27 research outputs found

    Analyse de la situation de la Consultation de santé sexuelle Planning familial de Profa

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    Le présent rapport est structuré de la maniÚre suivante : le chapitre 2 décrit la méthode utilisée ; le chapitre 3 est consacré à l'activité de consultation et le chapitre 4 à l'action communautaire. Le chapitre 5 concerne la notion de centre de référence. Une analyse ciblée de la littérature, ainsi que les consultations de santé sexuelle dans les autres cantons romands sont présentés au chapitre 6. Les conclusions et recommandations sont exposées au chapitre 7

    Multicolor two-photon light-sheet microscopy

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    International audienceTwo-photon microscopy is the most effective approach for deep-tissue fluorescence cellular imaging; however, its application to high-throughput or high-content imaging is often hampered by low pixel rates, challenging multicolor excitation and potential cumulative photodamage. To overcome these limitations, we extended our prior work and combined two-photon scanned light-sheet..

    Retinoic Acid Controls the Bilateral Symmetry of Somite Formation in the Mouse Embryo

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    A striking characteristic of vertebrate embryos is their bilaterally symmetric body plan, which is particularly obvious at the level of the somites and their derivatives such as the vertebral column. Segmentation of the presomitic mesoderm must therefore be tightly coordinated along the left and right embryonic sides. We show that mutant mice defective for retinoic acid synthesis exhibit delayed somite formation on the right side. Asymmetric somite formation correlates with a left-right desynchronization of the segmentation clock oscillations. These data implicate retinoic acid as an endogenous signal that maintains the bilateral synchrony of mesoderm segmentation, and therefore controls bilateral symmetry, in vertebrate embryos

    The JWST Galactic Center Survey -- A White Paper

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    The inner hundred parsecs of the Milky Way hosts the nearest supermassive black hole, largest reservoir of dense gas, greatest stellar density, hundreds of massive main and post main sequence stars, and the highest volume density of supernovae in the Galaxy. As the nearest environment in which it is possible to simultaneously observe many of the extreme processes shaping the Universe, it is one of the most well-studied regions in astrophysics. Due to its proximity, we can study the center of our Galaxy on scales down to a few hundred AU, a hundred times better than in similar Local Group galaxies and thousands of times better than in the nearest active galaxies. The Galactic Center (GC) is therefore of outstanding astrophysical interest. However, in spite of intense observational work over the past decades, there are still fundamental things unknown about the GC. JWST has the unique capability to provide us with the necessary, game-changing data. In this White Paper, we advocate for a JWST NIRCam survey that aims at solving central questions, that we have identified as a community: i) the 3D structure and kinematics of gas and stars; ii) ancient star formation and its relation with the overall history of the Milky Way, as well as recent star formation and its implications for the overall energetics of our galaxy's nucleus; and iii) the (non-)universality of star formation and the stellar initial mass function. We advocate for a large-area, multi-epoch, multi-wavelength NIRCam survey of the inner 100\,pc of the Galaxy in the form of a Treasury GO JWST Large Program that is open to the community. We describe how this survey will derive the physical and kinematic properties of ~10,000,000 stars, how this will solve the key unknowns and provide a valuable resource for the community with long-lasting legacy value.Comment: This White Paper will be updated when required (e.g. new authors joining, editing of content). Most recent update: 24 Oct 202

    Spectroscopic and interferometric study of NGC 1068's active nucleus in the near-infrared

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    Je prĂ©sente dans cette thĂšse une Ă©tude du noyau actif de NGC 1068, standard du type Seyfert 2. En utilisant SPHERE et GRAVITY, deux instruments du Very Large Telescope permettant d'atteindre une haute rĂ©solution angulaire dans l'infrarouge proche, je dresse un portrait multi-Ă©chelles de l'objet. La premiĂšre partie, construite autour d'une observation spectroscopique SPHERE, se focalise sur l'Ă©tude des structures Ă  grande Ă©chelle formĂ©es par les populations stellaires et la rĂ©gion de gaz ionisĂ©. L'Ă©tude du continuum d'Ă©mission rĂ©vĂšle une prĂ©sence uniforme d'Ă©toiles chaudes dans toute la rĂ©gion ainsi qu'un jeune amas stellaire central dont l'Ăąge est estimĂ© par une comparaison avec un modĂšle d'Ă©volution de population stellaire. La dynamique de la rĂ©gion de gaz ionisĂ© est Ă©galement mesurĂ©e au travers de nombreuses raies d'Ă©mission, dont le comportement Doppler montre un vent bipolaire.La seconde partie, basĂ©e sur une observation interfĂ©romĂ©trique GRAVITY, est dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©tude de la rĂ©gion la plus interne du tore, oĂč la poussiĂšre chauffĂ©e par le rayonnement central est Ă  sa limite de sublimation. J'utilise diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de complexitĂ© croissante pour interprĂ©ter les observables interfĂ©romĂ©triques : des modĂšles gĂ©omĂ©triques, des reconstructions d'image, et une modĂ©lisation physique en trois dimensions. Le modĂšle le plus abouti, qui utilise le code de simulation MontAGN pour simuler le transfert radiatif et l'Ă©mission infrarouge d'un disque de poussiĂšre chauffĂ© par une source centrale, est capable de reproduire convenablement l'ensemble des observables. Il permet entre autres d'obtenir une estimation du rayon interne de la structure, de son Ă©paisseur, de son orientation dans l'espace, de sa densitĂ© de poussiĂšre, et de l'extinction d'avant-plan.L'orientation de la structure, qui laisse dĂ©gagĂ©e la ligne de visĂ©e vers la source centrale, est surprenante tant au regard de la nature obscurcie du noyau de NGC 1068 que des mesures directes d'orientation des disques aux Ă©chelles spatiales juste supĂ©rieures. Ce rĂ©sultat pourrait s'expliquer par la prĂ©sence d'un disque dĂ©formĂ© ou d'un systĂšme d'anneaux intriquĂ©s possĂ©dant des orientations diffĂ©rentes.I present a study of the active nucleus of NGC 1068, archetype of Seyfert 2 galaxies. Using SPHERE and GRAVITY, two near infrared-high angular resolution instruments from the Very Large Telescope, I draw a multi-scale picture of the object.The first part -built around a SPHERE spectroscopic observation- is focused on the study of large-scale structures formed by the stellar populations and the ionized gaz region. The study of the continuum emission reveals a uniform presence of hot stars in the region, as well as a central stellar cluster whose age is estimated from a stellar population evolutionnary model. The dynamics of the ionised gaz is also observed through many emission lines, whose Doppler shift highlights a bipolar wind.The second part -based on a GRAVITY interferometric observation- is dedicated to the study of the inner edge of the torus, where hot dust heated by the central radiation is close to sublimation. I use several methods to interpret and reproduce the observables: geometrical models, image reconstructions, and a physical three dimensional simulation.The most advanced method, which uses the simulation code MontAGN to simulate the radiative transfer and the infrared emission of disk heated by a central source, is able to reproduce correctly all the observables. It provides among other an estimation of the sublimation radius of the structure, its width, its density, its three dimension orientation, its density and the foreground extinction.The orientation of the structure, which is not observed edge-on and does not obscure the central source, is surprising, in regard to both the well-known obscured nature of the nucleus and the direct measurement of the orientation of structures similar scale. This result may be explained by the presence of warped disk or a system of intricated rings with different observations

    Étude spectroscopique et interfĂ©romĂ©trique du noyau actif de NGC 1068 dans l’infrarouge proche

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    I present a study of the active nucleus of NGC 1068, archetype of Seyfert 2 galaxies. Using SPHERE and GRAVITY,two near infrared-high angular resolution instruments from the Very Large Telescope, I draw a multi-scale picture of theobject.The first part -built around a SPHERE spectroscopic observation- is focused on the study of large-scale structures formedby the stellar populations and the ionized gaz region. The study of the continuum emission reveals a uniform presence ofhot stars in the region, as well as a central stellar cluster whose age is estimated from a stellar population evolutionnarymodel. The dynamics of the ionised gaz is also observed through many emission lines, whose Doppler shift highlights abipolar wind.The second part -based on a GRAVITY interferometric observation- is dedicated to the study of the inner edge of the torus,where hot dust heated by the central radiation is close to sublimation. I use several methods to interpret and reproducethe observables: geometrical models, image reconstructions, and a physical three dimensional simulation.The most advanced method, which uses the simulation code MontAGN to simulate the radiative transfer and the infraredemission of disk heated by a central source, is able to reproduce correctly all the observables. It provides among other anestimation of the sublimation radius of the structure, its width, its density, its three dimension orientation, its density andthe foreground extinction.The orientation of the structure, which is not observed edge-on and does not obscure the central source, is surprising, inregard to both the well-known obscured nature of the nucleus and the direct measurement of the orientation of structuressimilar scale. This result may be explained by the presence of warped disk or a system of intricated rings with differentobservations.Je prĂ©sente dans cette thĂšse une Ă©tude du noyau actif de NGC 1068, standard du type Seyfert 2. En utilisant SPHEREet GRAVITY, deux instruments du Very Large Telescope permettant d’atteindre une haute rĂ©solution angulaire dansl’infrarouge proche, je dresse un portrait multi-Ă©chelles de l’objet.La premiĂšre partie, construite autour d’une observation spectroscopique SPHERE, se focalise sur l’étude des structuresĂ  grande Ă©chelle formĂ©es par les populations stellaires et la rĂ©gion de gaz ionisĂ©. L’étude du continuum d’émissionrĂ©vĂšle une prĂ©sence uniforme d’étoiles chaudes dans toute la rĂ©gion ainsi qu’un jeune amas stellaire central dont l’ñgeest estimĂ© par une comparaison avec un modĂšle d’évolution de population stellaire. La dynamique de la rĂ©gion de gazionisĂ© est Ă©galement mesurĂ©e au travers de nombreuses raies d’émission, dont le comportement Doppler montre un ventbipolaire.La seconde partie, basĂ©e sur une observation interfĂ©romĂ©trique GRAVITY, est dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  l’étude de la rĂ©gion la plusinterne du tore, oĂč la poussiĂšre chauffĂ©e par le rayonnement central est Ă  sa limite de sublimation. J’utilise diffĂ©rentesmĂ©thodes de complexitĂ© croissante pour interprĂ©ter les observables interfĂ©romĂ©triques : des modĂšles gĂ©omĂ©triques, desreconstructions d’image, et une modĂ©lisation physique en trois dimensions.Le modĂšle le plus abouti, qui utilise le code de simulation MontAGN pour simuler le transfert radiatif et l’émission infra-rouge d’un disque de poussiĂšre chauffĂ© par une source centrale, est capable de reproduire convenablement l’ensembledes observables. Il permet entre autres d’obtenir une estimation du rayon interne de la structure, de son Ă©paisseur, deson orientation dans l’espace, de sa densitĂ© de poussiĂšre, et de l’extinction d’avant-plan.L’orientation de la structure, qui laisse dĂ©gagĂ©e la ligne de visĂ©e vers la source centrale, est surprenante tant au regard dela nature obscurcie du noyau de NGC 1068 que des mesures directes d’orientation des disques aux Ă©chelles spatialesjuste supĂ©rieures. Ce rĂ©sultat pourrait s’expliquer par la prĂ©sence d’un disque dĂ©formĂ© ou d’un systĂšme d’anneauxintriquĂ©s possĂ©dant des orientations diffĂ©rentes

    New insights on the central stellar population and gas outflow in NGC 1068 from YJH spectroscopy with SPHERE/VLT

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    Aims. We characterise the properties of stars, dust, and gas and their spatial distribution in the central region of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. Method. Our study is based on near-infrared (YJH, 0.95−1.650 ÎŒm, R = 350) long-slit spectroscopy observations of the central region of NGC 1068 with a 0.4″ spatial resolution. We decomposed the observed continuum emission into three components: hot dust, stars, and scattered light from the central engine. We measured their contributions at various distances from the nucleus. We also measured fluxes and Doppler shifts for the emission lines in our spectrum to probe the physical conditions of the narrow line region. Results. Dust and stars are the main sources of continuum emission, but scattered light from the central engine has also been detected in the very central region. Together, these three components reproduce the observed continuum well. The dust emission is compatible with a 830 K blackbody. It has only been detected in the very central region and is not spatially resolved. The stellar content is ubiquitous. It harbours a 250 pc cusp centred around the nucleus, over-imposed on a young stellar background. The spectrum of the cusp is consistent with a 120 Myr old single stellar population. Finally, the emission lines exhibit a significant Doppler shift that is consistent with a radial outflow from the nucleus in a biconical structure. The [Fe II] behaviour strongly differs from other lines, indicating that it arises from a different structure

    Orientations professionnelles atypiques: transgression des normes de genre et effets identitaires

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    Par le biais d'analyses secondaires des données longitudinales suisses issues de l'étude « Transition entre l'école et l'emploi », cet article analyse les effets des aspirations professionnelles atypiques du point de vue du genre et de l'exercice d'une profession atypique sur l'identité des jeunes et leur conformisme aux rÎles sexués. Les résultats montrent que les filles aspirent plus que les garçons à exercer des métiers majoritairement occupés par le sexe opposé, mais ont beaucoup moins de chances qu'eux d'accéder à ce type de métier. Il apparaßt également que les filles qui exercent une profession dite masculine sont moins centrées que les autres filles sur la sphÚre domestique. L'exercice d'une profession dite féminine renforce l'importance que les garçons accordent au monde du travail salarié, au détriment du domaine familial. Ainsi l'exercice d'un métier atypique semble conduire à une transgression des normes du genre chez les filles et à un renforcement de celles-ci chez les garçons

    Multiphoton light-sheet microscopy using wavelength mixing: fast multicolor imaging of the beating Zebrafish heart with low photobleaching.

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    International audienceTwo-photon laser scanning microscopy has become a standard to map thick and live tissues. However, its application for fast and multicolor imaging remains challenging. To address this issue, we report on the implementation of mixed wavelength excitation in a two-photon light-sheet microscope. We illustrate the potential of the technique by recording sustained multicolor two-photon movies of the beating heart in zebrafish embryos with negligible photobleaching at 28 million pixels/second. In particular, 3D reconstructions of the heart periodic motion are obtained with sufficient spatiotemporal resolution to track the fast movements of individual cells during a cardiac cycle. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Le brevet de technicien supĂ©rieur professionnel “environnement nuclĂ©aire”, suite logique du Bac Pro

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    L’article explique la dĂ©marche retenue pour la mise en oeuvre du diplĂŽme. L’analyse des emplois proposĂ©s par les reprĂ©sentants des industriels, du donneur d’ordre au soustraitant, a permis l’émergence de fonctions principales dĂ©volues au futur diplĂŽmĂ© qui ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© dĂ©composĂ©es en tĂąches. Dans le cadre du groupe de travail mixte Industriels/ Education Nationale, les compĂ©tences nĂ©cessaires ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es par tĂąche puis regroupĂ©es en “grandes compĂ©tences”. Les travaux ont ensuite consistĂ© Ă  regrouper les savoirs exigĂ©s pour chacune d’entre elles en savoirs gĂ©nĂ©raux qui constituent le socle de l’enseignement. GrĂące Ă  cette dĂ©marche, les enseignements traditionnels tels que la physique et la chimie sont Ă©valuĂ©s Ă  partir d’épreuves opĂ©rationnelles, par exemple “ModĂ©liser et choisir une technique Ă  mettre en oeuvre dans un environnement nuclĂ©aire” ; une premiĂšre pour un BTS Pro