389 research outputs found

    Model to Improve Employee Organisational Adaptation

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    The process of organisational adaptation represents one of the most important prerequisites for successful organisational behaviour. The paper uses a quantitative research method to analyse organisational and personal employee adaptation factors. Organisational factors are organisational support for new employees and for the existing ones, job embeddedness levels, while personal factors are attitude to change, empowerment at work and employee interpersonal adaptation in organisations. The instruments used in the research are: Оrganisational Readiness for Implementing Change ORIC, Perceived Organisational Support POS, Job Embeddedness Scale, Empowermеnt at Work Scale; Scale for Adaptive Performance, and issues related to employee demographic characteristics. The results of the research showed that the dimensions of competence and perceived organisational support are the most important factors of employee adaptation. Based on the analysis of predictors included in the regression model, statistically significant positive adaptation predictors are: Organisational Readiness for Implementing Change, Empowerment at Work, Competence and Perceived Organisational Support. Based on the research results, it is possible to design a model to improve employee organisational adaptation


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    In this paper, a review of a development of the Drazin inverse for the sum of two matrices has been given. Since this topic is closely related to the problem of finding the Drazin inverse of a 2x2 block matrix, the paper also offers a survey of this subject

    Parents’ perspective on a children’s learning

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    Contemporary curricula of early childhood education were founded on perspective of playing learning child.  Although that approach leads to children’s well-being, research by Yahya (2006) has shown that parents do not want their children to learn through play, rather to focus on early and preschool education and teaching academic skills. If parents expect professionals to deliver the knowledge necessary for the development of academic skills to their children, research has been conducted on parental experience of a child’s learning. The aim of the research was to find out how parents understand their children's learning and approach to the contemporary concepts of child learning as well as children’s competence. The research was conducted in the period from November 2017 to May 2019. Parents involved in the study, documented how their children learn in a family environment, assessing their children’s competencies. Results show that parents see learning through everyday situations whereas learning was related to the academic mode (direct teaching of letters), has only appeared in one example. At the end of the research, parents participated in a group interview, discussing their expectations of the institution towards educating children. The results showed that parents expect the institution to encourage the development of a child's social knowledge and skills, while academic knowledge and skills are ranked lower

    Composite models with chiral symmetry

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    MathCad za inženjere: optimizacija rješenja problemskog zadatka iz dinamike krutih tijela

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    In this paper, an example problem was used to demonstrate the application of Mathcad in solving the tasks of the dynamics of rigid bodies. The task was to determine angular acceleration for a given moment and the moment value at minimum acceleration, which makes this problem an optimization problem. Classical analytical solution of the problem is obtained using the D\u27Alembert principle. Mathcad code is given by which the solution is obtained. Functional dependence of angular acceleration to frictional moment is determined and final solution is calculated by the minimization function. Comparison of optimization solutions to classical solution confirmed the effectiveness of this method of problem solving. For this procedure Mathcad symbolic functions were used.U radu je na problemskom zadatku prikazana primjena MathCad-a u rješavanju zadataka iz dinamike krutih tijela. U zadatku je potrebno odrediti koliko je kutno ubrzanje za zadani moment i koliki je moment za minimalno ubrzanje, stoga ovaj problem predstavlja optimizacijski problem. Klasično analitičko rješenje zadatka je postavljeno koristeći D\u27Alembertov princip te je dana sintaksa MathCad koda kojim je dobiveno rješenje. U nastavku je za određivanje momenta definirana funkcija ovisnosti kutnog ubrzanja o momentu te je minimizacijom odredjen rezultantni moment. Usporedba rješenja optimizacije s klasičnim rješenjem potvrdila je učinkovitost ovog načina rješavanja zadatka. Za ovaj postupak su korištene MathCad simboličke funkcije

    Korištenje alata za poboljšavanje kvalitete u Hrvatskoj metaloprerađivačkoj industriji

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    Modern production requires a daily monitoring process and seeks its continuous improvement in order to increase the quality, and therefore effectiveness. There are various tools and their use should become a daily routine to help participants in the process at all levels; from management to production workers. For the purpose of analyzing the frequency of use and confirming the insufficient use of tools and methods of improvement, a research was conducted among Croatian metal processing manufacturers. The research has confirmed a low frequency of tool use, but has also provided some guidelines for increasing their use in the future.Suvremena proizvodnja iziskuje svakodnevno praćenje procesa te teži njihovom kontinuiranom poboljšavanju kako bi se povećala njihova kvaliteta, a samim time i efektivnost. Alati koji se koriste su raznovrsni i njihovo korištenje trebalo bi postati svakodnevnica kako bi pomogle sudionicima procesa na svim nivoima proizvodnje od uprave do radnika u neposrednoj proizvodnji. U svrhu analize učestalosti korištenja i dokazivanju premalog korištenja alata i metoda poboljšavanja provedeno je istraživanje unutar hrvatskog metaloprerađivačkog sektora. Istraživanjem je dokazana premala učestalost korištenja alata, ali i daje neke smjernice za povećanje korištenja u budućnosti

    Predictors of pediatric surgeons’ career satisfaction: a national survey

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    Objective: A survey was performed to identify factors for professional career satisfaction and for dissatisfaction.Methods: During General Assembly of CSPS, attendees answered the 37-question form grouped into the following categories: demographic, professional activity and organizational issues, type of service, education, and compensation and status. Data were analyzed using the Pearson x2 test (P < 0.05).Results: The response rate was 74.5% (n= 44/59). The average age was 46 years, and 91% were male. The average participant had 17 years of surgical practice, worked 8.5 hours daily and 208 hours monthly, in children’s (49%), university (35%), or community (16%) hospital. Pediatric surgeons were satisfied with professional career (77%), and 88% would chose the same profession again. Patient satisfaction (85%), quality of care (79%), and professional achievements (76%) were rated very high. Dissatisfaction responders pointed at shortage of time for effective communication (69%), excessive administrative work (88%), too many working hours (73%), professional burnout (66%), and technical issues – IT technology (73%) and equipment (79%) out of date or old/unsuitable  facilities (73%). An overall 57% of responders had presented paper on international congresses, and 32% had published paper in indexed journals. Two major concerns about education are insufficient training (61%) and lack of time for continuous education (79%).Conclusion: Pediatric surgeons are satisfied with professional career. Patient care is a leading area of satisfaction. Educational, organizational, technical, and structural issues need improvements. A large pay gap exists between expectations and real income.Keywords: pediatric surgeons, professional career satisfaction, risk factors for dissatisfactio

    Analysis of Customs Offenses

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    Iako špedicija u doslovnom prijevodu znači „odriješiti“ u praksi se prevodi kao „otpremiti“ ili „otposlati“. Tako špediter koji može biti fizička ili pravna osoba obavlja poslove organizacije prijevoza robe, carinskog zastupanja prilikom uvoza odnosno izvoza robe. Carina u svom općem značenju obuhvaća vrstu poreza ili naknade za uvoz ili izvoz robe iz inozemstva te način očuvanja domaće proizvodnje i dobara od stranih konkurencija. Carinskim zakonom uređuju se prava i obveze osoba te carinske službe u vezi s kretanjem robe i putnika između Hrvatske i inozemstva. Prekršaji su jedina djela carinsko-kaznene odgovornosti koja su opisana u carinskom zakonu. Kod svakog prekršaja, pa tako i carinskog, važno je da svaka kazna bude primjerena počinjenom dijelu kako bi svaka osoba, bilo fizička ili pravna, mogla odgovarati za isto.Although literally translated into Croatian freight forwarding means "releasing", it is usually translated as "dispatching" or "shipment". A freight forwarder, either a natural person or a legal entity, organises transport of goods and performs custom representation activities during import or export of goods. In general terms, customs means duty or fee for importing or exporting of goods from foreign countries, and represents a way of protecting domestic production and goods from foreign competition. The Customs Act lays down the rights and obligations of persons and customs services in the context of movement of goods and passengers between Croatia and foreign countries. Minor offences are the only acts regarding customs and criminal responsibility described in the Customs Act. It is important that every penalty for minor offences, including custom offences, be adequate to the committed act, so that any natural person or legal entity can take responsibility for the act committed

    Indifference-curve theory

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    Teorija indiferencije temeljni je koncept izučavanja ponašanja potrošača koji polazi od pretpostavke da je potrošač indiferentan u izboru kombinacije dobara, ako mu svaka od njih donosi isto zadovoljstvo. Nastavno, u svojem ponašanju kupac nastoji maksimizirati svoje zadovoljstvo. U radu su teorijski elaborirane pretpostavke teorije, koncept potrošačeve ravnoteže kroz prizmu iste, odnosno krivulja indiferencije i budžetskih ograničenja, te se navode primjeri empirijskih istraživanja ponašanja potrošača. Pored navedenog, smisao i svrha ovog rada jest u razmatranju elemenata koji utječu na potrošačev odabir, a s obzirom na to da je upravo potrošač od krucijalne važnosti za prosperitet svakog poslovnog subjekta, te u analizi rezultata empirijskih istraživanja ponašanja potrošača u odabranim djelatnostima. Za potrebe izrade završnog rada koristi se znanstvena i stručna literatura područja

    Comparison of wealth of the state and inequality of income

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    U ovom radu predstavili smo ključne ekonomske pojmove kao što su BDP, BDP per capita, dohodak te nejednakost. Nejednakost se javlja u svim dijelovima društva, te utječe na naše živote bili mi toga svjesni ili ne. Nejednakost nije novi pojam, no razvitkom društva, demokracijom i potrebom za slobodu javlja se i potreba za jednakošću, što motivira ekonomiste da se dublje proučavaju ovu temu. U ovom radu govorit ćemo o pojedinim ekonomskih mjerama kao što je Bruto domaći proizvod te nejednakost dohotka. Definirati ćemo njihova obilježja te opisati kako ekonomisti koriste određene mjere radi priučavanja ekonomske situacije u državi. Prikazat ćemo odnose između nejednakosti dohotka i bogatstva države mjerenog BDP-om kroz nekoliko Zemlja.This paper introduces a few economic terms such as GDP, GDP per capita, income and income inequality. Inequality occurs in all parts of society, and it affects our lives wheater we are aware of it or not. Inequality is not a new concept, but the social development, democracies, the need for freedom and opportunity brings up the need for equality, which motivates economists to research this topic more. In this papre we will discuss some economic measures such as Gross Domestic Product and Income inequality. We will define their characteristics and describe how economists use certain measures to research the economic situation in a country. In the papre we will discus and show the relationship between inequality of income and the wealth of a country measured in GDP for a few countries