1,300 research outputs found

    El Silo : centro de producción y distribución de ideas

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    El silo de Huesca es tipo TR, es decir, de transito, lo que significa que su función era la de coordinar a los diferentes agricultores que producían trigo y establecer unos precios fijos para así asegurar que todo el mundo tenía acceso a éste. Como mi objetivo es de alguna manera conservar la función original del edificio, he considerado que lo que hoy en día haría falta gestionar sería el conocimiento, las IDEAS: tanto artísticas como emprendedoras o productivas. Porque en una sociedad con el 50 % de la gente joven en paro sobran ideas y faltan oportunidades para desarrollarlas, es por esto que EL SILO ofrece tanto espacios de estudio y de taller como de documentación en una biblioteca. Todo ello ligado a una galería de exposiciones que podría dar salida a los diferentes trabajos que se realizaran en el centro o acoger exposiciones que enriquecieran los proyectos que se estuvieran llevando a cabo. El silo sigue siendo por tanto un lugar de almacenamiento, pero adecuado a la época en la que vivimos, en la que las semillas para la producción ya no son de trigo sino que están en la mente de las personas. This grain silo belongs to a group of them called of transit, it means that his function was to coordinate all the different farmers who produced wheat and to establish fixed prices in order to ensure the ability of acquisition of everyone. As the aim of my project was in some way preserve the original function of the building, I have considered that what now a days needs to be managed is knowledge, the IDEAS: artistic ideas, or productive and enterprising ones. Because in a society with almost 50% of the young people unemployed there is a huge amount of ideas but a lack of opportunities to develop them. Due to that, EL SILO offers spaces for studding, workshops, and a centre of documentation and library. All this, bund to a gallery exposition which could give some exits to all the projects realized in the center and also take some temporal expositions in to enrich the people who is working there, and give them external ideas or ways of thinking. EL SILO continues being therefore a storage area but appropriated at the age in which we are living, where the seed for the production are not from wheat anymore but in the people’s minds

    A violencia de xénero nas mulleres novas

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    Dación en pago : análisis actual de la institución y antecedentes romanísticos

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    Treball Final de Grau en Dret. Codi: DR1052 Curs acadèmic: 2013-201

    Adapting European Legislation to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Regulations in Relation to the State Responsibilities of Both the Flag State and the Control of Ships by Port State Control

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    The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, which will come into force as of 20 August 2013, contemplates a new system to guarantee its regulations are being applied by including Port State Control with traditional Flag State control. The European Union has incorporated the MLC 2006 into its legislation through an agreement reached with its European social agents, as a Directive, in virtue of Article 115 of the Court of Justice of the European Commission. Thus fulfilment of the MLC 2006 has become compulsory for all EU Member States. However, it has not yet been ratified and, besides, it is subjected to certain community Port State and Flag State control mechanisms, which improve the optional character with which they are contemplated in international regulations. This work briefly explains not only the community acceptance process and its consequences, but also the effectiveness that the Port State control’s system, established in the community area, has had in 2011. The control of labour and social security conditions will soon benefit from this effectiveness

    Contributos da comunicação não-verbal na integração social, cultural e educativa de imigrantes numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade – um estudo de caso

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    O Homem não comunica só com as palavras, mas com todo o seu corpo. Este trabalho visa analisar de que forma a Comunicação Não-verbal pode ou não contribuir para a integração social, cultural e educativa de imigrantes numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade. Trata-se de um estudo de caso no qual participam onze imigrantes provenientes do leste da Europa. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas gravadas em suporte áudio, a seguir transcritas, e obtidos, também, através da observação direta registada em caderno de notas. O trabalho conclui que há contributos positivos e contributos negativos da Comunicação Não-verbal para a integração social, cultural e educativa destes imigrantes, numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade. Os contributos negativos detetados têm que ver, fundamentalmente, com as diferenças culturais. Os mesmos são, contudo, rapidamente ultrapassados pelos imigrantes entrevistados, graças a um processo de aculturação que realizam. Desta forma, deixam de ser um obstáculo para essa sua integração

    Effect of DEM resolution on simulated hydrological connectivity in a Mediterranean agro-ecosystem with different crops

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    1 .pdf file, copy of the original Poster.- 1 .pdf file, copy of the detailed abstract into the official Book Abstracts of the Meeting.We did not find any publication dealingwiththe effect of DEMresolution on the magnitude and spatial patterns of simulated HC inwoody crops (vineyard, olive, etc.). We seek to prove that connectivity thresholds and even the simulated functional HC, related to different hydrological processes, depends on the DEM resolution.This research was funded by the project “ Environmental and economic impact of soil loss (soil erosion footprint) in agro-ecosystems of the Ebro river basin: numerical modelling and scenario analysis (EuroCostModel) (CGL2014-54877- JOIN)” of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer reviewe

    Effect of LIDAR- and photogrammetry-derived DEM resolution on simulated hydrological features in contrasted agricultural systems (NE Spain)

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    1 .pdf file with the detailed abstract from the JGU Book Abstracts.- 1 .pdf copy of the front page of the oral presentation of the authors.The raster digital elevation model (DEM) resolution has influence on simulating hydrological features (stream characterization and morphology, watershed delineation and size, flow accumulation threshold values). The extra detail (higher quality) inherent in very high terrestrial data has benefits to analyse hydrological simulations. The trunks of the woody crops (vineyard, almond, olive, orange, coffee, tea and other fruit groves) and the plantation disposition act as permanent features in the land controlling the overland flow patterns. The scale-dependent information is necessary to utilise many scientific theories and provides hypotheses to be tested using large scale experimentation. The current advancements in computing facilities allow handle large data sets and model hydrological processes at catchment scale and using small grid cell sizes. However, we did not find any study dealing with the effect of DEM resolution on the magnitude and patterns of simulated hydrological features in woody crops. In this study, we evaluate the effect of coarse (5x5 m), high (0.5 to 1 m) and very high (0.10 m and lower) spatial resolution DEMs on simulating hydrological features and connectivity (HC) in two contrasted agricultural systems.This research was funded by the Spanish project “EroCostModel” (Ref. CGL2014-54877-JIN).Peer reviewe

    Spatial audio and immersive journalism: production, narrative design, and sense of presence

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    This article presents the findings from an experimental study on the use of binaural audio in two long-form journalistic features broadcast on Portuguese radio. From a production and narrative design perspective, our objective is to examine whether/how binaural audio implies a transformation of previously established news radio production work principles and practices, as well as of storytelling ideation and techniques. From a user experience viewpoint, we examine whether the use of binaural audio translates into higher levels of self-reported immersion and place illusion (n = 77). Despite the spread of new audio journalism formats, media and communication studies have until now largely neglected the role of spatial audio in the construction of immersion and the illusion of place. We argue that this epistemic omission translates into an image-centric conception and operationalization of the immersive journalism proposal, which stands out as a knowledge gap regarding the work of journalistic storytellers and relating to participants’ actual experience. The original contribution of this article is threefold: (1) conceptual, by broadening the perspective of journalism studies’ scholars and media professionals on the concept of immersive journalism, which, in our view, is often incorrectly considered to be synonymous with that of virtual reality journalism; (2) practical, by generating a more nuanced understanding of how actual practitioners perceive and employ immersive journalism; (3) phenomenological, by developing an examination of the factors that influence listeners’ ultimate perception of the immersive experience