248 research outputs found

    On two-dimensional nonlocal Venttsel' problems in piecewise smooth domains

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    We establish the regularity results for solutions of nonlocal Venttsel' problems in polygonal and piecewise smooth two-dimensional domains

    semilinear evolution problems with ventcel type conditions on fractal boundaries

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    A semilinear parabolic transmission problem with Ventcel's boundary conditions on a fractal interfaceSor the corresponding prefractal interfaceShis studied. Regularity results for the solution in both cases are proved. The asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the approximating problems to the solution of limit fractal problem is analyzed


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    We consider a measure valued map α(u) defined on D where D is a subspace of L^p(X,m) with X a locally compact Hausdorff topological space with a distance under which it is a space of homogeneous type. Under assumptions of convexity, Gateaux differentiability and other assumptions on α which generalize the properties of the energy measure of a Dirichlet form, we prove the Holder continuity of the local solution u of the problem  ∫Xµ(u,v)(dx) = 0  for each v belonging to a suitable space of test functions, where µ(u,v) =< α'(u),v >.We consider a measure valued map α(u) defined on D where D isa subspace of L^p(X,m) with X a locally compact Hausdorff topological space with a distance under which it is a space of homogeneous type. Under assumptions of convexity, Gateaux differentiability and otherassumptions on α which generalize the properties of the energy measure of a Dirichlet form, we prove the Holder continuity of the local solution u of the problem IXµ(u,v)(dx) = 0 for each v belonging to a suitable space of test functions, where µ(u,v) =< α'(u),v >

    Association of cytogenetic abnormalities in a neuroblastoma and fragile sites expression.

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    A 15 month old boy with a stage IV right suprarenal gland neuroblastoma showed a number of raised biochemical parameters, whilst catecholamines and skeletal survey were normal. Treatment with peptichemio failed to give a clinical response. Histological evidence of neuroblastoma infiltration in the bone marrow aspirate was absent. Immunofluorescence on sedimented cells was negative using antibody UJ223.8, PI153/3 and H11; only UJ308 and to a lesser extent UJ13A gave positive results. After 21 days, however, the same cells in culture showed highly differentiated dendritic processes. Thirty-seven percent metaphases from bone marrow aspirate showed the following karyotype 45XY, del (1) (p32), and two markers. Mar1 = der (2) t (2; 2) (2qter----2q14::2p24----2qter). Mar2 = der (15) t (15; 2) (15qter----15p11::2p11----2pter). Treatment with methotrexate reduced the aberrant mitoses rate to 2%. N-myc in situ hybridisation showed significant signal on both markers confirming the cytogenetic interpretation. Peripheral blood lymphocytes at 72 h showed a higher level of breaks per cell than control. After treatment with aphidicolin (APC) or methotrexate (MTX) for the last 24 h, to induce fragile sites, the incidence of breaks per cells was increased. Moreover 11.4% of APC-induced breaks were in 1p31-32 (mean of normal controls = 2.3%). The mother presented an increased sensitivity to the inducibility of fragile sites, while the father's lymphocytes showed values within the control range. The genetic changes produced by the abnormalities on chromosomes 1 and 2 might be related to tumour progression. Furthermore this is the first description of correlation between a high frequency of fragile site 1p31-32 induced by APC in the patient's lymphocytes and deletion of 1p32 in tumour cells. The interpretation of these findings and of other similar correlations needs further study

    Are dryland strength and power measurements associated with swimming performance? preliminary results on elite paralympic swimmers

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    This study aimed to identify the relationship between dryland tests and swimming performance in elite Paralympic swimmers. Fifteen competitive swimmers (age: 27.4 ± 5.4 years, height: 1.70 ± 6.8 m, body mass: 67.9 ± 9.2 kg; 9 males, 6 females) performed a lat pull-down and a bench press incremental load test to determine maximum power (Pmax), the strength corresponding to maximum power (F@Pmax), and the barbell velocity corresponding to maximum power (V@Pmax) from the force–velocity and power–velocity profiles. These outcomes were also normalized by the athlete’s body mass. Swimming performance was carried out from the best result in a 100 m freestyle race registered during an international competition. Lat pull-down F@Pmax was significantly associated with 100 m freestyle chronometric time (ρ = −0.56, p < 0.05), and lat pull-down V@Pmax presented a relationship with mean swimming velocity (ρ = 0.71, p < 0.01). Similarly, bench press F@Pmax and the normalized F@Pmax were significantly related to the mean swimming velocity (ρ = −0.51, ρ = −0.62, p < 0.05). Stepwise multiple regression showed that lat pull-down V@Pmax, bench press normF@Pmax, and V@Pmax accounted for 40.6%, 42.3%, and 65.8% (p < 0.05) of the mean swimming velocity variance. These preliminary results highlighted that simple dryland tests, although with a moderate relationship, are significantly associated with 100 m freestyle swimming performance in elite Paralympic swimmers

    Fluoration de l’émail in vitro par laser à rayons ultraviolets

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    28 samples of human enamel have been studied in order to measure fluoride absorption after treatment with ultraviolet radiations.Samples treated with topical application only presented limited fluoride absorption in enamel surface (up to 0,5 µm deep). The absorption rate was higher, using an U.V. lamp. In samples treated with «excimer» laser, fluoride absorption was much higher in the surface layer and occurred also deeper (3 µm).28 échantillons d’émail dentaire humain ont été analysés afin de quantifier l’absorption du fluor après traitement aux rayons ultraviolets.Les analyses ont montré que les échantillons soumis à une simple application topique présentent une absorption de fluor modeste, uniquement dans les couches superficielles de l’émail (jusqu’à 0,5 µm de profondeur). L’absorption est plus importante en utilisant une lampe à vapeur de mercure. Avec le laser «excimer», comparé aux deux autres méthodes, la fixation du fluor dans le réseau de l’émail est très supérieure en surface et se produit également en profondeur (3 µm)

    L’emploi de la stabilométrie assistée par ordinateur dans le diagnostic des troubles crânio-mandibulaires (TCM)

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the cervical region and the stomatognatic system on the balance control. We examined 35 healthy subjects and 201 balance disorder patients; of the 201 patients 60 suffered also from craniomandibular disorders (CMD) and 40 from cervical rachis disease. All cases were tested by computerized stabilometry executed in Romberg position: with closed eyes, retroflexed head and two cotton roles between the dental archs. The results show that cervical rachis disease and stomatognatic dysfunction have a significative influence on the balance control; however, this influence is smaller than that of vestibular disease; moreover, the computer stabilometry allows to measure the degree of ascending or descending correlation between the posture and stomatognatic system.Le but de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’influence de la région cervicale et de l’appareil stomatognatique sur le contrôle postural. On a examiné 35 sujets normaux et 201 patients avec troubles de l’équilibre, dont 60 présentaient aussi des troubles cranio-mandibulaires (TCM) et 40 une pathologie du rachis cervical. Tous les patients ont été soumis à un examen stabilométrique assisté par ordinateur, effectué en position de Romberg: les yeux fermés, la tête en rétroflexion, en occlusion modifiée par rouleaux interdentaires. Les résultats indiquent que les pathologies du rachis cervical et celles de l’appareil stomatognatique ont une influence significative sur le contrôle postural; toutefois, cette influence est nettement inférieure à celle des pathologies vestibulaires. Ils montrent également que la stabilométrie permet de mesurer le degré de corrélation ascendant ou descendant entre la posture et l’appareil stomatognatique