223 research outputs found

    Stratigraphy of the Haut Var Paleogene continental series (Northeastern Provence, France): New insight on the age of the 'Sables bleutés du Haut Var' Formation

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    The age of the Paleogene deposits of the Haut Var (Provence, France) has been the subject of debate. Particularly, the ''Calcaire à Bithynies'' and the ''Sables bleutés'' units were ascribed either to the early Eocene or to the Oligocene. A stratigraphical clarification is required in order to precise the paleogeographical relationships of the Haut Var Paleogene sedimentary series with coeval deposits in the neighbouring southern Provence and Subalpine regions and other European domains. The study area is characterized by tectonically separated synclines and grabens filled in by continental Paleogene deposits. Detailed mapping and lithostratigraphical logging, sedimentological and microfacies analysis have been undertaken in order to provide a reliable stratigraphical framework. Biostratigraphical subdivisions were established based on five different fossil groups: mammals, charophytes, gastropods, ostracodes, and foraminifers. Accordingly, five formations are distinguished and dated: ''Calcaire a` Microcodium'' and ''Brèche à Microcodium'' (Danian); ''Marnes à oeufs d'oiseaux'' (Selandian(?)-earliest Ypresian); 'Sables bleutés du Haut Var' (early-late(?) Ypresian); and ''Bourdas conglomerates'' (Rupelian). Particular emphasis is given to the study of the controversial 'Sables bleute´ s du Haut Var' Formation. As a result, correlations have been established between the different syncline and graben areas where Paleocene-Eocene and Oligocene deposits occur. Terrestrial deposits (carbonate paleosols and piedmont alluvial fans) took place during Paleocene times, while fluvial (cross-bedded sands) and lacustrine carbonate deposits developed in a foreland compressional intracontinental basin surrounded by emerged areas and tectonic highs during the early Ypresian. Paleoenvironmental and paleogeo- graphical analysis strengthen the view that a relative isolation characterized the Haut Var area during the early Eocene, probably enhancing episodes of brackish water or evaporitic sedimentation and gastropod endemism. During the late Eocene Pyrenean-Provence tectonic phase, the E-W trending Haut Var overthrusts have been emplaced posteriorly to the deposition of the 'Sables bleute´ s du Haut Var' Fm. Finally, coarse alluvial fan and local lacustrine carbonate sedimentation occurred during the Oligocene in narrow N-S trending subsident extensional grabens associated with the N-S trending Barjols Triassic uplift

    Isolation and characterization of <i>Magnetospirillum</i> sp strain 15-1 as a representative anaerobic toluene-degrader from a constructed wetland model

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    Previously, Planted Fixed-Bed Reactors (PFRs) have been used to investigate microbial toluene removal in the rhizosphere of constructed wetlands. Aerobic toluene degradation was predominant in these model systems although bulk redox conditions were hypoxic to anoxic. However, culture-independent approaches indicated also that microbes capable of anaerobic toluene degradation were abundant. Therefore, we aimed at isolating anaerobic-toluene degraders from one of these PFRs. From the obtained colonies which consisted of spirilli-shaped bacteria, a strain designated 15-1 was selected for further investigations. Analysis of its 16S rRNA gene revealed greatest similarity (99%) with toluene-degrading Magnetospirillum sp. TS-6. Isolate 15-1 grew with up to 0.5 mM of toluene under nitrate-reducing conditions. Cells reacted to higher concentrations of toluene by an increase in the degree of saturation of their membrane fatty acids. Strain 15-1 contained key genes for the anaerobic degradation of toluene via benzylsuccinate and subsequently the benzoyl-CoA pathway, namely bssA, encoding for the alpha subunit of benzylsuccinate synthase, bcrC for subunit C of benzoyl-CoA reductase and bamA for 6-oxocyclohex-1-ene-1-carbonyl-CoA hydrolase. Finally, most members of a clone library of bssA generated from the PFR had highest similarity to bssA from strain 15-1. Our study provides insights about the physiological capacities of a strain of Magnetospirillum isolated from a planted system where active rhizoremediation of toluene is taking place

    Variation in the Extraction Efficiency of Estradiol and Progesterone in Moist and Lyophilized Feces of the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra): Alternative Methods

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    Several fecal steroid extraction techniques have been developed to measure the ovary function in different species of mammals. However, regardless of the method of extraction and the sample type chosen, it has been observed that they can yield results with different percentages of recuperation. The objective of this study was to determine whether the type of substratum, solvent and extraction method used have any influence on the extraction efficiency in the feces of Alouatta pigra (black howler monkey). For this purpose we used two methods: agitation and ebullition. With each method, we utilized moist and lyophilized feces. The validation of radioimmunoassay method was accurate and precise for quantify estradiol and progesterone in lyophilized feces of A. pigra. To both of which ethanol and methanol, absolute and at 80%, were added, besides the hormones 125I-Estradiol and 125I-Progesterone. The extraction efficiency for 125I-Estradiol was from 87.72 ± 3.97 to 41.24 ± 2.67%, and for 125I-Progesterone from 71.15 ± 4.24 to 42.30 ± 1.19% when we used the agitation method. Whereas with the ebullition method, the extraction efficiency for 125I-Estradiol ranged from 86.89 ± 2.66 to 71.68 ± 3.02% and for 125I-Progesterone from 98.31 ± 1.26 to 85.40 ± 1.98%. Due to the differences found in these assays, which depend on the method used, the type of feces employed and the type of solvent added to them, we recommend the ebullition method and the lyophilized feces of A. pigra for extracting the hormones, since in moist feces there may exist variables which might interfere in the quantification of 125I-Estradiol and 125I-Progesterone

    Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Estimate Fiber and Crude Protein Content in Fodders

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    Objective: Demonstrate the need to use locally generated data in the calibration of a near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS) in order to predict the chemical characteristics of fodder; instead of using data bases from other geographic regions, as is commonly done in Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: Two groups of samples collected in prairies of the central highlands of Mexico, the first group was used to calibrate the equipment; the equations generated were validated with a second group, collected in prairies that were different from the ones of the calibration group, but in the same geographic zone. Results: The best regression coefficients of the NIRS predictions, compared to traditional laboratory analyses were for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) (0.93, 0.87, 0.87, 0.56, 0.72 y 0.68 respectively). The lowest predictive value was observed in ashes (0.27). Limitations of the study/implications: The results show the need to use local materials in the calibration process. Conclusions: NIRS will make predictions of their chemical composition, since this is influenced by geographic origin of the sample and its botanical compositionObjective: Demonstrate the need to use locally generated data in the calibration of a near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS) to predict the chemical characteristics of fodder; instead of using data bases from other geographic regions, as is commonly done in Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: Two groups of samples collected in prairies of the central highlands of Mexico, the first group was used to calibrate the equipment; the equations generated were validated with a second group, collected in prairies that were different from the ones of the calibration group, but in the same geographic zone. Results: The best regression coefficients of the NIRS predictions, compared to traditional laboratory analyses were for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) (0.93, 0.87, 0.87, 0.56, 0.72 y 0.68 respectively). The lowest predictive value was observed in ashes (0.27). Limitations of the study/implications: The results show the need to use local materials in the calibration process. Conclusions: NIRS will make predictions of their chemical composition, since this is influenced by geographic origin of the sample and its botanical compositio

    Effects of Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase (sod1) Genotype and Genetic Background on Growth, Reproduction and Defense in Biomphalaria glabrata

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    Resistance of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata to the trematode Schistosoma mansoni is correlated with allelic variation at copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (sod1). We tested whether there is a fitness cost associated with carrying the most resistant allele in three outbred laboratory populations of snails. These three populations were derived from the same base population, but differed in average resistance. Under controlled laboratory conditions we found no cost of carrying the most resistant allele in terms of fecundity, and a possible advantage in terms of growth and mortality. These results suggest that it might be possible to drive resistant alleles of sod1 into natural populations of the snail vector for the purpose of controlling transmission of S. mansoni. However, we did observe a strong effect of genetic background on the association between sod1 genotype and resistance. sod1 genotype explained substantial variance in resistance among individuals in the most resistant genetic background, but had little effect in the least resistant genetic background. Thus, epistatic interactions with other loci may be as important a consideration as costs of resistance in the use of sod1 for vector manipulation

    Creatine and guanidinoacetate reference values in a French population

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    Creatine and guanidinoacetate are biomarkers of creatine metabolism. Their assays in body fluids may be used for detecting patients with primary creatine deficiency disorders (PCDD), a class of inherited diseases. Their laboratory values in blood and urine may vary with age, requiring that reference normal values are given within the age range. Despite the long known role of creatine for muscle physiology, muscle signs are not necessarily the major complaint expressed by PCDD patients. These disorders drastically affect brain function inducing, in patients, intellectual disability, autistic behavior and other neurological signs (delays in speech and language, epilepsy, ataxia, dystonia and choreoathetosis), being a common feature the drop in brain creatine content. For this reason, screening of PCDD patients has been repeatedly carried out in populations with neurological signs. This report is aimed at providing reference laboratory values and related age ranges found for a large scale population of patients with neurological signs (more than 6 thousand patients) previously serving as a background population for screening French patients with PCDD. These reference laboratory values and age ranges compare rather favorably with literature values for healthy populations. Some differences are also observed, and female participants are discriminated from male participants as regards to urine but not blood values including creatine on creatinine ratio and guanidinoacetate on creatinine ratio values. Such gender differences were previously observed in healthy populations; they might be explained by literature differential effects of testosterone and estrogen in adolescents and adults, and by estrogen effects in prepubertal age on SLC6A8 function. Finally, though they were acquired on a population with neurological signs, the present data might reasonably serve as reference laboratory values in any future medical study exploring abnormalities of creatine metabolism and transport

    Unusually thick dinosaur eggshell fragments from the Spanish Late Cretaceous

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    [EN] Fieldwork carried out recently in the southeastern branch of the Iberian Range (Valencia Province, Spain) has led to the collection of a large volume of dinosaur eggshell fragments of unusual thickness. These specimens, up to 4.9 mm thick, were recovered from palustrine grey marls of the upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian Sierra Perenchiza Formation, which comprises a wetland paleoenvironment deposit. These eggshell fragments have a characteristic compactituberculate ornamentation, dinosauroid-spherulitic organisation, and exhibit a complex canaliculate respiratory system. The external tuberculate surface of the shell as well as the internal microstructure enable referral to Megaloolithus aff. siruguei, the most common megaloolithid oospecies known from the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. The biostratigraphic range of M. siruguei matches the temporal distribution of titanosaurid dinosaurs across the Iberian Range, tentatively considered to be potential producers.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain [Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion, projects CGL2013-47521-P and CGL2014-53548-P]Company Rodríguez, J. (2017). Unusually thick dinosaur eggshell fragments from the Spanish Late Cretaceous. Historical Biology (Online). 31(2):203-210. https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2017.1357717S203210312Allain, R., & Suberbiola, X. P. (2003). Dinosaurs of France. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2(1), 27-44. doi:10.1016/s1631-0683(03)00002-2Bravo, A. M., & Gaete, R. (2014). Titanosaur eggshells from the Tremp Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Southern Pyrenees, Spain). Historical Biology, 27(8), 1079-1089. doi:10.1080/08912963.2014.934231Canudo, J. I., Oms, O., Vila, B., Galobart, À., Fondevilla, V., Puértolas-Pascual, E., … Blanco, A. (2016). The upper Maastrichtian dinosaur fossil record from the southern Pyrenees and its contribution to the topic of the Cretaceous–Palaeogene mass extinction event. Cretaceous Research, 57, 540-551. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2015.06.013Cruzado-Caballero, P., Ruiz-Omeñaca, J. I., Gaete, R., Riera, V., Oms, O., & Canudo, J. I. (2013). A new hadrosaurid dentary from the latest Maastrichtian of the Pyrenees (north Spain) and the high diversity of the duck-billed dinosaurs of the Ibero-Armorican Realm at the very end of the Cretaceous. Historical Biology, 26(5), 619-630. doi:10.1080/08912963.2013.822867Chiappe, L. M., Coria, R. A., Dingus, L., Jackson, F., Chinsamy, A., & Fox, M. (1998). Sauropod dinosaur embryos from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Nature, 396(6708), 258-261. doi:10.1038/24370Company J. 2004. 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The biota of the Upper Cretaceous site of «Lo Hueco» (Cuenca, Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology, 41(1). doi:10.5209/rev_jige.2015.v41.n1.48657Rasskin-Gutman, D., Elez, J., Esteve-Altava, B., & López-Martínez, N. (2020). Reconstruction of the internal structure of the pore system of a complex dinosaur eggshell (Megaloolithus siruguei). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 28(1), 61. doi:10.7203/sjp.28.1.17831Riera, V., Oms, O., Gaete, R., & Galobart, À. (2009). The end-Cretaceous dinosaur succession in Europe: The Tremp Basin record (Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 283(3-4), 160-171. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.09.018Sellés, A. G., Bravo, A. M., Delclòs, X., Colombo, F., Martí, X., Ortega-Blanco, J., … Galobart, À. (2013). Dinosaur eggs in the Upper Cretaceous of the Coll de Nargó area, Lleida Province, south-central Pyrenees, Spain: Oodiversity, biostratigraphy and their implications. 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