489 research outputs found

    The main problems of food allergic consumers concerning food labeling: an ethnographic study

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    It has been estimated that 58% of children and 12% of the adults in developed countries are affected by food allergy, with symptoms ranging from discomfort to fatality. At present, avoidance of problematic foods is the only effective treatment strategy. As of November 25 th , 2005 food manufacturers in the EU are obliged to list 12 potentially allergic ingredients in food. Although the label is still not always fully understood by the consumer, or they get confused by precautionary labelling practices. This paper aims to gain insights into the information preferences of food allergic consumers regarding existing food labelling and additional information delivery systems. The results of this study will facilitate the development of best practices in information provision regarding food safety in the area of food allergy. In particular the research will elicit preferences for new ICT approaches to information delivery which can be focused on the individual needs of consumers. We argue that improved information supply will contribute to the quality of life of food allergic people.Food allergy, consumers, food labelling, information needs, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Toekomstbeeld broeikasgasbalans van het Nederlandse landschap

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    De mondiale emissies van CO2 zijn de afgelopen jaren substantieel gestegen. Een afbuiging van deze trend lijkt noodzakelijk, wil de concentratie in de atmosfeer niet te hoog oplopen. De internationale gemeenschap probeert die te realiseren door stevige reductiedoelstellingen vast te stellen voor de komende tien tot dertig jaar. De inspanningen zijn gericht op terugdringen van emissies, compensatie van de uitstoot door afvang en opslag van CO2 en de omschakeling naar een duurzame energievoorziening

    Mogelijke schade door waterberging op landbouwgrond

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    De implementatie van 'Waterbeheer 21e eeuw' richt zich momenteel vooral op de kwantitatieve aspecten van waterberging. Waar, wanneer, hoeveel en hoelang kan water worden geborgen? Aan de kwalitatieve effecten hiervan op gewassen, vee en productie-omstandigheden is tot nu toe nog weinig aandacht besteed. Vanuit de landbouw is aangedrongen op onderzoek naar de effecten van waterberging. In opdracht van de STOWA is binnen het regionale watersysteem verkend of waterberging op korte of langere termijn grote risico’s met zich mee brengt voor de landbouw. Feiten en ficties zijn zo goed mogelijk in beeld gebracht. De studie is uitgevoerd door Alterra, Plant Research International en Centraal Instituut voor Dierziekte Controle (CIDC) Lelystad. De resultaten zijn door het Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en het Centrum voor Landbouw en Milieu in een kennistabel bijeengebrach

    Nitrogen source apportionment for the catchment, estuary and adjacent coastal waters of the Scheldt.

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    Using the systems approach framework (SAF), a coupled model suite was developed for simulating land-use decision making in response to nutrient abatement costs and water and nutrient fluxes in the hydrological network of the Scheldt River, and nutrient fluxes in the estuary and adjacent coastal sea. The purpose was to assess the efficiency of different long-term water quality improvement measures in current and future climate and societal settings, targeting nitrogen (N) load reduction. The spatial-dynamic model suite consists of two dynamically linked modules: PCRaster is used for the drainage network and is combined with ExtendSim modules for farming decision making and estuarine N dispersal. Model predictions of annual mean flow and total N concentrations compared well with data available for river and estuary (r² ≥ 0.83). Source apportionment was carried out to societal sectors and administrative regions; both households and agriculture are the major sources of N, with the regions of Flanders and Wallonia contributing most. Load reductions by different measures implemented in the model were comparable (~75% remaining after 30 yr), but costs differed greatly. Increasing domestic sewage connectivity was more effective, at comparatively low cost (47% remaining). The two climate scenarios did not lead to major differences in load compared with the business-as-usual scenario (~88% remaining). Thus, this spatially explicit model of water flow and N fluxes in the Scheldt catchment can be used to compare different long-term policy options for N load reduction to river, estuary, and receiving sea in terms of their effectiveness, cost, and optimal location of implementation

    Visions for the North Sea: The Societal Dilemma Behind Specifying Good Environmental Status.

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    We augment discussions about the Good Environmental Status of the North Sea by developing two extreme visions and assessing their societal benefits. One vision (‘Then’) assumes restoration of benthic functioning; we contend that trawling had already degraded the southern North Sea a century ago. Available information is used to speculate about benthic functioning in a relatively undisturbed southern North Sea. The second vision (‘Now’) draws on recent benthic functioning. The supply of five ecosystem services, supported by benthic functioning, is discussed. ‘Then’ offers confidence in the sustainable supply of diverse services but restoration of past function is uncertain and likely to be paired with costs, notably trawling restraints. ‘Now’ delivers known and valued services but sustained delivery is threatened by, for example, climate change. We do not advocate either vision. Our purpose is to stimulate debate about what society wants, and might receive, from the future southern North Sea

    Klimaatbuffers: wat bedoelen we eigenlijk?

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    Klimaatbuffers zijn bedoeld om stad en land te beschermen tegen klimaatverandering. Maar klimaatbuffers gaan ook over natuurlijke oplossingen en meer kansen voor natuur en landschap. De coalitie Natuurlijke Klimaatbuffers, een coalitie van zeven natuurorganisaties, zag de mogelijkheden en ging samenwerken met waterbeherend Nederland om natuurwinst te realiseren bij concrete inrichtingsprojecten die ons land klimaatbestendiger moeten maken. Dit themanummer brengt voorbeeldprojecten, opinie en verdieping bij elkaar om te onderstrepen dat dit nodig is en ook werkt

    Obesity, unhappiness, and the challenge of affluence : theory and evidence

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    Is affluence a good thing? The book "The Challenge of Affluence" by Avner Offer (2006) argues that economic prosperity weakens self-control and undermines human well-being. Consistent with a pessimistic view, we show that psychological distress has been rising through time in modern Great Britain. Taking over-eating as an example, our data reveal that half the British population view themselves as overweight, and that happiness and mental health are worse among fatter people in Britain and Germany. Comparisons also matter. We discuss problems of inference and argue that longitudinal data are needed. We suggest a theory of obesity imitation where utility depends on relative weight