566 research outputs found

    Versace en la red social de Instagram

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    Hemos decidido elaborar un reportaje creativo de la marca de lujo Versace en Instagram ya que ha revolucionado la manera de conectar con la audiencia y promover su imagen en las redes sociales. Versace en la red social de Instagram es un reportaje que se despliega a lo largo de siete páginas. En ellas se sigue una estructura que abarca desde lo general hasta lo más concreto, contextualizando la historia de la reconocida marca Versace y analizando cómo el paso del tiempo y la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías han influido en la marca. En particular, se examina el uso que Versace hace de la popular red social Instagram. A través de este estudio, hemos descubierto cómo Versace ha logrado establecerse como una marca de moda líder en Instagram, demostrando su capacidad para adaptarse a las demandas cambiantes del mundo digital y mantenerse en la vanguardia de la industria.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Analisis Pengendalian Piutang Usaha Dalam Meminimalisir Piutang Tak Tertagih

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    ABSTRACTIn trading companies, trade receivables have an important role in the development of the company. Basically have two main impacts on the company. The first impact is the company’s claim on customer money, where this claim can add to the company’s assets when the receivables are paid. The second effect is the loss received if the receivables are not collectible. Therefore, there is a need to control trade receivables to prevent the second impact of uncollectible accounts. The purpose of this study was to determine the system of controlling accounts receivables at UD. Versace Jaya. This research method is qualitative. Data collection techniques are done through interviews and documentation. The results of this study found that the control system applied by UD. Versace Jaya is going well and in accordance with what was stated by Supriati. In his book title audit of financial statements of small and medium enterprises based on accounting and taxation. Keywords : Bad Debt Expense, Control receivables ABSTRAKPada perusahaan dagang, piutang usaha memiliki peranan yang cukup penting dalam perkembangan perusahaan. Pada dasarnya piutang usaha memiliki dua dampak utama pada perusahaan, dampak pertama yaitu klaim perusahaan terhadap uang pelanggan, dimana klaim ini bisa menambah harta perusahaan saat piutang terbayar. Dampak kedua adalah kerugian yang di terima jika piutang tersebut tidak tertagih. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya pengendalian piutang usaha untuk mencegah terjadinya dampak yang kedua yaitu piutang tak tertagih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengendalian piutang usaha dalam meminimalisir piutang tak tertagih pada UD. Versace Jaya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sistem pengendalian yang diterapkan UD. Versace Jaya berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan yang di kemukakan oleh Supriati, S.E.,M.Si.,Ak.,CA.,CTA. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Audit Laporan Keuangan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Berbasis Akuntansi dan Perpajakan. Kata Kunci : Pengendalian piutang, Piutang Tak Tertagi

    Evolutionary compromises in ecological adaptation: urea and ammonia tolerance in Drosophila suzukii and Drosophila melanogaster

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    The invasive species Drosophila suzukii has evolved morphological and behavioral adaptations to lay eggs under the skin of fresh fruits. This results in severe damage of a wide range of small fruits, making this species a serious agricultural and economical threat. Drosophila suzukii females typically lay few eggs per fruit, preferring not infested fruits. Hence, larvae are exposed to a reduced amount of nitrogenous waste. Differently, the innocuous Drosophila melanogaster lays eggs on fermented fruits already infested by conspecifics, with larvae developing in a crowded environment with accumulation of nitrogenous waste such as ammonia and urea. The observed differences in oviposition site and larval ecological niche suggest that these species might differ in behavioral and physiological mechanisms used to cope with nitrogenous waste. We investigated how different concentrations of ammonia and urea affect fecundity and larval development in both species. Females and larvae of D. suzukii showed greater sensitivity to high concentration of both compounds, with a dramatic decrease in fecundity and egg viability. To better understand the pathways underlying these differences, we evaluated the effect on ornithine aminotransferase and glutathione-S-transferase, two enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism and stress response that are expressed during larval development. Both ammonia and urea significantly reduced the expression of these enzymes in D. suzukii compared to D. melanogaster. This manifests how the ecological shift of D. suzukii to fresh fruit resulted in less efficient detoxifying and excretory mechanisms, with important implications for evolutionary biology and applied research

    A rare case of appendicular skeleton localization in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia successfully treated with salvage radiation therapy

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    Bone involvements in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are considered rare events, and the English-language medical literature describes them only in sporadic case reports. Consequently, robust indications for a rational clinical management are lacking. We report the case of a middle-aged man in clinical follow-up for CLL who experienced pain at the right tibial level that was refractory to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and an acute episode of anemia. Instrumental examinations and a bioptic sample surprisingly demonstrated a bone tibial localization by CLL

    The Fusion of Fashion and Rap Music

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    This project reviewed the relevant literature on the link between Hip-Hip and fashion, determined the frequency of brands being mentioned in the discographies of the artists chosen, and explained why it is important to know which brands are being mentioned by the artists chosen. The media we consume all means something, and this project determined what the Hip-hop music medium tells us about the fashion industry, and what brands artists choose to wear and endorse

    The Influence of the COVID-19 Virus on the Luxury Retail Market in 2020

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    On March 5, 2020 retailers' top priority has been the global spread of COVID-19 in recent weeks, which had a direct effect on the health and safety of their workers and customers.  Those concerns early in the year steered many retailers, to close their stores within China and constrain employee travel. Several weeks later, the virus has reached the U.S and other countries outside China, with 93,000 cases tracked worldwide as of March 4, 2020 according to the World Organization.  Many details about the disease, which has flu-like symptoms remain unknown, and health officials are still investigating how far and for how long it might spread. But as more cases of the disease have been reported globally, problems for the retail industry have materialized. For mass merchants like Walmart, the virus could have positive effects, since they are sources of groceries and disease-fighting essentials that consumers.  However, the luxury retail market has suffered tremendously.   One of the biggest signs of the industry's response has been the closure of fashion weeks. and many Luxury houses have closed their stores and canceled their shows.  This Research paper will investigate the crisis of COVID -19 and its influence on the luxury retail market particularly

    Suffolk Journal, vol. 81, no. 12, 2/7/2018

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    Come mangiare un cannolo con le bacchette

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    A story that begins with a pair of chopsticks, pizza, spaghetti and a cannolo and comes towards its close with models waiting at a partially abandoned dress rehearsal, the saga of the Dolce & Gabbana ‘The Great Show’ is one of digitisation and conflictual interactions between an international luxury fashion brand, Chinese and international media, an

    Feeling the heat: The campylobacter jejuni HrcA transcriptional repressor is an intrinsic protein thermosensor

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    The heat-shock response, a universal protective mechanism consisting of a transcriptional reprogramming of the cellular transcriptome, results in the accumulation of proteins which coun-teract the deleterious effects of heat-stress on cellular polypeptides. To quickly respond to thermal stress and trigger the heat-shock response, bacteria rely on different mechanisms to detect temperature variations, which can involve nearly all classes of biological molecules. In Campylobacter jejuni the response to heat-shock is transcriptionally controlled by a regulatory circuit involving two re-pressors, HspR and HrcA. In the present work we show that the heat-shock repressor HrcA acts as an intrinsic protein thermometer. We report that a temperature upshift up to 42°C negatively affects HrcA DNA-binding activity to a target promoter, a condition required for de-repression of regu-lated genes. Furthermore, we show that this impairment of HrcA binding at 42°C is irreversible in vitro, as DNA-binding was still not restored by reversing the incubation temperature to 37°C. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the DNA-binding activity of HspR, which controls, in combi-nation with HrcA, the transcription of chaperones’ genes, is unaffected by heat-stress up to 45°C, portraying this master repressor as a rather stable protein. Additionally, we show that HrcA binding activity is enhanced by the chaperonin GroE, upon direct protein–protein interaction. In conclu-sion, the results presented in this work establish HrcA as a novel example of intrinsic heat-sensing transcriptional regulator, whose DNA-binding activity is positively modulated by the GroE chap-eronin
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