18 research outputs found
Effect of acupuncture analgesia on pain intensity, blood pressure and hea
Cilj: Ispitati postoji li razlika u vrijednostima intenziteta boli, krvnog tlaka i srčane frekvencije mjerenih prije i onih mjerenih poslije akupunkturnog liječenja te utvrditi postoji li povezanost intenziteta boli s vrijednostima krvnoga tlaka i srčane frekvencije. Nacrt studije: Studija je prospektivna. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 63 bolesnika podijeljenih u četiri skupine. Prvu skupinu činili su bolesnici s R 51 glavoboljom, drugu s M 53.1 cervikobrahijalnih sindromom, treću s M 54.4 lumboishijalgijom i četvrtu skupinu činili su bolesnici kojima je istodobno dijagnosticiran cervikobrahijalni i lumbalni sindrom. Promatrane varijable su: dob, spol, sistolički i dijastolički tlak, frekvencija srca i intenzitet boli. Mjerenja su učinjena digitalnim tlakomjerom i VAS skalom boli tijekom deset dana akupunkturnog tretmana. Rezultati: Razlika testiranih varijabli (sistoličkog, dijastoličkog tlaka, frekvencije srca i intenziteta boli) prije i poslije akupunkturnog liječenja, pokazala se statistički značajnom, u smislu pada njihovih vrijednosti nakon primjene liječenja. Uspoređujući zadane varijable ovisno o bolnim entitetima, utvrđeno je da nema razlike u vrijednostima ispitivanih varijabli tijekom akupunkture na temelju određene bolesti, tj. pokazano je da akupunktura podjednako djeluje na sve zadane entitete. Korelacija intenziteta boli i krvnog tlaka značajna je u normotenzivnih ispitanika. Nema značajne razlike u padu intenziteta boli ovisno o spolu. Zaključak: Krvni tlak, frekvencija srca i intenzitet boli statistički značajno padaju nakon primjene akupunkture kod svih zadanih dijagnostičkih entiteta.Objectives: To test if there is a difference in blood pressure values, heart rate and pain intensity measured before and after the acupuncture treatment, and to determine if there is a connection between pain intensity and blood pressure values as well as heart rate. Study Design: The study is organised prospectively. Participants and Methods: 63 patients divided into four groups participated in the research. The first group was made of patients suffering from R 51 headache, the second of patients suffering from M 53.1 cervicobrachial syndrome, the third of patients suffering from M 54.4 ishciadica and the fourth group was made of patients diagnosed with both cervicobrachial syndrome and lumbar syndrome at the same time. The observed variables are: age, sex, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and pain intensity. The measurements were taken using digital pressure gaugeand, VAS scale for pain, during ten days of acupuncture treatment. Results: The difference between the tested variables: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and pain intensity before and after acupuncture treatment turned out to be statistically significant, showing a decrease in the values after receiving thetreatment. Having compared the default variables depending on painful entities, it has been proved that the reis no difference in values of the tested variables during acupuncture based on a certain illnesses. It showed that acupuncture affects all the default entities in a similar way. In the correlation test between blood pressure and pain intensity the reis significant connection in normotensive patients. There is no significant difference in the decrease of pain intensity based on the sex of the person. Conclusion: Blood pressure, heart rate and pain intensity decrease in a statistically significant way after applying acupuncture to all the default diagnostic enteties
Cjeloživotno obrazovanje učitelja i nastavnika: višestruke perspektive
Komparativna istraživanja u svijetu pokazuju da kvaliteti obrazovanja razrednih učitelja i predmetnih nastavnika značajno doprinosi utemeljenost obrazovanja na spoznajama edukacijskih znanosti, posebice na spoznajama psihologije učenja i poučavanja. Stoga je glavni cilj studije prikazane u ovoj monografiji analiza modela obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika u Hrvatskoj u odnosu na postavke sistemskog pristupa te kognitivističkih modela učenja i poučavanja. U ostvarenju postavljenog cilja istraživanja istaknutu ulogu ima i usporedba s onim europskim i svjetskim sustavima obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika koji su u međunarodnim komparativnim studijama prepoznati kao uspješna rješenja te je njihov prikaz dan u prvom dijelu monografije. U drugom dijelu analizira se sadašnje stanje i prijedlozi promjena u sustavu obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika u Hrvatskoj, pri čemu osnovicu analize predstavljaju službeni dokumenti i stručne studije te radni materijali pojedinih ekspertnih timova. Kako se promjene sustava mogu uspješno provoditi tek ako postoji minimum suglasnosti u stavovima, vrijednostima i očekivanjima pojedinih sudionika i korisnika u pogledu opravdanosti i mogućnosti takvih promjena, istraživanje je u empirijskom dijelu usmjereno na ispitivanje ovih psiholoških varijabli, a rezultati istraživanja prikazani su u trećem dijelu monografije. Rezultati omogućuju uvidu u percepciju nekih aspekata učiteljskog i nastavničkog obrazovanja i profesije od strane učitelja, nastavnika, studenata i sveučilišnih nastavnika. Različiti sudionici i korisnici obrazovnog sustava naglašavaju važnost i neizbježnost dubokih strukturnih promjena u obrazovanju, kako bi se ispunio ključni zahtjev koji se danas postavlja pred sustav obrazovanja, a to je pripremanje učenika za samostalno cjeloživotno učenje. U četvrtom dijelu monografije ponuđeni su i konkretni primjeri međunarodne dobre prakse u području obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika, a na kraju su ponuđene i neke korisne baze podataka koje mogu poslužiti istraživačima, kreatorima obrazovne politike te samim učiteljima i nastavnicima. Studija koju prikazuje ova znanstvena monografija predstavlja empirijski doprinos spoznaji o stanju u sustavu obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika u Hrvatskoj te referentnim zemljama u trenutku kada se planiraju ozbiljne promjene u cjelokupnom visokoškolskom obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj, pa tako i u obrazovanju učitelja i nastavnika. Posebno valja istaknuti kako ova znanstvena monografija model obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika analizira u odnosu na postavke sistemskog pristupa te kognitivističkih modela učenja i poučavanja, pa se time analiza temelji na znanstvenim spoznajama o edukaciji i psihologiji učenja i poučavanja. Ova znanstvena monografija primarno je namijenjena istraživačima u području obrazovanja te studentima učiteljskih i nastavničkih studija, ali i kreatorima obrazovne politike kao izvor valjanih podataka o stanju u obrazovnom sustavu Hrvatske i smjernica za planiranje promjena u sustavu
Spectrophotometric study of solution equilibria between Al3+ ion and L-histidine
Aluminium(III) ion and L-histidine (HHis) react in water solution to yield two mononuclear binary complexes [Al(HHis)]3+ and [Al(HHis)His] 2+. The over-all stability constants for these complexes were calculated by non-linearleast-squarestreatment of the spectrophotometric data and found to be: log β1,1,1 = 13.12 ± 0.04, log β1,2,1 = 20.9 ± 0.1, respectively. Indices refer to stoichiometric coefficients in complexation equilibrium: p Al + q His + r H → [AlpHisqHr]. The possible structures of the complexes in solution, are discussed.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200
Quantification of Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Exposure Increase Caused by CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 Intermediate and Poor Metabolizer Status
Background: Most of the psychiatric drugs are metabolized by
CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 enzymes. Both CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genes
are polymorphic and metabolic capacity of the enzymes is
genotype-determined. Homozygous Null allele carriers do not
possess active enzyme, and they are referred to as CYP2C19 or
CYP2D6 poor metabolizers (PM). Certain genotypes do not abolish
the enzyme completely, but they do cause a drastic reduction of metabolic capacity and carriers of such genotypes are referred to
as intermediate metabolizers (IM). It is known that CYP2C19 and
CYP2D6 PM and IM status cause an increase in exposure of certain
antidepressants and antipsychotics; however, due to small sample
sizes of the previously published studies, the magnitude of this
effect still cannot be estimated with sufficient precision. Therefore,
the aim of this meta-analysis was to pool all these studies and
estimate the magnitude of drug exposure increase caused by
CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 PM and IM status, compared with normal
metabolizers (NM).
Methods: The inclusion of the drugs used for the literature
survey for meta-analysis was based on the list of new-generation
antidepressants and antipsychotics found on consensus guide-
lines for therapeutic drug monitoring. Initially, the studies were
screened for inclusion by the PubMed search ‘DrugName’ AND
(CYP2C19 OR CYP2D6) for all listed drugs. The studies were
included in the meta-analysis if (1) the patients were appropriately
genotyped for CYP2C19 or CYP2D6; (2) adequate sorting of
patients into NM, IM, and PM was possible; (3) the study included
at least three patients per subgroup; and (4) drug exposure was
measured in a representative way as (a) dose-harmonized area
under plasma level (time) curve, (b) dose-harmonized steady-state
plasma levels, or (c) apparent total clearance of the drug from
plasma after oral administration (CL/F, reciprocal value repre-
sented the drug exposure). Meta-analysis for a specific drug was
performed if five or more studies met the inclusion criteria. Based
on the outcome of the literature survey, it was possible to perform
meta-analysis for escitalopram (N = 2,125), venlafaxine (N = 266),
risperidone (N = 1,006), and aripiprazole (N = 824). Drug exposure
head-to-head comparisons were made between PM or IM subjects
and the NM subject group, which served as a reference.
Heterogeneity across the studies was assessed using Cochran’s
Q test at a given significance level and the percentage of total
variability across the studies attributable to heterogeneity was
quantified by using I-square value.
Results: The magnitude of the drug exposure increase in
comparison to NM is presented as Odds ratio [95% Confidence
interval]. Escitalopram exposure was 1.37-fold [1.30-1.44]
increased in CYP2C19 IM and 2.44-fold [2.27-2.61] increased in
CYP2C19 PM. Venlafaxine exposure was not significantly changed
in CYP2D6 PM, 1.10 [0.99-1.22]. Risperidone and aripiprazole
exposure increase was similar for CYP2D6 IM and PM. Risperidone
exposure was 1.42 [1.36-1.51] increased in CYP2D6 IM and PM
admixed. Aripiprazole exposure was 1.52 [1.45-1.58] increased in
CYP2D6 IM and PM admixed.
Conclusions: According to the results, (1) reducing escitalo-
pram dose by 60% in CYP2C19 PM and by 30% in CYP2C19 IM are
appropriate dosing decisions, (2) reducing risperidone and
aripiprazole dose by 30% in CYP2D6 PM is appropriate dosing
decision, and (3) CYP2D6 metabolizer status does not seem to be a
clinically relevant feature in venlafaxine dosing.ACNP 58th Annual Meeting: Poster Sessio
Influence of Long-Term Anti-Seizure Medications on Redox Parameters in Human Blood
Background: Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease affecting millions of people worldwide,
but little is known about the impact of anti-seizure medications on redox homeostasis. Methods:
This study aimed to compare the effects of the long-term use of oral anti-seizure medications in
monotherapy (lamotrigine, carbamazepine, and valproate) on antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase,
catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, haemoglobin, and methaemoglobin
content in erythrocytes, and concentrations of total proteins and thiols, nitrites, lipid peroxides and
total glutathione in the plasma of epilepsy patients and drug-naïve patients. Results: The results
showed that lamotrigine therapy led to lower superoxide dismutase activity (p < 0.005) and lower
concentrations of total thiols (p < 0.01) and lipid peroxides (p < 0.01) compared to controls. On the
other hand, therapy with carbamazepine increased nitrite levels (p < 0.01) but reduced superoxide
dismutase activity (p < 0.005). In the valproate group, only a decrease in catalase activity was observed
(p < 0.005). Canonical discriminant analysis showed that the composition of antioxidant enzymes in
erythrocytes was different for both the lamotrigine and carbamazepine groups, while the controls
were separated from all others. Conclusions: Monotherapy with anti-seizure medications discretely
alters redox homeostasis, followed by distinct relationships between antioxidant components
The humanised CYP2C19 transgenic mouse exhibits cerebellar atrophy and movement impairment reminiscent of ataxia
Aims: CYP2C19 transgenic mouse expresses the human CYP2C19 gene in the liver and developing brain, and it exhibits altered neurodevelopment associated with impairments in emotionality and locomotion. Because the validation of new animal models is essential for the understanding of the aetiology and pathophysiology of movement disorders, the objective was to characterise motoric phenotype in CYP2C19 transgenic mice and to investigate its validity as a new animal model of ataxia. Methods: The rotarod, paw-print and beam-walking tests were utilised to characterise the motoric phenotype. The volumes of 20 brain regions in CYP2C19 transgenic and wild-type mice were quantified by 9.4T gadolinium-enhanced post-mortem structural neuroimaging. Antioxidative enzymatic activity was quantified biochemically. Dopaminergic alterations were characterised by chromatographic quantification of concentrations of dopamine and its metabolites and by subsequent immunohistochemical analyses. The beam-walking test was repeated after the treatment with dopamine receptor antagonists ecopipam and raclopride. Results: CYP2C19 transgenic mice exhibit abnormal, unilateral ataxia-like gait, clasping reflex and 5.6-fold more paw-slips in the beam-walking test; the motoric phenotype was more pronounced in youth. Transgenic mice exhibited a profound reduction of 12% in cerebellar volume and a moderate reduction of 4% in hippocampal volume; both regions exhibited an increased antioxidative enzyme activity. CYP2C19 mice were hyperdopaminergic; however, the motoric impairment was not ameliorated by dopamine receptor antagonists, and there was no alteration in the number of midbrain dopaminergic neurons in CYP2C19 mice. Conclusions: Humanised CYP2C19 transgenic mice exhibit altered gait and functional motoric impairments; this phenotype is likely caused by an aberrant cerebellar development
Effect of acupuncture analgesia on pain intensity, blood pressure and hea
Cilj: Ispitati postoji li razlika u vrijednostima intenziteta boli, krvnog tlaka i srčane frekvencije mjerenih prije i onih mjerenih poslije akupunkturnog liječenja te utvrditi postoji li povezanost intenziteta boli s vrijednostima krvnoga tlaka i srčane frekvencije. Nacrt studije: Studija je prospektivna. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 63 bolesnika podijeljenih u četiri skupine. Prvu skupinu činili su bolesnici s R 51 glavoboljom, drugu s M 53.1 cervikobrahijalnih sindromom, treću s M 54.4 lumboishijalgijom i četvrtu skupinu činili su bolesnici kojima je istodobno dijagnosticiran cervikobrahijalni i lumbalni sindrom. Promatrane varijable su: dob, spol, sistolički i dijastolički tlak, frekvencija srca i intenzitet boli. Mjerenja su učinjena digitalnim tlakomjerom i VAS skalom boli tijekom deset dana akupunkturnog tretmana. Rezultati: Razlika testiranih varijabli (sistoličkog, dijastoličkog tlaka, frekvencije srca i intenziteta boli) prije i poslije akupunkturnog liječenja, pokazala se statistički značajnom, u smislu pada njihovih vrijednosti nakon primjene liječenja. Uspoređujući zadane varijable ovisno o bolnim entitetima, utvrđeno je da nema razlike u vrijednostima ispitivanih varijabli tijekom akupunkture na temelju određene bolesti, tj. pokazano je da akupunktura podjednako djeluje na sve zadane entitete. Korelacija intenziteta boli i krvnog tlaka značajna je u normotenzivnih ispitanika. Nema značajne razlike u padu intenziteta boli ovisno o spolu. Zaključak: Krvni tlak, frekvencija srca i intenzitet boli statistički značajno padaju nakon primjene akupunkture kod svih zadanih dijagnostičkih entiteta.Objectives: To test if there is a difference in blood pressure values, heart rate and pain intensity measured before and after the acupuncture treatment, and to determine if there is a connection between pain intensity and blood pressure values as well as heart rate. Study Design: The study is organised prospectively. Participants and Methods: 63 patients divided into four groups participated in the research. The first group was made of patients suffering from R 51 headache, the second of patients suffering from M 53.1 cervicobrachial syndrome, the third of patients suffering from M 54.4 ishciadica and the fourth group was made of patients diagnosed with both cervicobrachial syndrome and lumbar syndrome at the same time. The observed variables are: age, sex, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and pain intensity. The measurements were taken using digital pressure gaugeand, VAS scale for pain, during ten days of acupuncture treatment. Results: The difference between the tested variables: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and pain intensity before and after acupuncture treatment turned out to be statistically significant, showing a decrease in the values after receiving thetreatment. Having compared the default variables depending on painful entities, it has been proved that the reis no difference in values of the tested variables during acupuncture based on a certain illnesses. It showed that acupuncture affects all the default entities in a similar way. In the correlation test between blood pressure and pain intensity the reis significant connection in normotensive patients. There is no significant difference in the decrease of pain intensity based on the sex of the person. Conclusion: Blood pressure, heart rate and pain intensity decrease in a statistically significant way after applying acupuncture to all the default diagnostic enteties
Spatial and temporal variability of stable isotopes and biological parameters for the Danube River in Serbia
This paper presents the results of hydrological, physicochemical, biological, and isotopic investigations of the Danube River along the stretch through Serbian territory conducted during four campaigns in September and November 2007, September 2008 and April 2009. The stable isotope values exhibited significant changes both in the Danube (-10.7 to -9.5% for delta(18)O and -73.7 to -67.1% for delta(2)H) and in its tributaries (-9.1 to -8.5% for delta(18)O and -69.4 to -59.4% for delta(2)H) depending on the time of survey, which could be partly attributed to the influences of seasonal effects. Results emphasise the dominant role of tributaries inflows from aquifers along the Danube. The very narrow range of delta(13)C(POC) (from -28.9 to -27.4%) was associated with relatively high C/N ratios (C/N GT 9), and together with delta(15)N(TPN) values, the date suggested that, in early spring, a major fraction of particulate organic matter was derived from allochthonous matter. An orthogonal varimax rotation of the principal components analysis identified four latent factors (mineral related, biological, hardness, and soil inlets) which are responsible for the data structure covering 79% of the observed variations among the variables studied. A reliable grouping of samples with respect to the season was found
Biocompatibility of Three Root End Filling Materials
Dental materials should be biocompatible, in order to prevent any adverse effects on the surrounding tissue caused by direct contact. The ideal root end filling material must have certain characteristics, including biocompatibility, satisfying marginal sealing quality, ability to permit or induce repair of alveolar bone, promote periapical healing and antimicrobial activity. In this study, the cytotoxicity of different materials (amalgam, MTA and Biodentine) was evaluated on a permanent fibroblast cell lines (MRC-5 and L929). The cytotoxicity of all three types of materials was investigated using standard biocompatibility tests: DET, MIT and agar diffusion test. MU test showed that after 24 and 48 hours in both cell cultures, Biodentine had the largest percentage of citotoxicity. The lowest percentage of cytotoxicity showed MTA in both groups. After 72 h in both cell lines, the highest percentage of cytotoxicity had amalgam. The lowest percentage of cytotoxicity showed MTA in both groups. Observing the results of Agar diffusion test, there was no any discoloration detected, neither lysis of cells under the disc. Biocompatibility tests showed high level of cell compatibility of all three tested materials