3,311 research outputs found

    Sparse sampling of signal innovations

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    Sparse sampling of continuous-time sparse signals is addressed. In particular, it is shown that sampling at the rate of innovation is possible, in some sense applying Occam's razor to the sampling of sparse signals. The noisy case is analyzed and solved, proposing methods reaching the optimal performance given by the Cramer-Rao bounds. Finally, a number of applications have been discussed where sparsity can be taken advantage of. The comprehensive coverage given in this article should lead to further research in sparse sampling, as well as new applications. One main application to use the theory presented in this article is ultra-wide band (UWB) communications

    Disruption of beta cell acetyl-CoA carboxylase-1 in mice impairs insulin secretion and beta cell mass

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    Aims/hypothesis: Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin to maintain glucose homeostasis, and beta cell failure is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Glucose triggers insulin secretion in beta cells via oxidative mitochondrial pathways. However, it also feeds mitochondrial anaplerotic pathways, driving citrate export and cytosolic malonyl-CoA production by the acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1) enzyme. This pathway has been proposed as an alternative glucose-sensing mechanism, supported mainly by in vitro data. Here, we sought to address the role of the beta cell ACC1-coupled pathway in insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in vivo. Methods: Acaca, encoding ACC1 (the principal ACC isoform in islets), was deleted in beta cells of mice using the Cre/loxP system. Acaca floxed mice were crossed with Ins2cre mice (βACC1KO; life-long beta cell gene deletion) or Pdx1creER mice (tmx-βACC1KO; inducible gene deletion in adult beta cells). Beta cell function was assessed using in vivo metabolic physiology and ex vivo islet experiments. Beta cell mass was analysed using histological techniques. Results: βACC1KO and tmx-βACC1KO mice were glucose intolerant and had defective insulin secretion in vivo. Isolated islet studies identified impaired insulin secretion from beta cells, independent of changes in the abundance of neutral lipids previously implicated as amplification signals. Pancreatic morphometry unexpectedly revealed reduced beta cell size in βACC1KO mice but not in tmx-βACC1KO mice, with decreased levels of proteins involved in the mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase (mTOR)-dependent protein translation pathway underpinning this effect. Conclusions/interpretation: Our study demonstrates that the beta cell ACC1-coupled pathway is critical for insulin secretion in vivo and ex vivo and that it is indispensable for glucose homeostasis. We further reveal a role for ACC1 in controlling beta cell growth prior to adulthood.</p

    Progressive Meshes in an Operational Rate-Distortion Sense with Application to Terrain Data

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    This paper presents an efficient simplification method for regular meshes obtained with a binary subdivision scheme. Our mesh connectivity is constrained with a quadtree data structure. We propose a quadtree built especially for this class of meshes having a constant-time traversal property. We introduce a rate-distortion (RD) framework to decimate the mesh and build a progressive representation for the model. We propose to achieve the RD-optimal solutions for our quadtree-restricted setting: to obtain the optimal solutions, we show how to find the vertex in the quadtree yielding the best RD trade-off and then perform optimizations at variable rate, where the rate is given by a cost function (for example the number of triangles). All previous methods are restricted to constant rate optimization only. We compare the optimal approach to its greedy counterpart. We give computationally optimal formulations for all our algorithms on the quadtree. We apply our technique to a large dataset of terrains and give extensive experimental results

    On Sampling and Coding for Distributed Acoustic Sensing

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    The issue of how to efficiently represent the data collected by a network of microphones recording spatio-temporal acoustic wave fields is addressed. Each sensor node in the network samples the sound field, quantizes the samples and transmits the encoded samples to some central unit, which computes an estimate of the original sound field based on the information received from all the microphones. Our analysis is based on the spectral properties of the sound field, which are induced by the physics of wave propagation and have a significant impact on the efficiency of the chosen sampling lattice and coding scheme. As field acquisition by a sensor network typically implies spatio-temporal sampling of the field, a multidimensional sampling theorem for homogeneous random fields with compactly supported spectral measures is proved. To assess the loss of information implied by source coding, rate distortion functions for various coding schemes and sampling lattices are determined. In particular, centralized coding, independent coding and some multiterminal schemes are compared. Under the assumption of spectral whiteness of the sound field, it is shown that sampling with a quincunx lattice followed by independent coding is optimal as it achieves the lower bound given by centralized coding

    A Stochastic Model for Video and its Information Rates

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    We propose a stochastic model for video and compute its information rates. The model has two sources of information representing ensembles of camera motion and visual scene data (i.e. "realities"). The sources of information are combined generating a vector process that we study in detail. Both lossless and lossy information rates are derived. The model is further extended to account for realities that change over time. We derive bounds on the lossless and lossy information rates for this dynamic reality model, stating conditions under which the bounds are tight. Experiments with synthetic sources suggest that in the presence of scene motion, simple hybrid coding using motion estimation with DPCM can be suboptimal relative to the true rate-distortion bound

    Practical solution to the Monte Carlo sign problem: Realistic calculations of 54Fe

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    We present a practical solution to the "sign problem" in the auxiliary field Monte Carlo approach to the nuclear shell model. The method is based on extrapolation from a continuous family of problem-free Hamiltonians. To demonstrate the resultant ability to treat large shell-model problems, we present results for 54Fe in the full fp-shell basis using the Brown-Richter interaction. We find the Gamow-Teller beta^+ strength to be quenched by 58% relative to the single-particle estimate, in better agreement with experiment than previous estimates based on truncated bases.Comment: 11 pages + 2 figures (not included

    Data compression and harmonic analysis

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    In this paper we review some recent interactions between harmonic analysis and data compression. The story goes back of course to Shannon’

    General properties of the pion production reaction in nuclear matter

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    The pion production reaction π+π+π±\pi^+ \to \pi^+\pi^{\pm} on 45Sc^{45}Sc was studied at incident pion energies of Tπ+T_{\pi^{+}} = 240, 260, 280, 300, and 320 MeV. The experiment was performed using the M11M11 pion-channel at TRIUMF, and multiparticle events, (π+,π+π±\pi^+,\pi^+\pi^{\pm}) and (π+,π+π±p\pi^+,\pi^+\pi^{\pm}p), were detected with the CHAOS spectrometer. Results are reported in the form of both differential and total cross sections, and are compared to theoretical predictions and the reaction phase space. The present investigation of the T-dependence of the π+Aπ+π±A\pi^+ A \to \pi^+\pi^{\pm} A' reaction complements earlier examinations of the A-dependence of the reaction, which was measured using 2H^{2}H, 4He^{4}He, 12C^{12}C, 16O^{16}O, 40Ca^{40}Ca, and 208Pb^{208}Pb targets at \sim280 MeV. Some general properties of the pion-induced pion production reaction in nuclear matter will be presented, based on the combined results of the two studies.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.

    Faddeev Calculations of Proton-Deuteron Radiative Capture with Exchange Currents

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    pd capture processes at various energies have been analyzed based on solutions of 3N-Faddeev equations and using modern NN forces. The application of the Siegert theorem is compared to the explicit use of π\pi- and ρ\rho-like exchange currents connected to the AV18 NN interaction. Overall good agreement with cross sections and spin observables has been obtained but leaving room for improvement in some cases. Feasibility studies for 3NF's consistently included in the 3N continuum and the 3N bound state have been performed as well.Comment: Minor changes in notation, ps files for figure