalo and C. Lillo are members of the UIC.077 from Junta de Castilla y León

    Lack of association of vitamin D receptor BsmI gene polymorphism with bone mineral density in Spanish postmenopausal women

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    La osteoporosis es un trastorno poligénico que está determinada por los efectos de varios genes, cada uno con efectos relativamente modestos en la masa ósea. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si el receptor de la vitamina D, único nucleótido polimorfismo BsmI, está asociado con la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) de mujeres posmenopáusicas españolas. Un total de 210 mujeres posmenopáusicas sanas, mayores de 60 ± 8 años, fueron genotipificadas utilizando ensayos de genotipado SNP TaqMan® lumbar y la DMO femoral; y se determinó por la absorciometría de rayos X de energía dual (DEXA) la cantidad diaria de calcio y vitamina D. No se encontraron diferencias en el cuello femoral, trocánter, triángulo de salas, L2, L3, L4, L2-L4, o entre el cuello femoral y la DMO de cadera total tras el ajuste para posibles factores de confusión (P > 0,05) (edad, IMC, años después de la menopausia y la ingesta diaria de calcio). La BsmI polimorfismo en el gen VDR no se asoció con la DMO en mujeres posmenopáusicas españolas.Osteoporosis is a polygenic disorder that is determined by the effects of several genes, each with relatively modest effects on bone mass. The aim of this study was to determine whether the vitamin D receptor single nucleotide polymorphism BsmI is associated with bone mineral density (BMD) in Spanish postmenopausal women. A total of 210 unrelated healthy postmenopausal women aged 60 ± 8 years were genotyped using TaqManR SNP Genotyping Assays. Lumbar and femoral BMD were determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Daily calcium and vitamin D intake were determined by a food questionnaire. No differences were found in the femoral neck, trochanter, Ward’s Triangle, L2, L3, L4, L2-L4, or between the femoral neck and total hip BMD after further adjustment for potential confounding factors (P > 0.05) (age, BMI, years since menopause and daily calcium intake). The BsmI polymorphism in the VDR gene was not associated with BMD in Spanish postmenopausal women.peerReviewe

    Effect of low doses of biocides on the antimicrobial resistance and the biofilms of Cronobacter sakazakii and Yersinia enterocolitica

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    The susceptibility of Cronobacter sakazakii ATCC 29544 (CS) and Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 9610 (YE) to sodium hypochlorite (10% of active chlorine; SHY), peracetic acid (39% solution of peracetic acid in acetic acid; PAA) and benzalkonium chloride (BZK) was tested. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values (planktonic cells; microdilution broth method) of 3,800 ppm (SHY), 1,200 ppm (PAA) and 15 ppm (BZK) for CS, and 2,500 ppm (SHY), 1,275 ppm (PAA) and 20 ppm (BZK) for YE, were found. In some instances, an increase in growth rate was observed in presence of sub-MICs (0.25MIC, 0.50MIC or 0.75MIC) of biocides relative to the samples without biocides. The cultures exhibited an acquired tolerance to biocides and an increase in antibiotic resistance after exposure to sub-MICs of such disinfectants. Strains were able to form strong biofilms on polystyrene after 48 hours (confocal laser scanning microscopy), with average biovolumes in the observation field (14,161 µm2) of 242,201.0 ± 86,570.9 µm3 (CS) and 190,184.5 ± 40,860.3 µm3 (YE). Treatment of biofilms for 10 minutes with disinfectants at 1MIC or 2MIC reduced the biovolume of live cells. PAA (YE) and BZK (CS and YE) at 1MIC did not alter the percentage of dead cells relative to non-exposed biofilms, and their effect of countering biofilm was due principally to the detachment of cells. These results suggest that doses of PAA and BZK close to MICs might lead to the dissemination of live bacteria from biofilms with consequent hazards for public healthMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-098267-R-C33Junta de Castilla y León | Ref. LE164G1

    PHIL-GAMES II: Incorporación de la herramienta de gamificación Kahoot como instrumento para la motivación y evaluación del aprendizaje en asignaturas del Grado en Filosofía (2º año)

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    Innovación EducativaEn el curso 2021-2022 el proyecto PHIL-GAMES tuvo como objetivo principal servir como experiencia piloto para la incorporación de Kahoot en el Grado en Filosofía, para: (a) aumentar la interacción entre alumnos y profesores en el aula; (b) mejorar el interés, motivación y compromiso de los alumnos; (c) seguir mejor el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos y las dificultades encontradas; (d) incrementar la asistencia a clase y la participación en el aula; y (e) mejorar los resultados y el rendimiento académico del alumnado. En el presente curso 2022-23 la herramienta Kahoot se ha incorporado en otras tres asignaturas obligatorias del Grado en Filosofía (Filosofía del Lenguaje I, Filosofía del Lenguaje II y Lógica II) y se ha seguido aplicando en la asignatura Filosofía de la Ciencia II. Con ello, doblamos el número de asignaturas gamificadas, creciendo considerablemente la base de alumnos beneficiados con esta actividad. Para su ejecución, se han seguido empleando los protocolos y herramientas desarrollados en la primera edición del proyecto. De modo análogo a lo hecho en el curso anterior, se han elaborado los cuestionarios de preguntas Kahoot para las nuevas asignaturas incorporadas. Además, se han reforzado los procesos de realimentación en las actividades gamificadas. Para ello, hemos dado un mayor peso y atención a las partes de debate y discusión posteriores a la resolución de los cuestionarios. También hemos revisado, actualizado y ampliado los instrumentos empleados para la recolección de la opinión y grado de satisfacción del alumnado (en base a la experiencia tenida en el curso 2021-22 y al feedback recibido de los alumnos).Departamento de Filosofía (Filosofía, Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Filosofía Moral, Estética y Teoría de las Artes)Trabajo financiado con un proyecto de innovación docente: Vicerrectorado de Innovación Docente y Transformación Digital (Universidad de Valladolid

    Cytotoxic effects of curcumin in osteosarcoma cells

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    Carta al editor de International Journal of Nanomedicine, en la que los autores puntualizan ciertos resultados de investigaciones de R. Chang et al.; y de D. K. Walters et al. en relación a sus aplicaciones para la curación de algunos cánceres y enfermedades óseas metabólicas.Letter to the editor of International Journal of Nanomedicine, in which the authors point out certain results of research by R. Chang et al.; and DK Walters et al. in relation to their applications for the cure of some cancers and metabolic bone diseases

    Ewing's Sarcoma: A Case Report

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    Ewing’s sarcoma is a bone tumor, considered one of the most aggressive, for its great capacity of metastasizing. Higher incidence in men, appears almost exclusively in the first three decades of life. Affects the long bones in the metaphyseal region, at its proximal end; the most affected are the femur, iliac, tibia, humerus, fibula and ribs; however, there are atypical locations such as in the hands, feet and extraosseous. The clinical case of a 13‐year‐old male adolescent patient, who two months before his medical attention presented a mass at the level of the second and third right costal arches that increased vertiginously. After routine and laboratory examinations performed at a third level complexity hospital, he was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, where 3 chemotherapy sessions were performed; however, despite the treatment, he presented brain and bone metastases. Ewing's tumor was highly aggressive and has a bleak prognosis. Keywords: sarcoma, ewing, tomography, morbid metastasis. RESUMEN El Sarcoma de Ewing es un tumor óseo, considerado uno de los más agresivos, por su gran capacidad de metástasis. Tiene mayor incidencia en hombres, se presentan de forma casi exclusiva en las tres primeras décadas de vida, afecta a los huesos largos en la región metafisodiafisaria, en su extremo proximal, los más afectados son el fémur, el iliaco, la tibia, el humero, el peroné y las costillas. Sin embargo, existen localizaciones atípicas como en los pies manos y extraóseas. Se presentación el caso de un paciente adolescente masculino de 13 años, que dos meses antes de la atención médica presenta una masa a nivel de segundo y tercer arco costal derecho que aumenta de tamaño de forma vertiginosa. Posterior a exámenes de gabinete y laboratorio realizados en Hospital de Tercer Nivel de Complejidad, es diagnosticado de Sarcoma de Ewing en donde se realizan 3 sesiones de quimioterapia, sin embargo, pese el tratamiento presenta metástasis cerebrales y óseas, El tumor de Ewing es altamente agresivo y tiene un pronóstico sombrío Palabras claves: sarcoma de ewing, tomografía, metástasis mórbida

    Doublecortin in the fish visual system, a specific protein of maturing neurons Biology-basel

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    Doublecortin (DCX) is an essential protein in the development of the central nervous system and in lamination of the mammalian cortex. It is known that the expression of DCX is restricted to newborn neurons. The visual system of teleost fish has been postulated as an ideal model since it continuously grows throughout the animal’s life. Here, we report a comparative expression analysis of DCX between two teleost fish species as well as a bioinformatic analysis with other animal groups. Our results demonstrate that DCX is very useful for identifying new neurons in the visual systems of Astatotilapia burtoni, but is absent in Danio rerio.This research was funded by Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Sanidad. Centro en Red de Terapia Celular de la Junta de Castilla y León, grant number GRS2167/1/2020. L. DeOliveira-Mello was supported by a grant from The University of Salamanca and Santander Bank during her predoctoral period

    Positive psychology: early or new conception

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    Este trabajo presenta los conceptos y contenidos más importantes del campo de la psicología positiva. La psicología nace con enfoque positivo, con tres grandes objetivos: curar los trastornos mentales, hacer la vida de las personas más plena y productiva, e identificar el talento y la inteligencia de las personas y desarrollarlos. Históricamente sufre un parón por las grandes guerras, las cuales centraron los intereses en resolver los daños y las consecuencias derivadas. En el segundo milenio, vuelve a resurgir de la mano de Martin Seligman y se está consolidando con un gran potencial de influencia y calado en la sociedad. El objetivo de mejorar nuestras capacidades, desarrollarnos como personas, ser felices, disfrutar de la vida, son los temas de interés en la investigación científica de la psicología positiva.This paper presents the most important concepts and contents of the field of positive psychology. The psychology born with a positive approach, with three main objectives: to cure mental disorders, make life more accomplishing and productive, and identify the talent and intelligence of the people and develop them. Historically suffers a break from the great wars, which focused interest in solving the damages and their consequences. In the second millennium, rising again from the hand of Martin Seligman and is consolidating with great potential and depth of influence in society. To improve our skills, develop as persons, be happy, enjoy life, are the topics of interest in scientific research of positive psychology.peerReviewe