118 research outputs found

    Au large de Marseille – Mouillage de l’üle Daume (EA 3473)

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    Cette opĂ©ration s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e en octobre 2015 et a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e en deux volets : un sondage dans le secteur dĂ©clarĂ© par Marc Verlaque en 2012 Ă  l’est de l’üle Daume et un inventaire couplĂ© Ă  l’étude du mobilier archĂ©ologique de la collection de l’inventeur conservĂ© au dĂ©pĂŽt rĂ©gional de l’archĂ©ologie. L’objectif Ă©tait multiple, il s’agissait Ă  la fois de prĂ©ciser la nature du gisement et ses sĂ©quences chronologiques de frĂ©quentation, mais aussi de rĂ©aliser un inventaire couplĂ© Ă  une Ă©tude du mob..

    Uspostavljanje popisa morskih invazivnih vrsta u ESENIAS području: sadaơnja situacija i buduća očekivanja

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    In this study we present a list of invasive/potential invasive alien species in the East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS) countries with marine borders. The species were classified according to the existing literature and experts’ judgment, as established, casual, invasive and expected. Finally, factsheets were compiled for ten species of high importance based on their expanding/invading character. Of the 160 species comprising the list, 149 were already present in the ESENIAS countries, while eleven were invasive species either present in the Mediterranean or in other European Seas, likely to be recorded in the ESENIAS countries. The majority of the species were of Red Sea/IndoPacific origin (97 species; 60.6%). Italy, Turkey and Greece were the countries with the highest representation of species (159, 152 and 139 species respectively), due to their extended coastline and the number of scholars working on marine invasive species. The highest number of established species was recorded in Turkey (116 species), whereas in Italy and Greece the most numerous species were the “expected” ones (85 and 48 species, respectively). The eastern Adriatic Sea countries (i.e. Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia) had generally low numbers of species in this list, many of which are still “expected” to arrive from the neighbouring countries of Greece and Italy. Finally, the most frequently potential pathway was transfer stowaways (ship ballast water: 41 cases; ship hull fouling: 55), whereas unaided spread of Lessepsian immigrants followed (95 cases). This list is intended to serve as an early warning system that through horizon scanning process would assist ESENIAS countries to prioritise invasive alien species, their pathways and the areas of higher likelihood to appear, in order to take management measures.U ovom radu predstavljamo popis invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih vrsta na istoku i jugu Europske mreĆŸe za invazivne vrste (ESENIAS) u zemljama s morskim granicama. Vrste su klasificirane prema postojećoj literaturi i procjeni stručnjaka, pa su tako utvrđene grupe povremenih, invazivnih i očekivanih vrsta. Podaci su dati za deset vrsta čija se vaĆŸnost temelji na njihovom ĆĄirenju i invazivnom karakteru. Od 160 vrsta koje sadrĆŸi popis, 148 je već bilo prisutno u ESENIAS zemljama, dok je 9 invazivnih vrsta bilo prisutno u Sredozemnom ili u drugim europskim morima, a vjerojatno je da će se zabiljeĆŸiti i u zemljama udruĆŸenim u ESENIAS. Većina vrsta je bile iz Crvenog mora / indopacifičkog podrijetla (97 vrsta, 60,6%). Italija, Turska i Grčka su zemlje s najviĆĄom zastupljenoơću vrsta (159, 152 i 139), zbog njihove proĆĄirene obale i broja znanstvenika koji rade na morskim invazivnim vrstama. Najveći broj utvrđenih vrsta zabiljeĆŸen je u Turskoj (116 vrsta), dok su u Italiji i Grčkoj najbrojnije vrste bile “očekivane” (85 i 48 vrsta, respektivno). Istočne zemlje Jadranskog mora (npr. Albanija, Hrvatska, Crna Gora i Slovenija) imale su općenito nizak broj vrsta na ovom popisu, od kojih mnoge joĆĄ “očekujemo” da pristignu iz susjednih zemalja: Grčke i Italije. Konačno, najčeơće su potencijalni putovi bili „transferni putnici“ (balastna voda broda: 41 slučaj, obraĆĄtaj brodskog trupa: 55), dok je slijedilo i ĆĄirenje lesepsijskih migranata (95 slučajeva). Ovaj popis je namijenjen da sluĆŸi kao sustav ranog upozorenja koji bi kroz proces skeniranja pomogao drĆŸavama ESENIAS da daju prioritet invazivnim stranim vrstama, njihovim putovima i područjima veće vjerojatnosti pojavljivanja, kako bi se poduzele potrebne mjere upravljanja

    Bioinvasion impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human health in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Este artículo contiene 45 páginas, 20 figuras, 5 tablas.Biological invasions have become a defining feature of marine Mediterranean ecosystems with significant impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human health. We systematically reviewed the current knowledge on the impacts of marine biological invasions in the Mediterranean Sea. We screened relevant literature and applied a standardised framework that classifies mechanisms and magnitude of impacts and type of evidence. Overall, 103 alien and cryptogenic species were analysed, 59 of which were associated with both negative and positive impacts, 17 to only negative, and 13 to only positive; no impacts were found for 14 species. Evidence for most reported impacts (52%) was of medium strength, but for 32% of impact reports evidence was weak, based solely on expert judgement. Only 16% of the reported impacts were based on experimental studies. Our assessment allowed us to create an inventory of 88 alien and cryptogenic species from 16 different phyla with reported moderate to high impacts. The ten worst invasive species in terms of reported negative impacts on biodiversity include six algae, two fishes, and two molluscs, with the green alga Caulerpa cylindracea ranking first. Negative impacts on biodiversity prevailed over positive ones. Competition for resources, the creation of novel habitat through ecosystem engineering, and predation were the primary reported mechanisms of negative effects. Most cases of combined negative and positive impacts on biodiversity referred to community-level modifications. Overall, more positive than negative impacts were reported on ecosystem services, but this varied depending on the service. For human health, only negative impacts were recorded. Substantial variation was found among Mediterranean ecoregions in terms of mechanisms of impact and the taxonomic identity of impacting species. There was no evidence that the magnitude of impact increases with residence time. Holistic approaches and experimental research constitute the way forward to better understanding and managing biological invasions.The present study was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (Project ALAS – “ALiens in the Aegean – a Sea under siege”; Project Number: HFRI-FM17-1597; Katsanevakis et al. 2020b). FaCr was partially funded by the project PO FEAMP CAMPANIA 2014-2020 (DRD n.35 of 15th March 2018). XT obtained partial funding from project MARGECH (PID2020-118550RB, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) from the Spanish Government. AR received grants from the University of Catania through “PiaCeRi-Piano Incentivi per la Ricerca di Ateneo 2020–22 linea di intervento 2”.Peer reviewe

    Ecosystem-based assessment of a widespread Mediterranean marine habitat: The Coastal Detrital Bottoms, with a special focus on epibenthic assemblages

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    IntroductionCoastal detrital bottoms (CDB) are one of the most extensive habitats of the continental shelf worldwide, in the upper levels of the circalittoral zone. Hosting a diverse community structured by sediment grain size, trophic interactions and calcified organisms, CDB exhibit important ecological functions. In the Mediterranean Sea, CDB are constituted by recent elements partly provided by adjacent infralittoral and circalittoral ecosystems. Since the 2010s, the offshore extension of many Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has resulted in the incorporation of vast areas of CDB, raising the issue of their management. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) has embraced the concept of an ecosystem-based approach involving taking into account the functioning of marine habitats and their related ecosystem services. The purpose of this paper is to propose an ecosystem-based quality index (EBQI) tested on CDB from the north-western Mediterranean Sea, focusing mainly on epibenthic assemblages.MethodsThe first step has been to define a conceptual model of the CDB functioning, including the main trophic compartments and their relative weighting, then to identify appropriate assessment methods and potential descriptors. Twenty-nine sites were sampled along the coast of Provence and French Riviera (Southern France). Study sites were chosen with a view to encompassing a wide range of hydrological conditions and human pressures.ResultsVery well-preserved sites were found in Provence in areas without trawling and terrigenous inputs, while impacted and low-ES sites were located in the vicinity of urbanized areas. The cover of rhodoliths characterizes the seascape and might be an indicator of the good ES of CDB and reduced human pressure. However, the absence of rhodoliths may also be induced by natural phenomena.DiscussionThe EBQI designed for CDB proved representative and useful for a functional assessment based on epibenthic assemblages. However, some descriptors have shown their limitations and should be further explored. We highlight here the priority of establishing an index corresponding to a societal demand (e.g., European Directives, Barcelona convention) as a basis for a broad and large-scale assessment, for practical reasons. We stress the need to better apprehend the role of the macro-infauna and to extend this index over a wider geographical scale

    Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species

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    Good datasets of geo-referenced records of alien species are a prerequisite for assessing the spatio-temporal dynamics of biological invasions, their invasive potential, and the magnitude of their impacts. However, with the exception of first records on a country level or wider regions, observations of species presence tend to remain unpublished, buried in scattered repositories or in the personal databases of experts. Through an initiative to collect, harmonize and make such unpublished data for marine alien and cryptogenic species in the Mediterranean Sea available, a large dataset comprising 5376 records was created. It includes records of 239 alien or cryptogenic taxa (192 Animalia, 24 Plantae, 23 Chromista) from 19 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. In terms of records, the most reported Phyla in descending order were Chordata, Mollusca, Chlorophyta, Arthropoda, and Rhodophyta. The most recorded species was Caulerpa cylindracea, followed by Siganus luridus, Magallana sp. (cf. gigas or angulata) and Pterois miles. The dataset includes records from 1972 to 2020, with the highest number of records observed in 2018. Among the records of the dataset, Dictyota acutiloba is a first record for the Mediterranean Sea. Nine first country records are also included: the alga Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla, the cube boxfish Ostracion cubicus, and the cleaner shrimp Urocaridella pulchella from Israel; the sponge Paraleucilla magna from Libya and Slovenia; the lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus from Cyprus; the bryozoan Celleporaria vermiformis and the polychaetes Prionospio depauperata and Notomastus aberans from Malta

    Checklist of the macroalgae of Thau Lagoon (Herault, France), a hot spot of marine species introduction in Europe

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    A checklist of macroalgae in Thau Lagoon (Herault, France), based on literature records and new collections, is given. Using present-day taxonomy, 196 taxa and stadia of macroalgae have been identified to date. Sixty of these were no longer found in the samples, 36 were new to the lagoon, and the taxonomic identity of 15 species was amended. Twenty-five new introduced taxa were identified, giving a total of 45 introduced macroalgae for the flora (23% of total). Among these, 17 taxa and several genera (Acrorhrix, Chondrus, Dasysiphonia (?), Prionitis) are new to the Mediterranean Sea and 12 are new to Europe. The majority (43 taxa) may originate from the Pacific region, having arrived either directly or via other aquaculture sites. A highly probable vector of macroalgae introductions is the transfer of oysters, which appears, at present, to be the main vector of macrophyte introductions in the Mediterranean Sea, surpassing the Suez Canal. Thau Lagoon is revealed to be one of the major hot spots of marine species introduction in the Mediterranean Sea, Europe, but also in the world. This result is worrying as Thau is also an important exportation centre of living molluscs towards other French aquaculture sites and abroad. Therefore, the numerous exotic macroalgae, which have been acclimatized in the lagoon, have a high probability of being diffused throughout Europe and other Mediterranean countries. At present, the hard substrates of the Thau Lagoon are clearly dominated by the introduced species to the detriment of indigenous flora. The fate of these species in the Mediterranean Sea and Europe is unpredictable. It is probably not very realistic to hope that the accidental introductions linked to aquaculture activities will stop. A set of recommendations exists, however, that might contribute to limit the phenomenon.Un inventaire des macroalgues de l’étang de Thau (HĂ©rault, France), basĂ© sur les travaux antĂ©rieurs et de nouveaux Ă©chantillonnages, est prĂ©sentĂ©. En fonction de la taxonomie actuelle, 196 taxa et stades de macroalgues ont Ă©tĂ© retenus, 60 d’entre eux n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©s dans les rĂ©coltes, 36 sont nouveaux pour l’étang et l’identitĂ© de 15 espĂšces a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cisĂ©e. Vingt-cinq nouveaux taxa exotiques ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s, ce qui donne un total de 45 macroalgues exotiques pour la flore (23% du total). Parmi ces algues, 17 taxa et plusieurs genres (Acrothrix, Chondrus, Dasysiphonia (?), Prionitis) sont nouveaux pour la MĂ©diterranĂ©e et 12 pour l’Europe. La majoritĂ© de ces espĂšces (43 taxa) proviendraient du Pacifique, directement ou indirectement via d’autres sites aquacoles. La raison la plus probable de cette situation est le transfert d’huĂźtres qui apparaĂźt, Ă  prĂ©sent, comme le principal vecteur d’introduction de macrophytes en MĂ©diterranĂ©e, surpassant le canal de Suez. L’étang de Thau se rĂ©vĂšle comme un des plus importants sites d’introduction de macroalgues marines en MĂ©diterranĂ©e, en Europe mais Ă©galement dans le monde. Ce rĂ©sultat est prĂ©occupant car Thau est aussi un important centre d’exportation de mollusques vivants vers d’autres sites aquacoles français ou Ă©trangers. Par consĂ©quent, les nombreuses macroalgues exotiques qui se sont acclimatĂ©es Ă  Thau, ont une forte probabilitĂ© d’ĂȘtre diffusĂ©es ailleurs en Europe et dans d’autres pays mĂ©diterranĂ©ens. Actuellement, les substrats durs de l’étang sont dominĂ©s par les espĂšces exotiques, au dĂ©triment des algues indigĂšnes. Le devenir de ces espĂšces en MĂ©diterranĂ©e et en Europe reste imprĂ©visible. Il est probablement irrĂ©aliste d’espĂ©rer arrĂȘter les introductions accidentelles liĂ©es aux activitĂ©s aquacoles, cependant, un ensemble de recommandations pourrait contribuer Ă  limiter le phĂ©nomĂšne

    <I>Cystoseira montagnei</I> J. Agardh and <I>C. spinosa</I> Sauvageau (Phaeophyceae, Sargassaceae): a taxonomic reappraisal of misused names, with the proposal of <I>Cystoseira michaelae</I> Verlaque et al. nom. et stat. nov.

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    Cystoseira granulata C. Agardh var. turneri Montagne a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crit par Montagne (1838) d’AlgĂ©rie (Sud de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e). Par la suite, Agardh (1842) a renommĂ© ce taxon C. montagnei J. Agardh, sur la base de spĂ©cimens de France et du Nord de l’Adriatique (Nord de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e) qu’il croyait identiques au taxon de Montagne. Enfin, Sauvageau (1912) a dĂ©crit C. spinosa Sauvageau et C. adriatica Sauvageau comme des nomina nova, y incluant en partie le concept de C. montagnei de J.G. Agardh et de divers auteurs ultĂ©rieurs. Ces traitements taxonomiques ont crĂ©Ă© la confusion quant Ă  la dĂ©limitation de ces taxons et des doutes sont apparus sur la valeur taxonomique du taxon de Montagne, aujourd’hui souvent placĂ© parmi les taxa inquirenda dans les inventaires et les flores. Depuis 2014, nous avons rĂ©coltĂ© prĂšs d’Alger (AlgĂ©rie) une espĂšce de Cystoseira qui constitue des forĂȘts clairsemĂ©es entre 10 et 25 m de profondeur. Nos spĂ©cimens correspondent tout Ă  fait Ă  la description originale ainsi qu’au syntype du taxon de Montagne. Ils sont bien caractĂ©risĂ©s et se distinguent de C. montagnei J. Agardh et de tous les autres taxons de Cystoseira dĂ©crits Ă  ce jour par : la prĂ©sence d’un tronc portant des tophules Ă©pineux quand ils sont jeunes, devenant lisses tuberculĂ©s quand ils sont plus vieux ; les rameaux primaires qui sont soit lĂ©gĂšrement comprimĂ©s avec une nervure peu marquĂ©e et des ramifications irrĂ©guliĂšrement alternes dans un plan, soit cylindriques et ramifiĂ©s dans toutes les directions, avec des Ă©pines courtes et espacĂ©es ; des rĂ©ceptacles Ă  la fois basaux-intercalaires, juste au-dessus du tophule, et terminaux sur des ramules. Ici, nous proposons le nom de Cystoseira michaelae Verlaque et al. nom. et stat. nov. pour le taxon de Montagne (Cystoseira granulata C. Agardh var. turneri Montagne) et la lectotypification de l’espĂšce sur la base du protologue et d’un spĂ©cimen appartenant au syntype de Montagne, conservĂ© au MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (PC). Cystoseira michaelae semble ĂȘtre une espĂšce endĂ©mique de l’AlgĂ©rie et du Nord de la Tunisie. Par ailleurs, nous proposons la lectotypification de C. montagnei J. Agardh, sur la base d’un spĂ©cimen original de J.G. Agardh, appartenant au syntype conservĂ© au Botanical Museum de Lund University (LD). L’étude des lectotypes de Cystoseira spinosa Sauvageau et de son synonyme C. adriatica Sauvageau confirme que ce sont des synonymes de C. montagnei J. Agardh.Cystoseira granulata C. Agardh var. turneri Montagne was described by Montagne (1838) from Algeria (southern Mediterranean Sea). Subsequently, Agardh (1842) renamed the taxon as C. montagnei J. Agardh, on the basis of specimens from France and the northern Adriatic (northern Mediterranean Sea) which he believed to be identical to Montagne’s taxon. Finally, Sauvageau (1912) described C. spinosa Sauvageau and C. adriatica Sauvageau as nomina nova, to partly accommodate Agardh’s and some other authors’ concept of C. montagnei. These taxonomic treatments caused confusion regarding the delineation of these taxa and doubts have been raised regarding the taxonomic value of Montagne’s taxon, which today is often listed as taxon inquirendum in updated checklists and floras. Since 2014, we have collected near Algiers (Algeria) a species of Cystoseira that formed sparse forests between 10 and 25 m depth. Our specimens perfectly match the original description as well as the syntype material of Montagne’s taxon. They are well characterized and distinct from C. montagnei J. Agardh and from all the Cystoseira taxa hitherto described in having: a single axis with young tophules spinose becoming smooth-tuberculate when older; primary branches either slightly compressed with an inconspicuous rib and irregularly alternate in one plane, or cylindrical and branched in all directions, with spaced short spine-like appendages; and conceptacles both intercalary basal, just above the tophule, and terminal on branchlets. Here, we propose Cystoseira michaelae Verlaque et al. nom. et stat. nov. to accommodate Montagne’s taxon (Cystoseira granulata C. Agardh var. turneri Montagne) and the lectotypification of the species on the basis of both Montagne’s protologue and of an original specimen of Montagne (out of the syntype housed at the MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, PC). Cystoseira michaelae seems to be an endemic species restricted to Algeria and northern Tunisia. In addition, C. montagnei J. Agardh is lectotypified on the basis of an original specimen of J.G. Agardh (out of the syntype housed at the Botanical Museum of Lund University, LD). The study of lectotypes of C. spinosa Sauvageau and of its synonym C. adriatica Sauvageau confirmed that they are junior synonyms of C. montagnei J. Agardh.</p

    Reinstatement of species rank for &lt;I&gt;Cystoseira bosphorica&lt;/I&gt; Sauvageau (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae)

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    Sur la base des données de la littérature et de nouvelles études morphologiques et écologiques, le rétablissement de Cystoseira bosphorica dans son rang d\u27espÚce est proposé. Précédemment réduit à une simple forme de l\u27espÚce endémique méditerranéenne C. crinita, ce représentant du groupe des Cystoseira caespiteuses sans ramule épineux se distingue nettement de C. crinita par ses axes longs à apex saillants et lisses, ses rameaux avec des cryptostomates nombreux et légÚrement saillants, ses aérocystes fréquents, grands, ovales à subconiques plus larges à l\u27apex et avec 2 proliférations apicales ou plus, et par ses réceptacles longs, cylindriques-tuberculés, simples ou bifides, à apex obtus portant parfois une épine subapicale courte. L\u27espÚce qui partage le plus de caractÚres avec C. bosphorica n\u27est pas C. crinita mais l\u27espÚce endémique méditerranéenne C. barbatula, cependant cette derniÚre diffÚre clairement de C. bosphorica par l\u27absence constante d\u27aérocystes, par ses rameaux filiformes à cryptostomates saillants et trÚs espacés et par ses réceptacles plus petits, compacts, simples ou ramifiés, bosselés et subulés, avec parfois 1 à 2 longues épines latérales.On the basis of literature data and new morphological and ecological studies, the reinstatement of species rank for the Black Sea endemic species Cystoseira bosphorica is proposed. Previously reduced to a simple form of the Mediterranean endemic species C. crinita, this member of the caespitose Cystoseira group without spinose-like appendages clearly differs from C. crinita by having the axes long with smooth and prominent apices, the branches with numerous and slightly prominent cryptostomates, the aerocysts frequent, large, oval to subconical-broader at the apex, with 2 or more apical outgrowths, and by the receptacles long, cylindrical-tuberculate, simple or bifid, with apices blunt bearing sometimes a short lateral sub-apical spine. The species that shares the greatest number of characters with C. bosphorica is not C. crinita but the Mediterranean endemic species C. barbatula; however, this latter species clearly differs from C. bosphorica by the constant absence of aerocysts, the filiform branches with prominent and spaced cryptostomates, and by the receptacles smaller, compact, simple, humpy and subulate with sometimes 1-2 long lateral spine-like appendages.</p

    Macroalgues de la cÎte française de Méditerranée: nouvelles signalisations, taxons rares ou introduits

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    Durant le siÚcle dernier et dans le monde entier, des changements importants ont été observés dans la composition et la structure des écosystÚmes. Le rythme de ces changements s\u27accélÚre depuis ces derniÚres années. Les changements globaux tels que les changements climatiques et les introductions d\u27espÚces se surimposent aux dégradations plus ou moins étendues, à la surexploitation et à la pollution des habitats. Une connaissance approfondie et à une échelle locale de la composition floristique et faunistique des peuplements est importante car elle est le seul moyen qui permette d\u27appré-hender des changements subtils de l\u27abondance et de la distribution des espÚces, en particulier des espÚces rares. Cette étude répertorie 15 espÚces intéressantes de macroalgues de la cÎte méditerranéenne française. Parmi celles-ci, Antithamnion amphigeneum, A. piliferum, Cordylecladia guiryi, Goniotrichiopsis sublittoralis, Jania adhaerens, Laurencia chondrioides and Phyllophora sicula sont signalées pour la premiÚre fois dans la région et 7 espÚces sont considérées comme étant introduites. Pour chaque espÚce, la distribution géographique et l\u27écologie sont discutées.During the past century dramatic changes in the composition and structure of species assemblages have been observed worldwide. These changes took a sharp increase in recent years. Global changes such as climatic changes and species introductions are superimposed on more or less local habitat degradation, pollution and overexploitation. A detailed knowledge of the taxonomic composition of the flora and fauna at a local scale is important because it represents the only mean to assess subtle changes in the distribution and abundance of species, in particular of rare species. The present study discusses 15 interesting macroalgal species from the French Mediterranean coast. Among them, Antithamnion amphigeneum, A. piliferum, Cordylecladia guiryi, Goniotrichiopsis sublittoralis, Jania adhaerens, Laurencia chondrioides and Phyllophora sicula are reported and described for the first time from the region and 7 species are considered as introduced. For each species, the geographical distribution and the ecology are discussed.</p
