26 research outputs found

    The Shifting Origins of International Law

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    Both state-centrism and Euro-centrism are under challenge in international law today and this double challenge, this work argues, is being fruitfully mirrored back into the study of the history of international law. It examines, in the first section, the effects of the rise of positivism as a method of norm-identification and the role of methodological nationalism over the study of the history of international law in the modern foundational period of international law. This is extended by an examination of how this bequeathed a double exclusionary bias regarding time and space to the study of the history of international law as well as a reiterative focus on a series of canonical events and authors to the exclusion of others such as those related to the Islamic history of international law. In the second section, the analysis turns to address why this state of historiographical affairs is changing, specifically highlighting intra-disciplinary developments within the field of the history of international law and the effects that the “international turn in the writing of history” is having on the writing of a new history of international law for a global age. The conclusion reflects on some of the tasks ahead by providing a series of historiographical signposts for the history of international law as a field of new research


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    Legal regulation of securing availability of humane pharmaceuticals

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    Právní úprava zajištění dostupnosti humánních léčiv Abstrakt Léčivé přípravky jsou specifickým druhem zboží nezbytným pro efektivní poskytování zdravotních služeb. Aby bylo možné předcházet nedostatku léčivých přípravků, svěřuje zákon o léčivech právní nástroje Ministerstvu zdravotnictví, Státnímu ústavu pro kontrolu léčiv a dalším subjektům. Cílem této práce je představit a analyzovat konkrétní nástroje, kterými lze řešit potenciální i nastalou situaci vzniku nedostupnosti léčivých přípravků pro pacienty na území České republiky. Za účelem přehlednosti je diplomová práce rozdělená celkem do 10 kapitol. V prvních dvou kapitolách jsou definovány základní pojmy, které jsou používány napříč celou diplomovou prací a správní orgány, které jsou důležitými aktéry v oblasti zajištění dostupnosti humánních léčiv. Co se týká základních pojmů, jedná se o léčivý přípravek, dostupnost léčivých přípravků, držitel rozhodnutí o registraci a uvedení léčivého přípravku na trh na území České republiky. Působnost správních orgánů v oblasti zajištění dostupnosti humánních léčiv, je blíže rozvedena v kapitole druhé. V kapitole třetí jsou uvedeny zdroje poznání při zjišťování potenciální nedostupnosti léčiv. Podrobně je zde rozebrán market report, tedy systém hlášení držitelů rozhodnutí o registraci týkající se uvedení, přerušení...Legislation for securing the availability of human pharmaceuticals Abstract Medicinal products are a specific type of goods necessary for effective provision of health services. The Act on Pharmaceuticals entrusts legal instruments to the Ministry of Health, the State Institute for Drug Control and other entities in order to prevent shortages of medicinal products. The goal of this thesis is to introduce and analyse specific instruments that can be used to resolve potential or existing shortages of medicinal products in the Czech Republic. For the purpose of clarity, the diploma thesis is divided into a total of 10 chapters. The first two chapters define the basic terms, which are then used throughout the thesis, and administrative bodies that are important participants in securing the availability of medicinal products. Regarding the basic terms, they are a medicinal product, availability of medicinal products, the marketing authorisation holder and placement of a medicinal product on the market in the Czech Republic. The competence of administrative bodies in the area of securing the availability of medicinal products is also elaborated in more detail in the second chapter. The third chapter introduces the sources of knowledge in determining the potential shortages of medicinal products. The market...Katedra správního práva a správní vědyDepartment of Administrative Law and Administrative ScienceFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Legal regulation of securing availability of humane pharmaceuticals

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    Legislation for securing the availability of human pharmaceuticals Abstract Medicinal products are a specific type of goods necessary for effective provision of health services. The Act on Pharmaceuticals entrusts legal instruments to the Ministry of Health, the State Institute for Drug Control and other entities in order to prevent shortages of medicinal products. The goal of this thesis is to introduce and analyse specific instruments that can be used to resolve potential or existing shortages of medicinal products in the Czech Republic. For the purpose of clarity, the diploma thesis is divided into a total of 10 chapters. The first two chapters define the basic terms, which are then used throughout the thesis, and administrative bodies that are important participants in securing the availability of medicinal products. Regarding the basic terms, they are a medicinal product, availability of medicinal products, the marketing authorisation holder and placement of a medicinal product on the market in the Czech Republic. The competence of administrative bodies in the area of securing the availability of medicinal products is also elaborated in more detail in the second chapter. The third chapter introduces the sources of knowledge in determining the potential shortages of medicinal products. The market..

    Theoretische Betrachtungen (1)

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