2,513 research outputs found

    More on pejorative language: insults that go beyond their extension

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    Slurs have become a big topic of discussion both in philosophy and in linguistics. Slurs are usually characterised as pejorative terms, co-extensional with other, neutral, terms referring to ethnic or social groups. However, slurs are not the only ethnic/social words with pejorative senses. Our aim in this paper is to introduce a different kind of pejoratives, which we will call “ethnic/social terms used as insults”, as exemplified in Spanish, though present in many other languages and mostly absent in English. These are ethnic terms like gitano, ‘Romani’, which can have an extensional and neutral use, but also a pejorative meaning building on a negative stereotypical representation of the Romani community

    Los límites del derecho de cita e ilustración con fines educativos o de investigación científica

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    Estudio realizado en el marco del Proyecto de investigación DER2013-43967-R, sobre “Propiedad intelectual en las Universidades públicas: Titularidad, gestión y transferencia”, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO

    Cuidados de enfermería al paciente con EPOC en Atención Primaria

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    Introducción: La EPOC es una enfermedad que causa un gran impacto en todo el mundo siendo sus síntomas más característicos la disnea, la tos y la expectoración. El consumo de tabaco constituye el factor de riesgo más relevante en el desarrollo de la enfermedad y como prueba diagnóstica prevalece la espirometría. Objetivos: Describir los cuidados de enfermería del paciente con EPOC en atención primaria y en el domicilio, conocer la importancia del cuidador principal en el domicilio y enumerar los cuidados de enfermería a los cuidadores principales en el paciente con EPOC. Material y métodos: Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos como Medline, Pubmed, Cochrane, Scielo y Lilacs, documentos en sitios web como son Medical Research Council (MRC), Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR), el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) y una serie de revistas de relevancia científica cumpliendo los criterios de exclusión e inclusión. Resultados: El papel de enfermería en los cuidados del paciente con EPOC es esencial. Las intervenciones que se realizan al usuario son la oxigenoterapia, la fisioterapia respiratoria, la ventilación mecánica no invasiva y la educación sanitaria. También es imprescindible, tener en cuenta la importancia de los cuidadores del paciente con EPOC por lo que se desarrollan diferentes cuidados con ellos. Conclusiones: Enfermería ofrece cuidados al paciente con EPOC desde Atención Primaria, tanto en la consulta como en el domicilio. Es necesario que el cuidador principal de un paciente con EPOC disponga de una salud óptima para que pueda brindar los mejores cuidados al paciente en las actividades de la vida diaria, que por sí solo no puede realizarGrado en Enfermerí

    Simulated interaction of MHD shock waves with a complex network-like region

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    We provide estimates of the wave energy reaching the solar chromosphere and corona in a network-like magnetic field topology, including a coronal null point. The waves are excited by an instantaneous strong subphotospheric source and propagate through the subphotosphere, photosphere, chromosphere, transition region, and corona with the plasma beta and other atmospheric parameters varying by several orders of magnitude. We compare two regimes of the wave propagation: a linear and nonlinear regime. While the amount of energy reaching the corona is similar in both regimes, this energy is transmitted at different frequencies. In both cases the dominant periods of waves at each height strongly depend on the local magnetic field topology, but this distribution is only in accordance with observations in the nonlinear case.Comment: 4 page

    Investigando la percepción de las ventajas medioambientales de un producto adaptable

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    The aim of adaptable design is to create products that can easily adapt to different needs. The objective if this study is to analyze the effectivenes in communication to promote an adaptable baby stroller, in order to know the user perception of the advantages derived from its adaptability, as well as the environmental ones, and if there is correlation between them. It is also intended to determine whether age or previous experience with this type of product can influence this perception. To this effect, a study with 54 participants has been conducted. Results show that users percieve the advantages and find the adaptable design interesting. Valuation of the advantages of the product is affected by previous user experience with the need for adaptability. Valuation of the environmental benefits is independent from the degree of experiense, as well as from the age of the participants (between 30 and 45 years old).El diseño adaptable tiene como objetivo crear productos que puedan adaptarse fácilmente a diferentes necesidades. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la efectividad en la comunicación realizada para promover un cochecito de bebé adaptable, en aras de conocer la percepción que tienen los usuarios tanto de las ventajas derivadas de su adaptabilidad como de las medioambientales y si existe una correlación entre ambas. También se pretende determinar si la edad o experiencia previa con este tipo de productos influyen en esta percepción. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio con 54 participantes. Los resultados muestran que los usuarios perciben las ventajas y consideran interesante el diseño adaptable. La estimación de las ventajas del producto se ve afectada por la experiencia previa del usuario con la necesidad de adaptabilidad. La estimación de los beneficios ambientales es independiente tanto del grado de experiencia como de la edad de los participantes (entre 30 y 45 años)

    Geometric characterization and analysis of complex elements through the integration of different Geomatics Techniques. Application to caves.

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    The importance given to geomatics within speleology, is that any study after the discovery of a cavity needs a plane on which to rely. Hence the survey is one of the first tasks that are performed. Traditionally, topography was aimed at the final drawing of a plant, a longitudinal profile and some sections. The integration of traditional geomatics tools such as GNSS and total stations with more recent ones such as 3D laser scanners, allows a fast and accurate registration process in order to obtain a comprehensive documentation that covers everything from floor plans, elevation, longitudinal and transverse sections, dimensional analysis and calculation of heights of galleries or caps and to virtual reality systems. This article describes the necessary tasks in both the capture and treatment of the data to generate highly accurate metric documentation and details of such complex and unique places such are caves and cavities

    The land–sea coastal border: a quantitative definition by considering the wind and wave conditions in a wave-dominated, micro-tidal environment

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    A quantitative definition for the land–sea (coastal) transitional area is proposed here for wave-driven areas, based on the variability and isotropy of met-ocean processes. Wind velocity and significant wave height fields are examined for geostatistical anisotropy along four cross-shore transects on the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean), illustrating a case of significant changes along the shelf. The variation in the geostatistical anisotropy as a function of distance from the coast and water depth has been analysed through heat maps and scatter plots. The results show how the anisotropy of wind velocity and significant wave height decrease towards the offshore region, suggesting an objective definition for the coastal fringe width. The more viable estimator turns out to be the distance at which the significant wave height anisotropy is equal to the 90th percentile of variance in the anisotropies within a 100 km distance from the coast. Such a definition, when applied to the Spanish Mediterranean coast, determines a fringe width of 2–4 km. Regarding the probabilistic characterization, the inverse of wind velocity anisotropy can be fitted to a log-normal distribution function, while the significant wave height anisotropy can be fitted to a log-logistic distribution function. The joint probability structure of the two anisotropies can be best described by a Gaussian copula, where the dependence parameter denotes a mild to moderate dependence between both anisotropies, reflecting a certain decoupling between wind velocity and significant wave height near the coast. This wind–wave dependence remains stronger in the central baylike part of the study area, where the wave field is being more actively generated by the overlaying wind. Such a pattern controls the spatial variation in the coastal fringe width.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Users’ Reactions Captured by Means of an EEG Headset on Viewing the Presentation of Sustainable Designs Using Verbal Narrative

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    The aim of this paper is to determine whether consu mers accept new arguments for choosing a product that adapts to future needs. It is also seeks to investigate whether the design of products and their ensuing advertising an d promotion through a sustainable approach by means of verbal narrative ads can gener ate a more positive emotional response in the future users of the product than wi th the application of visual narrative ads. To this end, an experiment was conducted consisting in consumers, with and without experience with the product, watching a promotional video based on verbal narrative, created using the new usage scenarios approach, in which the advantages of a sustainable product are shown. The neuronal respons e of the possible users was then measured by means of the EEG headset. In order to b e able to establish a comparison, the same response was also measured in the same con sumers when they viewed a commercial video based on visual narrative about a product with similar characteristics. The results show, among other conclusions, that vie wing the verbal narrative ad first triggers higher emotional values of excitement, bot h in the short and the long term, as well as frustration. It is also observed that havin g no experience with the product causes higher meditation values. This can be useful to enterprises both in order to design their products in such a way as to orientate them towards consumer concerns, and to design advertisements in such a way as to link consumers emotionally with the produ ct

    Analysis of attachment factors in small household EEE: An opportunity toward the circular economy

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    Despite the fact that one of the goals of the circular economy is that products can be used for as long as possible, existing data show that the number of years that small household appliances are used until they are replaced is not increasing and is even decreasing in some cases. This work focuses on product attachment as a strategy to slow down the replacement of the product and, consequently, to lengthen product life, thereby preventing psychological obsolescence. To this end, a representative sample of 70 small household appliances with attachment-related characteristics was analyzed to identify which of the 38 attachment strategies listed in the emotional durability design nine tools they contain. As a result, the most frequently used strategies are “design for animacy,” “design for variability and modularity,” and “connection or community belonging.” Furthermore, 13 of the 38 strategies do not appear in this type of product and the strategies vary to a greater or lesser extent depending on the type of appliance. Therefore, there is still a lot of room at the design level to exploit attachment in this type of product, which could be very useful for business models based on life extension services. Moreover, the method applied to search for products on the web and to assign attachment strategies can also be used for other sectors and products.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    The Long-Run Relationship among Health and Income in Mexico, 1940-2011

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    Theoretically, it has been argued the existence of not only a strong positive correlation among health and real per capita income, but also that their variations are highly interconnected. The stationarity among health indicators and income is analyzed for Mexico, allowing for the presence of multiple structural breaks along 1940-2011, with the aim to study its long-run relationship and how the reductions of the public expenditure have affected this link. One novelty is the long-run perspective supported on structural breaks that affect both the level and the slope of the time series. After the serial correlation is accounted for, several stationary processes evolving around a broken trend are found. The estimated breakpoints are widely related to events as crises and health system reforms, while the corresponding regimes changes lead to a stage of minor health expenditure. This last can be of concern to government and society if improvements on health and economic development are desired