268 research outputs found

    Targeted photoimmunotherapy for cancer

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved procedure that can exert a curative action against malignant cells. The treatment implies the administration of a photoactive molecular species that, upon absorption of visible or near infrared light, sensitizes the formation of reactive oxygen species. These species are cytotoxic and lead to tumor cell death, damage vasculature, and induce inflammation. Clinical investigations demonstrated that PDT is curative and does not compromise other treatment options. One of the major limitations of the original method was the low selectivity of the photoactive compounds for malignant over healthy tissues. The development of conjugates with antibodies has endowed photosensitizing molecules with targeting capability, so that the compounds are delivered with unprecedented precision to the site of action. Given their fluorescence emission capability, these supramolecular species are intrinsically theranostic agents

    A Double Payload Complex between Hypericin and All-trans Retinoic Acid in the β-Lactoglobulin Protein

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    Combined therapies are usually used to treat acne vulgaris since this approach can tackle various foci simultaneously. Using a combination of spectroscopic, computational, and microbiological techniques and methods, herein we report on the use of β-lactoglobulin as a double payload carrier of hypericin (an antimicrobial photodynamic agent) and all-trans retinoic acid (an anti-inflammatory drug) for S. aureus in vitro photodynamic inactivation. The addition of all-trans retinoic acid to hypericinβ-lactoglobulin complex renders a photochemically safe vehicle due to the photophysical quenching of hypericin, which recovers its photodynamic activity when in contact with bacteria. The ability of hypericin to photoinactivate S. aureus was not affected by retinoic acid. β-Lactoglobulin is a novel biocompatible and photochemically safe nanovehicle with strong potential for the treatment of acne

    The dark recovery rate in the photocycle of the bacterial photoreceptor YtvA is affected by the cellular environment and by hydration

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    We report thermal recovery kinetics of the lit state into the parental dark state, measured for the blue light-sensing photoreceptor YtvA inside overexpressing E. coli and B. subtilis bacterial cells, performed for the wild type and several mutated proteins. Recovery was followed as a recovery of the fluorescence, as this property is only found for the parental but not for the photochemically generated lit state. When cells were deposited onto a microscope glass plate, the observed thermal recovery rate in the photocycle was found ca. ten times faster in comparison to purified YtvA in solution. When the E. coli or B. subtilis colonies were soaked in an isotonic buffer, the dark relaxation became again much slower and was very similar to that observed for YtvA in solution. The observed effects show that rate constants can be tuned by the cellular environment through factors such as hydration. Copyright

    Immobilization of proteins in silica gel: Biochemical and biophysical properties

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    The development of silica-based sol-gel techniques compatible with the retention of protein structure and function started more than 20 years ago, mainly for the design of biotechnological devices or biomedical applications. Silica gels are optically transparent, exhibit good mechanical stability, are manufactured with different geometries, and are easily separated from the reaction media. Biomolecules encapsulated in silica gel normally retain their structural and functional properties, are stabilized with respect to chemical and physical insults, and can sometimes exhibit enhanced activity in comparison to the soluble form. This review briefly describes the chemistry of protein encapsulation within the pores of a silica gel three-dimensional network, the mechanism of interaction between the protein and the gel matrix, and its effects on protein structure, function, stability and dynamics. The main applications in the field of biosensor design are described. Special emphasis is devoted to silica gel encapsulation as a tool to selectively stabilize subsets of protein conformations for biochemical and biophysical studies, an application where silica-based encapsulation demonstrated superior performance with respect to other immobilization techniques

    Electrostatic Tuning of the Ligand Binding Mechanism by Glu27 in Nitrophorin 7.

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    Nitrophorins (NP) 1-7 are NO-carrying heme proteins found in the saliva of the blood-sucking insect Rhodnius prolixus. The isoform NP7 displays peculiar properties, such as an abnormally high isoelectric point, the ability to bind negatively charged membranes, and a strong pH sensitivity of NO affinity. A unique trait of NP7 is the presence of Glu in position 27, which is occupied by Val in other NPs. Glu27 appears to be important for tuning the heme properties, but its influence on the pH-dependent NO release mechanism, which is assisted by a conformational change in the AB loop, remains unexplored. Here, in order to gain insight into the functional role of Glu27, we examine the effect of Glu27 → Val and Glu27 → Gln mutations on the ligand binding kinetics using CO as a model. The results reveal that annihilation of the negative charge of Glu27 upon mutation reduces the pH sensitivity of the ligand binding rate, a process that in turn depends on the ionization of Asp32. We propose that Glu27 exerts a through-space electrostatic action on Asp32, which shifts the pKa of the latter amino acid towards more acidic values thus reducing the pH sensitivity of the transition between open and closed states

    A photosensitizing fusion protein with targeting capabilities

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    The photodynamic treatment for antimicrobial applications or anticancer therapy relies on reactive oxygen species generated by photosensitizing molecules after absorption of visible or near-infrared light. If the photosensitizing molecule is in close vicinity of the microorganism or the malignant cell, a photocytotoxic action is exerted. Therefore, the effectiveness of photosensitizing compounds strongly depends on their capability to target microbial or cancer-specific proteins. In this study, we report on the preparation and preliminary characterization of human recombinant myoglobin fused to the vasoactive intestinal peptide to target vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor (VPAC) receptors. Fe-protoporphyrin IX was replaced by the photosensitizing compound Zn-protoporphyrin IX. Taking advantage of the fluorescence emission by Zn-protoporphyrin IX, we show that the construct can bind prostate cancer cells where the VPAC receptors are expressed

    Exploring species-level infant gut bacterial biodiversity by meta-analysis and formulation of an optimized cultivation medium

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    In vitro gut cultivation models provide host-uncoupled, fast, and cost-efficient solutions to investigate the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors impacting on both composition and functionality of the intestinal microbial ecosystem. However, to ensure the maintenance and survival of gut microbial players and preserve their functions, these systems require close monitoring of several variables, including oxygen concentration, pH, and temperature, as well as the use of a culture medium satisfying the microbial nutritional requirements. In this context, in order to identify the macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for in vitro cultivation of the infant gut microbiota, a meta-analysis based on 1669 publicly available shotgun metagenomic samples corresponding to fecal samples of healthy, full-term infants aged from a few days to three years was performed to define the predominant species characterizing the "infant-like" gut microbial ecosystem. A subsequent comparison of growth performances was made using infant fecal samples that contained the most abundant bacterial taxa of the infant gut microbiota, when cultivated on 18 different culture media. This growth analysis was performed by means of flow cytometry-based bacterial cell enumeration and shallow shotgun sequencing, which allowed the formulation of an optimized growth medium, i.e., Infant Gut Super Medium (IGSM), which maintains and sustains the infant gut microbial biodiversity under in vitro growth conditions. Furthermore, this formulation was used to evaluate the in vitro effect of two drugs commonly used in pediatrics, i.e., acetaminophen and simethicone, on the taxonomic composition of the infant gut microbiota

    Probiogenomics analysis of 97 lactobacillus crispatus strains as a tool for the identification of promising next-generation probiotics

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    Members of the genus Lactobacillus represent the most common colonizers of the human vagina and are well-known for preserving vaginal health and contrasting the colonization of oppor-tunistic pathogens. Remarkably, high abundance of Lactobacillus crispatus in the vaginal environment has been linked to vaginal health, leading to the widespread use of many L. crispatus strains as probi-otics. Nevertheless, despite the scientific and industrial relevance of this species, a comprehensive investigation of the genomics of L. crispatus taxon is still missing. For this reason, we have performed a comparative genomics analysis of 97 L. crispatus strains, encompassing 16 strains sequenced in the framework of this study alongside 81 additional publicly available genome sequences. Thus, allowing the dissection of the L. crispatus pan-genome and core-genome followed by a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis based on the predicted core genes that revealed clustering based on ecological origin. Subsequently, a genomics-targeted approach, i.e., probiogenomics analysis, was applied for in-depth analysis of the eight L. crispatus strains of human origin sequenced in this study. In detail their genetic repertoire was screened for strain-specific genes responsible for phenotypic features that may guide the identification of optimal candidates for next-generation probiotics. The latter includes bacteriocin production, carbohydrates transport and metabolism, as well as a range of features that may be responsible for improved ecological fitness. In silico results regarding the genetic repertoire involved in carbohydrate metabolism were also validated by growth assays on a range of sugars, leading to the selection of putative novel probiotic strains

    Learning Ordinal Preferences on Multiattribute Domains: the Case of CP-nets

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    International audienceA recurrent issue in decision making is to extract a preference structure by observing the user's behavior in different situations. In this paper, we investigate the problem of learning ordinal preference orderings over discrete multi-attribute, or combinatorial, domains. Specifically, we focus on the learnability issue of conditional preference networks, or CP- nets, that have recently emerged as a popular graphical language for representing ordinal preferences in a concise and intuitive manner. This paper provides results in both passive and active learning. In the passive setting, the learner aims at finding a CP-net compatible with a supplied set of examples, while in the active setting the learner searches for the cheapest interaction policy with the user for acquiring the target CP-net

    The Interaction of Hypericin with SARS-CoV-2 Reveals a Multimodal Antiviral Activity

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    Hypericin is a photosensitizing drug that is active against membrane-enveloped viruses and therefore constitutes a promising candidate for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The antiviral efficacy of hypericin is largely determined by its affinity toward viral components and by the number of active molecules loaded on single viruses. Here we use an experimental approach to follow the interaction of hypericin with SARS-CoV-2, and we evaluate its antiviral efficacy, both in the dark and upon photoactivation. Binding to viral particles is directly visualized with fluorescence microscopy, and a strong affinity for the viral particles, most likely for the viral envelope, is measured spectroscopically. The loading of a maximum of approximately 30 molecules per viral particle is estimated, despite with marked heterogeneity among particles. Because of this interaction, nanomolar concentrations of photoactivated hypericin substantially reduce virus infectivity on Vero E6 cells, but a partial effect is also observed in dark conditions, suggesting multiple mechanisms of action for this drug
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