364 research outputs found

    Types of frames and use of the journalistic sources during 27S Catalan campaign

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Noves Tendències i Processos d'Innovació en Comunicació. Codi: SAZ052. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Esta investigació pretén extreure conclusions sobre quines diferències existeixen a l’hora de tractar un tema polític en la premsa escrita, concretament la campanya electoral de Catalunya al Setembre de 2015 pel que fa a les fots periodístiques i als enquadraments. Per fer que el treball siga substanciós i tinga mires sobre un espectre ample s’han triat quatre mitjans diferents tenint en compte aspectes com la ideologia del mitjà (conservadors- progressistes) i l’àrea geogràfica principal d’actuació (Catalunya- Espanya). Així, El Mundo, El País, El Periódico i La Vanguardia són els diaris triats. Alhora, com que la teoria del Framing es basa quasi sempre en analitzar campanyes electorals, s’ha diferenciat el període de la campanya del 27S amb una quinzena neutra per trobar si hi ha diferències significatives. Els enquadraments són una peça imprescindible per comprendre com actuen els mitjans davant els temes polítics. Sí bé fan referència a les problemàtiques de la ciutadania i com resoldre-les a través de les veus de les institucions i de diferents col·lectius (issue frames) o bé se centren en les figures polítiques i en l’espectaculartizació de la notícia a la recerca de més audiència (strategic game frames). El treball també inclou un apartat dedicat a les fonts informatives, les quals són el nexe d’unió entre la realitat i el periodista, per tant són importants a l’hora de crear contingut informatiu. Una major quantitat de fonts diverses i ben tractades és sinònim de qualitat informativa: pluralitat de veus. Malgrat tot, els mitjans solen optar per les fonts institucionals (polítiques bàsicament), tal com passa en els mitjans analitzats en este estudi. Com a metodologia s’utilitza un anàlisi de contingut: quantitatiu i qualitatiu que confirma les principals sospites, la premsa, en períodes de campanya s’oblida d’informar de les propostes dels candidats i es dedica a especular amb les dades i xifres de les enquestes, amb qui pot ser el guanyador o a mostrar-nos què fan i deixen de fer els candidats. Notícies que sembla ser donen més audiència a les empreses informatives, però que a la vegada poden crear un cinisme en els ciutadans. Malgrat tot, sembla ser també que tant en campanya com fóra d’ella, els enquadraments de joc estratègic són els triomfadors.This research we want to draw our own conclusions about what differences exist when treating a political subject in the press, specifically the electoral campaign of Catalonia in September of 2015. In order to do that work richer and to have a good look about a wide spectrum we have chosen four different media taking into account aspects such as the ideology of the media (conservative- progressive) and the main geographic area of influence (Catalonia- Spain). Thus, El Mundo, El País, El Periódico and La Vanguardia are the chosen newspapers. At the same time, to make the study more substantial, we make a difference between an electoral campaign period and a non-electoral period, in order to establish significant differences since the main characteristics analyzed refer to the journalistic sources: its quantity and structure and its frames. The latter are important pieces to understand how media act before the political subjects. If they refer to the citizens’ problems and resolve them together with the institutions and collective voices (issue frames) or they focus on the political figures and their show to give the press more audience (strategic game frames). The paper also includes a part about journalistic sources, which are a bridge between reality and journalist so that they are important to create information. A wide range of different and well dealt sources are a synonym of quality information: plural voices. However, the media usually choose institutional sources (political), the same as it happens in the media that conform this study. The methodology is a content analysis: quantitative and qualitative that confirms them principals’ sospites. The press, in campaign periods forgets to inform about the candidates’ proposals and devotes to speculate about possible results extracted from surveys, about who can be the winner or to show us what the candidates do and don’t do. News and performances that seem to give more audience to the news companies, but that at the same time can create a cynicism in the citizens. However, it also seems that not only in campaign but also before or after it, the settings of strategic game win

    Félix Hernández

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    Marine ecosystem services in XĂ bia, north of Alicante (Spain): an economic valuation via multicriteria analysis

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    This paper provides an estimation of the economic value of the Ecosystem Services (ESs) in the marine coastal strip of XĂ bia, north of Alicante, Spain. The proposed method combines an Analytic Network Process (ANP) and a Discounted Cash Flow model. We confirmed the presence of seven ESs in this natural area (including seafood, climate regulation, waste treatment, biological control, lifecycle maintenance, gene pool protection, recreation, cultural heritage, and knowledge development) based on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity classification. Our results reveal substantial economic value attached to non-marketed services provided by the underwater environment

    Fostering Employability through Versatility within Specialisation in Medical Translation Education

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    The current increase of automation (Rodríguez 2017; Massey/Wieder 2018) and the emergence of new needs and forms of communication are triggering substantial changes in the translation profession, in the role of the translator and in translator education. Previous studies (Muñoz-Miquel 2014, 2016a, 2018) have shown the rich variety of tasks — beyond those traditionally considered — that medical translators perform in the workplace, including heterofunctional translation, editing, or community management. The ability to develop new skills and to adapt continuously to the changing needs of the market is one of the essential characteristics of the translator in the 21st century. That is why we consider it of critical importance that, together with specialisation, versatility is promoted in translator education. In this article, we explore the notion of versatility and propose a teaching strategy that incorporates it and can contribute to improving the employability of future translators. Specifically, we put forward some pedagogical proposals for the English-Spanish language combination that promote diversification of competences and tasks within a narrow specialisation — the medical and healthcare field — in order to provide (future) translators with the versatility necessary to respond to new demands and thus be more employable. Our approach is based on the results of surveys of professional medical translators on the tasks and roles they perform, as well as on our own teaching experience in a master’s degree programme in medical translation.&nbsp

    A comparative exploratory study of pre-service and in-service high school teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in galvanic cells

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    En este estudio exploratorio se evalúa el conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC) sobre pilas galvánicas de profesores de secundaria en formación y en ejercicio. Además, este conocimiento se ha relacionado con los enfoques de enseñanza que prefieren. Para este propósito, se ha adaptado el instrumento CoRe de Loughran, Mulhall y Berry (2004) considerando dos situaciones: pila Daniell y pila voltaica simple. La muestra se compuso de 25 profesores en formación y de 15 profesores en ejercicio. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora sugiere que, en primer lugar, el CDC de los profesores de secundaria sobre pilas galvánicas no es el deseable; en segundo lugar, el CDC de los profesores en ejercicio parece significativamente mejor que el de los profesores en formación, y finalmente, no se observan diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos de profesores en las metodologías de enseñanza preferidas.En aquest estudi exploratori s'avalua el coneixement didàctic del contingut (CDC) sobre piles galvàniques de professors de secundària en formació i en exercici. A més, aquest coneixement s'ha relacionat amb els enfocaments d'ensenyament que prefereixen. Per a aquest propòsit, s'ha adaptat l'instrument CoRe de Loughran, Mulhall i Berry (2004) considerant dues situacions: pila Daniell i pila voltaica simple. La mostra es va compondre de 25 professors en formació i de 15 professors en exercici. L'anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts fins ara suggereix que, en primer lloc, el CDC dels professors de secundària sobre piles galvàniques no és el desitjable; en segon lloc, el CDC dels professors en exercici sembla significativament millor que el dels professors en formació, i finalment, no s'observen diferències significatives entre tots dos grups de professors en les metodologies d'ensenyament preferides.In this exploratory study pre-service and in-service high school teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in galvanic cells is assessed. In addition, this knowledge has been related to the instructional approaches they prefer. A written questionnaire, adapted from the Loughran, Mulhall, and Berry’s CoRe instrument (2004), considering two different situations (Daniell cell and simple voltaic cell), has been used for this purpose. The sample made up of 25 pre-service teachers and 15 in-service teachers. The analysis of the results achieved so far suggest that: a) high school teachers’ PCK on galvanic cells is not a desirable knowledge; b) in-service teachers seems to have a significantly better PCK than pre-service teachers; and c) there seem to be no significant differences in preferred teaching approaches between the two groups of teachers

    Proposta didàctica: les aportacions de l’ethos i el pathos al tractament de les columnes d’opinió

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP439. Curs: 2019/2020Aquest treball de fi de Màster és una proposta educativa per aproximar l’alumnat de quart curs de secundària a l’anàlisi i producció de textos argumentatius mitjançant el gènere columna d’opinió i els seus recursos. Alhora, l’objectiu plantejat és crear diferents activitats i materials que puguen servir als alumnes i professorat per aconseguir un enseyament-aprenentatge més òptim (modalitat de TFM 6). Per consegüent, davant les notables carències dels llibres de text tant pel que fa a l’assaig periodístic com també a aquells recursos que conformen l’argumentació, s’ha cregut convenient elaborar una seqüència didàctica per abordar aquests conceptes de manera exhaustiva ja que el currículum d’Ensenyament Secundari els contempla explícitament. En aquest sentit, aquesta proposta pretén posar en valor recursos de la retòrica clàssica com ara l’ethos i el pathos que tot i que els enfocaments pragmàtics els han recuperat des de fa dècades continuen absents en les classes d’ESO i Batxillerat. Així, amb el següent corpus teòric i la posterior seqüència didàctica es palesarà el gran potencial didàctic que tenen aquests recursos en l’ensenyament-aprenentatge, concretament en els textos argumentatius. Certament, el fet d’introduir-los en les activitats implica aportar estratègies a fi que els alumnes accedisquen a noves eines d’interpretació i producció de textos persuasius. A través d’un conjunt d’activitats encadenades, l’alumnat haurà d’elaborar una columna d’opinió que continga totes aquelles característiques que s’hauran anat estudiant al llarg de les sessions de classe. Amb diferents metodologies de treball des de les més tradicionals a d’altres més innovadores, pretén situar l’estudiant com a centre d’aprenentatge per tal que assolisca nous coneixements i desenvolupen les seues capacitats i habilitats comunicatives

    Concrete-filled round-ended steel tubular stub columns under concentric and eccentric loads

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    [EN] In the past, many works to study the mechanical behaviour of concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) stub columns have been conducted. Some of the applications of these composite columns oblige to meet higher requirements of ductility and load-bearing capacity. Traditionally, circular and rectangular tubes have been employed but recently new cross-sectional shapes of these composite columns are being designed and investigated with the aim of optimizing their mechanical behaviour. In this line, concrete-filled round-ended steel tubular columns (CFRT) have appeared as an alternative. However, the number of experimental programs to characterize their mechanical response is still scarce. In order to contribute to the test results database, in this paper an experimental study of 9 concrete-filled round-ended steel tubular stub columns is presented. All the specimens were designed with the same cross-sectional round-ended shape and have the same dimensions. In this program, both normal and high-strength concrete were employed as infill. During the tests, the columns were subjected to axial compression loads but under different eccentricities. The influence of eccentricity and concrete strength on the ultimate load bearing capacity of the concrete-filled round-ended steel tubular are discussed. Besides, the combined action of both components in this type of concrete-filled tubes as well as the effect of the concrete infill are studied.The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Universitat Jaume I and the project P1-1A2015-06 entitled “Análisis experimental de pilares mixtos src. Nuevos modelos de cálculo empleando técnicas de inteligencia artificial” and the BEST/2017/147 granted by Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport, GVA.Piquer Vicent, A.; Hernández-Figueirido, D.; Ibáñez Usach, C. (2018). Concrete-filled round-ended steel tubular stub columns under concentric and eccentric loads. En Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. ASCCS 2018. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 275-279. https://doi.org/10.4995/ASCCS2018.2018.7197OCS27527

    Influence of steel tube thickness and concrete strength on the axial capacity of stub CFST columns

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    [EN] In order to study the mechanical response of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns, several experimental and theoretical studies have been conducted in the last years. However, the influence of thin-walled steel tubes on the axial capacity of these composite columns is not completely stablished, especially when it is combined with high-strength concrete as infill. In this paper, the results of an experimental campaign on 9 concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns subjected to concentric load are presented. Different cross-section shapes are considered in this campaign, i.e. circular, square and rectangular. The influence of the steel tube wall thickness is analysed by including in the tests specimens with thin-walled tubes, whose behaviour needs to be studied in depth given the issues arising when working under compression. The experimental program is designed so the analysis of the results permits to drawn consistent conclusions. For each series, the steel tube thickness is the only geometric parameter modified in order to properly study its effect. Besides, two different concrete strengths were considered for the concrete infill, i.e. normal and high- strength concrete, to observe their effect on the ultimate capacity of the columns. During the tests, the specimens are subjected to axial load and the evolution of the axial displacement with the load is registered. The ultimate capacity of each specimen is obtained and an analysis of the steel tube thickness and concrete strength influence is accomplished. Finally, the study of the dependency of the failure mode on these parameters is carried out.The authors would like to express their gratitude to Universitat Jaume I for the project P1-1A2015-06.Ibáñez Usach, C.; Hernández-Figueirido, D.; Piquer Vicent, A. (2018). Influence of steel tube thickness and concrete strength on the axial capacity of stub CFST columns. En Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. ASCCS 2018. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 253-257. https://doi.org/10.4995/ASCCS2018.2018.7196OCS25325

    Thermal control of a spacecraft: Backward-implicit scheme programming and coating materials analysis

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    [EN] The passive thermal control of a satellite consists of establishing the necessary thermal parameters involved in the process of heat transfer by radiation and conduction in order to delimit the range of temperatures to which the different components will be exposed. If the obtained range implies temperatures that the elements of the satellite are unable to cope with, therefore, an external control is demanded. This work deals with the programming of the equilibrium thermal problem taken into consideration a backward-implicit scheme. The algebraic mathematical approach for steady-state and transient analysis are implemented in Matlab scripts. In addition, the work analyzes the influence of different coating materials on the passive thermal control of a benchmark spacecraft reported in the literature. The problem under scope considers the characteristics of a low Earth Orbit: the solar, albedo and planetary radiation, the radiation coming from other isotherm surfaces of the same satellite, the heat conduction and, finally, the radiation of these isotherm surfaces to the outer space. The procedure implemented is based on a feasible matrix formulation and results avoid the numerical instabilities prevalent in the forward-explicit approach, moreover, it enables further parametric and sensitivity analysis. Regarding the coating materials influence on the thermal response, the most relevant results evidence that thermal surfaces can guarantee the desirable range of temperature in a spacecraft. We confirm that certain material properties like the absorptance, emittance and its relation (absorption coefficient) are essential in the thermal response of the system. Nevertheless, these thermal properties do not influence in the same way. It is shown that the effect of the emittance is lower than the absorptance.The authors acknowledge the Agencia Estatal de Investigaci6n for the financial support received through the project DPI2017-89197-C2-2-R and the Generalitat Valenciana for the Programme PROMETEO 2016/007. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.Alcayde, V.; Vercher Martínez, A.; Fuenmayor Fernández, F. (2021). Thermal control of a spacecraft: Backward-implicit scheme programming and coating materials analysis. Advances in Space Research. 68(4):1975-1988. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2021.03.041S1975198868

    Improvement of mechanical and biological properties of Polycaprolactone loaded with Hydroxyapatite and Halloysite Nanotubes

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    [EN] Hydroxyapatite (HA) and Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) percentages have been optimized in Polycaprolactone (PCL) polymeric matrices to improve mechanical, thermal and biological properties of the composites, thus, to be applied in bone tissue engineering or as fixation plates. Addition of HA guarantees a proper compatibility with human bone due to its osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties, facilitating bone regeneration in tissue engineering applications. Addition of HNTs ensures the presence of tubular structures for subsequent drug loading in their lumen, of molecules such as curcumin, acting as controlled drug delivery systems. The addition of 20% of HA and different amounts of HNTs leads to a substantial improvement in mechanical properties with values of flexural strength up to 40% over raw PCL, with an increase in degradation temperature. DMA analyses showed stability in mechanical and thermal properties, having as a result a potential composite to be used as tissue engineering scaffold or resorbable fixation plate.Torres-Roca, E.; Fombuena, V.; Vallés Lluch, A.; Ellingham, T. (2017). Improvement of mechanical and biological properties of Polycaprolactone loaded with Hydroxyapatite and Halloysite Nanotubes. Materials Science and Engineering C. 75:418-424. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2017.02.087S4184247
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