21 research outputs found

    Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) : Taxonomic, stratigraphic, and geologic data

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAnalysis of seventy published papers dealing with Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists, together with consultation of the newest geological maps covering the areas with mentioned rudist fossil localities, evidenced that: a) several among the Turonian-Maastrichtian species mentioned are junior synonymies, nomen nudum, insufficiently described, or have untraceable types. According to modern standards, around sixty species seem acceptable, Antillocaprinidae (12), Hippuritidae (11), Plagioptychidae (9), and Radiolitidae (27). Only three species (Turonian) are common with Eurasia. All the Santonian-Maastrichtian rudists (54) are exclusively American species, either ascribed to Eurasian (9) or to American (21) genera. b) Research on rudists helped to improve the stratigraphy in some areas, and to point out or clear up some geological issues in others. c) The restudy of the geology in some areas, of some rudist collections in museums, and of some rudist groups, are much necessary and must be undertaken

    Luis Mariano Vidal (1842-1922) rudist taxa revisited

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    The revision of the 323 register numbers of rudist bivalves in the Vidal Collection, kept at the Museu de Geologia de Barcelona (MCNB), allowed the identification and re-figuration of thirty-three holotype or syntype specimens corresponding to twenty species established by Vidal. Among them, thirteen are considered as valid species, four resulted to be synonymous with other senior species, and three (one not figured) do not display enough characters to be properly identified. The four syntypes of Hippurites castroi, currently attributed to genus Hippuritella, have not been localised, nor the other two specimens subsequently figured by the author. Similarly, three of the four syntypes of Hippurites maestrei, type species of Hippuritella, have not been localised. Contrarily, the specimens described as Sphaerulites posae but not figured, were localised. On the other hand, twelve specimens, syntypes or figured as new species by other authors (Matheron and Douvillé), have also been identified and are re-figured; most of them are part of the specimens that were sectioned for study and then returned to Vidal. In addition, other seventeen specimens figured by Douvillé have been identified and are documented; most of them also being part of a sectioned specimen

    What Is the Capacity of Individuals with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder to Make Healthcare Decisions? An Exploratory Study of the Views of Patients, Psychiatrists, and Family Caregivers—A Survey on Decisional Capacity in Mental Health

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    Background: Research on the decisional capacity of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients mostly reflects the hospital context. Aim: To describe the views of patients, psychiatrists, and caregivers on the capacity of individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to make everyday decisions on their care related to their illness. Methods: A survey was conducted among schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients, psychiatrists, and caregivers (June 2019 to January 2020; seven countries). A questionnaire was emailed to members of the Global Alliance of Mental Illness of Advocacy Network—Europe (GAMIAN; patients) and the European Federation of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI; caregivers) and to psychiatrists who voluntarily agreed to participate. Questions referred to patients’ involvement and capacity for healthcare decision making, and to barriers to and opportunities for autonomous decision making. Frequency, agreement, and importance were rated on Likert scales. Descriptive statistics were conducted. Results: 21 schizophrenia or bipolar disorder patients (52.3% female; mean age (years) ± SD: 50.71 ± 12.02), 11 psychiatrists (18.2% female), and 15 caregivers (86.6% female; 100% family related) participated in the survey. In total, 86% of patients felt frequently involved in decisions about everyday care and medications, and 91% of psychiatrists and 40% of caregivers perceived the same; 38% of patients felt frequently involved in decisions about the use of acute symptom medications, and 57% on care planning, and 55% and 82% of psychiatrists, and 40% and 53% of caregivers, respectively, believed the same; and 86% of patients, 91% of psychiatrists, and 47% of caregivers agreed on the capacity of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder patients to value the implications of taking medicines to prevent acute psychotic crises. Poor understanding and training are barriers, while advocacy and increasing interest in patients’ needs are opportunities for increasing autonomous decision making. Conclusions: Stakeholders concur that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients have the capacity to make everyday decisions around their care related to their illness, including acute symptom management. Barriers and opportunities exist to foster autonomous decisions among mental illness individuals

    Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of health services, and mortality (DESVELA cohort): quantitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis

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    IntroductionThe healthcare and well-being of the population depend on multiple factors and should adapt to societal changes. The opposite is also occurring; society has evolved concerning the individuals’ approach to their care, which includes participation in decision-making processes. In this scenario, health promotion and prevention become crucial to provide an integrated perspective in the organization and management of the health systems.Health status and well-being depend on many aspects, determinants of health, which in turn may be modulated by individual behavior. Certain models and frameworks try to study the determinants of health and individual human behaviors, separately. However, the interrelation between these two aspects has not been examined in our population.Our main objective is to analyze whether personal aptitudes related to behaviors are independently associated with the incidence of morbidity. A secondary objective will enquire whether these personal aptitudes are independently associated with lower all-cause mortality, enhanced adoption of healthy lifestyles, higher quality of life, and lower utilization of health services during follow-up.MethodsThis protocol addresses the quantitative branch of a multicenter project (10 teams) for the creation of a cohort of at least 3,083 persons aged 35 to 74 years from 9 Autonomous Communities (AACC). The personal variables to evaluate are self-efficacy, activation, health literacy, resilience, locus of control, and personality traits. Socio-demographic covariates and social capital will be recorded. A physical examination, blood analysis, and cognitive evaluation will be carried out.Several sets of six Cox models (one for each independent variable) will analyze the incidence of morbidity (objective 1); all-cause mortality and the rest of the dependent variables (objective 2). The models will be adjusted for the indicated covariates, and random effects will estimate Potential heterogeneity between AACC.DiscussionThe analysis of the association of certain behavioral patterns and determinants of health is essential and will contribute to improving health promotion and prevention strategies. The description of the individual elements and interrelated aspects that modulate the onset and persistence of diseases will allow the evaluation of their role as prognostic factors and contribute to the development of patient-tailored preventive measures and healthcare.Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04386135. Registered on April 30, 2020

    Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of health services, and mortality (DESVELA cohort): quantitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis

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    IntroductionThe healthcare and well-being of the population depend on multiple factors and should adapt to societal changes. The opposite is also occurring; society has evolved concerning the individuals’ approach to their care, which includes participation in decision-making processes. In this scenario, health promotion and prevention become crucial to provide an integrated perspective in the organization and management of the health systems.Health status and well-being depend on many aspects, determinants of health, which in turn may be modulated by individual behavior. Certain models and frameworks try to study the determinants of health and individual human behaviors, separately. However, the interrelation between these two aspects has not been examined in our population.Our main objective is to analyze whether personal aptitudes related to behaviors are independently associated with the incidence of morbidity. A secondary objective will enquire whether these personal aptitudes are independently associated with lower all-cause mortality, enhanced adoption of healthy lifestyles, higher quality of life, and lower utilization of health services during follow-up.MethodsThis protocol addresses the quantitative branch of a multicenter project (10 teams) for the creation of a cohort of at least 3,083 persons aged 35 to 74 years from 9 Autonomous Communities (AACC). The personal variables to evaluate are self-efficacy, activation, health literacy, resilience, locus of control, and personality traits. Socio-demographic covariates and social capital will be recorded. A physical examination, blood analysis, and cognitive evaluation will be carried out.Several sets of six Cox models (one for each independent variable) will analyze the incidence of morbidity (objective 1); all-cause mortality and the rest of the dependent variables (objective 2). The models will be adjusted for the indicated covariates, and random effects will estimate Potential heterogeneity between AACC.DiscussionThe analysis of the association of certain behavioral patterns and determinants of health is essential and will contribute to improving health promotion and prevention strategies. The description of the individual elements and interrelated aspects that modulate the onset and persistence of diseases will allow the evaluation of their role as prognostic factors and contribute to the development of patient-tailored preventive measures and healthcare.Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04386135. Registered on April 30, 2020

    Enfoque en la asistencia psiquiátrica con problemática penal

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    Enfoque en la asistencia psiquiátrica con problemática penal

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    Los rudistas (bivalvia) de la Colección Vidal en el Museu de Geologia de Barcelona

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    Luis Mariano Vidal (1842-1922) era Ingeniero de Minas y ocupó diversos cargos dentro del Cuerpo de Minas. Destacan, después de varios destinos en otros lugares de España, los de Ingeniero Jefe de Minas de la provincia de Gerona (1882), de la provincia de Lérida (1888) ampliado posteriormente con el distrito de Tarragona, y finalmente de Barcelona (1905) además de Inspector General del Cuerpo de Minas. En 1908 fue nombrado Director de la Comisión del Mapa Geológico de España. L. M. Vidal publicó numerosos trabajos sobre la geología y paleontología de Cataluña, al tiempo que reunió una importante colección de fósiles, resultado de su trabajo de ca Museu de Geologia de Barcelona). Un buen número de los 6.076 registros de fósiles corresponden al Cretácico (2.727) y, entre ellos, algunos son ejemplares de bivalvos rudistas. En tres de sus publicaciones, Vidal (1874, 1878 y 1921), estableció un total de veinte nuevas especies de rudistas. También facilitó ejemplares de su colección a especialistas extranjeros de renombre, para su estudio y posterior publicación (Matheron, 1880; Douvillé, 1895, 1904). En algunos casos sirvieron para establecer nuevas especies (cinco) y en otros fueron figurados por aportar nuevas características a especies ya descritas (veinte). Algunos de estos ejemplares fueron devueltos a la colección, otros permanecieron en el extranjero, actualmente en la Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Villeurbanne), y aún de otros, principalmente hippurítidos cuyo estudio requiere una sección transversal de la valva derecha cercana a la comisura, volvió únicamente una de las dos partes, generalmente la parte apical. En este trabajo, se revisan las especies de rudistas establecidas por Vidal, las establecidas por otros autores basándose en ejemplares facilitados por Vidal, se documentan todos los ejemplares de la colección Vidal figurados en las publicaciones anteriormente mencionadas y se aportan nuevos datos sobre algunos de los taxa tratado

    Luis Mariano Vidal (1842-1922) rudist taxa revisited

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    The revision of the 323 register numbers of rudist bivalves in the Vidal Collection, kept at the Museu de Geologia de Barcelona (MCNB), allowed the identification and re-figuration of thirty-three holotype or syntype specimens corresponding to twenty species established by Vidal. Among them, thirteen are considered as valid species, four resulted to be synonymous with other senior species, and three (one not figured) do not display enough characters to be properly identified. The four syntypes of Hippurites castroi, currently attributed to genus Hippuritella, have not been localised, nor the other two specimens subsequently figured by the author. Similarly, three of the four syntypes of Hippurites maestrei, type species of Hippuritella, have not been localised. Contrarily, the specimens described as Sphaerulites posae but not figured, were localised. On the other hand, twelve specimens, syntypes or figured as new species by other authors (Matheron and Douvillé), have also been identified and are re-figured; most of them are part of the specimens that were sectioned for study and then returned to Vidal. In addition, other seventeen specimens figured by Douvillé have been identified and are documented; most of them also being part of a sectioned specimen