134 research outputs found

    Uses and Attitudes of Old and Oldest Adults towards Self-Monitoring Health Systems

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    Oldest adults (80 years and over) are the fastest growing group in the total world population. This is putting pressure on national healthcare budgets, as the distribution of healthcare expenses is strongly age-dependent. One way of mitigating this burden may be to let older adults contribute to their own health directly by using self-management health systems (SMHS). SMHS might help older, including oldest, adults gain insight into their health status, and invite them to take action. However, while many studies report on user evaluations of older adults with one specific sensor system, fewer studies report on older adults’ uses and attitudes towards integrated SMHS. Moreover, most studies include participants with mean ages of 65 rather than 80. In this paper, we report on a qualitative study, consisting of a focus group interview and a user evaluation of an SMHS by 12 participants with a median age of 85 years. Three main findings were derived: Older adults (1) showed heterogeneity in computer skills, (2) found health technologies useful for others – not yet for themselves, and (3) perceived health technologies as a threat to social interaction. These findings suggest that health technologies are not ready for adoption by older adults yet, and further research on making them more accessible and desirable is required

    On the hydrolysis of the Dysprosium(III) ion

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    The hydrolysis of the Dysprosium (III) (Dy 3+ ) ion has been investigated at 25°C in 1, 2 and 3 molal (Na)ClO4 medium through a combined potentiometric‐coulometric methodology. At each perchlorate concentration the formation constants of the complexes DyOH 2+ , Dy2(OH)2 4+ and Dy5(OH)9 6+ have been determined. The values have then been extrapolated to zero ionic strength by using the Specific Interaction Theory. Analogies with the hydrolysis mechanism of other lanthanides are pointed out. This paper is just the first to be reported of a series of studies undertaken with the aim to prove that a single mechanism of hydrolysis applies to all the trivalent lanthanides and probably to the corresponding actinides, too radioactive to be investigated directly

    The risk stratification of adverse neonatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes (STRONG) study

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    Aims: To assess the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes (GDM) by identifying subgroups of women at higher risk to recognize the characteristics most associated with an excess of risk. Methods: Observational, retrospective, multicenter study involving consecutive women with GDM. To identify distinct and homogeneous subgroups of women at a higher risk, the RECursive Partitioning and AMalgamation (RECPAM) method was used. Overall, 2736 pregnancies complicated by GDM were analyzed. The main outcome measure was the occurrence of adverse neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by GDM. Results: Among study participants (median age 36.8 years, pre-gestational BMI 24.8 kg/m2), six miscarriages, one neonatal death, but no maternal death was recorded. The occurrence of the cumulative adverse outcome (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.59–3.87), large for gestational age (OR 3.99, 95% CI 2.40–6.63), fetal malformation (OR 2.66, 95% CI 1.00–7.18), and respiratory distress (OR 4.33, 95% CI 1.33–14.12) was associated with previous macrosomia. Large for gestational age was also associated with obesity (OR 1.46, 95% CI 1.00–2.15). Small for gestational age was associated with first trimester glucose levels (OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.04–3.69). Neonatal hypoglycemia was associated with overweight (OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.02–2.27) and obesity (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.04–2.51). The RECPAM analysis identified high-risk subgroups mainly characterized by high pre-pregnancy BMI (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.21–2.33 for obese; OR 1.38 95% CI 1.03–1.87 for overweight). Conclusions: A deep investigation on the factors associated with adverse neonatal outcomes requires a risk stratification. In particular, great attention must be paid to the prevention and treatment of obesity

    Acetic Acid Bacteria: Physiology and Carbon Sources Oxidation

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    Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are obligately aerobic bacteria within the family Acetobacteraceae, widespread in sugary, acidic and alcoholic niches. They are known for their ability to partially oxidise a variety of carbohydrates and to release the corresponding metabolites (aldehydes, ketones and organic acids) into the media. Since a long time they are used to perform specific oxidation reactions through processes called “oxidative fermentations”, especially in vinegar production. In the last decades physiology of AAB have been widely studied because of their role in food production, where they act as beneficial or spoiling organisms, and in biotechnological industry, where their oxidation machinery is exploited to produce a number of compounds such as l-ascorbic acid, dihydroxyacetone, gluconic acid and cellulose. The present review aims to provide an overview of AAB physiology focusing carbon sources oxidation and main products of their metabolism

    Quality of life in liver transplant recipients during the Corona virus disease 19 pandemic: A multicentre study

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    Background: Liver transplant recipients require specific clinical and psychosocial attention given their frailty. Main aim of the study was to assess the quality of life after liver transplant during the current pandemic. Methods: This multicentre study was conducted in clinically stable, liver transplanted patients. Enrollment opened in June and finished in September 2021. Patients completed a survey including lifestyle data, quality of life (Short Form health survey), sport, employment, diet. To examine the correlations, we calculated Pearson coefficients while to compare subgroups, independent samples t-tests and ANOVAs. To detect the predictors of impaired quality of life, we used multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results: We analysed data from 511 patients observing significant associations between quality of life’s physical score and both age and adherence to Mediterranean diet (p <.01). A significant negative correlation was observed between mental score and the sedentary activity (p <.05). Female patients scored significantly lower than males in physical and mental score. At multivariate analysis, females were 1.65 times more likely to report impaired physical score than males. Occupation and physical activity presented significant positive relation with quality of life. Adherence to Mediterranean diet was another relevant predictor. Regarding mental score, female patients were 1.78 times more likely to show impaired mental score in comparison with males. Sedentary activity and adherence to Mediterranean diet were further noteworthy predictors. Conclusions: Females and subjects with sedentary lifestyle or work inactive seem to show the worst quality of life and both physical activity and Mediterranean diet might be helpful to improve it

    L'abuso sessuale nei bambini prepuberi. Requisiti e raccomandazioni per una valutazione appropriata

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    Il testo, in assenza di una specifica formazione universitaria, ha lo scopo di fornire un aiuto ai professionisti medici che si trovano a valutare un soggetto prepubere con sospetto di abuso sessuale. Esso non costituisce una linea-guida per la diagnosi di abuso sessuale, ma definisce alcuni requisiti essenziali e diffonde alcune conoscenze per evitare errori che possano ripercuotersi negativamente sulla valutazione. Sovente il professionista che si trova ad effettuare la prima valutazione pu\uf2 non avere le sufficienti competenze ed \ue8 quindi necessario acquisire le conoscenze che permettano di minimizzare il rischio di errori in un settore di particolare complessit\ue0
