96 research outputs found

    Non-degenerate conditionings of the exit measures of super-Brownian motion

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    We introduce several martingale changes of measure of the law of the exit measure of super Brownian motion. These changes of measure include and generalize one arising by conditioning the exit measures to charge a point on the boun dary of a 2-dimensional domain. In the case we discuss this is a non-degenerate conditioning. We give characterizations of the new processes in terms of "immortal particle" branching processes with immigration of mass, and give application s to the study of solutions to Lu = cu^2 in D. The representations are related to those in an earlier paper, which treated the case of degenerate conditionings

    gWidgetsWWW: Creating Interactive Web Pages within R

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    The gWidgetsWWW package provides a framework for easily developing interactive web pages from within R. It uses the API developed in the gWidgets programming interface to specify the layout of the controls and the relationships between them. The web pages may be served locally under R's built-in web server for help pages or from an rApache-enabled web server

    Multistage asthenospheric melt/rock reaction in the ultraslow eastern SWIR mantle

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    Very small amounts of melt are produced during mantle upwelling beneath the ultraslow spreading South West Indian Ridge. Sectors of this Oceanic Ridge are characterized by nearly amagmatic spreading with rare limited eruptions of basalts spotting a mantle-derived serpentinitic crust. A large peridotite dataset was recovered during the Smoothseafloor French expedition leaded by D. Sauter and M. Cannat in 2005 (Sauter et al., 2013). Mantle-derived rocks show a significant modal variability from the sample to the dredge scale with frequent occurrences of millimetric to centimetric spinel-bearing pyroxenitic veins. Mantle residua record a multistage reactional history between small amount of transient melts and variably depleted mantle parcels. Incomplete mineral replacements are widespread showing that both pyroxenes are repeatedly dissolved and recrystallized leaving poekilitic pyroxene and spinel textures. Reacting conditions are modelled assuming an incremental open-system melting model under variable critical porosity/F ratios (Seyler et al., 2011; Brunelli et al., 2014). Incoming melts result to be generated by low degrees of melting in the garnet field then reacting with the rock under near-batch conditions, i.e. at low rates of melt extraction with respect to the actual rock porosity. As a consequence Na (and LREE) countertrends with melting indicators as mineral Cr# and concentration of the moderately incompatible elements (HREE, HFSE). This results in rotation of the REE patterns around a pivot element instead of showing progressive depletion as expected after suboceanic mantle decompression. Brunelli D., Paganelli E. & Seyler, M. 2014. Percolation of enriched melts during incremental open-system melting in the spinel field: A REE approach to abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge. Geoch. et Cosmoch. Acta, 127, 190–203. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.040. Sauter D., Cannat M., Searle R. 2013. Continuous exhumation of mantle-derived rocks at the Southwest Indian Ridge for 11 million years. Nature Geosci., 6(4), 1–7. doi:10.1038/ngeo1771. Seyler M., Brunelli D., Toplis M. J. & Mével C. (2011). Multiscale chemical heterogeneities beneath the eastern Southwest Indian Ridge (52°E-68°E): Trace element compositions of along-axis dredged peridotites. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q0AC15. doi:10.1029/2011gc003585

    Monopoly power of the medical school market and high incomes of U.S. physicians

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    We expect the incomes of physicians to remain high in the next decades. Using the latest published physician income data (2015) we calculated the weighted median income of U.S. physicians and the net present value (NPV) of an investment in physician education. We estimated the NPV assuming that the physicians training began in 2007 and their practice would commence in 2015. We estimated the NPV of the lifetime earnings of a physician based on the median income of all physicians in the sample to be between 7.1and7.1 and 7.3 million. This finding of high NPV’s is consistent with almost all earlier studies of this kind. Physicians continue to experience relatively high incomes and very slow increases in the number of new graduates. We expect an excess demand for positions in medical colleges to continue. Our findings with respect to the incomes of non-primary physicians (surgeons, radiologist and cardiologists), indicate will continue to be much higher than those of primary physicians. There are strong evidence suggesting this is because of blockages in physician residency openings in these non-primary fields of medicine.peer-reviewe

    Análise de jovens no âmbito esportivo: um relato de experiência

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    Introdução: A psicologia do esporte deve-se atentar à questão dos jovens atletas, já que esta faixa etária apresenta grande importância para o futuro, quer este esportivo ou não, pois os jovens estão em desenvolvimento e tais intervenções possibilitam a formação do indivíduo em sua totalidade. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência vivenciada em um Projeto Social de futsal, elencando os problemas verificados, relacionados à psicologia do esporte, bem como as estratégias propostas. Métodos: Foi utilizado o relato de experiência de um projeto social para atletas de futsal. Por meio das observações verificadas e anotadas, foram propostas estratégias, havendo relato das mesmas, bem como sua eficácia ou não. Resultados: Foi observado que os jovens apresentavam uma atitude agressiva negativa por meio de brigas e discussões durante os treinos e competições. Foram identificados os líderes do grupo e estabelecida uma comunicação com os mesmos, especialmente em relação ao feedback. Toda essa questão levou em consideração o contexto social e, assim, foi trabalhada a questão da coesão, especialmente a social. Todo este processo resultou em melhorias na questão da agressividade inicialmente mencionada. Conclusão: Foram verificadas que as estratégias aqui adotadas tiveram resultados positivos, porém ressalta-se a importância da consideração do contexto, analisando a especificidade e a individualidade de cada caso, o que possibilita a adoção de estratégias eficientes. Background: Sport psychology should pay attention to the issue of young athletes, as this age group has great importance to the future, whether in sport or not, because young people are in development and such interventions enable the formation of the individual in its entirety. Objective: Report the experience of a Social Futsal Project, listing the problems related to sports psychology, as well as the proposed strategies. Methods: Experience report was used as the research method. Observations of a social project for futsal athletes were verified and recorded. Strategies were proposed and evaluated regarding their effectiveness. Results: It was observed that young people showed a negative aggressive attitude through fights and discussions during training and competitions. Group leaders were identified and communication was established with them, especially regarding feedback. This whole issue took into account the social context and thus the question of cohesion, especially the social one, was worked out. This whole process resulted in improvements in the aggressiveness issue initially mentioned. Conclusion: It was verified that the strategies adopted had positive results, but we emphasized the importance of considering the context, analyzing the specificity and individuality of each case, which enables the adoption of efficient strategies

    Agentes estressores e o enfrentamento de problemas em tenistas e mesatenistas universitários

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A avaliação e análise de agentes estressores e enfrentamento de problemas em atletas pode ter um papel importante na compreensão daquilo que é enfrentado por esses atletas no dia-a-dia, além de poder propiciar um aumento na performance esportiva. No caso específico dos atletas universitários, além das dificuldades do mundo esportivo em si, existem as questões que permeiam o ambiente universitário e, muitas vezes sem estrutura, os atletas tem que conciliar essas duas carreiras.OBJETIVO: Analisar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por atletas universitários de esportes de raquete, bem como verificar as situações estressoras enfrentadas pelos mesmos. MÉTODOS: Este estudo de caráter descritivo e quali-quantitivo, utilizou o survey como tipo de pesquisa. Foram analisados 9 atletas universitários de esportes de raquete. Como instrumento, foi utilizado o questionário Estratégias de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada a estatística descritiva e a análise de conteúdo.RESULTADOS: As estratégias de enfrentamento mais utilizadas pelos atletas foram as focadas no problema e busca por suporte social. Como agentes estressores notou-se a dificuldade na conciliação da carreira esportiva com a vida acadêmica.CONCLUSÃO: Verificou-se que a maioria dos atletas utiliza estratégias de enfrentamento eficientes e encontra mais dificuldades em conciliar a dupla carreira (aluno-atleta) do que dificuldades esportivas em si. Assim, torna-se necessário uma maior percepção por parte dos gestores do esporte universitário acerca deste tópico, sendo ainda necessário maiores estudos neste tópico, visando auxiliar os atletas e proporcionar um maior rendimento esportivo e acadêmico para os mesmos.ABSTRACT. Stressors and coping in tennis and table tennis college athletes.BACKGROUND: The evaluation and analysis of stressors and coping in athletes can play an important role in understanding what is faced by these athletes on a daily basis, in addition to providing an increase in sports performance. In college athletes, besides the difficulties of the sporting world itself, there are issues that permeate the university environment and, often without structure, athletes have to reconcile these two careers.OBJECTIVE: Analyze the coping strategies used by university athletes of racket sports, as well as to verify the stressful situations faced by them.METHODS: This study has a descriptive and quali-quantitative and qualifying approach and uses survey as a type of research. Nine college racquet sports athletes were analyzed. As a questionnaries, it was uses the Estratégias de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and content analysis were used. RESULTS: The coping strategies most used by athletes were those focused on the problem and the search for social support. As stressors, it was noted the difficulty in reconciling sports career with academic life.CONCLUSION: It was found that most athletes uses effective coping strategies and have more difficulties to reconcile the dual career (student-athlete) than sports difficulties themselves. Thus, it is necessary to have a greater perception on the part of university sports managers about this topic, and further studies on this topic are necessary, aiming to help athletes and provide them with greater sports and academic performance


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    Objective: To evaluate the intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility of Hawkins' classification for fractures of the neck of the talus. Methods: 20 random cases of fracture of the talus were selected, to be defined according to the classification of types by eight orthopedic surgeons, 13 orthopedic residents and 15 radiology residents. Results: Using the statistical test of Landis and Koch, measurements of 0.627 and 0.668 were obtained in the first and second evaluations, respectively. These values define a satisfactory agreement for Hawkins' classification. Conclusion: We conclude that this classification is reproducible between observers, with better values for the more experienced observers. Level of Evidence I, Study Diagnostic - Investigating a diagnostic test.20317017
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