118 research outputs found

    Modeling Churn and Annular Flow Regimes in Vertical and Near-Vertical Pipes with Small and Large Diameters

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    This thesis presents an improved model for gas-liquid two-phase flow in churn and annular flow regimes for small- and large-diameter in vertical and near-vertical pipes. This new model assumes that a net liquid film moves upward along the pipe wall and gas phase moves upward, occupying the majority of the central part of the pipes, and forming a gas core, in both flow regimes. The model is validated using field and laboratory experimental data from several different studies from the literature, in terms of pressure along the wellbore or bottomhole pressure for field conditions (for high-pressure flows in long pipes, and using hydrocarbons fluids), and pressure-gradient and liquid holdup for experimental laboratory data, for pipe diameters ranging from 0.0318 to 0.279 m (1.2520 to 11 in). The proposed model presents an overall better performance when compared to several other multiphase flow models widely used in the oil and gas industry. This model is also tested in the application of prediction of liquid loading in gas wells. Liquid loading is generally associated with a reduction of ultimate recovery of gas wells. Liquid loading inception is simulated using nodal analysis technique. This study suggests that liquid loading initiates when the Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) curve is tangent to the TPR curve. This study also proposes a new concept of a modified Tubing Performance Relationship (TPR) curve in order to predict the time liquid loading initiates and when the gas well will stop flowing after reaching this condition. Field data is used for validation of this approach. The use of conventional models shows a significant mismatch predicting the inception of liquid loading, while the use of the tangent concept reduces this mismatch significantly


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    Introdução: A síndrome de dowm é uma alteração genética causada por uma divisão celular atípica. As pessoas apresentam características como olhos oblíquos, rosto arredondado, mãos menores eM comprometimento intelectual. A síndrome de Down pode ser descoberta antes mesmo do bebê nascer, pelosexames recomendados durante a gravidez. Existem exames de triagem, como o de NIPT e ultrassom morfológico, que podem trazer o risco do bebê ser portador da Síndrome de Down. A equipe de enfermagem tem que ter um olhar humanizado e holístico tanto para a família como para o paciente, pois somente assim consegue prestar o cuidado de forma adequada para o paciente, encarando a síndrome não como uma doença, pois as crianças com essa síndrome podem ter uma vida normal com uma educação especial. Opresente trabalho objetivou identificar as principais complicações e cuidados de enfermagem relacionados ao diagnóstico precoce de síndrome de dowm durante o pré-natal. Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura narrativa, no qual as buscas foram realizadas em artigos e dissertações nas bases de dados Google Acadêmico, Lilacs, SciELO e BVS, além de livros, sites de cunho científico, portarias do Ministério da Saúde e pareceres do Coren, utilizando-se publicações entre 2018 a 2022. Observaram-se as principais complicações e cuidados de enfermagem em indivíduos com Síndrome de Dowm, como ocorre o pré-natal, e o diagnóstico precoce.Palavras-Chave: síndrome de down; família; enfrentamento; diagnóstico precoce; pré-natal

    Intensification of methane production from waste frying oil in a biogas-lift bioreactor

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    "Available online 31 December 2020"Biogas upgrading from anaerobic digestion of waste frying oils (WFO) was accessed in this study. For that, two bioreactors (Rb-biogas-lift bioreactor with gas and liquid recirculation, Rc-control reactor with liquid recirculation) were fed three times per week, with a mixture of WFO, glycerol and volatile fatty acids (VFA). Rb produced 1.4 times more biogas with higher methane content (79%) than Rc (67%). Higher relative abundance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens (34%-39%) was observed in Rb, when compared to Rc (16%-21%). The relative abundance of Sprochaetia class, which includes some homoacetogens/syntrophic acetate oxidizing genera, was also higher in Rb. This work shows that biogas recirculation applied in the biogas-lift bioreactor facilitated WFO degradation, most probably due to the selective enrichment of hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Recirculation of CO2 present in the biogas and reverse homoacetogenesis (i.e. syntrophic acetate oxidation) seem to be the main factors involved in the stimulation of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of animations for inclusive teaching of immunology: a tutoring experience

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    Many people live with some type of visual impairment and teachers need to find solutions to ensure the inclusion of these individuals in Higher Education. Based on this, a didactic model with inclusive animated videos was made and applied to an immunology class, during emergency remote teaching, as requirement for the Internship to Teaching discipline approval and reported on this work. The material consisted of three short videos, with narration, PowerPoint animations, subtitles and audio description. The students of the immunology discipline were divided into two groups to assess the material and performance of the trainee teacher through online forms: those who only heard the audio description and those who saw the animated videos without the description. Students considered that the material helped in the inclusive and remote learning of immunology and the experience of participating in the learning of these students was of great value.Muitas pessoas vivem com algum tipo de deficiência visual e os professores necessitam buscar soluções para garantir a inclusão desses indivíduos no Ensino Superior. Baseado nisso, um modelo didático com vídeos animados inclusivos foi confeccionado e aplicado a uma turma de imunologia, durante o ensino remoto emergencial, como parte dos requisitos para aprovação da disciplina de estágio em docência e relatado neste trabalho. O material consistiu em três vídeos curtos, com narração, animações feitas em PowerPoint, legenda e áudio-descrição. Os alunos da disciplina de imunologia foram divididos em dois grupos para avaliar o material e a atuação da iniciante em docência através de formulários online: os que ouviram somente a áudio-descrição e os que viram os vídeos animados sem a descrição. Os alunos consideraram que o material auxiliou no aprendizado inclusivo e remoto de imunologia e a experiência de participar do aprendizado desses alunos foi de grande valia


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    Resumo: Para estimular a formação de professores e a popularização da ciência no ensino básico, a Residência Pedagógica (RP) implanta projetos em todo o País. Diante disso, os discentes da Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG) participam do programa, que tem como objetivo preparar futuros docentes para a área de atuação antes mesmo da conclusão do curso, através da experiência em sala de aula. Com o surto da pandemia de COVID-19, diversos desafios foram enfrentados na educação, como o isolamento social, uso de máscaras e outras medidas propostas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Mesmo com o ensino remoto, os residentes buscaram formas de inovar na educação, para que os alunos se sentissem mais estimulados a participarem das aulas, mesmo em momentos tão complicados como o que estava sendo vivido. Durante o período apresentado, foram executadas diversas atividades com os alunos do colégio Estadual Polivalente Frei João Batista, localizado na cidade de Anápolis. Ao final, foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios, além do conhecimento adquirido por parte dos residentes. Palavras-chave: COVID-19. Desafios. Educação. Jogos didáticos

    Epidemiology of mammal bite injuries: 5 year review of a level II regional referral hospital in Mexico city

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    Background: Animal bites are a common cause of primary care and emergency department attention worldwide. However, the incidence of this pathology among Mexican population is not well known. Plastic surgeons are at the forefront of initial attention and final outcome of these destructive wounds in our country. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of animal bites over a 5 year period at a level II general hospital in Mexico city. Objective of current study was to determine the incidence of animal bites in hospital “Rubén Leñero” in Mexico city over a 5-year periodMethods: Retrospective study; records of emergency room of all adult patients who sustained animal bites between January 2016 to December 2020 were collected. Details about age, gender, and location of the injuries were recorded and analyzed.Results: From a total of 277 cases, 273 were dog bites (98.56%) and 4 cat bites (1.44%), 173 males (62.45%) and 104 females (37.55%) were affected. The two most injured places in the human body were the hand with 98 cases (35.37%), followed by the lips in 45 cases (16.25%).Conclusions: Animal bites are a frequent injury in the primary care unit, representing a health issue in our country. Proper patient evaluation and treatments are essential to prevent further complications and subsequent infections. Further investigation will be required to establish risk factors for this pathology

    Schistosomiasis of liver graft as a differential diagnosis of abnormal liver tests after transplantation: report of two cases

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    Schistosomiasis is a major health problem that affects over 200 million people worldwide. There are few reports of Schistosoma mansoni found in liver transplants as well as scarce information about the course of the disease and the long-term effects on the graft. Herein, we report two cases of schistosomiasis in liver transplant recipients who presented abnormal serum liver enzymes, with evidence of gradual improvement after antiparasitic treatment. Furthermore, we discuss the possible role of screening the parasite infection in potential liver transplant recipients from endemic areas

    Análisis de los factores de rotación de personal para mejorar el proceso de selección de talento humano del fondo de empleados (Fondex) en la ciudad de Cali para el año 2022.

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    En este proyecto se analiza los motivos por las cuales se tiene una alta rotación de personal del Fondo de Empleados (Fondex) ubicada en la ciudad de Cali, con el objetivo de mejorar el proceso de selección de la empresa para el año 2022. Ya que hoy en día la selección de personal juega un papel muy importante para que las empresas sean más competitivas y puedan cumplir con los objetivos de las organizaciones. Además, escoger correctamente un buen personal de trabajo permite a la empresa mejorar su rendimiento laboral y ahorrar costo de capacitación. Pero con el mercado laboral en constante movimiento y ofertas laborales cada vez más amplias para los profesionales, se está generando una alta rotación de personal debido a que los empleados buscan mejores condiciones laborales. La rotación de personal en la empresa Fondex, cada día es más notorio, lo cual está afectando su economía y rendimiento, por causa de las operaciones que conlleva el entrenamiento del nuevo personal; por consiguiente, en este proyecto se emplea como herramienta una encuesta de tipo cualitativo para recolectar información sobre los motivos por los cuales renuncian los empleados. Adicionalmente, se verifica los procedimientos y políticas de contratación para identificar las falencias de cada criterio, con el fin de implementar estrategias más pertinentes que ayuden a disminuir la rotación de personal y permitan hacerles frente a las acciones negativas de un clima organizacional o una mala contratación en la empresa. Dentro de los motivos por los que se escoge mal el personal de una empresa según trabajos anteriores, puede ser por entrevistas no estructuradas, las cuales tienen poca validez predictiva del desempeño laboral de una persona, o porque la ética y valores dentro del proceso de selección son cuestionables, ya que a veces se enfocan más en lo físico o cultural, que en las cualidades del candidato. Como estrategia para afrontar la alta rotación de personal, se crea una encuesta cualitativa con preguntas cerradas en Google Form, la cual se realiza a 20 personas pertenecientes a la empresa Fondex, en donde los resultados se representan mediante gráficas para interpretar mejor la opinión de los empleados y observar alguna tendencia. Dentro de los factores adicionales que se identificaron después de aplicar la encuesta, y que ayuda a disminuir la rotación de personal son: la capacitación de personal, el clima laboral y el puesto de trabajo. Se concluye que para mejorar el proceso de selección de personal, este debe estar enfocado en el cargo y en las funciones a desempeñar, con el objetivo de garantizar que la persona que ingrese a la empresa posee en perfil necesario para cumplir con las actividades a desarrollar. Entre las recomendaciones que se establecieron, esta realizar un seguimiento en cuanto al trato personal entre superiores y subordinados, y diseñar un programa de compensación e incentivos que motiven a los empleados y asegurar su permanencia dentro de la empresa.This project analyzes the reasons why there is a high staff turnover of the Employee Fund (Fondex) located in the city of Cali, with the aim of improving the selection process of the company for the year 2022. Since today the selection of personnel plays a very important role for companies to be more competitive and to meet the objectives of the organizations. In addition, correctly choosing a good work staff allows the company to improve its work performance and save training costs. But with the labor market in constant flux and ever-expanding job offers for professionals, high staff turnover is being generated as employees seek better working conditions. The turnover of personnel in the Fondex Company is becoming more noticeable every day, which is affecting its economy and performance, due to the operations involved in the training of new personnel; therefore, in this project a qualitative survey is used as a tool to collect information on the reasons why employees resign. Additionally, the hiring procedures and policies are verified to identify the shortcomings of each criterion, in order to implement more pertinent strategies that help reduce staff turnover and allow them to face the negative actions of an organizational climate or poor hiring. in the company. Among the reasons why the staff of a company is chosen poorly according to previous jobs, it may be due to unstructured interviews, which have little predictive validity of a person's job performance, or because the ethics and values within the selection process they are questionable, since sometimes they focus more on the physical or cultural, than on the qualities of the candidate. As a strategy to deal with the high turnover of personnel, a qualitative survey with closed questions is created in Google Form, which is carried out to 20 people belonging to the company Fondex, where the results are represented by graphs to better interpret the opinion of the users. Employees and observe any trends. Among the additional factors that were identified after applying the survey, and which help to reduce staff turnover, are: staff training, the work environment and the job position. It is concluded that to improve the personnel selection process, it must be focused on the position and the functions to be performed, with the aim of guaranteeing that the person who enters the company has the necessary profile to fulfill the activities to be carried out. Among the recommendations that were established, is to monitor the personal treatment between superiors and subordinates, and design a compensation and incentive program that motivates employees and ensures their permanence within the company