1,218 research outputs found

    Error sensitivity function catalog

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    Various systematic errors of orbital solutions involving range and range rate rada

    Asymptotics of continuous-time discrete state space branching processes for large initial state

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    Scaling limits for continuous-time branching processes with discrete state space are provided as the initial state tends to infinity. Depending on the finiteness or non-finiteness of the mean and/or the variance of the offspring distribution, the limits are in general time-inhomogeneous Gaussian processes, time-inhomogeneous generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes or continuous-state branching processes. We also provide transfer results showing how specific asymptotic relations for the probability generating function of the offspring distribution carry over to those of the one-dimensional distributions of the branching process

    Degenerate drift-diffusion systems for memristors

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    A system of degenerate drift-diffusion equations for the electron, hole, and oxygen vacancy densities, coupled to the Poisson equation for the electric potential, is analyzed in a three-dimensional bounded domain with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. The equations model the dynamics of the charge carriers in a memristor device in the high-density regime. Memristors can be seen as nonlinear resistors with memory, mimicking the conductance response of biological synapses. The global existence of weak solutions and the weak-strong uniqueness property is proved. Thanks to the degenerate diffusion, better regularity results compared to linear diffusion can be shown, in particular the boundedness of the solutions


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    The district of Gunung Kidul in the Yogyakarta Special Province in middle Java is known as one of the poorest regions in Indonesia. One of the essential reasons is the acute water scarcity during the dry season. This karst area is composed of hundreds of networked caves. Due to these cave structures there is a total exchange of the surface run off and an infiltration through wide branched underground flow systems. Since 2003 the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany, is funding an interdisciplinary pilot project at the University of Karlsruhe comprising a water resources management in one of the caves, Gua Bribin. The basic idea is a partial damming up of the underground water flow by means of a barrage with an integrated micro hydro power plant. The main objective of the project is a strongly increased water supply of the population combined with a general improvement of the living conditions especially in the dry season. The paper describes, in addition to the interdisciplinary aspects of the project, the geodetic contribution, the surveying work and the data processing. The single topics are the basic survey for the installation of the drilling and the underground construction site, the control measurements for the vertical drilling of the shaft of 100 m depth, the surveying of the cave geometry in detail (1,5 km length) and the presentation of the cave within a three dimensional model as the basis for further applications such as navigation through the cave, simulation of constructions, special calculations (for example profiles and volumes) etc. The paper ends with an outlook to a new project under application concerning a comprehensive water resources management in the whole region, in the frame of a new research funding program of the BMBF

    Disgusting or Innovative-Consumer Willingness to Pay for Insect Based Burger Patties in Germany

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    Insects represent an excellent source of food due to their density in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, while their production is associated with lower emissions of greenhouse gases and resource use as compared to other conventional protein sources. In most Western countries, the human consumption of insects is very low and often perceived as culturally inappropriate. In this study, we analyzed the preferences of German consumers for insect-based products to intensify the knowledge about specific consumer segments that are willing to adopt insects into their diet. For this purpose, an online based choice experiment was conducted in 2016, in which respondents chose between an ordinary burger and a burger with a beef burger patty fortified with insect flour. We detect three homogeneous consumer segments in our sample. The largest group of respondents is willing to consume insect-fortified burgers with only a small price discount, while the other respondents had a prohibitively low willingness-to-pay. The readiness of consumers to adopt insects into their diet is strongly related to attitudinal variables, such as preferences for an environmental friendly production method and health aspects. On the other hand, disgust and the aversion towards insects seem to be the main reasons to abstain from eating insects

    Professionalität in der pastoralen Fortbildung

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    Der Beitrag nimmt das Thema der Professionsentwicklungen auf und zeigt, inwieweit es für die pastorale Fort- und Weiterbildung ertragreich ist. Dazu wird zunächst der erwachsenenpädagogische Diskurs befragt. Am Beispiel der pastoraltheologischen Debatte zum "Pfarrberuf als Profession" wird dann die Professionalität von Lehrenden in der pastoralen Fortbildung näher bestimmt. Und schließlich beschreibt der Text Konsequenzen dieser Überlegungen für die programmatische Ausrichtung der Fortbildungseinrichtungen

    Redundancy Strategies for a High Splitting Optically Amplified Passive Optical Network

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    Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.High splitting, optically amplified, passive optical networks (SuperPONs) are investigated in terms of redundancy provision and protection mechanisms. Options for redundancy, including the important special case of dual homing, are detailed, and it is determined as to which of these options (duplication of the feeder and first distribution section, and N+1 protection of the optical amplifiers in the amplified splitter) would be required to be provided to all attached users to facilitate appropriate availability of the basic telephony service. The distributed amplified splitter dual homing solution is found to outperform the single amplified splitter solution in terms of its survivability. The protection mechanisms necessary to automatically switch to the redundant provision are discussed and it is seen that with the aid of suitable regular precautionary procedures protection switching can generally be provided rapidly (<50 ms). Finally, an availability, and cost versus availability, study confirms the aforementioned redundancy assessment for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) implementations, but shows fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC) as needing additional redundancyPeer reviewe