1,082 research outputs found

    Phonologically-Informed Speech Coding for Automatic Speech Recognition-based Foreign Language Pronunciation Training

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) systems used in foreign-language educational contexts are often not developed with the specific task of second-language acquisition in mind. Systems that are built for this task are often excessively targeted to one native language (L1) or a single phonemic contrast and are therefore burdensome to train. Current algorithms have been shown to provide erroneous feedback to learners and show inconsistencies between human and computer perception. These discrepancies have thus far hindered more extensive application of ASR in educational systems. This thesis reviews the computational models of the human perception of American English vowels for use in an educational context; exploring and comparing two types of acoustic representation: a low-dimensionality linguistically-informed formant representation and more traditional Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs). We first compare two algorithms for phoneme classification (support vector machines and long short-term memory recurrent neural networks) trained on American English vowel productions from the TIMIT corpus. We then conduct a perceptual study of non-native English vowel productions perceived by native American English speakers. We compare the results of the computational experiment and the human perception experiment to assess human/model agreement. Dissimilarities between human and model classification are explored. More phonologically-informed audio signal representations should create a more human-aligned, less L1-dependent vowel classification system with higher interpretability that can be further refined with more phonetic- and/or phonological-based research. Results show that linguistically-informed speech coding produces results that better align with human classification, supporting use of the proposed coding for ASR-based CAPT

    Do experts see it in slow motion? Altered timing of action simulation uncovers domain-specific perceptual processing in expert athletes

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    Accurate encoding of the spatio-temporal properties of others' actions is essential for the successful implementation of daily activities and, even more, for successful sportive performance, given its role in movement coordination and action anticipation. Here we investigated whether athletes are provided with special perceptual processing of spatio-temporal properties of familiar sportive actions. Basketball and volleyball players and novices were presented with short video-clips of free basketball throws that were partially occluded ahead of realization and were asked to judge whether a subsequently presented pose was either taken from the same throw depicted in the occluded video (action identification task) or temporally congruent with the expected course of the action during the occlusion period (explicit timing task). Results showed that basketball players outperformed the other groups in detecting action compatibility when the pose depicted earlier or synchronous, but not later phases of the movement as compared to the natural course of the action during occlusion. No difference was obtained for explicit estimations of timing compatibility. This leads us to argue that the timing of simulated actions in the experts might be slower than that of perceived actions ("slow-motion" bias), allowing for more detailed representation of ongoing actions and refined prediction abilities

    A Global Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Molecular Hallmarks of Neural Stem Cell Death, Survival, and Differentiation in Response to Partial FGF-2 and EGF Deprivation

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    Neurosphere cell culture is a commonly used model to study the properties and potential applications of neural stem cells (NSCs). However, standard protocols to culture NSCs have yet to be established, and the mechanisms underlying NSC survival and maintenance of their undifferentiated state, in response to the growth factors FGF-2 and EGF are not fully understood. Using cultures of embryonic and adult olfactory bulb stem cells (eOBSCs and aOBSCs), we analyzed the consequences of FGF-2 and EGF addition at different intervals on proliferation, cell cycle progression, cell death and differentiation, as well as on global gene expression. As opposed to cultures supplemented daily, addition of FGF-2 and EGF every 4 days significantly reduced the neurosphere volume and the total number of cells in the spheres, mainly due to increased cell death. Moreover, partial FGF-2 and EGF deprivation produced an increase in OBSC differentiation during the proliferative phase. These changes were more evident in aOBSC than eOBSC cultures. Remarkably, these effects were accompanied by a significant upregulation in the expression of endogenous Fgf-2 and genes involved in cell death and survival (Cryab), lipid catabolic processes (Pla2g7), cell adhesion (Dscaml1), cell differentiation (Dscaml1, Gpr17, S100b, Ndrg2) and signal transduction (Gpr17, Ndrg2). These findings support that a daily supply of FGF-2 and EGF is critical to maintain the viability and the undifferentiated state of NSCs in culture, and they reveal novel molecular hallmarks of NSC death, survival and the initiation of differentiation. © 2013 Nieto-Estévez et al.Peer Reviewe

    MHz Unidirectional Rotation of Molecular Rotary Motors

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    A combination of cryogenic UV-vis and CD spectroscopy and transient absorption spectroscopy at ambient temperature is used to study a new class of unidirectional rotary molecular motors. Stabilization of unstable intermediates is achieved below 95 K in propane solution for the structure with the fastest rotation rate, and below this temperature measurements on the rate limiting step in the rotation cycle can be performed to obtain activation parameters. The results are compared to measurements at ambient temperature using transient absorption spectroscopy, which show that behavior of these motors is similar over the full temperature range investigated, thereby allowing a maximum rotation rate of 3 MHz at room temperature under suitable irradiation conditions

    Power System Stability Analysis of the Sicilian Network in the 2050 OSMOSE Project Scenario †

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    This paper summarizes the results of a power system stability analysis realized for the EU project OSMOSE. The case study is the electrical network of Sicily, one of the two main islands of Italy, in a scenario forecasted for 2050, with a large penetration of renewable generation. The objective is to establish if angle and voltage stabilities can be guaranteed despite the loss of the inertia and the regulation services provided today by traditional thermal power plants. To replace these resources, new flexibility services, potentially provided by renewable energy power plants, battery energy storage systems, and flexible loads, are taken into account. A highly detailed dynamical model of the electrical grid, provided by the same transmission system operator who manages the system, is modified to fit with the 2050 scenario and integrated with the models of the mentioned flexibility services. Thanks to this dynamic model, an extensive simulation analysis on large and small perturbation angle stability and voltage stability is carried out. Results show that stability can be guaranteed, but the use of a suitable combination of the new flexibility services is mandatory

    Stable Propagation of a Burst Through a One-Dimensional Homogeneous Excitatory Chain Model of Songbird Nucleus HVC

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    We demonstrate numerically that a brief burst consisting of two to six spikes can propagate in a stable manner through a one-dimensional homogeneous feedforward chain of non-bursting neurons with excitatory synaptic connections. Our results are obtained for two kinds of neuronal models, leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons and Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons with five conductances. Over a range of parameters such as the maximum synaptic conductance, both kinds of chains are found to have multiple attractors of propagating bursts, with each attractor being distinguished by the number of spikes and total duration of the propagating burst. These results make plausible the hypothesis that sparse precisely-timed sequential bursts observed in projection neurons of nucleus HVC of a singing zebra finch are intrinsic and causally related.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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