9 research outputs found

    Domestication of different varieties in the cheese-making fungus Geotrichum candidum

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    Domestication is an excellent model for studying adaptation processes, involving recent adaptation and diversification, convergence following adaptation to similar conditions, as well as degeneration of unused functions. Geotrichum candidum is a fungus used for cheese making and is also found in other environments such as soil and plants. By analyzing whole-genome data from 98 strains, we found that all strains isolated from cheese formed a monophyletic clade. Within the cheese clade, we identified three genetically differentiated populations and we detected footprints of recombination and admixture. The genetic diversity in the cheese clade was similar as that in the wild clade, suggesting the lack of strong bottlenecks. Commercial starter strains were scattered across the cheese clade, thus not constituting a single clonal lineage. The cheese populations were phenotypically differentiated from other populations, with a slower growth on all media, even cheese, a prominent production of typical cheese volatiles and a lower proteolytic activity. One of the cheese clusters encompassed all soft goat cheese strains, suggesting an effect of cheese-making practices on differentiation. Another of the cheese populations seemed to represent a more advanced stage of domestication, with stronger phenotypic differentiation from the wild clade, harboring much lower genetic diversity, and phenotypes more typical of cheese fungi, with denser and fluffier colonies and a greater ability of excluding cheese spoiler fungi. Cheese populations lacked two beta lactamase-like genes present in the wild clade, involved in xenobiotic clearance, and displayed higher contents of transposable elements, likely due to relaxed selection. Our findings suggest the existence of genuine domestication in G. candidum, which led to diversification into different varieties with contrasted phenotypes. Some of the traits acquired by cheese strains indicate convergence with other, distantly related fungi used for cheese maturation

    CRISPRCasdb a successor of CRISPRdb containing CRISPR arrays and cas genes from complete genome sequences, and tools to download and query lists of repeats and spacers

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    International audienceIn Archaea and Bacteria, the arrays called CRISPRs for 'clustered regularly interspaced short palin-dromic repeats' and the CRISPR associated genes or cas provide adaptive immunity against viruses, plas-mids and transposable elements. Short sequences called spacers, corresponding to fragments of invading DNA, are stored in-between repeated sequences. The CRISPR-Cas systems target sequences homol-ogous to spacers leading to their degradation. To facilitate investigations of CRISPRs, we developed 12 years ago a website holding the CRISPRdb. We now propose CRISPRCasdb, a completely new version giving access to both CRISPRs and cas genes. We used CRISPRCasFinder, a program that identifies CRISPR arrays and cas genes and determine the system's type and subtype, to process public whole genome assemblies. Strains are displayed either in an alphabetic list or in taxonomic order. The database is part of the CRISPR-Cas ++ website which also offers the possibility to analyse submitted sequences and to download programs. A BLAST search against lists of repeats and spacers extracted from the database is proposed. To date, 16 990 complete prokaryote genomes (16 650 bacteria from 2973 species and 340 archaea from 300 species) are included. CRISPR-Cas systems were found in 36% of Bacteria and 75% of Archaea strains. CRISPRCasdb is freely accessible at https://crisprcas.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/

    Bacillus anthracis Phylogeography: New Clues From Kazakhstan, Central Asia

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    International audienceThis article describes Bacillus anthracis strains isolated in Kazakhstan since the 1950s until year 2016 from sixty-one independent events associated with anthrax in humans and animals. One hundred and fifty-four strains were first genotyped by Multiple Locus VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) Analysis (MLVA) using 31 VNTR loci. Thirty-five MLVA31 genotypes were resolved, 28 belong to the A1/TEA group, five to A3/Sterne-Ames group, one to A4/Vollum and one to the B clade. This is the first report of the presence of the B-clade in Kazakhstan. The MLVA31 results and epidemiological data were combined to select a subset of seventy-nine representative strains for draft whole genome sequencing (WGS). Strains from Kazakhstan significantly enrich the known phylogeny of the Ames group polytomy, including the description of a new branch closest to the Texas, United States A.Br.Ames sublineage stricto sensu. Three among the seven currently defined branches in the TEA polytomy are present in Kazakhstan, “Tsiankovskii”, “Heroin”, and “Sanitary Technical Institute (STI)”. In particular, strains from the STI lineage are largely predominant in Kazakhstan and introduce numerous deep branching STI sublineages, demonstrating a high geographic correspondence between “STI” and Kazakhstan, Central Asia. This observation is a strong indication that the TEA polytomy emerged after the last political unification of Asian steppes in the fourteenth century of the Common Era. The phylogenetic analysis of the Kazakhstan data and of currently available WGS data of worldwide origin strengthens our understanding of B. anthracis geographic expansions in the past seven centuries

    A new cheese population in Penicillium roqueforti and adaptation of the five populations to their ecological niche

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    Abstract Domestication is an excellent case study for understanding adaptation and multiple fungal lineages have been domesticated for fermenting food products. Studying domestication in fungi has thus both fundamental and applied interest. Genomic studies have revealed the existence of four populations within the blue‐cheese‐making fungus Penicillium roqueforti. The two cheese populations show footprints of domestication, but the adaptation of the two non‐cheese populations to their ecological niches (i.e., silage/spoiled food and lumber/spoiled food) has not been investigated yet. Here, we reveal the existence of a new P. roqueforti population, specific to French Termignon cheeses, produced using small‐scale traditional practices, with spontaneous blue mould colonisation. This Termignon population is genetically differentiated from the four previously identified populations, providing a novel source of genetic diversity for cheese making. The Termignon population indeed displayed substantial genetic diversity, both mating types, horizontally transferred regions previously detected in the non‐Roquefort population, and intermediate phenotypes between cheese and non‐cheese populations. Phenotypically, the non‐Roquefort cheese population was the most differentiated, with specific traits beneficial for cheese making, in particular higher tolerance to salt, to acidic pH and to lactic acid. Our results support the view that this clonal population, used for many cheese types in multiple countries, is a domesticated lineage on which humans exerted strong selection. The lumber/spoiled food and silage/spoiled food populations were not more tolerant to crop fungicides but showed faster growth in various carbon sources (e.g., dextrose, pectin, sucrose, xylose and/or lactose), which can be beneficial in their ecological niches. Such contrasted phenotypes between P. roqueforti populations, with beneficial traits for cheese‐making in the cheese populations and enhanced ability to metabolise sugars in the lumber/spoiled food population, support the inference of domestication in cheese fungi and more generally of adaptation to anthropized environments

    Characterization of sixteen Achromobacter xylosoxidans phages from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, isolated on a single clinical strain

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    Sixteen bacteriophages of Achromobacter xylosoxidans distributed into four genera have been isolated from sewage water in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, using a single clinical strain, and their genomes have been sequenced. Three podoviruses belonged to the genus Phikmvvirus, and these represent the first A. xylosoxidans phages of this genus. Seven podoviruses, distributed into three groups, belonged to the genus Jwalphavirus. Among the siphoviruses, three revealed similarities to Pseudomonas phage 73 and members of the genus Septimatrevirus, and three were YuA-like phages. The virulence of these phages toward a panel of 10 genetically diverse strains was tested, with the phiKMV-like phages showing the broadest host range

    Complete Genome Sequences of Five Acinetobacter baumannii Phages from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

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    International audienceFive bacteriophages of Acinetobacter baumannii were isolated from sewage water in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Phages Aci01-1, Aci02-2, and Aci05 belong to an unclassified genus of the Myoviridae family, with double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genomes, whereas Aci07 and Aci08 belong to the Fri1virus genus of the Podoviridae family of phages