758 research outputs found

    Un Fragment de la Salmòdia copta conservat a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic

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    Es conserva a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic un foli manuscrit procedent d?un llibre litúrgic copte en paper. El text conservat és un fragment de la Salmòdia de khoiak, el mes del calendari copte en què se celebra el Nadal. La Salmòdia és un conjunt de pregàries de preparació per a la recepció de l?eucaristia, que es resen la nit abans de celebrar-la. No forma part de la litúrgia eucarística ni tampoc de la litúrgia de les hores, malgrat que per la seva estructura que alterna salms i composicions hímniques, pugui recordar-la. Està recollida en un llibre litúrgic propi.In the Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic is preserved a manuscript sheet coming from a coptic paper liturgical book. The preserved text is a fragment of the Christmas psalmody of Khoiak, the month of the coptic calendar in which Christmas is celebrated. The Psalmody is an ensemble of preparatory prayers before receiving Eucharist, said the night before the celebration. It is not part of the eucharistical liturgy neither of the office, although it can remind of it due to its structure alternating psalms and hymns. It is recorded in a proper liturgical book

    Aspectes mèdics i quirúrgics de l'avortament

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    Un Fragment de la Salmòdia copta conservat a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic

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    Es conserva a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic un foli manuscrit procedent d?un llibre litúrgic copte en paper. El text conservat és un fragment de la Salmòdia de khoiak, el mes del calendari copte en què se celebra el Nadal. La Salmòdia és un conjunt de pregàries de preparació per a la recepció de l?eucaristia, que es resen la nit abans de celebrar-la. No forma part de la litúrgia eucarística ni tampoc de la litúrgia de les hores, malgrat que per la seva estructura que alterna salms i composicions hímniques, pugui recordar-la. Està recollida en un llibre litúrgic propi.In the Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic is preserved a manuscript sheet coming from a coptic paper liturgical book. The preserved text is a fragment of the Christmas psalmody of Khoiak, the month of the coptic calendar in which Christmas is celebrated. The Psalmody is an ensemble of preparatory prayers before receiving Eucharist, said the night before the celebration. It is not part of the eucharistical liturgy neither of the office, although it can remind of it due to its structure alternating psalms and hymns. It is recorded in a proper liturgical book

    Valores y creencias de los profesionales médicos y de enfermería en relación al dolor infantil

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    Los valores y creencias de los diferentes profesionales médicos y enfermeros, ejercen notable influencia sobre sus actuaciones en torno al dolor infantil. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los factores culturales de los profesionales médicos y enfermeros ante el manejo del dolor en niños, en el caso de alteraciones de salud derivadas de problemas ocasionados por la cirugía o por quemaduras, en el marco del paradigma de la teoría crítica utilizando los conceptos principales de campo, capital y habitus . Actualmente se constata frecuentemente la necesidad de mejorar la atención al dolor infantil y diferentes autores sugieren posibles causas de la escasa atención que recibe. Se dispone de herramientas de valoración y tratamiento farmacológico para el dolor infantil, cuyos posibles efectos secundarios se ha demostrado que son inferiores al daño originado por el dolor sostenido, que incluso puede tener secuelas irreversibles especialmente si se da en prematuros y recién nacidos. Paradójicamente, todo este conocimiento se enfrenta con los valores y creencias establecidos, por lo que el dolor infantil continúa siendo un problema muy importante que requiere de una respuesta inmediata

    Effects of Early Training and Nicotine Treatment on the Performance of Male NMRI Mice in the Water Maze

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    This research aimed to evaluate the effect of nicotine treatment and prior training on a spatial learning task in differently aged NMRI male mice. In a longitudinal study, mice were randomly assigned to one of 14 experimental groups receiving different combinations of chronically injected nicotine (0.35 mg/kg) administered for 10 days (5 days before and during 5 days acquisition of task) or control treatments and training in the water maze at different ages. The mice displayed shorter escape latencies when evaluated at 6 and 10 months than when tested in this task at 2 months for the first time, demonstrating that early training preserves performance in the water maze up to 8 months after the initial experience. Nicotine treatment did not significantly change performance in the water maze at any age tested. Early practice in a spatial reference memory task appears to have lasting consequences and can potentially contribute to preventing some age-related spatial learning deficits

    Luis Mariano Vidal (1842-1922) rudist taxa revisited

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    The revision of the 323 register numbers of rudist bivalves in the Vidal Collection, kept at the Museu de Geologia de Barcelona (MCNB), allowed the identification and re-figuration of thirty-three holotype or syntype specimens corresponding to twenty species established by Vidal. Among them, thirteen are considered as valid species, four resulted to be synonymous with other senior species, and three (one not figured) do not display enough characters to be properly identified. The four syntypes of Hippurites castroi, currently attributed to genus Hippuritella, have not been localised, nor the other two specimens subsequently figured by the author. Similarly, three of the four syntypes of Hippurites maestrei, type species of Hippuritella, have not been localised. Contrarily, the specimens described as Sphaerulites posae but not figured, were localised. On the other hand, twelve specimens, syntypes or figured as new species by other authors (Matheron and Douvillé), have also been identified and are re-figured; most of them are part of the specimens that were sectioned for study and then returned to Vidal. In addition, other seventeen specimens figured by Douvillé have been identified and are documented; most of them also being part of a sectioned specimen
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