218 research outputs found

    Liver Elastography in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Patients Using Three Different Scanner Systems

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    The aim of the study described here was to characterize three different liver elastography methods in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) patients, for the first time exploring 2-D shear wave elastography (2-D-SWE) in PSC patients and its putative advantages over point shear wave elastography (pSWE). Sixty-six adult PSC patients (51 males, 77%) underwent liver elastography: Transient elastography (TE), pSWE and 2-D-SWE were applied head-to-head after B-mode ultrasonography and blood tests. Liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) by pSWE yielded lower values than those by TE; 2-D-SWE had less steep slope but was overall not significantly different from TE. Correlation between LSMs by pSWE and TE was excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.92); correlation for 2-D-SWE with either pSWE or TE was moderate but improved with exclusion of overweight individuals. LSMs correlated with the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis test (ELF) across all scanner systems. Our study indicates that LSM by different systems is feasible in PSC patients and that 2-D-SWE tends to underestimate stiffness compared with TE.publishedVersio

    Making touch-based kiosks accessible to blind users through simple gestures

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    Touch-based interaction is becoming increasingly popular and is commonly used as the main interaction paradigm for self-service kiosks in public spaces. Touch-based interaction is known to be visually intensive, and current non-haptic touch-display technologies are often criticized as excluding blind users. This study set out to demonstrate that touch-based kiosks can be designed to include blind users without compromising the user experience for non-blind users. Most touch-based kiosks are based on absolute positioned virtual buttons which are difficult to locate without any tactile, audible or visual cues. However, simple stroke gestures rely on relative movements and the user does not need to hit a target at a specific location on the display. In this study, a touch-based train ticket sales kiosk based on simple stroke gestures was developed and tested on a panel of blind and visually impaired users, a panel of blindfolded non-visually impaired users and a control group of non-visually impaired users. The tests demonstrate that all the participants managed to discover, learn and use the touch-based self-service terminal and complete a ticket purchasing task. The majority of the participants completed the task in less than 4 min on the first attempt

    Point Shear Wave Elastography and the Effect of Physical Exercise, Alcohol Consumption, and Respiration in Healthy Adults

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    Purpose Ultrasound elastography is a noninvasive method for liver stiffness measurement (LSM) with the aim of reflecting approximate liver fibrosis load. Despite minimal evidence, current guidelines recommend 10 min of rest and breath hold prior to measurements and offer no advice concerning recent alcohol consumption, leading to challenges in clinical practice. We aimed to investigate how LSM in healthy adults is influenced by physical exercise, recent alcohol consumption, and respiration. Materials and Methods 42 healthy subjects aged 21–36 years were included. LSM using point shear wave elastography (pSWE) was performed in five stages: baseline, after physical activity, after registration of alcohol consumption, and during breath hold compared to free breathing. Results LSM values were significantly increased following physical exercise compared to baseline values (4.1±0.8 vs. 3.8±0.8 kPa, p=0.01). Alcohol consumption during the last 72 h (0–27 alcohol units) did not significantly affect LSM. There was no significant difference between LSM during breath hold and free breathing. Conclusion In healthy subjects, LSM increased after recent physical exercise, while alcohol consumption 24–72 h prior to examination did not have a significant impact. There was no clinically significant effect of breath hold on LSM. Our study supports present guidelines recommending rest prior to LSM, while indicating that breath hold may not be mandatory. Recent moderate alcohol exposure may affect LSM to a lesser extent than commonly believed.publishedVersio

    Controlled Attenuation Parameter in Healthy Individuals Aged 8–70 Years

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    Purpose Controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) is a non-invasive method to assess the presence of liver steatosis. It has been evaluated in children and adults, mainly in either the obese or in subjects with suspected liver disease. Our aim was to describe CAP in healthy non-obese subjects without suspected liver steatosis and to suggest cutoff levels for steatosis. Materials and Methods We prospectively recruited 187 individuals aged 8–70 years. All underwent clinical examination, including height and weight measurement. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated and converted into z-scores. To exclude liver pathology, B-mode ultrasound and liver stiffness measurements were performed in all prior to CAP measurement. Blood was drawn for liver biochemistry in adults. Results CAP was associated with BMI z-score across all ages. CAP started to rise alongside BMI z-score already in subjects with a BMI below average. CAP values were higher in adults than in children (p<0.001), and higher in adult males than adult females (p=0.014). CAP did not correlate with age within the adult or pediatric cohorts. CAP was highly correlated with the fatty liver index. 18 and 23% of subjects showed CAP above the suggested cutoff value for children and adults, respectively. Conclusion CAP was correlated with BMI z-score, even in individuals with a below-average BMI . We found CAP above published cutoff values in a substantial proportion of presumably healthy, non-obese children and adults, warranting further research to clarify whether this represents non-obese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or if reference values need adjustment.publishedVersio

    Lovgivning, innhold og organisering av tannhelsebehandling for sosialt svake grupper i befolkningen

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    Source https://www.tannlegetidende.no/journal/2021/2/m-938/Lovgivning,_innhold_og_organisering_av_tannhelsebehandling_for_sosialt_svake_grupper_i_befolkningen.Formålet med denne artikkelen er å beskrive behandlingssystemene for tannhelse i fire nordiske land, både på generell basis, men først og fremst blant sosialt vanskeligstilte grupper. Alle disse landene tilbyr gratis tannbehandling for barn og ungdom, men tilbudet varierer når det gjelder voksne. Voksne i Norge må betale fra egen lomme. I Danmark blir de grunnleggende utgiftene dekket, skjønt bare delvis. I Finland blir kostnadene subsidiert av offentlige tannhelsetjenester, men tilgangen til dette er begrenset. I Sverige må voksne selv betale inntil et visst terskelbeløp, mens høyere behandlingskostnader blir subsidiert. I tillegg har alle nordiske land flere andre støttesystemer for tannbehandling for sosialt vanskeligstilte grupper. I alle land har disse systemene opp gjennom årene utviklet seg til et lappeteppe av ulike typer subsidier. Disse systemene er i ferd med å bli, eller er allerede blitt revidert med større eller mindre endringer

    Fluctuating biomarkers in primary sclerosing cholangitis: A longitudinal comparison of alkaline phosphatase, liver stiffness, and ELF

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    Background & Aims Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a progressive liver disease characterised by fluctuating liver biochemistries and highly variable disease progression. The Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF®) test and liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) reflect fibrosis and predict clinical outcomes in PSC; however, longitudinal assessments are missing. We aimed to characterise the systematic change in ELF and LSM over time in a prospective cohort of patients with PSC, along with their longitudinal relationship to alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and bilirubin. Methods We included 113 non-transplant PSC patients (86 males [76.1%]; mean age 43.3 ± 15.7 years) with annual study visits between 2013 and 2019 at 2 Norwegian centres. ELF test, LSM, clinical data, liver biochemistries, and revised Mayo risk score were measured. We used linear mixed-effects models to estimate change over time, intraclass correlations (ICCs), and their relationship with ALP and bilirubin. Results At baseline, the median (range) ELF test was 9.3 (7.5–12.9) and median LSM 1.26 m/s (0.66–3.04 m/s). ELF and LSM increased over time (0.09 point/year, 95% CI [0.03, 0.15], p = 0.005, vs. 0.12 point/year, 95% CI [0.03, 0.21], p = 0.009). Between-patient effects explained 78% of ELF variation (ICC 0.78) and 56% of LSM variation (ICC 0.56). ALP also increased and showed the highest ICC (0.86). Conclusions ELF and LSM increased over a 5-year period. Longitudinal analyses demonstrated differences regarding within- and between-patient effects, suggesting that the ELF test may have superior reliability for risk stratification compared with LSM in PSC.publishedVersio

    Bridge over troubled water – om broreparasjoner med retrograd fremstilte rotstifter

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    I denne kasuistikken beskrives en metode for å løse et klinisk problem som ofte oppstår blant eldre, munntørre pasienter med protetiske konstruksjoner. Bruk av retrograd fremstilt rotstift kan hos enkelte være en effektiv og kostnadsbesparende behandling.publishedVersio

    Serological markers of extracellular matrix remodeling predict transplant‐free survival in primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    BACKGROUND: Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a progressive liver disease with a remarkably variable course. Biomarkers of disease activity or prognostic models predicting outcome at an individual level are currently not established. AIM: To evaluate the prognostic utility of four biomarkers of basement membrane and interstitial extracellular matrix remodeling in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. METHODS: Serum samples were available from 138 large‐duct primary sclerosing cholangitis patients (of which 102 [74%] with IBD) recruited 2008‐2012 and 52 ulcerative colitis patients (controls). The median follow‐up time was 2.2 (range 0‐4.3) years. Specific biomarkers of type III and V collagen formation (PRO‐C3 and PRO‐C5, respectively) and type III and IV collagen degradation (C3M and C4M, respectively) were assessed. The Enhanced Liver Fibrosis test, including procollagen type III N‐terminal peptide, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase‐1 and hyaluronic acid was assessed for comparison. RESULTS: All markers were elevated in primary sclerosing cholangitis compared to ulcerative colitis patients (P < 0.001). PRO‐C3 showed the largest difference between the two groups with a threefold increase in primary sclerosing cholangitis compared to ulcerative colitis patients. Patients with high baseline serum levels of all markers, except C3M, had shorter survival compared to patients with low baseline serum levels (P < 0.001). Combining PRO‐C3 and PRO‐C5 the odds ratio for predicting transplant‐free survival was 47 compared to the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis test's odds ratio of 11. CONCLUSIONS: Extracellular matrix remodeling is elevated in primary sclerosing cholangitis patients compared to ulcerative colitis patients. Furthermore, the interstitial matrix marker PRO‐C3 was identified as a potent prognostic marker and an independent predictor of transplant‐free survival in primary sclerosing cholangitis

    Comprehensive assessment of ECM turnover using serum biomarkers establishes PBC as a high-turnover autoimmune liver disease

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    Background & Aims: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) are phenotypically distinct autoimmune liver diseases that progress to cirrhosis and liver failure; however, their histological fibrosis distribution differs. We investigated the extracellular matrix (ECM) profiles of patients with PSC, PBC, and AIH to establish whether the diseases display differential patterns of ECM turnover. Methods: Serum samples were retrospectively collected from the UK (test cohort; PSC n = 78; PBC n = 74; AIH n = 58) and Norway (validation cohort; PSC n = 138; PBC n = 28; AIH n = 27). Patients with ulcerative colitis without liver disease (n = 194) served as controls. We assessed specific serological biomarkers of ECM turnover: type III and V collagen formation (PRO-C3, PRO-C5), degradation of type III and IV collagen (C3M, C4M), biglycan (BGM) and citrullinated vimentin (VICM). Results: Most of the ECM markers showed elevated serum levels in PBC compared with PSC or AIH (p <0.01). PRO-C3 correlated well with liver stiffness and showed the most striking differences between advanced and non-advanced liver disease; several of the other ECM markers were also associated with stage. PRO-C3 and other ECM markers were inversely associated with ursodeoxycholic acid treatment response in PBC and remission in AIH. All ECM remodelling markers were significantly elevated (p <0.05) in patients with PSC, PBC, or AIH compared with ulcerative colitis. Conclusions: In this first study comparing ECM turnover in autoimmune liver diseases, we found increased ECM turnover in PBC compared with either PSC or AIH. The study indicates that ECM remodelling is different in PSC, PBC, and AIH, suggesting differing opportunities for therapeutic intervention.publishedVersio