13 research outputs found

    ArcAid interactive archery assistant

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    This paper describes the design process of a bow aiming system, called ArcAid, which is an interactive archery assistant. The main goal of ArcAid is to introduce a way for beginner Robin Hoods to learn the art of archery to its fullest. In order to achieve this goal, our smartphone-based design focuses on a fun and interactive learning process that gives constant feedback to the user on how to hit a certain goal. A SPIKE high- end laser sensor is used for the distance measurement and the smartphone’s accelerometer is used to define the angle of inclination. To measure the force on the arrow and the displacement of the string, a flex sensor is attached upon one of the arcs of the bow. All sensor data is processed in an Arduino Nano microprocessor and feedback to the user is given by a dedicated smartphone app. In this paper, we mainly focus on the construction, mechanics and electronics of the ArcAid bow and on the design of the mobile app, which is the game controller. Furthermore, we briefly discuss some future development ideas

    Atopobium deltae sp. nov., isolated from blood of a patient with Fournier's gangrene

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    A Gram-stain-positive, obligately anaerobic, short rod, designated strain HHRM1715(T), was isolated from the blood of a patient with Fournier's gangrene, complicated by sepsis. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain HHRM1715(T) was shown to belong to the genus Atopobium and was most closely related to Atopobium minutum (95% similarity). The results of 16S rRNA-gene-based phylogenetic analysis, cellular fatty acid analysis and differential biochemical tests, showed that strain HHRM1715(T) represented a novel species of the genus Atopobium. We therefore describe Atopobium deltae sp. nov. with HHRM1715(T) (=LMG 27987(T)=CCUG 65171(T)) as the type strain and propose an emended description of the genus Atopobium with regard to the DNA G+C content

    Freeform Wide Field-of-View Spaceborne Imaging Telescope: From Design to Demonstrator

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    Wide field-of-view imaging optics offer a huge potential for space-based Earth observation enabling the capture of global data. Reflective imaging telescopes are often favored, as they do not show chromatic aberrations and are less susceptible to radiation darkening than their refractive counterparts. However, the main drawback of reflective telescopes is that they are limited with respect to field-of-view while featuring large dimensions. We propose the use of freeform optics to maximize the field of view while maintaining diffraction-limited image quality and minimizing system dimensions. In this paper, we present a novel freeform wide field-of-view reflective telescope, starting from the optical design, and continuing to tolerancing analysis and manufacture, towards a proof-of-concept demonstrator. The novel telescope features a full field-of-view of 120° while showing an exceptional spatial resolution of 2.6 km and fitting within 1 CubeSat unit. To the best of our knowledge, this is the widest field-of-view that has ever been realized for a space-based telescope, nearly reaching Earth observation from limb to limb from an altitude of about 700 km. We hope this design paves the way for future space missions enabling improved Earth observation and leading to enhanced monitoring of climate and climate change

    Determination of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in small vessel vasculitis: Comparative analysis of different strategies

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    Background Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are associated with primary small vessel vasculitis (SVV). Proteinase-3 (PR3)-ANCA are primarily associated with Wegener granulomatosis, whereas myeloperoxidase (MPO)-ANCA are primarily associated with microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) and vasculitic Churg–Strauss syndrome. We evaluated whether a strategy that is based on screening with ELISA or fluoroenzymeimmunoassay (FEIA) is an accurate alternative to screening with indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). Methods C-ANCA and P-ANCA were determined by IIF and PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA were determined by ELISA (Inova) or FEIA (Phadia) on 326 patients (38 with newly diagnosed SVV and 288 diseased controls). Results Specificity and positive likelihood ratios were higher for ELISA and FEIA than for IIF. Post-test probability for SVV of a positive test result was higher for ELISA and FEIA than for IIF. Decision tree analysis in which several testing strategies were compared revealed that a testing strategy that is based on screening with ELISA or FEIA had an expected clinical utility that was comparable to screening with IIF and confirming with ELISA or FEIA. The highest expected clinical utility was found when both IIF and ELISA or FEIA were performed on all samples. Conclusions A strategy based on screening for ANCA with ELISA or FEIA (without prior IIF) is a valuable alternative to screening with IIF and confirming with ELISA or FEIA. Keywords: Vasculitis; Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodiesstatus: publishe

    Sepsis with an Atopobium-like species in a patient with Fournier's gangrene

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    Atopobium species are Gram-positive, anaerobic, catalase-negative, fastidious bacteria belonging to the family Coriobacteriaceae. We report the isolation of an Atopobium-like species in a patient with Fournier's gangrene and highlight the role of 16S rRNA gene sequencing in the identification of fastidious organisms in the clinical laboratory

    Laser ablation of micro-photonic structures for efficient light collection and distribution

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    In this work we report the fabrication of polymer micro-photonic gratings for use in liquidcrystal based actively tunable electro-optic components. The gratings are produced by moving the sample surface sideways across a perpendicularly impinging KrF excimer laser beam (lambda = 248 nm), which is shaped by specially designed triangular and trapezoidal masks. To obtain correctly dimensioned and smooth grating surfaces, different materials (SU-8, polycarbonate, Epoclad and Epocore) are subjected to the laser ablation with optimized laser processing parameters. The resulting grating structures on Epocore exhibit the best surface roughness and dimensional fidelity. Optionally, spacers for maintaining the cell gap of the superimposed liquid crystal layer can also be fabricated in the same process. Two different methods were demonstrated: overlapping ablation and double mask ablation. Micro-grating structures were produced that deflect a monochromatic (543 nm) laser beam to the theoretically predicted 11th order with an angle of 7 degrees

    Binding of temocillin to plasma proteins in vitro and in vivo: the importance of plasma protein levels in different populations and of co-medications

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    Background Temocillin plasma protein binding (PPB) in healthy individuals is reported to be similar to 85% but had not been studied in patients. Objectives To obtain normative data on temocillin PPB in patients in relation to infection and impact of co-medications widely used in ICU. Methods Plasma was obtained from healthy individuals (Group #1), non-ICU patients with UTI (Group #2), ICU patients with suspected/confirmed ventriculitis (Group #3) or with sepsis/septic shock (Group #4). Total and unbound temocillin concentrations were measured in spiked samples from temocillin-naive donors (in vitro) or in plasma from temocillin-treated subjects (in vivo). The impact of diluting plasma, using pharmaceutical albumin, or adding drugs potentially competing for PPB was tested in spiked samples. Data were analysed using a modified Hill-Langmuir equation taking ligand depletion into account. Results Temocillin PPB was saturable in all groups, both in vitro and in vivo. Maximal binding capacity (B-max) was 1.2-2-fold lower in patients. At 20 and 200 mg/L (total concentrations), the unbound fraction reached 12%-29%, 23%-42% and 32%-52% in Groups #2, #3, #4. The unbound fraction was inversely correlated with albumin and C-reactive protein concentrations. Binding to albumin was 2-3-fold lower than in plasma and non-saturable. Drugs with high PPB but active at lower molar concentrations than temocillin caused minimal displacement, while fluconazole (low PPB but similar plasma concentrations to temocillin) increased up to 2-fold its unbound fraction. Conclusions Temocillin PPB is saturable, 2-4-fold lowered in infected patients in relation to disease severity (ICU admission, hypoalbuminaemia, inflammation) and only partially reproducible with albumin. Competition with other drugs must be considered for therapeutic concentrations to be meaningful