2,106 research outputs found

    Video Description Schemes in Broadcasting

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    The large amount of information in audiovisual archives makes it quite difficult to efficiently locate a resource for re-use or re-purposing. In response to the needs of industries and users to solve this problem, different organisations have recently initiated active work in the definition of interoperable frameworks and representation for metadata. This paper presents recommendations given by user and standardisation organisations and addresses some of the main metadata initiatives that are relevant to broadcasting. It also presents some proposals to enable the interoperability between the different solutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalência da dislexia entre crianças do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico falantes do português europeu

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    O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência da dislexia entre as crianças portuguesas do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Foram avaliadas 1460 crianças dos 2.º, 3.º e 4.º anos de escolaridade relativamente ao nível de leitura e, de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos, 155 dessas crianças foram tambémavaliadas relativamente às capacidades cognitivas gerais e à consciência fonológica. As crianças foram testadas colectivamente nos testes de rastreio e individualmente nos outros testes. Por se tratar do primeiro estudo desta natureza realizado em Portugal, foram adoptados critérios muito conservadores para classificar uma criança como tendo dislexia. Os resultados revelam uma percentagem de 5,4 % de crianças com dislexia, valor que se enquadra nos intervalos de prevalência recentemente divulgados noutros países.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    Financial information to disclose by financial institutions in São Tome and Príncipe before and after basel

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    A recente crise financeira veio centrar uma vez mais as atenções na qualidade da informação financeira divulgada pelas empresas em geral e pelas do setor financeiro em particular (BCBS, 2010). A divulgação de informação financeira fiável e relevante por parte das instituições financeiras passa a ser assumida como o pilar em que se faz assentar a estabilidade de todo o sistema financeiro (Santos, 2002). É dentro deste quadro que se desenvolve este estudo, que apresenta como objetivo principal analisar a informação financeira publicada pelas instituições financeiras em São Tomé e Príncipe (STP) antes e após Basileia, mais concretanente na avaliação do grau de cumprimento do terceiro pilar do referido acordo, ou seja, na disciplina do mercado. Para o efeito, desenvolvemos uma análise qualitativa aos relatórios e contas (período de 2011-2013) de três dos oitos bancos a operar em STP e que, no seu conjunto, representam 69% da quota do mercado (CGD, 2014). Os resultados mostram que estes não fazem cumprir a maioria das recomendações de Basileia no que respeita à adequação de fundos próprios, política d3 gestão de risco e modelos utilizados para a divulgação de informação. Este facto demonstra, por um lado, que no plano regulamentar STP ainda não está em conformidade com os Acordo de Basileia e, por outro, que existe uma certa acomodação com relação à não publicação de informação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deep Learning Approach for Seamless Navigation in Multi-View Streaming Applications

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    Quality of Experience (QoE) in multi-view streaming systems is known to be severely affected by the latency associated with view-switching procedures. Anticipating the navigation intentions of the viewer on the multi-view scene could provide the means to greatly reduce such latency. The research work presented in this article builds on this premise by proposing a new predictive view-selection mechanism. A VGG16-inspired Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to identify the viewer’s focus of attention and determine which views would be most suited to be presented in the brief term, i.e., the near-term viewing intentions. This way, those views can be locally buffered before they are actually needed. To this aim, two datasets were used to evaluate the prediction performance and impact on latency, in particular when compared to the solution implemented in the previous version of our multi-view streaming system. Results obtained with this work translate into a generalized improvement in perceived QoE. A significant reduction in latency during view-switching procedures was effectively achieved. Moreover, results also demonstrated that the prediction of the user’s visual interest was achieved with a high level of accuracy. An experimental platform was also established on which future predictive models can be integrated and compared with previously implemented models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo Escolar (EBESE): elaboração e validação de uma medida para avaliação educacional

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    The aim of this study was to develop the Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo Escolar - EBESE (School Subjective Well-being Scale - SSWBS) and investigate its psychometric properties. A process of item development, test content validation, study of evidence of validity based on internal structure, and calculation of internal consistency coefficients was carried out. A total of 434 Brazilian students, from the 7th year of Elementary School (7th grade) to the 2nd year of High School (11th grade), of both sexes, between 12 and 19 years of age (M= 14.88; SD= 1.70) participated in the study. Exploratory factor analysis results indicated a three-factor structure, with adequate fit indices and Cronbach's alpha = 0.91. The SSWBS presented good internal consistency indices and a factor structure in agreement with the underlying theory. The instrument is important because it allows an assessment of student well-being levels, subsidizing interventions and improvements in the school context.El objetivo del estudio fue elaborar la Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo Escolar - EBESE (Escala de Bienestar Subjetivo Escolar) y investigar sus propriedades psicométricas. Inicialmente fue realizado el proceso de construcción de los ítems y la validación de contenido, así como realizar estudio de evidencias de validez con base en la estructura interna y cálculo de los coeficientes de consistencia interna. La muestra contó con 433 estudiantes brasileños que estaban cursando del 7º año de la Enseñanza Primaria al 2º año de la Enseñanza Secundaria, varones y niñas, con edades entre 12 y 19 años (M= 14,88; DE= 1,70). Por medio de análisis factoriales exploratorios, los resultados indicaron una estructura con tres factores con índices de ajuste considerados adecuados y coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,91. Se concluyó que la EBESE presenta índices adecuados de consistencia interna y una estructura factorial de acuerdo con la teoría subyacente. La importancia del instrumento puede ser observada en relación a la posibilidad de evaluación de los niveles de bienestar del alumno, subsidiando intervenciones y mejoras en el contexto escolar.O presente estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento da Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo Escolar (EBESE) e investigar suas propriedades psicométricas. Realizou-se o processo de elaboração de itens e validação do conteúdo, bem como a realização de estudo de evidências de validade com base na estrutura interna e cálculo dos coeficientes de consistência interna. Participaram 434 estudantes brasileiros, do 7ª ano do Ensino Fundamental ao 2º ano do Ensino Médio, ambos os sexos, com idades entre 12 e 19 anos (M= 14,88; DP= 1,70). Os resultados indicaram, por meio de análises fatoriais exploratórias uma estrutura com três fatores, com índices de ajuste considerados adequados e coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,91. Conclui-se que a EBESE apresentou bons índices de consistência interna e uma estrutura fatorial de acordo com a teoria subjacente. O instrumento tem a sua importância por possibilitar a avaliação dos níveis de bem-estar do aluno, subsidiando intervenções e melhorias no contexto escolar

    Consumer Attitudes toward News Delivering: An Experimental Evaluation of the Use and Efficacy of Personalized Recommendations

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    This paper presents an experiment on newsreaders’ behavior and preferences on the interaction with online personalized news. Different recommendation approaches, based on consumption profiles and user location, and the impact of personalized news on several aspects of consumer decision-making are examined on a group of volunteers. Results show a significant preference for reading recommended news over other news presented on the screen, regardless of the chosen editorial layout. In addition, the study also provides support for the creation of profiles taking into consideration the evolution of user’s interests. The proposed solution is valid for users with different reading habits and can be successfully applied even to users with small consumption history. Our findings can be used by news providers to improve online services, thus increasing readers’ perceived satisfaction.Paula Viana and Márcio Soares were partial supported by Project “TEC4Growth—Pervasive Intelligence, Enhancers and Proofs of Concept with Industrial Impact/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020”, under Research Line FourEyes, financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Paula Viana has also been supported by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/2020. Rita Gaio was partially supported by CMUP, which is Financed by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project with the reference UIDB/00144/2020. Amílcar Correia was partially supported by the Project Pglobal (Nr. 2014/38592-Programa Operacional Temático Factores de Competitividade/Programa Operacional do Norte, Funded by ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Symbolic music generation conditioned on continuous-valued emotions

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    In this paper we present a new approach for the generation of multi-instrument symbolic music driven by musical emotion. The principal novelty of our approach centres on conditioning a state-of-the-art transformer based on continuous-valued valence and arousal labels. In addition, we provide a new large-scale dataset of symbolic music paired with emotion labels in terms of valence and arousal. We evaluate our approach in a quantitative manner in two ways, first by measuring its note prediction accuracy, and second via a regression task in the valence-arousal plane. Our results demonstrate that our proposed approaches outperform conditioning using control tokens which is representative of the current state of the art.‘la Caixa’’ Foundation under Grant 100010434 and Grant LCF/BQ/DI19/1173003 - FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., through the Project MERGE through the National Funds (PIDDAC) through the Portuguese State Budget under Grant PTDC/CCI-COM/3171/2021 - European Social Fund through the Regional Operational Program Centro 2020 Project CISUC under Grant UID/CEC/00326/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Review of Recent Advances and Challenges in Grocery Label Detection and Recognition

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    When compared with traditional local shops where the customer has a personalised service, in large retail departments, the client has to make his purchase decisions independently, mostly supported by the information available in the package. Additionally, people are becoming more aware of the importance of the food ingredients and demanding about the type of products they buy and the information provided in the package, despite it often being hard to interpret. Big shops such as supermarkets have also introduced important challenges for the retailer due to the large number of different products in the store, heterogeneous affluence and the daily needs of item repositioning. In this scenario, the automatic detection and recognition of products on the shelves or off the shelves has gained increased interest as the application of these technologies may improve the shopping experience through self-assisted shopping apps and autonomous shopping, or even benefit stock management with real-time inventory, automatic shelf monitoring and product tracking. These solutions can also have an important impact on customers with visual impairments. Despite recent developments in computer vision, automatic grocery product recognition is still very challenging, with most works focusing on the detection or recognition of a small number of products, often under controlled conditions. This paper discusses the challenges related to this problem and presents a review of proposed methods for retail product label processing, with a special focus on assisted analysis for customer support, including for the visually impaired. Moreover, it details the public datasets used in this topic and identifies their limitations, and discusses future research directions of related fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfacción con la vida, afectos en la escuela y síntomas depresivos en adolescentes

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    La literatura indica que la satisfacción con la vida influye directamente en síntomas depresivos. Para una mejor comprensión de la depresión en la adolescencia, esta investigación examinó la relación entre la satisfacción con la vida y los síntomas depresivos en adolescentes brasileños, y verificó los efectos directos de los afectos positivos y negativos en la escuela, así como el efecto mediador de estas variables en la relación entre la satisfacción con la vida y los síntomas depresivos. Participaron en la investigación 428 adolescentes, con edad media igual a 14,88. Se utilizaron la Escala Baptista de Depresión, la Escala de Satisfacción de Vida y la Escala de Bienestar Escolar Subjetivo. Los modelos se probaron utilizando Path Analysis. Los resultados indicaron que los afectos en la escuela mediaron la relación entre la satisfacción con la vida y los síntomas depresivos. Las iniciativas de prevención que tengan en cuenta las afecciones relacionadas con el contexto escolar pueden ser una estrategia útil para promover salud mental de jóvenes.The literature indicates that life satisfaction has a direct effect on depression symptoms. For better understanding depression in adolescence, this research examined the relation between life satisfaction and depression symptoms among Brazilian adolescents, and verified the direct effects of positive and negative affects at school, in addition to the mediating effect of these variables on the relation between life satisfaction and depression symptoms. A total of 428 adolescents participated in the research, with mean age equal to 14.88. The Baptista Depression Scale, the Life Satisfaction Scale, and the School Subjective Well-being Scale were used. The models were tested using Path Analysis. The results indicated that affects at school mediated the relation between life satisfaction and depression symptoms. Prevention initiatives that consider the affects related to the school context can be a useful strategy for the promotion of youth mental health.A literatura indica que satisfação com a vida possui efeito direto em sintomas depressivos. Para melhor compreensão da depressão na adolescência, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo examinar a relação entre satisfação com a vida e sintomas depressivos em adolescentes brasileiros, e verificou os efeitos diretos dos afetos positivos e negativos na escola, bem como o efeito mediador destas variáveis na relação entre satisfação com a vida e sintomas depressivos. Participaram da pesquisa 428 adolescentes, com média de idade igual a 14,88. Foram utilizadas Escala Baptista de Depressão, Escala Global de Satisfação com a Vida e Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo Escolar. O teste dos modelos foi feito por meio de Path Analysis. Os resultados indicaram que os afetos na escola mediaram a relação entre satisfação com a vida e sintomas depressivos. Iniciativas de prevenção que considerem os afetos relacionados ao contexto escolar podem ser uma estratégia útil para promoção da saúde mental de jovens